On the Day of the Democratic Debate... r/The_Donald is Quarantined.

Surprise! The tech companies continue their technical cleansing and election meddling, colluding with each other.

Reddit quarantines Trump subreddit r/The_Donald for violent comments

Of course, the far-left can fantasize about their ultimate dream of murdering Donald J. Trump and no one bats an eye.

Too bad these tech companies can not hide the debates. Unfortunately for them, the biggest selling point of Trump is the fact that he isn't one of these morons who wants free health care for illegals and reparations for dead people.

If you break the rules, there are consequences.
That is what Google is about to find out.

another big government statist wanting the government to punish them for being too successful.

you folks are a dime a dozen
Another lying communist denying the existence of major government subsidies that literally created the tech giants.

They lied about being a public utility to get grants and then claimed they were private industry when they violated their initial agreement. They are lucky they aren't forcibly dissolved like a Maddoff company. That is what America would have done not even 40 years ago back when idiots like you were the clear minority.

Why didn't Google just lie like Media Matters and say they are a charity? Because they would be nothing but a fringe political outfit, that's why.
Surprise! The tech companies continue their technical cleansing and election meddling, colluding with each other.

Reddit quarantines Trump subreddit r/The_Donald for violent comments

Of course, the far-left can fantasize about their ultimate dream of murdering Donald J. Trump and no one bats an eye.

Too bad these tech companies can not hide the debates. Unfortunately for them, the biggest selling point of Trump is the fact that he isn't one of these morons who wants free health care for illegals and reparations for dead people.

Did your pussy get hurt?
Do you feel hurt?
r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.
r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.
Name a single left wing subreddit that doesn't immediately ban anything that isn't hard left.

Name a single left wing subreddit that has punished its members in any way for calling for violence.

And that is just reddit. There are thousands of left wing forums filled with psychopaths calling for murder every day, not to mention twitter literally allowing multiple hashtags for discussion about murdering Trump.
r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.

You decide if it's the user or the platform... Well not you, you are mentally insane, probably unable to tell the difference between a man and a woman. But the ones with brain cells.
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Well of course he was quarantined. Everybody knows the Democratic debate was held on wet trolley tracks in Wisconsin, and Rump doesn't go out in the rain. That chinchilla on his head could drown and shit.
I did not know that-do you have a link?
r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.
Name a single left wing subreddit that doesn't immediately ban anything that isn't hard left.

Name a single left wing subreddit that has punished its members in any way for calling for violence.

And that is just reddit. There are thousands of left wing forums filled with psychopaths calling for murder every day, not to mention twitter literally allowing multiple hashtags for discussion about murdering Trump.
I've been on various forums going on 15 years now and I have yet to encounter anything that approaches what I routinely read from everyday right-wingers. Every place I have ever been that is devoted to leftists is strictly moderated for threats of violence. Link me a just a couple of those thousands of violent left-wing sites as an example.
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r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.
Name a single left wing subreddit that doesn't immediately ban anything that isn't hard left.

Name a single left wing subreddit that has punished its members in any way for calling for violence.

And that is just reddit. There are thousands of left wing forums filled with psychopaths calling for murder every day, not to mention twitter literally allowing multiple hashtags for discussion about murdering Trump.
I've been on various forums going on 15 years now and I have yet to encounter anything that approaches what I routinely read from everyday right-wingers. every place I have ever been that is devoted to leftists are strictly moderated for threats or violence. Link me a just a couple of of those thousands of violent left-wing sites as an example.
Sure you haven't.

I got banned for tripping up idiot leftists on subreddits like Top Minds and other more explicit white guilt anonymous type subreddits and the moderators gave no reason other than "being edgy" or "being a troll", which are only descriptions that leftists apply against those who are not of the hard left(and increasingly anyone with a sense of humor or anyone who makes memes) while they allow any leftist with enough cred to completely destroy and derail any topic they want with not even as much as a word said to them.

And if you really want to talk or whine about censorship then why don't you talk about the EU making a law just to ban memes? That sure as fuck wasn't the right wing's doing.

And if you want to see encouragement for violence you can look at literally any left wing site. Democratic Underground, feminist sites, black nationalist sites, brown nationalist sites, Muslim sites, Antifa sites, even some gay sites.
r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.
Name a single left wing subreddit that doesn't immediately ban anything that isn't hard left.

