On this 4th of July....Don't forget to thank a liberal

Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Going from government is the greatest threat to our freedom and should be strictly limited to that government is the greatest provider of freedom and should have no limits is quite a change even in 200 years. How did you pull that off, big guy?
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Going from government is the greatest threat to our freedom and should be strictly limited to that government is the greatest provider of freedom and should have no limits is quite a change even in 200 years. How did you pull that off, big guy?

Freedoms just another word for nothing else to lose
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Going from government is the greatest threat to our freedom and should be strictly limited to that government is the greatest provider of freedom and should have no limits is quite a change even in 200 years. How did you pull that off, big guy?

Freedoms just another word for nothing else to lose

Got nothing but Janis Joplin lyrics, do you, big guy? Well, it's more than you usually have
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Going from government is the greatest threat to our freedom and should be strictly limited to that government is the greatest provider of freedom and should have no limits is quite a change even in 200 years. How did you pull that off, big guy?

Freedoms just another word for nothing else to lose

Got nothing but Janis Joplin lyrics, do you, big guy? Well, it's more than you usually have
Hey......it's good enough for me and Bobby McGee
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots
Corporations still rule the USA, thanks libs!

You can thank the Republican Party's shift from the common man to the rich for that.

Corporations will still be ruling this country 100 years from now, thank God.

Spoken like a true unAmerican!

Why don't you move to communist north Korea and live your dream on a state owned farm.

You are the one that wants to impose authoritarian rule via Big Business AKA an Idiocracy.

Personally I prefer to be governed by We the People as set up by the liberal Founding Fathers.

Do you need any help packing?
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots
:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...I didn't know you could be so funny!

Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Taxes are near all time lows. Only idiots would start an "armed rebellion over taxation" at these tax rates.

The liberal Founding Fathers would be laughing at your whining.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Going from government is the greatest threat to our freedom and should be strictly limited to that government is the greatest provider of freedom and should have no limits is quite a change even in 200 years. How did you pull that off, big guy?

Freedoms just another word for nothing else to lose

Got nothing but Janis Joplin lyrics, do you, big guy? Well, it's more than you usually have

Kris Kristofferson actually.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Taxes are near all time lows. Only idiots would start an "armed rebellion over taxation" at these tax rates.

The liberal Founding Fathers would be laughing at your whining.

The Founding Fathers would be in an UPROAR over LIBERAL ENTITLEMENTS, and the DEBT YOU SCUM have waged upon us! Back then EVERYONE paid a SHARE of the TAX BURDEN until it got ridiculous!...I believe rightwingnut mentioned that the Tea party wasn't about TEA?....But I would EXPECT LIBERALS NOT to know this....

"The Boston Tea Party (initially referred to by John Adams as "the Destruction of the Tea in Boston"[2]) was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, on December 16, 1773. The demonstrators, some disguised as American Indians, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company, in defiance of the Tea Act of May 10, 1773. They boarded the ships and threw the chests of tea into Boston Harbor, ruining the tea. The British government responded harshly and the episode escalated into the American Revolution. The Tea Party became an iconic event of American history, and other political protests such as the Tea Party movement after 2010 explicitly refer to it."
Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Another conservative who doesn't understand the concept of the inalienable right to vote.

I understand all to well the liberal mindset.
If you dont pay into the pot you shouldnt have any say in how it's spent.
Our liberal founding fathers never believed that

That is a conservative value. You must have money to vote

"That is a conservative value. You must have money to vote"

How many times do you need to be spanked on that?
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Taxes are near all time lows. Only idiots would start an "armed rebellion over taxation" at these tax rates.

The liberal Founding Fathers would be laughing at your whining.

Did I ever say current tax rates are too high and we should start a rebellion over them? I like our Bush tax rates.

You are obviously too stupid to keep up.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
If the republican party still supported the constitution, then why did almost every republican senator and congressman hook up with obama to push through the TPP?
It is not only extremely secret, and written by lobbyists of both American and foreign corporations, we do know that it has written in it, the ability of unelected tribunals who can override American rules and regulations.
More of this freed the blacks bullshit. The modern conservative mentality would consider slaves property not to be taken away from their legal owners. Property and money is all your party stands for these days. The tea baggers of the Boston tea party days, would be the enemy of your party that just adores corporations, and that's who owned the tea that was thrown in the harbor back then. The British East India company. You so called conservative patriots of today have the royalist and loyalty to the crown mentality, and would've been snitching to the British soldiers, the whereabouts of Paul Revere, Sam Adams and the rest of the revolutionaries.

