Omnious Sign

Neither of your articles says that anywhere that I see. I see no evidence Yellowstone is anywhere near doing anything.
No, I've heard Yellowstone is "due," or maybe a little overdue. Has been for some time. And if the explosion is anything like the ones in the past, it's going to be a whopper.
Thousands of animals are leaving the Yellowstone volcano area.

The Eruption of that volcano in Yellowstone could very likely mean the end of America...and it could happen at any time and the arrogant,ignorant and Godless nation that America has become would be no more.

Yellowstone volcano is a HIGH RISK threat: What does the dire USGS warning mean?

This Is What Would Happen To The World If The Yellowstone Supervolcano Erupted Today
Not this crap again.

I know. People act like it's the end of the world.

It's not.

I've lived through St. Helens and all her blow ups.

We all are still here.

Mount St Helens was a firecracker compared to a nuke if YellowStone went off.

No one actually knows that.

The nation isn't doomed IF that volcano blows.

Basing this on the fact that animals are leaving the area is very simplistic.

Is there any seismic activity? Are there any changes in the mountain?

Is the fact that someone said that animals are leaving the area all you need to believe this?

If so I suggest you do some real research.

Did you do anything to verify the claims?

If not I suggest that you do some research.

No,I'd suggest you do some research.
If YellowStone blows the US is fucked.
Most of the country would be covered in ash. Cars and trucks couldnt run,plants would die,the soil would be ruined by acidic ash.

What would happen if the Yellowstone supervolcano actually erupted?

What would happen if a "supervolcano" eruption occurred again at Yellowstone?
Sounds like an ominous sign indeed.

The animals tend to know impending danger.

All that's needed is for people to get out of the blast zone.

It's not that big of a deal.

I've lived through the main blow up of St. Helens and all the smaller ones after. Yes it made a mess. Yes it's a natural disaster.

No it's not the end of America.

It's the ash thats the problem.
It'll cover the vast majority of the US.
That's a lot of red state area. That'll be a lot of thoughts & prayers if it happens.

It's all good.
Calipornia would get wiped out and Texas would fine.
Look at the map...not the coast...not San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San DIego. But the red inland area................thoughts & prayers.

So in other words you'd lose all the farmland.
When will you dumbfucks get it through your heads.
Without the heartland you dumbshits would starve to death.

Neither of your articles says that anywhere that I see. I see no evidence Yellowstone is anywhere near doing anything.
No, I've heard Yellowstone is "due," or maybe a little overdue. Has been for some time. And if the explosion is anything like the ones in the past, it's going to be a whopper.

OL, it is only due based upon geological records of the last three traceable eruptions. Based on those records alone, the next eruption is "due." That could mean 10,000 years from now or longer! There is no ground evidence I'm aware of that shows that Yellowstone is actually preparing to erupt. But then, Cascadia is overdue as well. By all accounts, the Cascadia rift could slip anytime sending a Tsunasmi inland with horrific earthquakes that would decimate the states of Oregon and Washington for hundreds of miles inland.

But then, San Andreas is due for another major slip. Likewise there was just a volcano eruption in eastern Russia and another in the South Pacific that might mean something. There was just a minor mag 4 earthquake curiously not too far from here in Cleveland Ohio of all places! If Yellowstone goes, it is going to go with not much warning, and you can pretty much kiss you ass goodbye anywhere in the Continental USA, ESPECIALLY if you live in the midwest.
All that's needed is for people to get out of the blast zone.

It's not that big of a deal.

I've lived through the main blow up of St. Helens and all the smaller ones after. Yes it made a mess. Yes it's a natural disaster.

No it's not the end of America.

It's the ash thats the problem.
It'll cover the vast majority of the US.
That's a lot of red state area. That'll be a lot of thoughts & prayers if it happens.

It's all good.
Calipornia would get wiped out and Texas would fine.
Look at the map...not the coast...not San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San DIego. But the red inland area................thoughts & prayers.

So in other words you'd lose all the farmland.
When will you dumbfucks get it through your heads.
Without the heartland you dumbshits would starve to death.

We'd lose farmland for a while, but ash makes great fertilizer.....the Native Americans of the Southwest used to follow the volcanoes in that area (near Four Corners) for the ash fertilizer.
It's the ash thats the problem.
It'll cover the vast majority of the US.
That's a lot of red state area. That'll be a lot of thoughts & prayers if it happens.

It's all good.
Calipornia would get wiped out and Texas would fine.
Look at the map...not the coast...not San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San DIego. But the red inland area................thoughts & prayers.

So in other words you'd lose all the farmland.
When will you dumbfucks get it through your heads.
Without the heartland you dumbshits would starve to death.

So ya got nothing to say.....figures.
I know. People act like it's the end of the world.

