Ominous sign Trump might win


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Manhattan was greeted with a giant orange moon last night, sparking debate on what the astronomical anomaly might mean.

Whoopie Goldberg on the View became solemn and started to stating that she was fearful of an ominous sign like this on the night before the debate. "Joel 2:31 in the Bible says that the sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come" said Woopie Goldberg on the View as she began to weep. "But that is not blood, that's an orange", said Joy Baher. "But it is on the verge of turning to blood, that is the point" cried Whoopie. Joy then began to cry, "Oh God, you are right!" screamed Joy, "We are all gonna die!!"

No word on whether Trump has been elevated from the role of Hitler to that of the Anti-Christ. More genetic testing needs to be done to determine his exact orangins.

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