Zone1 On one of the most Holy days of the year biden glorifys transgenderism and misrepresents Christians

They are just "walking on the wild side" . What makes the trannies mentally unstable is when they devote their time to proselytizing youths into the lifestyle.

If an adult man wants to dress in drag, travel the hershey highway, or even chop off his penis, that's his own affair. If that's the way he gets pleasure, good for him.

But these are fucking children for goodness sake. Have you libs no decency?
Democrats are America's enemy attacking the population from every angle.

Democrats are working with the WEF to collapse America and usher in the great reset.

Democrats = WEF

This surely increases hatred of gays. Beyond doubt
And the bigotry of thinking no gays would be offended by overlooking Easter,where does that kind of hatred come from ???
From a tactical stand point this was assinine by biden.
So share your freaking holidays without whining all the time
Stop conflating demands to takeover or detract from a Christian Holiday as an unwillingness to share.

I guess if the Biden Administration had pulled the same tactic aimed at Ramadan, heads would roll…. Literally.
Democrats are America's enemy attacking the population from every angle.

Democrats are working with the WEF to collapse America and usher in the great reset.

Democrats = WEF
I know I can't wait till they cancel culture you.
Can't be any worse than claiming to be a God.
It's the same thing.

If a kid pretends to be a Choo choo train, democrats will cut off Its arms and legs and add wheels.

A man claiming to be a woman is just as crazy as a man that claims to be God
No, just cancel culture
This post is stupid. You're retarded.

America, when the WEF deems their shillbots and NPCs like this guy, "ineffective" they will move to remove Americans access to sites like this.

Be ready for a cyber pandemic that limits sites Americans can access.
Stop conflating demands to takeover or detract from a Christian Holiday as an unwillingness to share.

I guess if the Biden Administration had pulled the same tactic aimed at Ramadan, heads would roll…. Literally.
WTF is with you guys?

You have been bitching about a War on Christmas for decades, now you bitch about a War on Easter

You don’t OWN the holidays
The timing of this, is no accident. And who it was it was directed at by the very nature of the day it now represents. "Get Christians out of the way, on Easter Sunday."

Stop blaming it on Biden when you know it's Barack Obama who has Biden hog-tied to do and say whatever he orders him to.
This happened under Obama’s watch. When it backfired, he put it out there that he never made the request so only his most ardent supporters can perpetuate it. I had several Family over generations go to Georgetown, work in its Hospital, etc. One of the oldest Catholic institutions in the US… there is no way Georgetown would initiate that on their own. The fact that they caved to such a request is despicable and that an administration would make such a request.
A MAGAt lie. You can find no proof of your silly butt allegation. Where is the evidence?

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