It's not.

I've lived through St. Helens and all her blow ups.

We all are still here.
Not the people closest to the mountain when it blew in 1980..

A handful of people who refused to leave the area aren't here but the rest of us are.

There was an evacuation order but a handful of people didn't leave. There are very few homes in the blast zone. All that was in that area was mostly vacation homes. There never were any homes on Mt. St Helens.

I have photos of it all. I'm a photographer. A very close high school friend filmed it for a news station in Portland. I was in the Washington National Guard at the time. I actually helped with the rescue and clean up. My parents bought land about 2 hours from there and that land is still in the family today. I have been going to what's now called the blast zone but has always been called Windy Ridge since I was 2 years old.

I know what I'm talking about.
I never said you don't know what you are talking about I said people close to the mountain died when it exploded..

Yes a few did die. The only reason why they died is because they didn't leave.

The state declared an evacuation order. Almost everyone left. Those who didn't pay attention to that order died.

A volcano exploding isn't going to destroy America. Sure it's a mess and it takes time to clean it up but it's no different from any natural disaster.

We put on our boots, help those who need it, clean up the mess and move on.

It doesn't destroy our nation.

To base this on the fact that someone said animals are leaving the area is stupid. Not verifying any of the claims is stupid. Not looking for facts is stupid.

The OP is nothing but chicken little.
I need the ash to add to my veggie garden and if I can get curb service it doesn't sound too bad...

I don't know about curb service but that ash is still all over the place in Eastern Washington.

All you have to do is go out and get it.
No, The Yellowstone Supervolcano Is Actually Not Overdue For An Eruption
Eric Mack

It's a favorite worry of the apocalyptically-minded: The huge supervolcano centered below Yellowstone National Park hasn't erupted in hundreds of thousands of years, so obviously it could blow at any minute, right?

"In a word, no. In two words, no way. In three words, not even close. Yellowstone doesn't work that way," writes Michael Poland, Scientist-in-Charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, in a new blog post for the U.S. Geological Survey.

Poland goes on to challenge the basic numbers that lots of the recent tabloid stories warning of an "overdue" eruption are based on.

"In terms of large explosions, Yellowstone has experienced three -- at 2.08, 1.3, and 0.631 million years ago. This comes out to an average of about 725,000 years between eruptions. That being the case, we still have about 100,000 years to go, but this number is based on very little data and so is basically meaningless (would you base any conclusion on the average of just two numbers?)."

But even if Yellowstone is still on schedule for its next eruption to take place in the distant future by the numbers, it's a moot point because volcanoes don't keep schedules.

The idea of being overdue for a natural disaster might come from the way we think about earthquakes, which are caused by consistently building pressure on a fault that eventually snaps.

But, as Poland points out, most volcanoes don't work the same way. They don't necessarily accumulate magma at a constant rate until an inevitable eruption occurs. Even the small eruptions of lava flows at Yellowstone have been fairly irregular over the eons - the most recent one erupted 70,000 years ago and going further back similar eruptions have been separated by hundreds of thousands of years or have come in relatively quick succession.

"This is because the Yellowstone magma reservoir system receives new magma only in discontinuous batches, causing several eruptions in a short period of time with long periods of quiet in between these episodes," Poland explains.

While the Yellowstone caldera is the subject of lots of scare-mongering, conspiracy theories and rather obvious falsehoods, there is reason for some of the confusion and concern. For example, one widely publicized 2017 study finds that we may only have a few decades warning prior to a major eruption.

There's also been lots of geyser activity at Yellowstone over the last year that breaks with the pattern of recent decades, especially a new period of heightened activity for Steamboat Geyser, which is the world's tallest.

But the fact remains that none of these actual facts point to an imminent threat of eruption for the Yellowstone Supervolcano or support the notion that one is "overdue."

"Not even close," concludes Poland.
No, The Yellowstone Supervolcano Is Actually Not Overdue For An Eruption

OTOH, a supervolcano IS going to happen, sooner or later. So, maybe we need to be searching for some way to minimize the blast.
Thousands of animals are leaving the Yellowstone volcano area.

The Eruption of that volcano in Yellowstone could very likely mean the end of America...and it could happen at any time and the arrogant,ignorant and Godless nation that America has become would be no more.

Yellowstone volcano is a HIGH RISK threat: What does the dire USGS warning mean?

This Is What Would Happen To The World If The Yellowstone Supervolcano Erupted Today
Where is the evidence that animals are fleeing ?

It's not in either of the links
Not the people closest to the mountain when it blew in 1980..

A handful of people who refused to leave the area aren't here but the rest of us are.

There was an evacuation order but a handful of people didn't leave. There are very few homes in the blast zone. All that was in that area was mostly vacation homes. There never were any homes on Mt. St Helens.

