Zone1 On one of the most Holy days of the year biden glorifys transgenderism and misrepresents Christians

It's on you for proper behavior for you, not Dark Brandon. Or hypocrites will hypocrite.

It's hard, for sure.
Jesus said, "beware of the leaven of herod."
Today He would say, "beware of the leaven of biden."
My behavior will not change. Biden is a mere mortal who's breath is in his nostrils.
But I look for persecution of Christians and the undermining of Christian values now b/c of this to increase.
Then what is it. You, if it is not that, then have no right to intrude on others' actions, public or private.
I have every right to call out the actions of activist Democrats seeking to hijack a Christian Holiday. And they too have every right to push an agenda rooted in hate.
Jesus said, "beware of the leaven of herod."
Today He would say, "beware of the leaven of biden."
My behavior will not change. Biden is a mere mortal who's breath is in his nostrils.
But I look for persecution of Christians and the undermining of Christian values now b/c of this to increase.
So you will ignore scripture and act accordingly.
Democrats are pure evil

I have every right to call out the actions of activist Democrats seeking to hijack a Christian Holiday. And they too have every right to push an agenda rooted in hate.
Who is hijacking your Holiday. I went to services last night on Good Friday, and nobody bothered anybody. I doubt anybody is bothering you.
This surely increases hatred of gays. Beyond doubt
And the bigotry of thinking no gays would be offended by overlooking Easter,where does that kind of hatred come from ???

Grow up. It's the last day in March every year.. This year it falls on Easter. A little less hystericia.. God made them too.
Who is hijacking your Holiday. I went to services last night on Good Friday, and nobody bothered anybody. I doubt anybody is bothering you.
Again, awareness for the political and social cause could have waited until outside of the Easter Holiday. The Administration chose to have it tied to the Easter Holiday.
How this abortion loving, Easter denying asshole isn't excommunicated is beyond me. Well, there's the whole Marxist Pope thing, but still.
How much money will be made selling chocolates and colored eggs? Easter was hijacked years ago by the "capitalists".

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

2 Corinthians 5:15
How much money will be made selling chocolates and colored eggs? Easter was hijacked years ago by the "capitalists".

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

2 Corinthians 5:15
* Regardless of what one may think of President and Dr. Biden, they probably did not intend to insult Christians by honoring transgender people on March 31.

* After all, many Democratic voters are Christians.

* Of course, I have no idea of why the White House chose Easter to issue such a proclamation.

* We should give them the benefit of the doubt.
They are Christian Holidays. We own them…. You just choose to assail them out of Hate; ironic given that you people appointed yourself the hate police.
Guess what Skippy?
Nobody is stopping you from celebrating your holiday.
But you insist on stopping anyone from acknowledging holidays that conflict with yours

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