Omnious Sign

When the government tells you not to worry....that is when you should begin to worry.
Thousands of animals are leaving the Yellowstone volcano area.

The Eruption of that volcano in Yellowstone could very likely mean the end of America...and it could happen at any time and the arrogant,ignorant and Godless nation that America has become would be no more.

Yellowstone volcano is a HIGH RISK threat: What does the dire USGS warning mean?

This Is What Would Happen To The World If The Yellowstone Supervolcano Erupted Today

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with a pending eruption

Yellowstone volcano: Why are THOUSANDS of animals leaving the active supervolcano?
The government is in a difficult position when it comes to warning of national disasters.....first of all they fear the people will panic if told something of a cataclysmic nature....thus they tend to downplay a lot of things...especially if it might affect the stock market.

The problem with scientists and economists....they are very good at explaining why something happened after it happened but lousy at predicting future events....I think anyman's idea on Yellowstone is just about as good as the next one when it comes to predicting the big one.
Thousands of animals are leaving the Yellowstone volcano area.

The Eruption of that volcano in Yellowstone could very likely mean the end of America...and it could happen at any time and the arrogant,ignorant and Godless nation that America has become would be no more.

Yellowstone volcano is a HIGH RISK threat: What does the dire USGS warning mean?

This Is What Would Happen To The World If The Yellowstone Supervolcano Erupted Today

It doesn't seem to have anything to do with a pending eruption

Yellowstone volcano: Why are THOUSANDS of animals leaving the active supervolcano?

That is one explanation...hopefully the right one but there could be another reason regarding why they are leaving.
Well, regardless of the science, I will fall back on an existential truth that will keep all of you safe, at least for my lifetime.

Don't worry. Nothing exciting EVER happens to me.

I'm not as lucky as you are.

I guess I'm used to it. I've lived here all my life. I experienced my first earthquake at the age of 4. I remember it very well. I grew up with earthquake drills with the fire drills in school. We also had tsunami and volcano drills.

We don't have hurricanes or tornados or typhoons.

In the nearly 59 years I've lived here there has never been a tsunami. Mt. Rainier is fine except for climate change messing it up. Mt. St. Helens blew up but as with everything, we got through it. So did Mother Nature.

I have tons of photos of the eruption but they're all on film and not digitized. I go to Windy Ridge at least once a year to see the progress Mother Nature has made through the winter and document the progress.

When the mountain blew up Spirit lake was vaporized. Literally. The lake was gone. All that was left was white ash and logs. Now most of the lake is back. You can see the white ash and logs in just small areas of the lake now.View attachment 265726View attachment 265727View attachment 265728View attachment 265729View attachment 265730View attachment 265731View attachment 265732View attachment 265733View attachment 265734View attachment 265735View attachment 265736View attachment 265737View attachment 265726 View attachment 265727View attachment 265728

Not so now. The following photos were take last August. The route to the blast zone is above Spirit Lake. It's called Windy Ridge. That road is only passable in the late summer because of snow.

And that was a pissant eruption.
Sounds like an ominous sign indeed.

The animals tend to know impending danger.

All that's needed is for people to get out of the blast zone.

It's not that big of a deal.

I've lived through the main blow up of St. Helens and all the smaller ones after. Yes it made a mess. Yes it's a natural disaster.

No it's not the end of America.

Yellowstone is not Mount St Helens. It's a supervolcano. Those are massive and have the potential to cause an extinction level event if they erupt. Some scientists theorize that the eruption of Mt Toba 74,000 years ago is what caused a genetic bottleneck in human evolution that occurred during that period. About 90% of humanoids were wiped off the planet possibly due to a volcanic winter that lasted for years killing all of the food sources for most land animals.
Well, regardless of the science, I will fall back on an existential truth that will keep all of you safe, at least for my lifetime.

Don't worry. Nothing exciting EVER happens to me.

I'm not as lucky as you are.

I guess I'm used to it. I've lived here all my life. I experienced my first earthquake at the age of 4. I remember it very well. I grew up with earthquake drills with the fire drills in school. We also had tsunami and volcano drills.

We don't have hurricanes or tornados or typhoons.

In the nearly 59 years I've lived here there has never been a tsunami. Mt. Rainier is fine except for climate change messing it up. Mt. St. Helens blew up but as with everything, we got through it. So did Mother Nature.

I have tons of photos of the eruption but they're all on film and not digitized. I go to Windy Ridge at least once a year to see the progress Mother Nature has made through the winter and document the progress.