I have photos of it all. I'm a photographer. A very close high school friend filmed it for a news station in Portland. I was in the Washington National Guard at the time. I actually helped with the rescue and clean up. My parents bought land about 2 hours from there and that land is still in the family today. I have been going to what's now called the blast zone but has always been called Windy Ridge since I was 2 years old.

I know what I'm talking about.
I never said you don't know what you are talking about I said people close to the mountain died when it exploded..

Yes a few did die. The only reason why they died is because they didn't leave.

The state declared an evacuation order. Almost everyone left. Those who didn't pay attention to that order died.

A volcano exploding isn't going to destroy America. Sure it's a mess and it takes time to clean it up but it's no different from any natural disaster.

We put on our boots, help those who need it, clean up the mess and move on.

It doesn't destroy our nation.

To base this on the fact that someone said animals are leaving the area is stupid. Not verifying any of the claims is stupid. Not looking for facts is stupid.

The OP is nothing but chicken little.
I need the ash to add to my veggie garden and if I can get curb service it doesn't sound too bad...

I don't know about curb service but that ash is still all over the place in Eastern Washington.

All you have to do is go out and get it.

Apparently some of you don't realize that Yellowstone is NOT a volcano, it is a SUPERVOLCANO. When it blows again (and it almost certainly will eventually), nothing will survive within hundreds of miles of it, and much of the USA will be buried in 6 feet or more of ash, crushing homes, caving in roofs, everything. Then the resulting cloud will circles the earth for a few years plunging the planet into a mini ice age. Many thousands will die. The USA will never be the same again and it will take decades to eventually recover. This is no little pop-gun Mt. St. Helens. There are about six (roughly) known dormant supervolcanos on the planet.

Deep under Wyoming right now, the heart of Yellowstone is still quite alive and rocking and a rolling.... With three known past eruptions that seem to have happened on a fairly regular interval and a live magma chimney sitting underneath it, Yellowstone could erupt again anywhere from next month to 150,000 years from now.
Sounds like an ominous sign indeed.

The animals tend to know impending danger.

All that's needed is for people to get out of the blast zone.

It's not that big of a deal.

I've lived through the main blow up of St. Helens and all the smaller ones after. Yes it made a mess. Yes it's a natural disaster.

No it's not the end of America.
What about two years of volcanic winter? If the blast is that big, the amount of dust and debris in the atmosphere will block sunlight, etc. keep crops from growing, etc. A big volcanic explosion in 1815 in Indonesia caused a couple of very crummy years in the US. It snowed in Maine in June and July. The winters were so cold that even Mainers were freezing to death in their own yards.
How deadly is year without a summer?
Year Without a Summer. The year 1816 is known as the Year Without a Summer(also the Poverty Year and Eighteen Hundred and Froze To Death) because of severe climate abnormalities that caused average global temperatures to decrease by 0.4–0.7 °C (0.7–1.3 °F).

Yes I forgot about that. Yes the ash did block the sun for a couple of years. It was bad.

It didn't kill anyone.

It didn't destroy the nation. It didn't destroy Washington.

We got through it. We're Americans. We can do anything we set our minds too.

Washington cleaned up the mess and we moved on.

However I find it very short sighted to believe a volcano is going to blow just because someone said animals are leaving the area. Animals leave the area when there's a fire too. No verification that animals are leaving. No seizmatic activity. No changes in the mountain.

I'll go with science. Not chicken little.
Sounds like an ominous sign indeed.

The animals tend to know impending danger.

All that's needed is for people to get out of the blast zone.

It's not that big of a deal.

I've lived through the main blow up of St. Helens and all the smaller ones after. Yes it made a mess. Yes it's a natural disaster.

No it's not the end of America.

It's the ash thats the problem.
It'll cover the vast majority of the US.
That's a lot of red state area. That'll be a lot of thoughts & prayers if it happens.

It's all good.
Calipornia would get wiped out and Texas would fine.
Look at the map...not the coast...not San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San DIego. But the red inland area................thoughts & prayers.

It all depends on the wind. Which direction it's blowing.

Usually the wind and storms in the west part of the nation come from the west. Sometimes it comes from the north and south but usually the west.

So which ever way the wind blows, that's the direction the ash and debris will go.

Which was you said, to the middle part of America.

Neither of your articles says that anywhere that I see. I see no evidence Yellowstone is anywhere near doing anything.
No, I've heard Yellowstone is "due," or maybe a little overdue. Has been for some time. And if the explosion is anything like the ones in the past, it's going to be a whopper.

