Omicron has ALREADY PEAKED in S Africa less than a month from initial detection!!

HIV is transmitted by lifestyle choices...
Not by sharing a checkout line in the grocery store with an idiot...or having an idiot cousin who believes that invermectin will protect everyone so he couldn't possibly be sick.
LOL....Your boy Biden mentioned, today, using therapeutics today.....So much for the unvaxed.....and the hysterical implication they are responsible for the surges.

I think it's time for the Biden admin to let us know where all these undocumented illegal aliens have been dispersed. Be a real issue if that's why we have a spike....
All the mass testing will do is drive fear. It won't stop this virus... Everything the Biden Admin is doing is to stoke fear...
Only those glued to MSDNC and the Communist News Network believe them. Most of the people I know are like would you stupid MFRS............just STFU

Influenza deaths in America were over 200,000 per year...if you include related infections and other issues stemming from an influenza infection that number is 6 times higher.

BUT...that's just with a pulmonary system virus...

Coronavirus is an endocrine system virus. Vastly different...

We are looking at the birth defects and other issues stemming from this infection that haven't been fully vetted yet. And with such a wide ranging system as an endocrine system's not going to not have generational curses transferred to the next generation.
More fear mongering... Million's have recovered from COVID completely, and they don't have any lingering effects from it as they rejoin society and their lives.

Infact a negative test means just that "A NEGATIVE RESULT", in which concludes that there is no Covid infection still present in the body, and therefore it's not doing continued harm to the body if it's no longer present in the body.

Now there is the possibility that it might have made the lungs more sensitive to maybe getting viruses easier and such at a later date, but usually that comes from age or having a weakened or compromised immune system that is damaged while the virus was in play.

Doesn't mean that the virus is still present, but it could mean that the system may have been weakened a little, therefore making the body a little more susceptible in the future to such a thing.

Some people get pneumonia almost every year after their system becomes susceptible to it, but that's just life in getting older, and therefore more fragile in life. I know people that have pneumonia pop up here and there, and they are treated for it, and get well. Viruses aren't the end of the road for most, but if one isn't healthy then it best to be aware of that, and take certain measure's to protect oneself. Don't expect those that are healthy to live a compromised live just to make someone else feel good, safe or better about themselves.

We went to events over the summer, and many weren't wearing mask, and other's were. No one was looking at each other as if there was something stupid going on. It was very nice and respectable. No hysteria, no Karen's, and no problem.
LOL....Your boy Biden mentioned, today, using therapeutics today.....So much for the unvaxed.....and the hysterical implication they are responsible for the surges.

I think it's time for the Biden admin to let us know where all these undocumented illegal aliens have been dispersed. Be a real issue if that's why we have a spike....
Biden is NOT my boy...
He is dangerous and needs to be removed from office. That vaccine mandate and other things he has been doing are nothing more than a cash grab...

I'm A-political...I think politicians are all lying, murdering thieves...
Just in case you needed to know my opinion.
Biden is NOT my boy...
He is dangerous and needs to be removed from office. That vaccine mandate and other things he has been doing are nothing more than a cash grab...

I'm A-political...I think politicians are all lying, murdering thieves...
Just in case you needed to know my opinion.
Cheering for the virus, cheering for the overreacting government thugs, tomato, tomatoe.

Just got a positive PCR after a negative instant PCR tuesday, was sick starting monday, exposed Friday. 2 shots (pfizer). was sickish for 2 days, with 3 more of congestion. Yet I still have to isolate 10 days based on previous info, from the day of symptoms.

They should be just letting people get this version and not impose the pre-vaccine other strain lockdowns and quarantines because this is the natural path of a virus like this, mitigated by the vaccines, which worked.
There's currently a bug running through my little patch of south Alabama and I've had a cough, sniffles, sore throat, fatigue, for several days. The cough has been relentless. No fever, no body aches, nowhere near as bad as seasonal flu. No hospitals being overrun. IF this turns out to be Omicron, then it's a gift from God! It will go further to immunize folks than any of these "vaccines". I'm totally vaccine-free, BTW.
More fear mongering... Million's have recovered from COVID completely, and they don't have any lingering effects from it as they rejoin society and their lives.

Infact a negative test means just that "A NEGATIVE RESULT", in which concludes that there is no Covid infection still present in the body, and therefore it's not doing continued harm to the body if it's no longer present in the body.