Sorry...conservatives support the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights....and the party was created to end slavery....the democrats fought to keep slavery, expand it into the new states and re start the slave trade with AFrica....

You are wrong....the democrats support central government and the dependence of people on that government, they changed tactics, not beliefs....
I do believe Lincoln had a southern democrat as VP, so not all democrats supported slavery...wrong,,again....You should stick with emulating death over concealed carry...
If the republican party still supported the constitution, then why did almost every republican senator and congressman hook up with obama to push through the TPP?
It is not only extremely secret, and written by lobbyists of both American and foreign corporations, we do know that it has written in it, the ability of unelected tribunals who can override American rules and regulations.
More of this freed the blacks bullshit. The modern conservative mentality would consider slaves property not to be taken away from their legal owners. Property and money is all your party stands for these days. The tea baggers of the Boston tea party days, would be the enemy of your party that just adores corporations, and that's who owned the tea that was thrown in the harbor back then. The British East India company. You so called conservative patriots of today have the royalist and loyalty to the crown mentality, and would've been snitching to the British soldiers, the whereabouts of Paul Revere, Sam Adams and the rest of the revolutionaries.

Sorry...conservatives support the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights....and the party was created to end slavery....the democrats fought to keep slavery, expand it into the new states and re start the slave trade with AFrica....

You are wrong....the democrats support central government and the dependence of people on that government, they changed tactics, not beliefs....
I do believe Lincoln had a southern democrat as VP, so not all democrats supported slavery...wrong,,again....You should stick with emulating death over concealed carry...

Andrew Johnson....who dismantled reconstruction of the South, creating the problem where the racist democrats would eventually regain power and implement jim crow....

Andrew Johnson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Which part did Andrew's plan differ than Lincoln's plan?

The part where the Republicans tried to help the newly freed slaves.......

Andrew Johnson....who dismantled reconstruction of the South, creating the problem where the racist democrats would eventually regain power and implement jim crow....

Yes....Andrew Johnson was a typical democrat racist.......

Andrew Johnson - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

When Southern states returned many of their old leaders, and passed Black Codes to deprive the freedmen of many civil liberties, Congress refused to seat legislators from those states and advanced legislation to overrule the Southern actions. Johnson vetoed their bills, and Congress overrode him, setting a pattern for the remainder of his presidency.[2]Johnson opposed the Fourteenth Amendment, which gave citizenship to former slaves.

As the conflict between the branches of government grew, Congress passed the Tenure of Office Act, restricting Johnson's ability to fire Cabinet officials. When he persisted in trying to dismiss Secretary of WarEdwin Stanton, he was impeached by the House of Representatives, and narrowly avoided conviction in the Senate and removal from office.

Returning to Tennessee after his presidency, Johnson sought political vindication, and gained it in his eyes when he was elected to the Senate again in 1875 (the only former president to serve there), just months before his death. Although Johnson's ranking has fluctuated over time, he is generally considered among the worst American presidents for his opposition to federally guaranteed rights for African Americans.

Notice how the piece doesn't say that congress was Republican.....

And notice as well that Lincoln took him on as a good will gesture toward democrats.....and this democrat went on to try to undue everything the Republicans tried to do to help the newly freed black slaves....a typical democrat....
And Lincoln was going to ship the slaves back to Africa, sense he felt that the slaves and white folk could never settle the injustice done to slaves....Lincoln himself did not run on the GOP ticket his second term because of the rabid republicans in Congress.....He did not like their extremest political views and wanted to heal the nation after the war. Which meant leniency of the South...
That would be democratic schools, dumbass....

No...democrat run schools.....asshole....
There is no such animals...since the schools officials are not elected to their positions...

The NEA is liberal. To say otherwise is disingenuous at best.
You have yet to prove all members are liberals...

Next you're going to tell me unions are run by the Tea Party...
I am sure there are Tea party members that work in a union, yet that does not make all union members Tea Party members...
Corporations still rule the USA, thanks libs!

You can thank the Republican Party's shift from the common man to the rich for that.

Corporations will still be ruling this country 100 years from now, thank God.

Spoken like a true unAmerican!

Why don't you move to communist north Korea and live your dream on a state owned farm.

You are the one that wants to impose authoritarian rule via Big Business AKA an Idiocracy.

Personally I prefer to be governed by We the People as set up by the liberal Founding Fathers.

Do you need any help packing?

I simply stated a fact, how many of the founders were wealthy? Well there you have it.

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