Omicron has ALREADY PEAKED in S Africa less than a month from initial detection!!

No, it's human messenger RNA, our own RNA, not from the virus. It's been modified so it could detect the COVID virus without having to come in contact with the disease. Natural immunity to come at a very high cost. Besides the immediate possibility of superior illness hospitalization and death there are long-term effects to it too. That is why the experts are pushing this vaccine. All vaccines wane given enough time, the time varies with vaccines. That's why we get a flu shot every year and that shot is only 50% reliable because depending on which strain of the virus hits us it gives you protection against one or the other not both. The COVID vaccine is quite remarkable and it's effectiveness in preventing severe illness and death. Being brand new we don't know about the longevity of it. That's why they're still working on it. This thing isn't over, in fact I bet it's far from over. We are in dangerous territory at this time; having a very infectious variant and a very deadly variant occurring at the same time. Let's hope they never meet and mutate together.
Modified messenger RNA shots are not vaccines. The clinical definition of a vaccine they do not meet.
Damage that is destined to heal, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
WE understand that...but it's his family that depends on his paycheck and health benefits that is the issue...and going from short term disability to long term disability that can bankrupt him in the meantime.

Living and recovering isn't so much the issue as it is losing his generational family farm and the family suffering from a lack of health insurance in the meantime. His youngest daughter has ongoing heart issues and my MIL has knees needing replacement and diabetes and other issues...then there's the family farm....

He doesn't want to lose all that.
All the studies say it needs to be done EARLY. Why the FDA drones use the studies after the Cytokine Storm has hit the lungs where Ivermectin only gives a little more hope. That is how they try to discredit it.

India is the example of IT WORKS.
That's right. At the VIII International Conference in Philadelphia, 20-25 May 2000, proof that Trump was correct was presented. No doubt about it. But what damns Pfizer is that they already know that their vaccine ingredients mimic the way hydroxychloroquine stops the virus.
Wait a week or two.
I don't think so. Here is why. Looking at the data from several states, spikes of the common cold are massive, three times that of a normal outbreak. This means the rate of infection might be Omicron and not a cold. IE; misdiagnosis.

IF what I suspect is true, were already three weeks into the burn phase and it's going to be over in the next three weeks. The total disconnection between case counts and severity implies that were already peaked.
I don't think so. Here is why. Looking at the data from several states, spikes of the common cold are massive, three times that of a normal outbreak. This means the rate of infection might be Omicron and not a cold. IE; misdiagnosis.

IF what I suspect is true, were already three weeks into the burn phase and it's going to be over in the next three weeks. The total disconnection between case counts and severity implies that were already peaked.
When we see the psychos in the White House make a special appearance in Wisconsin to scare the children and their parents into vaccination, it's obvious that Omicron is rising to its apology and the jig is up.
No, it's human messenger RNA, our own RNA, not from the virus. It's been modified so it could detect the COVID virus without having to come in contact with the disease. Natural immunity to come at a very high cost. Besides the immediate possibility of superior illness hospitalization and death there are long-term effects to it too. That is why the experts are pushing this vaccine. All vaccines wane given enough time, the time varies with vaccines. That's why we get a flu shot every year and that shot is only 50% reliable because depending on which strain of the virus hits us it gives you protection against one or the other not both. The COVID vaccine is quite remarkable and it's effectiveness in preventing severe illness and death. Being brand new we don't know about the longevity of it. That's why they're still working on it. This thing isn't over, in fact I bet it's far from over. We are in dangerous territory at this time; having a very infectious variant and a very deadly variant occurring at the same time. Let's hope they never meet and mutate together.
Once the mRNA antibodies are gone, so are your protections. They do not allow formation of long-term T-cell formations in the bone marrow. The problem is they do not stop infection and they do not react fast enough to stop mutations or the viral load allowing it to become infective. That is why Omicron can now evade them.

These shots are not vaccines. They stop the formation of natural long-term protections. They are simply mitigation shots, like other therapeutics. Short duration tools to keep people from dying. The problem was Biden focusing on them and not getting ahead on the therapeutics.
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NO on overwhelming the hospitals. Rates even in Wyoming are showing rapid decline in severity of cases even as positive tests dramatically increase. The severity has diverged from the case count. This pandemic is coming quickly to a close.
Tonight, 12-21-21, the first person to officially die from the Omicron variant in the United States was an unvaccinated man in his 50s from Texas. Unfortunately it will be the first of many.
Once the mRNA antibodies are gone, so are your protections. They do not allow formation of long-term T-cell formations in the bone marrow. The problem is they do not stop infection and they do not react fast enough to stop mutations and the viral load to become infective. That is why Omicron can now evade them.

These shots are not vaccines. They stop the formation of natural long-term protections. They are simply mitigation shots, like other therapeutics. Short duration tools to keep people from dying. The problem was Biden focusing on them and not getting ahead on the therapeutics.
Omicron sports the first mutation we've seen of all the variants, that links to vaccines. Paradoxically, the ability to produce this mutation may have been assisted by the virus being passed through non-vaccinated hosts.
Tonight, 12-21-21, the first person to officially die from the Omicron variant in the United States was an unvaccinated man in his 50s from Texas. Unfortunately it will be the first of many.
Unfortunately, the arrogant bastards of the medical mafia will once again fail to inform the prisoners of underlying causes that may have exacerbated the Omicron infection, such as SARS-CoV-2's two major targets: old age and obesity.
Omicron sports the first mutation we've seen of all the variants, that links to vaccines. Paradoxically, the ability to produce this mutation may have been assisted by the virus being passed through non-vaccinated hosts.
The vaccinated infecting a previously uninfected person... On this I would agree.
Tonight, 12-21-21, the first person to officially die from the Omicron variant in the United States was an unvaccinated man in his 50s from Texas. Unfortunately it will be the first of many.
The first death is being disputed. He had severe underlying health conditions. Omicron was only a contributing factor, not the cause.

Deaths will be few and far between from Omicron. Looking at Africa, this will be a nothing burger for the fear mongers.
The vaccinated infecting a previously uninfected person... On this I would agree.
There are unvaxxed surfaces of the vaxxed that collect and transmit viruses back into the environment that never confront the vaccine. Do these also mutate?
There are unvaxxed surfaces of the vaxxed that collect and transmit viruses back into the environment that never confront the vaccine. Do these also mutate?
A host is a host. If the surface can support the life, the potential for mutation is present. Mutations usually occur in the original infection stage where the virus is basically shredded, and cells take over other cells. Bits and pieces...
Dimm media already making it sound like it's THE END, MY FRIEND.
I sure hope so, B.K. It is summer down there and could be seasonal. It appears our 3 coldest months are ahead in the tall pines of Texas. Our stores up here in Huntsville are suggesting strongly to observe social distancing and series 9 masks. Everyone seems confused about the spread, but for Seniors spray on hand sanitizer seems appealing to carry around. My allergies (and everyone elses around here) are worse in cold weather, and frequent sneezing is the worst. So instead of scaring people in the same grocery store line, I try really hard to keep a few masks in the glove compartment of my truck just to handily assure my allergies put no fear into passers by.
A host is a host. If the surface can support the life, the potential for mutation is present. Mutations usually occur in the original infection stage where the virus is basically shredded, and cells take over other cells. Bits and pieces...
What happens on nasal, throat, of the civet? SARS-CoV is there. What does it do on these surfaces?
If the civet is vaxxed, its SARS-CoV remains unaffected. Homo sapiens was too stupid to give it ivermectin (and [italics]) Trump's hydroxychloroquine for prophlaxis, to find out anything.

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