On Obama's Hatred of Religion

i'm really starting to think PC is mentally ill.

So you admit your'e 'finally starting to think."

About time.

I've been doing that for years, as opposed to someone who just regurgitates what she heard on Hate Radio that week.

So....this fabrication is your explanation of why you are unable to deny the specifics of any of my posts?

See what I mean about your beginning to 'think' is long overdue.
You have no points. America is a nation that operates on socialistic principles in governments. End of story.
The 10 Most Socialist States In America - Business Insider

The 10 Most Socialist States In America
  • SEP. 23, 2010, 11:30 AM
  • 197,384
  • I work hard for my money. I leave my two gorgeous kids every morning to make money because I have to. So, I hate taxes. I hate politicians who waste my tax dollars. I hate politicians who can’t say no to wasteful spending, and then throw salt on the wound and increase taxes to escalate the rape of hardworking, law abiding taxpayers. So let’s take a look at the states that are doing this the most, the most socialist ones.

  • How do we know whether a state is socialist? Very easy. By definition, socialist states (or countries) tax and spend a higher percentage of their GDP. Instead of returning state revenue back to taxpayers, these states think they know how to spend hard-earned taxpayer dollars better. So we only need two pieces of data to determine which states are the most socialist: total state revenue and the state’s GDP.


    I used the Census Bureau’s total state revenue data from the Annual Surveys of State and Local Government Finances. The data is available for periods as recent as 2008 (the context of this year will make more sense when you see who the top state’s governor was at the time). Then I got my hands on the 2008 state level GDP data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. Total state revenue includes all sorts of taxes including individual income tax, property tax, sales tax, and that of motor fuel, alcohol, tobacco, public utilities, etc. It also includes corporate taxes, and motor vehicle licenses, charges collected from highways, education, hospitals, airports, parking, parks, natural resources, housing, sewerage, garbage collection, interest earnings, special assessments, etc. There are only a few things that they don’t tax.

    On top of these taxes, states also receive some revenue (sometimes multiples of what they collect in the state) from the federal government. These are federal tax dollars collected from residents of this country, and spent by these states instead of returned to taxpayers. That’s why they are included in the calculations. Did I tell you that I hate taxes?

    Anyway, I divided the total state revenue by the state’s GDP and calculate the percentage of the public sector in the state’s economy. The larger this percentage, the more socialist the state is. Period. There’s no other way to look at it. Then I ranked all 50 states and DC to find the top 10 socialist, or red!, states of this country. You won’t believe who is number one. Or, if you’re educated, you already know.

    #10 North Dakota

    Matt Eckelberg via Flickr
    Size of Government: 21.4%
    State Revenue: $6.7 billion
    State GDP: $31.2 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $48650

    Governor: REPUBLICAN John Hoeven

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #9 Ohio

    Size of Government: 21.4%
    State Revenue: $100.9 billion
    State GDP: $471.5 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $41051

    Governor: DEMOCRAT Ted Strickland

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #8 Maine

    dougtone on flickr
    Size of Government: 21.6%
    State Revenue: $10.8 billion
    State GDP: $49.7billion
    GDP Per Capita: $37760

    Governor: DEMOCRAT John Elias Baldacci

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #7 West Virginia

    Size of Government: 22.2%
    State Revenue: $13.7 billion
    State GDP: $61.7 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $33978

    Governor: DEMOCRAT Joe Manchin

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #6 South Carolina

    Size of Government: 22.6%
    State Revenue: $35.4 billion
    State GDP: $156.4 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $34909

    Governor: REPUBLICAN Mark Sanford

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #5 Montana

    Size of Government: 23.7%
    State Revenue: $8.5 billion
    State GDP: $35.9 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $37099

    Governor: DEMOCRAT Brian Schweitzer

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #4 Vermont

    Size of Government: 23.9%
    State Revenue: $6.1 billion
    State GDP: $25.4 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $40952

    Governor: Republican Jim Douglas

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #3 Mississippi

    Express Monorail via Flickr
    Size of Government: 25.8%
    State Revenue: $23.6 billion State
    GDP: $91.8 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $31233

    Governor: Republican Haley Barbour

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #2 Wyoming

    Size of Government: 26.6%
    State Revenue: $9.4 billion
    State GDP: $35.3 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $66289

    Governor: Democrat Dave Freudenthal

    Source: Insider Monkey

    #1 Alaska

    Size of Government: 39.2%
    State Revenue: $18.8 billion
    State GDP: $47.9 billion
    GDP Per Capita: $69813

    Ditched By Sarah Palin last year.

