Zone1 On one of the most Holy days of the year biden glorifys transgenderism and misrepresents Christians

WTF is with you guys?

You have been bitching about a War on Christmas for decades, now you bitch about a War on Easter

You don’t OWN the holidays
They are Christian Holidays. We own them…. You just choose to assail them out of Hate; ironic given that you people appointed yourself the hate police.
The same can be asked back. How about we make every holiday a straight recognition day as well. Halloween and straight people day. Valentine’s Day for straight people. Christmas for straight couples and their kids.

How would that affect you?
It wouldn't, but it would be stupid.
Live your religion, which is to treat your neighbor as yourself, to love your neighbor as yourself.

Be Christians, then, not little demons.
Not worshipping by your customs is not assaulting your beliefs.

You are assaulting those who don't believe as you.
How is it assault by asking a political and social awareness campaign to show some respect and not to detract from arguably the most significant Christian Holiday on the calendar? Do you need us to cover up Jesus for you,,again?
They are Christian Holidays. We own them…. You just choose to assail them out of Hate; ironic given that you people appointed yourself the hate police.
Not worshipping by your customs is not assaulting your beliefs.

You are assaulting those who don't believe as you.
How is it assault by asking a political and social awareness campaign to show some respect and not to detract from arguably the most significant Christian Holiday on the calendar? Do you need us to cover up Jesus for you,,again?
You are engaged in free speech, the same as non-Christians. Each side has that right. You do not have a right to intrude on others in public, yes?
Not worshipping by your customs is not assaulting your beliefs.

You are assaulting those who don't believe as you.

You are engaged in free speech, the same as non-Christians. Each side has that right. You do not have a right to intrude on others in public, yes?
It’s not a free speech debate.
Anyone else in favor of doing away with all "National Whatever Days" or months? Personally, I am incensed the President didn't give equal attention to National Chinchilla Day last week, on March 23. He should have had a visible chinchilla with him wherever he went.
Trump cultists, your masters feed you this crazy stuff to keep you hysterical, because that keeps you obedient. Very, very obedient, which is how they like you to be.

You don't have to live your whole life sitting in a puddle of your own stale urine. You Trump cultists freely choose that deviant lifestyle. You are just as free to unchoose it, and to become free men again.
Why don't you go on youtube and desecrate a Koran and lets see how long you live
Do you know if Mamooth is trans? I doubt it. And this is a free country meaning that people can be transgender and unless they are forcing you to be transgender then it doesn't infringe upon your rights.
Go and burn a koran on youtube since your so confident of your position

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