When the mountain blew up Spirit lake was vaporized. Literally. The lake was gone. All that was left was white ash and logs. Now most of the lake is back. You can see the white ash and logs in just small areas of the lake now.View attachment 265726View attachment 265727View attachment 265728View attachment 265729View attachment 265730View attachment 265731View attachment 265732View attachment 265733View attachment 265734View attachment 265735View attachment 265736View attachment 265737View attachment 265726 View attachment 265727View attachment 265728

Not so now. The following photos were take last August. The route to the blast zone is above Spirit Lake. It's called Windy Ridge. That road is only passable in the late summer because of snow.

And that was a pissant eruption.

Exactly......some seem to think all eruptions are the same....nonsense.
I've always wondered why they just can't drill down into the calderas and create vents to let the energy escape so there aren't massive eruptions. Does the technology not exist to drill down that far maybe?
Thousands of animals are leaving the Yellowstone volcano area.

The Eruption of that volcano in Yellowstone could very likely mean the end of America...and it could happen at any time and the arrogant,ignorant and Godless nation that America has become would be no more.

Yellowstone volcano is a HIGH RISK threat: What does the dire USGS warning mean?

This Is What Would Happen To The World If The Yellowstone Supervolcano Erupted Today

I missed the part in the link that talks about 1000s of animals leaving. Is it in the links, or what?
Well, regardless of the science, I will fall back on an existential truth that will keep all of you safe, at least for my lifetime.

Don't worry. Nothing exciting EVER happens to me.

I'm not as lucky as you are.

I guess I'm used to it. I've lived here all my life. I experienced my first earthquake at the age of 4. I remember it very well. I grew up with earthquake drills with the fire drills in school. We also had tsunami and volcano drills.

We don't have hurricanes or tornados or typhoons.

In the nearly 59 years I've lived here there has never been a tsunami. Mt. Rainier is fine except for climate change messing it up. Mt. St. Helens blew up but as with everything, we got through it. So did Mother Nature.

I have tons of photos of the eruption but they're all on film and not digitized. I go to Windy Ridge at least once a year to see the progress Mother Nature has made through the winter and document the progress.

When the mountain blew up Spirit lake was vaporized. Literally. The lake was gone. All that was left was white ash and logs. Now most of the lake is back. You can see the white ash and logs in just small areas of the lake now.View attachment 265726View attachment 265727View attachment 265728View attachment 265729View attachment 265730View attachment 265731View attachment 265732View attachment 265733View attachment 265734View attachment 265735View attachment 265736View attachment 265737View attachment 265726 View attachment 265727View attachment 265728

Not so now. The following photos were take last August. The route to the blast zone is above Spirit Lake. It's called Windy Ridge. That road is only passable in the late summer because of snow.

And that was a pissant eruption.

Exactly......some seem to think all eruptions are the same....nonsense.

The thing that kills me about DANA?
No matter how much USGS data you show her she still thinks she knows better.
Hell,most dems understand the repercussions of a let loose Yellowstone Caldera.
It would be disastrous for the entire world.
I've always wondered why they just can't drill down into the calderas and create vents to let the energy escape so there aren't massive eruptions. Does the technology not exist to drill down that far maybe?

Russia drilled the deepest hole in history.............

The Kola Superdeep Borehole ....information leaked that Russian researchers had burrowed through to Hell. Allegedly that at 9 miles (14.4 km) down into the Earth's crustA (1.4 miles (2.25 km) deeper than the real depth), the scientists reached a pocket of air with a temperature of 2,000°F (1,093°C). Intrigued, they sent down a heat-tolerant microphone, which picked up the screams of the damned.

Whether that is true or not one knows. It is known that they unexpectedly stopped drilling and the official exiplanation for it was .....excessive heat.
I've always wondered why they just can't drill down into the calderas and create vents to let the energy escape so there aren't massive eruptions. Does the technology not exist to drill down that far maybe?

Did you read the same SHTF series as I did?
That was the theme. A hot chick Volcanologist and her students found a new way to determine if YS was going to blow and the dangers of trying to release the pressure.
Of course the evil republican who wanted to try only wanted to tap into the volcano as a power source hidden as a safety issue.

Of course it blew due to the pressure release. Thats where the story starts.

They actually use USGS info throughout the story which makes it even more interesting.
That's a lot of red state area. That'll be a lot of thoughts & prayers if it happens.

It's all good.
Calipornia would get wiped out and Texas would fine.
Look at the map...not the coast...not San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San DIego. But the red inland area................thoughts & prayers.

So in other words you'd lose all the farmland.
When will you dumbfucks get it through your heads.
Without the heartland you dumbshits would starve to death.