    Source: Insider Monkey

    More from Insider Monkey

    Read more: The 10 Most Socialist States In America - Business Insider

What's really amusing is that you believe that the above post has anything.....ANYTHING....to do with "Obama's Hatred of Religion."

I must really make you nervous, huh?
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings

Obama is not "anti religion", he's anti Christian.
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings

Obama is not "anti religion", he's anti Christian.

Well.....perhaps......there does seem to be one religion he does seem to favor, and produce lies in favor of...

"Obama: 'Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding'
Obama Islam Has Been Woven Into the Fabric of Our Country Since Its Founding
One, you talk about Marxism and Socialism; two, I quickly cut you off to show America rests on socialist governmental principles; and, three, you fall into my trap asking about Obama and religion. So you cannot now entagle economics and religion.

What about it, honey? BHO is far more Christian than you. Hitler used Christianity ofr his evil purposes, as you try to do.

But, as always, you fail. We are a Christian and socially democratic nation, and nothing you say changes that.
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings

Odd.....your cut and paste has nothing to do with Obama
7. Is there any consideration for religious liberty in the Obama firmament?

Clearly, not.

ObamaCare certainly proves that.

When Obama's spokesperson, Secretary of Health and Human Services Sibelius, was questioned about ruling that the religious views of employers were about to be trampled upon, this is what she said:

" Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said that he knew of only three tests that the Supreme Court has used to balance a constitutionally protected freedom against a policy goal. He described those three tests and then asked Sebelius last Thursday, "Which of those three constitutional balancing tests were you making reference to when you said you 'balanced' things?"

"Before this rule was promulgated, did you read any of the Supreme Court cases on religious liberty?" Gowdy later asked.

Sebelius answered that she did not.
http://www.christianpost.com/news/hhs-secretary-no-legal-memo-on-religious-freedom issues-in-birth-control-mandate-74170/#rjpoHoTc3pTIrBKZ.99

"As a constitutional lecturer and presumed legal scholar, his academic career must have crossed paths at some time with our nation’s founding document..."

One would imagine that understanding the importance of constitutionality in public policy would be a foregone conclusion of 'a constitutional scholar' like Barack Obama.

That would be just as wrong as a vote for Obama was.
So....this fabrication is your explanation of why you are unable to deny the specifics of any of my posts?

See what I mean about your beginning to 'think' is long overdue.

No, I ignore the specifics because we've heard them all 20 times before and you keep posting 27 point laundry lists of "Why Obama is the Devil" and we are all kind of bored with it.

If you could stay on one topic, discuss the topic and actually do research from both sides, that would be impressive.
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings

Odd.....your cut and paste has nothing to do with Obama

1. Odd that you'd lie in your choice of avis.

2. Have someone with both a higher educational quotient and a higher intelligence quotient than you, and you'll be informed that is is certainly an indictment of Barack Hussein Obama.

3. I wonder if you could explain why you seem to suggest 'cut and paste' as a pejorative...
...it is because you have no way to deny the truth my posts impart?
So....this fabrication is your explanation of why you are unable to deny the specifics of any of my posts?

See what I mean about your beginning to 'think' is long overdue.

No, I ignore the specifics because we've heard them all 20 times before and you keep posting 27 point laundry lists of "Why Obama is the Devil" and we are all kind of bored with it.

If you could stay on one topic, discuss the topic and actually do research from both sides, that would be impressive.

A white flag, huh?
“The divinity of Jesus is made a convenient cover for absurdity. Nowhere in the Gospels do we find a precept for Creeds, Confessions, Oaths, Doctrines, and whole cartloads of other foolish trumpery that we find in Christianity.”
John Adams
“Of all the animosities which have existed among mankind, those which are caused by a difference of sentiments in religion appear to be the most inveterate and distressing, and ought to be deprecated. I was in hopes that the enlightened and liberal policy, which has marked the present age, would at least have reconciled Christians of every denomination so far that we should never again see the religious disputes carried to such a pitch as to endanger the peace of society.”
George Washington — letter to Edward Newenham, October 20, 1792
“In every country and in every age, the priest has been hostile to liberty. He is always in alliance with the despot, abetting his abuses in return for protection to his own. It is error alone that needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself.”
Thomas Jefferson — in a letter to Horatio Spofford, 1814
Article I,Section 9, Clause 8 of theUnited States Constitution, forbids 'titles' of a certain kind...but there are other kinds of titles that are wll earned.

