On the Pleasure of Hating.

It could be interesting, ding , to have an honest discussion with you about hate. You certainly seem to enjoy humiliating and hurting people sometimes, and I don't think it is because you don't know the difference. G.T. is being far too kind blaming it on autism.
You come up here and argue endlessly about Pure Good and how God exists, which would make me jump to the assumption that you try to be Good People, but then you go downstairs and act like a total fuckhead, Lucifer's minion, and refuse to be shamed by it, no matter how many of us scold you.
So maybe you understand hate better than most of us who bury that emotion deep inside and deny it most of the time. Most of us would be terrified to look at what lies in the darkness of our souls, and we no doubt should be. But you celebrate it.
It could be interesting.
Not everyone is all good or all bad, OL. You treat them as they are.

Just because I challenge what people say or do or believe does not mean I am humiliating them.

Tell you what, go back and show me in this thread where you believe I did this. Because I don't believe you can.
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You are going to the flame zone, OL, for your proof?

How about something from this discussion?

I would be more than happy to provide examples of where other people have done this IN THIS THREAD. In fact, I bet I could find a dozen or so examples OF OTHERS IN THIS THREAD. I don't believe you will find one example of me doing that IN THIS THREAD.
Ding. You could at least try to meet me half way.

  • Indirect Communication: The British are relatively indirect communicators; they strongly avoid creating conflict and therefore take all necessary measures to remain polite throughout discussion. This involves making indirect statements that vaguely communicate their message without ‘rocking the boat’ (upsetting the status quo). As a result, people often have to read between the lines since what is said is most likely an understatement of what is actually meant (e.g. “not bad” means something is in fact quite good).
That's odd because wasn't it you who criticized me for being vague and ambiguous? Sort of ironic, don't you think?

What exactly would you like for me to meet you halfway upon? I'm not clairvoyant.

Why not? I expect you to know what's going on in that rat's maze of a brain of mine.

You're not vague. You're maddeningly obtuse. And deliberately awkward.
It could be interesting, ding , to have an honest discussion with you about hate. You certainly seem to enjoy humiliating and hurting people sometimes, and I don't think it is because you don't know the difference. G.T. is being far too kind blaming it on autism.
You come up here and argue endlessly about Pure Good and how God exists, which would make me jump to the assumption that you try to be Good People, but then you go downstairs and act like a total fuckhead, Lucifer's minion, and refuse to be shamed by it, no matter how many of us scold you.
So maybe you understand hate better than most of us who bury that emotion deep inside and deny it most of the time. Most of us would be terrified to look at what lies in the darkness of our souls, and we no doubt should be. But you celebrate it.
It could be interesting.
Im actually mean because Ive lost tolerance for ding inside of many otherwise cordial convoes, he comes in just to snit at people and I go into defcon 4 fireback because its gross to me. I then quit engaging him for a while, month or two, while he cools off.
I noticed you are following ding around like an infuriated chihuahua at the moment, but that's between you and him. Both of you seem to enjoy it. I'm just glad I am no longer being rudely snubbed, which really pissed me off, but I didn't HATE anyone for it. Honest.
It could be interesting, ding , to have an honest discussion with you about hate. You certainly seem to enjoy humiliating and hurting people sometimes, and I don't think it is because you don't know the difference. G.T. is being far too kind blaming it on autism.
You come up here and argue endlessly about Pure Good and how God exists, which would make me jump to the assumption that you try to be Good People, but then you go downstairs and act like a total fuckhead, Lucifer's minion, and refuse to be shamed by it, no matter how many of us scold you.
So maybe you understand hate better than most of us who bury that emotion deep inside and deny it most of the time. Most of us would be terrified to look at what lies in the darkness of our souls, and we no doubt should be. But you celebrate it.
It could be interesting.
Im actually mean because Ive lost tolerance for ding inside of many otherwise cordial convoes, he comes in just to snit at people and I go into defcon 4 fireback because its gross to me. I then quit engaging him for a while, month or two, while he cools off.
I noticed you are following ding around like an infuriated chihuahua at the moment, but that's between you and him. Both of you seem to enjoy it. I'm just glad I am no longer being rudely snubbed, which really pissed me off, but I didn't HATE anyone for it. Honest.
There's not much following of each other going on from my perspective ~ responding really. But I can see that. Im in about 4 simultaneous convoes and he was 1/4th of them and its a big board so, point taken
ten to one odds on the one named old lady actually being an old lady :eusa_clap:
It could be interesting, ding , to have an honest discussion with you about hate. You certainly seem to enjoy humiliating and hurting people sometimes, and I don't think it is because you don't know the difference. G.T. is being far too kind blaming it on autism.
You come up here and argue endlessly about Pure Good and how God exists, which would make me jump to the assumption that you try to be Good People, but then you go downstairs and act like a total fuckhead, Lucifer's minion, and refuse to be shamed by it, no matter how many of us scold you.
So maybe you understand hate better than most of us who bury that emotion deep inside and deny it most of the time. Most of us would be terrified to look at what lies in the darkness of our souls, and we no doubt should be. But you celebrate it.
It could be interesting.
Not everyone is all good or all bad, OL. You treat them as they are.