So ya got nothing to say.....figures.
Oh altered my post to the point of deleting it and then saying I have nothing. TOS allow that?
No, The Yellowstone Supervolcano Is Actually Not Overdue For An Eruption
Eric Mack

It's a favorite worry of the apocalyptically-minded: The huge supervolcano centered below Yellowstone National Park hasn't erupted in hundreds of thousands of years, so obviously it could blow at any minute, right?

"In a word, no. In two words, no way. In three words, not even close. Yellowstone doesn't work that way," writes Michael Poland, Scientist-in-Charge of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, in a new blog post for the U.S. Geological Survey.

Poland goes on to challenge the basic numbers that lots of the recent tabloid stories warning of an "overdue" eruption are based on.

"In terms of large explosions, Yellowstone has experienced three -- at 2.08, 1.3, and 0.631 million years ago. This comes out to an average of about 725,000 years between eruptions. That being the case, we still have about 100,000 years to go, but this number is based on very little data and so is basically meaningless (would you base any conclusion on the average of just two numbers?)."

But even if Yellowstone is still on schedule for its next eruption to take place in the distant future by the numbers, it's a moot point because volcanoes don't keep schedules.

The idea of being overdue for a natural disaster might come from the way we think about earthquakes, which are caused by consistently building pressure on a fault that eventually snaps.

But, as Poland points out, most volcanoes don't work the same way. They don't necessarily accumulate magma at a constant rate until an inevitable eruption occurs. Even the small eruptions of lava flows at Yellowstone have been fairly irregular over the eons - the most recent one erupted 70,000 years ago and going further back similar eruptions have been separated by hundreds of thousands of years or have come in relatively quick succession.

"This is because the Yellowstone magma reservoir system receives new magma only in discontinuous batches, causing several eruptions in a short period of time with long periods of quiet in between these episodes," Poland explains.

While the Yellowstone caldera is the subject of lots of scare-mongering, conspiracy theories and rather obvious falsehoods, there is reason for some of the confusion and concern. For example, one widely publicized 2017 study finds that we may only have a few decades warning prior to a major eruption.

There's also been lots of geyser activity at Yellowstone over the last year that breaks with the pattern of recent decades, especially a new period of heightened activity for Steamboat Geyser, which is the world's tallest.

But the fact remains that none of these actual facts point to an imminent threat of eruption for the Yellowstone Supervolcano or support the notion that one is "overdue."

"Not even close," concludes Poland.
No, The Yellowstone Supervolcano Is Actually Not Overdue For An Eruption

OTOH, a supervolcano IS going to happen, sooner or later. So, maybe we need to be searching for some way to minimize the blast.

Thank you. I've been trying to tell these people to calm down.

One person posts an article from a far right radical extremist site and all of a sudden it's the end of America.

Even if a mountain does blow, we clean up the mess and move on.

Just like we do with all natural disasters.

These chicken littles are really out of control.
They've been screaming about Yellowstone for years.
I've always wondered why they just can't drill down into the calderas and create vents to let the energy escape so there aren't massive eruptions. Does the technology not exist to drill down that far maybe?

Russia drilled the deepest hole in history.............

The Kola Superdeep Borehole ....information leaked that Russian researchers had burrowed through to Hell. Allegedly that at 9 miles (14.4 km) down into the Earth's crustA (1.4 miles (2.25 km) deeper than the real depth), the scientists reached a pocket of air with a temperature of 2,000°F (1,093°C). Intrigued, they sent down a heat-tolerant microphone, which picked up the screams of the damned.

Whether that is true or not one knows. It is known that they unexpectedly stopped drilling and the official exiplanation for it was .....excessive heat.

Which makes total sense.
Whether they drilled that deep and ran out of money,or things got to hot.
I wouldnt be surprised if either scenario is true.
It's all good.
Calipornia would get wiped out and Texas would fine.
Look at the map...not the coast...not San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San DIego. But the red inland area................thoughts & prayers.

So in other words you'd lose all the farmland.
When will you dumbfucks get it through your heads.
Without the heartland you dumbshits would starve to death.

So ya got nothing to say.....figures.
Oh altered my post to the point of deleting it and then saying I have nothing. TOS allow that?

I didnt alter shit ya dumbfuck.
Report me if you think I did.
I've always wondered why they just can't drill down into the calderas and create vents to let the energy escape so there aren't massive eruptions. Does the technology not exist to drill down that far maybe?

There are plenty of existing vents, right? Can't they make some of them bigger, to relieve the pressure a little bit?

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