Name a single left wing subreddit that has punished its members in any way for calling for violence.

And that is just reddit. There are thousands of left wing forums filled with psychopaths calling for murder every day, not to mention twitter literally allowing multiple hashtags for discussion about murdering Trump.
I've been on various forums going on 15 years now and I have yet to encounter anything that approaches what I routinely read from everyday right-wingers. every place I have ever been that is devoted to leftists are strictly moderated for threats or violence. Link me a just a couple of of those thousands of violent left-wing sites as an example.
Sure you haven't.

I got banned for tripping up idiot leftists on subreddits like Top Minds and other more explicit white guilt anonymous type subreddits and the moderators gave no reason other than "being edgy" or "being a troll", which are only descriptions that leftists apply against those who are not of the hard left(and increasingly anyone with a sense of humor or anyone who makes memes) while they allow any leftist with enough cred to completely destroy and derail any topic they want with not even as much as a word said to them.

And if you really want to talk or whine about censorship then why don't you talk about the EU making a law just to ban memes? That sure as fuck wasn't the right wing's doing.

And if you want to see encouragement for violence you can look at literally any left wing site. Democratic Underground, feminist sites, black nationalist sites, brown nationalist sites, Muslim sites, Antifa sites, even some gay sites.
So you got banned for trolling on reddit? That may be the easiest thing in the world. I used to be on DU and they took VERY seriously any sort of violent rhetoric. The other hypothetical sites you mentioned could say anything for all I know but I suspect you have no more idea how access them than i do.
dimocraps are scum --


dimocraps are scum


r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.
Name a single left wing subreddit that doesn't immediately ban anything that isn't hard left.

Name a single left wing subreddit that has punished its members in any way for calling for violence.

And that is just reddit. There are thousands of left wing forums filled with psychopaths calling for murder every day, not to mention twitter literally allowing multiple hashtags for discussion about murdering Trump.
I've been on various forums going on 15 years now and I have yet to encounter anything that approaches what I routinely read from everyday right-wingers. every place I have ever been that is devoted to leftists are strictly moderated for threats or violence. Link me a just a couple of of those thousands of violent left-wing sites as an example.
Sure you haven't.

I got banned for tripping up idiot leftists on subreddits like Top Minds and other more explicit white guilt anonymous type subreddits and the moderators gave no reason other than "being edgy" or "being a troll", which are only descriptions that leftists apply against those who are not of the hard left(and increasingly anyone with a sense of humor or anyone who makes memes) while they allow any leftist with enough cred to completely destroy and derail any topic they want with not even as much as a word said to them.

And if you really want to talk or whine about censorship then why don't you talk about the EU making a law just to ban memes? That sure as fuck wasn't the right wing's doing.

And if you want to see encouragement for violence you can look at literally any left wing site. Democratic Underground, feminist sites, black nationalist sites, brown nationalist sites, Muslim sites, Antifa sites, even some gay sites.
So you got banned for trolling on reddit? That may be the easiest thing in the world. I used to be on DU and they took VERY seriously any sort of violent rhetoric. The other hypothetical sites you mentioned could say anything for all I know but I suspect you have no more idea how access them than i do.
I didn't get banned for trolling, I got banned because their moderators were afraid of me. I was taking their seemingly indestructible talking points about Republicans, white people, Christians, men etc and delivering gut punches to the moderators with them.

Give me just a week and I will have the entirety of those sub reddits emptied out because there is nothing more indefensible than the left wing position on race.
r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.
Name a single left wing subreddit that doesn't immediately ban anything that isn't hard left.

Name a single left wing subreddit that has punished its members in any way for calling for violence.

And that is just reddit. There are thousands of left wing forums filled with psychopaths calling for murder every day, not to mention twitter literally allowing multiple hashtags for discussion about murdering Trump.
I've been on various forums going on 15 years now and I have yet to encounter anything that approaches what I routinely read from everyday right-wingers. every place I have ever been that is devoted to leftists are strictly moderated for threats or violence. Link me a just a couple of of those thousands of violent left-wing sites as an example.
Sure you haven't.