Just because I challenge what people say or do or believe does not mean I am humiliating them.

Tell you what, go back and show me in this thread where you believe I did this. Because I don't believe you can.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You are going to the flame zone, OL, for your proof?

How about something from this discussion?

I would be more than happy to provide examples of where other people have done this IN THIS THREAD. In fact, I bet I could find a dozen or so examples OF OTHERS IN THIS THREAD. I don't believe you will find one example of me doing that IN THIS THREAD.
Ding, I made it clear I was interested in how up here you seem to defend one thing and then go downstairs and behave in the exact opposite fashion. So of course I gave a downstairs example.
Don't be flopping around and trying to deflect like they do in Politics.
Or you can just start ignoring me again. But I am not playing go seek/go find in this thread because it has nothing to do with my point.
You gonna try to weasel out of your own behavior in that thread? Chickie was clearly uncomfortable and hurt by it and you soldiered on and on. Anyway, that isn't actually the point, unless you decide to make it one.
I wonder if Mindful really believes anyone will read his work?
I think mindful is really caught up in his own importance and wants everyone to see how Intelligent and literate he is by using big words and expressing philosophical ideas he thinks people care about watch how easy it is to get your point across to others. Here I go! Hey mindless that was really mindless drivel that only you understand STFU
The pleasure of hating, like a poisonous mineral, eats into the heart of religion, and turns it to rankling spleen and bigotry; it makes patriotism an excuse for carrying fire, pestilence, and famine into other lands: it leaves to virtue nothing but the spirit of censoriousness, and a narrow, jealous, inquisitorial watchfulness over the actions and motives of others. What have the different sects, creeds, doctrines in religion been but so many pretexts set up for men to wrangle, to quarrel, to tear one another in pieces about, like a target as a mark to shoot at? Does any one suppose that the love of country in an Englishman implies any friendly feeling or disposition to serve another bearing the same name? No, it means only hatred to the French or the inhabitants of any other country that we happen to be at war with for the time. Does the love of virtue denote any wish to discover or amend our own faults? No, but it atones for an obstinate adherence to our own vices by the most virulent intolerance to human frailties. This principle is of a most universal application. It extends to good as well as evil: if it makes us hate folly, it makes us no less dissatisfied with distinguished merit. If it inclines us to resent the wrongs of others, it impels us to be as impatient of their prosperity. We revenge injuries: we repay benefits with ingratitude. Even our strongest partialities and likings soon take this turn.

"That which was luscious as locusts, anon becomes bitter as coloquintida;" and love and friendship melt in their own fires. We hate old friends: we hate old books: we hate old opinions; and at last we come to hate ourselves.

Wm. Hazlitt - "On The Pleasure Of Hating" (c.1826).
I would argue we hate ourselves first and hate in others what we hate most about ourselves.

So if we transform ourself in effect we transform the world around us.
Nah it's easier to hate! doesn't take any thought or self reflection and works on everybody I don't hate you for what you are ! I hate you because you are!
ftr i was being generous with the odds.

ps the one named mindful is a dopey rumpswab :26:
Cool we all hate you too so you have that to fall back on
From a William Hazlitt essay.