Now there is the possibility that it might have made the lungs more sensitive to maybe getting viruses easier and such at a later date, but usually that comes from age or having a weakened or compromised immune system that is damaged while the virus was in play.

Doesn't mean that the virus is still present, but it could mean that the system may have been weakened a little, therefore making the body a little more susceptible in the future to such a thing.

Some people get pneumonia almost every year after their system becomes susceptible to it, but that's just life in getting older, and therefore more fragile in life. I know people that have pneumonia pop up here and there, and they are treated for it, and get well. Viruses aren't the end of the road for most, but if one isn't healthy then it best to be aware of that, and take certain measure's to protect oneself. Don't expect those that are healthy to live a compromised live just to make someone else feel good, safe or better about themselves.

We went to events over the summer, and many weren't wearing mask, and other's were. No one was looking at each other as if there was something stupid going on. It was very nice and respectable. No hysteria, no Karen's, and no problem.
Not fear mongering...just reality.

We don't know the full effects of having an endocrine system virus as yet. It may amount to nothing or it could be devastating...we simply don't know yet. Currently we are just trying to survive the thing without having debilitating side effects. My FIL is still out of work from his summer bout of Covid. The pulmonologist won't let him return... especially with the kidney damage and lung damage he had.
They are gonna all run and get the jab again and cause this thing to change again. This is a gift to the world right now.
You really think getting a vaccine mutates the virus ? That's not how it works, when viruses mixed with the same and other viruses a mutation is always a possibility.
There's currently a bug running through my little patch of south Alabama and I've had a cough, sniffles, sore throat, fatigue, for several days. The cough has been relentless. No fever, no body aches, nowhere near as bad as seasonal flu. No hospitals being overrun. IF this turns out to be Omicron, then it's a gift from God! It will go further to immunize folks than any of these "vaccines". I'm totally vaccine-free, BTW.
Yep, there's definitely a bug going around, and a huge amount of people have already experienced it here. Exact same symptoms you described. My relative's in their 80's just got over it, and they are doing fine now. I had it I think, but it was virtually symptomless other than a small amount of discomfort went on with it.
Not fear mongering...just reality.

We don't know the full effects of having an endocrine system virus as yet. It may amount to nothing or it could be devastating...we simply don't know yet. Currently we are just trying to survive the thing without having debilitating side effects. My FIL is still out of work from his summer bout of Covid. The pulmonologist won't let him return... especially with the kidney damage and lung damage he had.
Damage that is destined to heal, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
You really think getting a vaccine mutates the virus ? That's not how it works, when viruses mixed with the same and other viruses a mutation is always a possibility.

What is stupid is Liberals like you ignoring proven effective treatments that would certainly reduce the strain on hospitals.
Liar. Nobody is doing that, except for the anti-vax retards. Silly Trump cult fantasy, spoonfed to you by lying bloggers.
This all could be a ploy to get them taken down.
It's been nearly a month now. It's exploding around the globe. It's supposedly responsible for about 75% of new cases in the U.S. and so far, only a single fatality, no claims of mass hospitalizations with Omicron. Delta was NOT like this. It began doing serious damage, almost immediately. So, how many states should we shut down, just in case? How many more businesses need to be destroyed? How many more lives ruined by depression and suicide?

There is a middle ground for rational people concerning this pandemic. It doesn't have to be accept the government take or be considered an "anti-vaxxer" treasonous thug.
It was estimated early in 2020 that in excess of 150 million people would starve due to the tectonic economic hit the world would suffer. All kinds of depression and other mental and physical consequences have come with government actions to save far fewer than 2% of those who contract this virus.

WHEN did people become convinced that there should never be a loss of life from natural events? Who ever made that promise before?
Fort Fun Indiana What is stupid is Liberals like you ignoring proven effective treatments that would certainly reduce the strain on hospitals. Do you agree with that? Yes or no? Quit your annoying lectures and communicate.
We should have moved on to therapies over a year ago. Biden's narrow focus on the vaccine only lined his big pharma friends' pockets. That focus is what allowed thousands to die needlessly.
We should have moved on to therapies over a year ago. Biden's narrow focus on the vaccine only lined his big pharma friends' pockets. That focus is what allowed thousands to die needlessly.
Gee, who to believe... people who have dedicated their lives to the fields of virology, epidemiology, etc...

Or, uneducated slobs who have spent two years gobbling and regurgitating every embarrassing lie that came down the pike.

Tough call!

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