I got banned for tripping up idiot leftists on subreddits like Top Minds and other more explicit white guilt anonymous type subreddits and the moderators gave no reason other than "being edgy" or "being a troll", which are only descriptions that leftists apply against those who are not of the hard left(and increasingly anyone with a sense of humor or anyone who makes memes) while they allow any leftist with enough cred to completely destroy and derail any topic they want with not even as much as a word said to them.

And if you really want to talk or whine about censorship then why don't you talk about the EU making a law just to ban memes? That sure as fuck wasn't the right wing's doing.

And if you want to see encouragement for violence you can look at literally any left wing site. Democratic Underground, feminist sites, black nationalist sites, brown nationalist sites, Muslim sites, Antifa sites, even some gay sites.
So you got banned for trolling on reddit? That may be the easiest thing in the world. I used to be on DU and they took VERY seriously any sort of violent rhetoric. The other hypothetical sites you mentioned could say anything for all I know but I suspect you have no more idea how access them than i do.

^^ This guy is still pretending the Technical Cleansing is not happening, while it's taking place in plan sight. He would probably be denying the existence of concentration camps in Nazi Germany while being the guy who cremated the bodies. Ridiculously stupid, biased idiot.

More than likely the guy got banned for not having the correct political NPC opinion.
Surprise! The tech companies continue their technical cleansing and election meddling, colluding with each other.

Reddit quarantines Trump subreddit r/The_Donald for violent comments

Of course, the far-left can fantasize about their ultimate dream of murdering Donald J. Trump and no one bats an eye.

Too bad these tech companies can not hide the debates. Unfortunately for them, the biggest selling point of Trump is the fact that he isn't one of these morons who wants free health care for illegals and reparations for dead people.

The left will do everything they can to rig the election for the Dem. Just like the past many presidential elections. If GITMO had the capacity we would round up these traitors and waterboard them.
Surprise! The tech companies continue their technical cleansing and election meddling, colluding with each other.

Reddit quarantines Trump subreddit r/The_Donald for violent comments

Of course, the far-left can fantasize about their ultimate dream of murdering Donald J. Trump and no one bats an eye.

Too bad these tech companies can not hide the debates. Unfortunately for them, the biggest selling point of Trump is the fact that he isn't one of these morons who wants free health care for illegals and reparations for dead people.

The left will do everything they can to rig the election for the Dem. Just like the past many presidential elections. If GITMO had the capacity we would round up these traitors and waterboard them.

They're still attempting to depose a duly elected President; so, rigging the 2020 election is obviously within their 'banana Republic' ballpark!
r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.
Name a single left wing subreddit that doesn't immediately ban anything that isn't hard left.

Name a single left wing subreddit that has punished its members in any way for calling for violence.

And that is just reddit. There are thousands of left wing forums filled with psychopaths calling for murder every day, not to mention twitter literally allowing multiple hashtags for discussion about murdering Trump.
I've been on various forums going on 15 years now and I have yet to encounter anything that approaches what I routinely read from everyday right-wingers. every place I have ever been that is devoted to leftists are strictly moderated for threats or violence. Link me a just a couple of of those thousands of violent left-wing sites as an example.
Sure you haven't.

I got banned for tripping up idiot leftists on subreddits like Top Minds and other more explicit white guilt anonymous type subreddits and the moderators gave no reason other than "being edgy" or "being a troll", which are only descriptions that leftists apply against those who are not of the hard left(and increasingly anyone with a sense of humor or anyone who makes memes) while they allow any leftist with enough cred to completely destroy and derail any topic they want with not even as much as a word said to them.

And if you really want to talk or whine about censorship then why don't you talk about the EU making a law just to ban memes? That sure as fuck wasn't the right wing's doing.

And if you want to see encouragement for violence you can look at literally any left wing site. Democratic Underground, feminist sites, black nationalist sites, brown nationalist sites, Muslim sites, Antifa sites, even some gay sites.
So you got banned for trolling on reddit? That may be the easiest thing in the world. I used to be on DU and they took VERY seriously any sort of violent rhetoric. The other hypothetical sites you mentioned could say anything for all I know but I suspect you have no more idea how access them than i do.
I didn't get banned for trolling, I got banned because their moderators were afraid of me. I was taking their seemingly indestructible talking points about Republicans, white people, Christians, men etc and delivering gut punches to the moderators with them.