As to my old opinions, I am heartily sick of them. I have reason, for they have deceived me sadly. I was taught to think, and I was willing to believe, that genius was not a bawd, that virtue was not a mask, that liberty was not a name, that love had its seat in the human heart. Now I would care little if these words were struck out of the dictionary, or if I had never heard them. They are become to my ears a mockery and a dream. Instead of patriots and friends of freedom, I see nothing but the tyrant and the slave, the people linked with kings to rivet on the chains of despotism and superstition. I see folly join with knavery, and together make up public spirit and public opinions. I see the insolent Tory, the blind Reformer, the coward Whig! If mankind had wished for what is right, they might have had it long ago.

The theory is plain enough; but they are prone to mischief, "to every good work reprobate." I have seen all that had been done by the mighty yearnings of the spirit and intellect of men, "of whom the world was not worthy," and that promised a proud opening to truth and good through the vista of future years, undone by one man, with just glimmering of understanding enough to feel that he was a king, but not to comprehend how he could be king of a free people!

I have seen this triumph celebrated by poets, the friends of my youth and the friends of men, but who were carried away by the infuriate tide that, setting in from a throne, bore down every distinction of right reason before it; and I have seen all those who did not join in applauding this insult and outrage on humanity proscribed, hunted down (they and their friends made a byword of), so that it has become an understood thing that no one can live by his talents or knowledge who is not ready to prostitute those talents and that knowledge to betray his species, and prey upon his fellow- man. "This was some time a mystery: but the time gives evidence of it." The echoes of liberty had awakened once more in Spain, and the mornings of human hope dawned again: but that dawn has been overcast by the foul breath of bigotry, and those reviving sounds stifled by fresh cries from the time-rent towers of the Inquisition - man yielding (as it is fit he should) first to brute force, but more to the innate perversity and dastard spirit of his own nature which leaves no room for farther hope or disappointment.

And England, that arch-reformer, that heroic deliverer, that mouther about liberty, and tool of power, stands gaping by, not feeling the blight and mildew coming over it, nor its very bones crack and turn to a paste under the grasp and circling folds of this new monster, Legitimacy! In private life do we not see hypocrisy, servility, selfishness, folly, and impudence succeed, while modesty shrinks from the encounter, and merit is trodden under foot? How often is "the rose plucked from the forehead of a virtuous love to plant a blister there!" What chance is there of the success of real passion? What certainty of its continuance?

Seeing all this as I do, and unravelling the web of human life into its various threads of meanness, spite, cowardice, want of feeling, and want of understanding, of indifference towards others, and ignorance of ourselves, - seeing custom prevail over all excellence, itself giving way to infamy - mistaken as I have been in my public and private hopes, calculating others from myself, and calculating wrong; always disappointed where I placed most reliance; the dupe of friendship, and the fool of love; - have I not reason to hate and to despise myself? Indeed I do; and chiefly for not having hated and despised the world enough.
I wonder if Mindful really believes anyone will read his work?
I think mindful is really caught up in his own importance and wants everyone to see how Intelligent and literate he is by using big words and expressing philosophical ideas he thinks people care about watch how easy it is to get your point across to others. Here I go! Hey mindless that was really mindless drivel that only you understand STFU
Those were Hazlitt's words, not hers. She hasn't produced a single thought about the OP; all she does is flirt with her boys.
I wonder if Mindful really believes anyone will read his work?
I think mindful is really caught up in his own importance and wants everyone to see how Intelligent and literate he is by using big words and expressing philosophical ideas he thinks people care about watch how easy it is to get your point across to others. Here I go! Hey mindless that was really mindless drivel that only you understand STFU
Those were Hazlitt's words, not hers. She hasn't produced a single thought about the OP; all she does is flirt with her boys.
You're ruthlessly red pilling today, girl. I sometimes feel bad when I go into cocky mean mode in front of you but gaawd dayum you are fileting Ham 2day : 0
I wonder if Mindful really believes anyone will read his work?
I think mindful is really caught up in his own importance and wants everyone to see how Intelligent and literate he is by using big words and expressing philosophical ideas he thinks people care about watch how easy it is to get your point across to others. Here I go! Hey mindless that was really mindless drivel that only you understand STFU

Cheers.:113: :boobies:

Thanks for telling me.

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