OL, it is only due based upon geological records of the last three traceable eruptions. Based on those records alone, the next eruption is "due." That could mean 10,000 years from now or longer! There is no ground evidence I'm aware of that shows that Yellowstone is actually preparing to erupt. But then, Cascadia is overdue as well. By all accounts, the Cascadia rift could slip anytime sending a Tsunasmi inland with horrific earthquakes that would decimate the states of Oregon and Washington for hundreds of miles inland.

But then, San Andreas is due for another major slip. Likewise there was just a volcano eruption in eastern Russia and another in the South Pacific that might mean something. There was just a minor mag 4 earthquake curiously not too far from here in Cleveland Ohio of all places! If Yellowstone goes, it is going to go with not much warning, and you can pretty much kiss you ass goodbye anywhere in the Continental USA, ESPECIALLY if you live in the midwest.
You're right. Doom, gloom and starving in a cave somewhere is so much more interesting, though.
Although it is impossible to predict when exactly a volcano will next erupt, scientists are pretty confident a deadly explosion at Yellowstone is not imminent.

Michael Poland, a scientist from US Geological Survey’s (USGS) Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, said the geyser’s 2018 ramped-up activity was not a sign of a major volcanic explosion to come.

Yellowstone eruption in 2019: Will Yellowstone SUPERVOLCANO erupt next year?

Neither of your articles says that anywhere that I see. I see no evidence Yellowstone is anywhere near doing anything.
No, I've heard Yellowstone is "due," or maybe a little overdue. Has been for some time. And if the explosion is anything like the ones in the past, it's going to be a whopper.

All my life Mt. Rainier has been "due" for an explosion. The forecast for it is usually bleak because the mountains here are mostly connected. Which all of us who are natives to this area just shake our heads and laugh.

When people say a mountain is "due" for an eruption, I ignore them. Most people who have lived here and through eruptions do exactly that.

Has there been any seismic activity? Has there been any changes to the mountain?

I haven't found any reports of it.

I will listen to science and those who have spent a lifetime working with this. Not someone on line who posts an article from a far right radical extremist website about animals.
No, The Yellowstone Supervolcano Is Actually Not Overdue For An Eruption
Eric Mack

It's a favorite worry of the apocalyptically-minded: The huge supervolcano centered below Yellowstone National Park hasn't erupted in hundreds of thousands of years, so obviously it could blow at any minute, right?

"In a word, no. In two words, no way. In three words, not even close. Yellowstone doesn't work that way," writes Michael Poland, Scientist-in-Charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, in a new blog post for the U.S. Geological Survey.

Poland goes on to challenge the basic numbers that lots of the recent tabloid stories warning of an "overdue" eruption are based on.

"In terms of large explosions, Yellowstone has experienced three -- at 2.08, 1.3, and 0.631 million years ago. This comes out to an average of about 725,000 years between eruptions. That being the case, we still have about 100,000 years to go, but this number is based on very little data and so is basically meaningless (would you base any conclusion on the average of just two numbers?)."

But even if Yellowstone is still on schedule for its next eruption to take place in the distant future by the numbers, it's a moot point because volcanoes don't keep schedules.

The idea of being overdue for a natural disaster might come from the way we think about earthquakes, which are caused by consistently building pressure on a fault that eventually snaps.

But, as Poland points out, most volcanoes don't work the same way. They don't necessarily accumulate magma at a constant rate until an inevitable eruption occurs. Even the small eruptions of lava flows at Yellowstone have been fairly irregular over the eons - the most recent one erupted 70,000 years ago and going further back similar eruptions have been separated by hundreds of thousands of years or have come in relatively quick succession.

"This is because the Yellowstone magma reservoir system receives new magma only in discontinuous batches, causing several eruptions in a short period of time with long periods of quiet in between these episodes," Poland explains.

While the Yellowstone caldera is the subject of lots of scare-mongering, conspiracy theories and rather obvious falsehoods, there is reason for some of the confusion and concern. For example, one widely publicized 2017 study finds that we may only have a few decades warning prior to a major eruption.

There's also been lots of geyser activity at Yellowstone over the last year that breaks with the pattern of recent decades, especially a new period of heightened activity for Steamboat Geyser, which is the world's tallest.

But the fact remains that none of these actual facts point to an imminent threat of eruption for the Yellowstone Supervolcano or support the notion that one is "overdue."

"Not even close," concludes Poland.
No, The Yellowstone Supervolcano Is Actually Not Overdue For An Eruption

OTOH, a supervolcano IS going to happen, sooner or later. So, maybe we need to be searching for some way to minimize the blast.

Thank you. I've been trying to tell these people to calm down.

One person posts an article from a far right radical extremist site and all of a sudden it's the end of America.

Even if a mountain does blow, we clean up the mess and move on.

Just like we do with all natural disasters.

These chicken littles are really out of control.

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