Give me just a week and I will have the entirety of those sub reddits emptied out because there is nothing more indefensible than the left wing position on race.
You're delusional. . Reddit is for those who like preaching to the choir. That is their purpose. I do not post there because I need no peer confirmation of my political beliefs.
Name a single left wing subreddit that doesn't immediately ban anything that isn't hard left.

Name a single left wing subreddit that has punished its members in any way for calling for violence.

And that is just reddit. There are thousands of left wing forums filled with psychopaths calling for murder every day, not to mention twitter literally allowing multiple hashtags for discussion about murdering Trump.
I've been on various forums going on 15 years now and I have yet to encounter anything that approaches what I routinely read from everyday right-wingers. every place I have ever been that is devoted to leftists are strictly moderated for threats or violence. Link me a just a couple of of those thousands of violent left-wing sites as an example.
Sure you haven't.

I got banned for tripping up idiot leftists on subreddits like Top Minds and other more explicit white guilt anonymous type subreddits and the moderators gave no reason other than "being edgy" or "being a troll", which are only descriptions that leftists apply against those who are not of the hard left(and increasingly anyone with a sense of humor or anyone who makes memes) while they allow any leftist with enough cred to completely destroy and derail any topic they want with not even as much as a word said to them.

And if you really want to talk or whine about censorship then why don't you talk about the EU making a law just to ban memes? That sure as fuck wasn't the right wing's doing.

And if you want to see encouragement for violence you can look at literally any left wing site. Democratic Underground, feminist sites, black nationalist sites, brown nationalist sites, Muslim sites, Antifa sites, even some gay sites.
So you got banned for trolling on reddit? That may be the easiest thing in the world. I used to be on DU and they took VERY seriously any sort of violent rhetoric. The other hypothetical sites you mentioned could say anything for all I know but I suspect you have no more idea how access them than i do.
I didn't get banned for trolling, I got banned because their moderators were afraid of me. I was taking their seemingly indestructible talking points about Republicans, white people, Christians, men etc and delivering gut punches to the moderators with them.

Give me just a week and I will have the entirety of those sub reddits emptied out because there is nothing more indefensible than the left wing position on race.
You're delusional. . Reddit is for those who like preaching to the choir. That is their purpose. I do not post there because I need no peer confirmation of my political beliefs.
And yet every single right wing subreddit is being censored and thus denying the ability for right wingers, or anyone who is not far left to preach to their people.
I've been on various forums going on 15 years now and I have yet to encounter anything that approaches what I routinely read from everyday right-wingers. every place I have ever been that is devoted to leftists are strictly moderated for threats or violence. Link me a just a couple of of those thousands of violent left-wing sites as an example.
Sure you haven't.

I got banned for tripping up idiot leftists on subreddits like Top Minds and other more explicit white guilt anonymous type subreddits and the moderators gave no reason other than "being edgy" or "being a troll", which are only descriptions that leftists apply against those who are not of the hard left(and increasingly anyone with a sense of humor or anyone who makes memes) while they allow any leftist with enough cred to completely destroy and derail any topic they want with not even as much as a word said to them.

And if you really want to talk or whine about censorship then why don't you talk about the EU making a law just to ban memes? That sure as fuck wasn't the right wing's doing.

And if you want to see encouragement for violence you can look at literally any left wing site. Democratic Underground, feminist sites, black nationalist sites, brown nationalist sites, Muslim sites, Antifa sites, even some gay sites.
So you got banned for trolling on reddit? That may be the easiest thing in the world. I used to be on DU and they took VERY seriously any sort of violent rhetoric. The other hypothetical sites you mentioned could say anything for all I know but I suspect you have no more idea how access them than i do.
I didn't get banned for trolling, I got banned because their moderators were afraid of me. I was taking their seemingly indestructible talking points about Republicans, white people, Christians, men etc and delivering gut punches to the moderators with them.

