Zone1 On one of the most Holy days of the year biden glorifys transgenderism and misrepresents Christians

* Regardless of what one may think of President and Dr. Biden, they probably did not intend to insult Christians by honoring transgender people on March 31.

* After all, many Democratic voters are Christians.

* Of course, I have no idea of why the White House chose Easter to issue such a proclamation.

* We should give them the benefit of the doubt.

The day to acknowledge Transgenders is always March 31.
It is Easter that keeps changing the day it celebrates
Again, awareness for the political and social cause could have waited until outside of the Easter Holiday. The Administration chose to have it tied to the Easter Holiday.
Transgender awareness is celebrated every March 31
Biden didn’t pick the day
How much money will be made selling chocolates and colored eggs? Easter was hijacked years ago by the "capitalists".

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

2 Corinthians 5:15
The Easter Bunny hijacked Easter
* Regardless of what one may think of President and Dr. Biden, they probably did not intend to insult Christians by honoring transgender people on March 31.

* After all, many Democratic voters are Christians.

* Of course, I have no idea of why the White House chose Easter to issue such a proclamation.

* We should give them the benefit of the doubt.
Why, because the date of Easter fell on a prescribed event, not the other way around.
Guess what?

It’s a free country….others are allowed to celebrate too

Others at the Biden tranny-fest had paragraphs of limitations on their celebration.

It's a free country, as long as everyone understands that trannies have more freedoms than others.
Transgender awareness is celebrated every March 31
Biden didn’t pick the day

You missed Biden's announcement about this particular Easter being an especially tranny kind of Easter. White House staff assembled to compose an homage to tranny'dom.

An entire 'proclamation'.

For there are eunuchs who have been so from birth, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. Let the one who is able to receive this receive it.”

Matthew 19:12

Jesus is teaching that not all people are born the same. Why would Jesus note that some people are born into what you would consider a sinful life?

That would be a pretty cruel thing to do to a person is it not?

Matthew 19:12 isn't about men violating each other buttholes.
Trump cultists, your masters feed you this crazy stuff to keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient, which is how they like you to be.

You don't have to live your whole life sitting in a puddle of your own stale urine. You Trump cultists freely choose that deviant lifestyle. You are just as free to unchoose it, and to become free men again.

The majority of Christians are not associated with, or support these Talban wannabes.
Why don't you go on youtube and desecrate a Koran and lets see how long you live
That's a rather stupid response. What does it have to do with anything, let alone this topic?

On the plus side, we see here a conservative who did not try to shift the topic to pedo/tranny/groomer stuff, and that's encouraging. At least a few conservatives here aren't pervy.
Trump cultists, your masters feed you this crazy stuff to keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient, which is how they like you to be.

You don't have to live your whole life sitting in a puddle of your own stale urine. You Trump cultists freely choose that deviant lifestyle. You are just as free to unchoose it, and to become free men again.
You missed Biden's announcement about this particular Easter being an especially tranny kind of Easter. White House staff assembled to compose an homage to tranny'dom.

An entire 'proclamation'.

reaffirm our Nation’s commitment to forming a more perfect Union — where all people are created equal and treated equally throughout their lives.

Sounds very Christian
Guess what Skippy?
Nobody is stopping you from celebrating your holiday.
But you insist on stopping anyone from acknowledging holidays that conflict with yours
Stop paying for HIV/Aids to start. The reality is that taxpayers are paying through the nose for this. Stop it.

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