On the subject of masks

So which category fits the surgeon who wears a mask for 5 or 6 hours in surgery?

Surgeons are not foolish enough to wear masks for a virus.
Surgeons wear masks for the large multi cellular organisms that we have in our mouths and sinuses.
And they are deliberately fit to prevent a build up of CO2 under the mask.
Surgical masks deliberately have big gaps to they do not seal gases in or out.

Never felt like I was drowning when I was wearing a mask

I suspect that is claustrophobia

Since I never did any tests, I can only guess.
But does it matter?
The masks are still a bad idea because no epidemic is going to end until herd immunity is reached.
Masks just slow that down, allowing for more deaths in the mean time.
Generally, yes.

However, my 80 year-old mother - who is boosted and has followed all the COVID protocols - recently over-heated from wearing her mask and vomited in a grocery store. I saw her struggling with it when I went shopping with her.

I have little patience for the alt-right snowflakes who don’t want to wear masks because freedumb. But there can be costs for some people.
Maybe she didnt need the mask and the mask caused it.

Masks didnt stop shit. Every major study showed same results masked or not. So you can virtue signal by yourself.
The best is the guy in the car, all by himself with his mask on and the windows rolled up. Like the virus is chasing him down the freeway or something.

I can't remember the last time I wore one in the store. I have N95's if I have to grind on something or sand a bunch of aluminum.

No ear loop mask is going to block a virus and that includes the KN95's. A properly fitted N95 disposable mask is probably good for about 30 minutes against a virus, then it's not doing anything because they don;t filter properly when they are wet. The N95 masks like 3M8210's have 2 large elastic straps that go all the way around your head, and they aren't very comfortable to wear if you don't want them to leak.

If you can smell smoke through it, it's not stopping anything.

Someone who has covid and wears a mask is going to re-inhale a lot of exhaled virus from the mask, and his viral load could be much higher than it would have been with no mask. The viral load can have a big impact on the immune system's ability to fight it off.

Most people wear the fake cloth masks or disposable Chinese ones, and those are completely useless at blocking a virus. And they are bacteria traps no matter how you look at it.

The best mitigation is ventilation. Of the room, not the patient...

Public masking as a whole is a terrible policy. The only time I ever wore one was the quick trip to the store or the bank or my dentist. I kept a "surgical" type mask in the car, always tore it off as soon as I was outside.

I kept my N95's for work, but I gave a few boxes away to family members that wanted them.

The CDC says wear a mask for covid, but they also say the same mask is not good for wildfire smoke- which are 10x larger particles than the virus, so there's that...

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