Our current Presidents earned 'the Food Stamp President,' .....and 'the Anti-Religion President,' as well.

1. History provides pertinent examples of other leaders who hated religion.

a. "Vladimir Ilych Ulyanov (Lenin) had the courage to come out and say openly that famine would have numerous positive results...Famine, he explained....would bring about the next stage more rapidly, and usher in socialism, the stage that necessarily followed capitalism. Famine would also destroy faith, not only in the tsar, but in God, too."
"The Black Book of Communism," p.123-124.

b. "Karl Marx famously belittled religion as an 'opiate for the masses,' a drug that the spread of worldwide socialism would one day make undesirable."

Sad how many who imagine themselves to be Americans are, today, socialists.

2. Not only is respect for religion lacking in contemporary society, but large parts of it have been co-opted by the Left; it comes out as Marxism's recitation of Christianity.
Today the view, sometimes described as "liberation theology,"makes the blanket appraisal that God is on the side of the poor. Period.
If one self-identifies as poor, one need simply sit back and receive what are called "entitlements," but are actually the redistribution of the nation's wealth.

a. "Take control of and redistribute assets....A heavy progressive or graduated Income Tax....Abolition of all rights of inheritance"
Chapter 2 of the Communist Manifesto

3. Then, there was this restatement of Marx's view of religion: "And it's not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

"Like Marx, Obama views traditional religion as a temporary opiate for the poor, confused, and jobless- a drug that will dissipate, he hopes,, as the federal government assumes more God-like powers..."
Schlafly, "No Higher Power"

4. For a totalitarian secularist, as Obama is, the revolution he brings with the aim of 'fundamentally transforming' America is not the God-fearing American Revolution of the Founders, but, rather, the deeply hate-filled, death-draped anti-religion tradition of the French Revolution, summarized in the words of Denis Diderot:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest."

a. “The French Revolution occurred almost simultaneously with the American Revolution. While sharing many similarities, there was one glaring difference. The French were not Christian and attempted to introduce a godless humanistic government. The result is amply recorded in history books. Instead of the liberty, justice, peace, happiness, and prosperity experienced in America, France suffered chaos and injustice as thousands of heads rolled under the sharp blade of the guillotine.”
Religion and Government in America Are they complementary The Mandate

b. "If the French revolution was the end of monarchy and aristocratic privilege and the emergence of the common man and democratic rights, it was also the beginnings of modern totalitarian government and large-scale executions of "enemies of the People" by impersonal government entities (Robespierre's "Committee of Public Safety"). This legacy would not reach its fullest bloom until the tragic arrival of the German Nazis and Soviet and Chinese communists of the 20th century." French Revolution - Robespierre and the Legacy of the Reign of Terror

"he was a handsome man and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death"
e e cummings

Odd.....your cut and paste has nothing to do with Obama

1. Odd that you'd lie in your choice of avis.

2. Have someone with both a higher educational quotient and a higher intelligence quotient than you, and you'll be informed that is is certainly an indictment of Barack Hussein Obama.

3. I wonder if you could explain why you seem to suggest 'cut and paste' as a pejorative...
...it is because you have no way to deny the truth my posts impart?

You mean I am not Terence Aloysious Mahoney?

Does that mean you are Supergirl?
“History, I believe, furnishes no example of a priest-ridden people maintaining a free civil government. This marks the lowest grade of ignorance of which their civil as well as religious leaders will always avail themselves for their own purposes.”
Thomas Jefferson — in letter to Alexander von Humboldt, December 6, 1813
PC is on the run.

Obama is more Christian than PC, and she gave up on America having socialistic governmental practices.
“Every new and successful example of a perfect separation between ecclesiastical and civil matters is of importance.”
James Madison — letter, 1822
PC is on the run.

Obama is more Christian than PC, and she gave up on America having socialistic governmental practices.

And she likes to be anti-Constitutional for her own projects....If it be Sunday then it be a day of fasting and no work..Posting online is work...
Obama cannot bring himself to say that Isis has beheaded hundreds of Christians.

That's all one needs to know.

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