Give me just a week and I will have the entirety of those sub reddits emptied out because there is nothing more indefensible than the left wing position on race.
You're delusional. . Reddit is for those who like preaching to the choir. That is their purpose. I do not post there because I need no peer confirmation of my political beliefs.
And yet every single right wing subreddit is being censored and thus denying the ability for right wingers, or anyone who is not far left to preach to their people.
LOL who gives a shit? If you can't find a place where right-wingers can engage in an internet circle-jerk you're stupid.
Sure you haven't.

I got banned for tripping up idiot leftists on subreddits like Top Minds and other more explicit white guilt anonymous type subreddits and the moderators gave no reason other than "being edgy" or "being a troll", which are only descriptions that leftists apply against those who are not of the hard left(and increasingly anyone with a sense of humor or anyone who makes memes) while they allow any leftist with enough cred to completely destroy and derail any topic they want with not even as much as a word said to them.

And if you really want to talk or whine about censorship then why don't you talk about the EU making a law just to ban memes? That sure as fuck wasn't the right wing's doing.

And if you want to see encouragement for violence you can look at literally any left wing site. Democratic Underground, feminist sites, black nationalist sites, brown nationalist sites, Muslim sites, Antifa sites, even some gay sites.
So you got banned for trolling on reddit? That may be the easiest thing in the world. I used to be on DU and they took VERY seriously any sort of violent rhetoric. The other hypothetical sites you mentioned could say anything for all I know but I suspect you have no more idea how access them than i do.
I didn't get banned for trolling, I got banned because their moderators were afraid of me. I was taking their seemingly indestructible talking points about Republicans, white people, Christians, men etc and delivering gut punches to the moderators with them.

Give me just a week and I will have the entirety of those sub reddits emptied out because there is nothing more indefensible than the left wing position on race.
You're delusional. . Reddit is for those who like preaching to the choir. That is their purpose. I do not post there because I need no peer confirmation of my political beliefs.
And yet every single right wing subreddit is being censored and thus denying the ability for right wingers, or anyone who is not far left to preach to their people.
LOL who gives a shit? If you can't find a place where right-wingers can engage in an internet circle-jerk you're stupid.

We're soaking in it.
r/The_Donald is a good indication of what free speech is to a hard right Trumpbot. Just expressing any sort of doubt about Trump's alleged godlike abilities earned instant bans while violent rhetoric always had to be dealt with by site admins. This was a long time coming and not unexpected by anyone.
Name a single left wing subreddit that doesn't immediately ban anything that isn't hard left.

Name a single left wing subreddit that has punished its members in any way for calling for violence.

And that is just reddit. There are thousands of left wing forums filled with psychopaths calling for murder every day, not to mention twitter literally allowing multiple hashtags for discussion about murdering Trump.
I've been on various forums going on 15 years now and I have yet to encounter anything that approaches what I routinely read from everyday right-wingers. every place I have ever been that is devoted to leftists are strictly moderated for threats or violence. Link me a just a couple of of those thousands of violent left-wing sites as an example.
Sure you haven't.

I got banned for tripping up idiot leftists on subreddits like Top Minds and other more explicit white guilt anonymous type subreddits and the moderators gave no reason other than "being edgy" or "being a troll", which are only descriptions that leftists apply against those who are not of the hard left(and increasingly anyone with a sense of humor or anyone who makes memes) while they allow any leftist with enough cred to completely destroy and derail any topic they want with not even as much as a word said to them.

And if you really want to talk or whine about censorship then why don't you talk about the EU making a law just to ban memes? That sure as fuck wasn't the right wing's doing.

And if you want to see encouragement for violence you can look at literally any left wing site. Democratic Underground, feminist sites, black nationalist sites, brown nationalist sites, Muslim sites, Antifa sites, even some gay sites.
So you got banned for trolling on reddit? That may be the easiest thing in the world. I used to be on DU and they took VERY seriously any sort of violent rhetoric. The other hypothetical sites you mentioned could say anything for all I know but I suspect you have no more idea how access them than i do.
I didn't get banned for trolling, I got banned because their moderators were afraid of me. I was taking their seemingly indestructible talking points about Republicans, white people, Christians, men etc and delivering gut punches to the moderators with them.

Give me just a week and I will have the entirety of those sub reddits emptied out because there is nothing more indefensible than the left wing position on race.

Left wing position on race?

Oh that's easy. Races do not actually exist, but racism does, and all whites are racist.

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