On this 4th of July....Don't forget to thank a liberal

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....
The Founders didn't do shit for slaves.......unless you consider the 3/5th law to be really representative of slaves in govt...

Since you don't understand the 3/5 issue...since it doesn't seem to be taught in democrat controlled schools since it would undermine the statist attempts to alienate blacks from this country.....that compromise was agreed to to weaken the strength of the slave owning states in the new nation......you know....the states that would later become the racist democrats. Those racist slave owners, who would become democrats, wanted to count slaves for the purpose of representation in congress....giving them far more power than they deserved since slaves were not free......so to keep them from having that power a compromise had to be reached....and they counted each slave as 3/5 of a free man to diminish the slave states representation in congress........moron.............

It was the first act against the slave owning states..to diminish their future power......
That would be democratic schools, dumbass....

No...democrat run schools.....asshole....
There is no such animals...since the schools officials are not elected to their positions...

The teachers unions and teachers are by a vast majority democrats.......and they control day to day affairs in their classrooms.....not the school boards....and they then give their union dues to re elect democrat politicians...they are one of the biggest political contributers to democrats...

Problem, in the Whiskey Rebellion Western PA was in revolt, armed revolt. Attacking tax collectors and burning buildings.

What happened at the Bundy ranch was none of that.
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Universal suffrage was begun back in the 1700's, but took a while to be widely accepted. It was one of the basic foundations for our country. Not surprising that a right winger wouldn't want it to continue.

Yeah...something about paying for dead beats just rubs me the wrong way.
Everyone pays a percentage and you could end the controversy right now.

Good luck with that.

Look,I know you love sucking on the tit of government while the rest of us pay.
But it would benefit you greatly as far as your pride and the sense of being part of your country instead of a leach.

Oh my...Another right winger called me a leach. Actually, I was lucky enough to retire early and now spend my days fishing and working on hobbies. Not much time to leach off of you, and I highly doubt you could supply the things I enjoy.
The Founders didn't do shit for slaves.......unless you consider the 3/5th law to be really representative of slaves in govt...

Since you don't understand the 3/5 issue...since it doesn't seem to be taught in democrat controlled schools since it would undermine the statist attempts to alienate blacks from this country.....that compromise was agreed to to weaken the strength of the slave owning states in the new nation......you know....the states that would later become the racist democrats. Those racist slave owners, who would become democrats, wanted to count slaves for the purpose of representation in congress....giving them far more power than they deserved since slaves were not free......so to keep them from having that power a compromise had to be reached....and they counted each slave as 3/5 of a free man to diminish the slave states representation in congress........moron.............

It was the first act against the slave owning states..to diminish their future power......
That would be democratic schools, dumbass....

No...democrat run schools.....asshole....
There is no such animals...since the schools officials are not elected to their positions...

The teachers unions and teachers are by a vast majority democrats.......and they control day to day affairs in their classrooms.....not the school boards....and they then give their union dues to re elect democrat politicians...they are one of the biggest political contributers to democrats...

Conspiracy Land -- where everything down to your burnt toast can be pinned on "Liberals".... :rolleyes:
The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You sum up the liberal mantra quite nicely. Anything good = liberal, anything bad = conservative. Such hubris is almost breathtaking.

Not what I said, but no, the current batch of right wingers have done nothing worthwhile, and are an embarrassment to what our country stands for.

They are playing nice with Obama. Got his Obamatrade passed. I thought that was the biggest hit on Republicans, they didn't play nice with Obama when they were not in power. Now we see that are and all kinds of things are happening. I am thinking you are mixed up, it was the Democrats who were in charge for the last 8 years and what did they accomplish? Forcing SCOTUSCARE upon us? Quite the accomplishement.

TPP wouldn't have passed without overwhelming republican support. A so called trade pact that gives corporations free reign to override our elected officials. I guess not to many conservatives were upset about that since this is all your party stands for anyway - more power the wealthy and let some of it trickle down.
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You have no idea what you are talking about...the Republican party has and still supports the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, especially in the conservative, Tea Party and libertarian wings......the same people who fought to end slavery, fought to protect the rights of the freed blacks from the racist democrats, and fought to pass civil rights laws to protect blacks from racist democrats....

That has never changed.....you guys have lied about it and used your minions in the democrat press to push those lies...but the truth and reality have never changed....

If the republican party still supported the constitution, then why did almost every republican senator and congressman hook up with obama to push through the TPP?
It is not only extremely secret, and written by lobbyists of both American and foreign corporations, we do know that it has written in it, the ability of unelected tribunals who can override American rules and regulations.
More of this freed the blacks bullshit. The modern conservative mentality would consider slaves property not to be taken away from their legal owners. Property and money is all your party stands for these days. The tea baggers of the Boston tea party days, would be the enemy of your party that just adores corporations, and that's who owned the tea that was thrown in the harbor back then. The British East India company. You so called conservative patriots of today have the royalist and loyalty to the crown mentality, and would've been snitching to the British soldiers, the whereabouts of Paul Revere, Sam Adams and the rest of the revolutionaries.

Sorry...conservatives support the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights....and the party was created to end slavery....the democrats fought to keep slavery, expand it into the new states and re start the slave trade with AFrica....

You are wrong....the democrats support central government and the dependence of people on that government, they changed tactics, not beliefs....

Maybe conservatives of old, not today's conservative mentality. How about the TPP? All your patriotic reps got behind Obama on that one. No, conservatives never support revolutions, which is why they are conservative. You guys would've hated the original founders who, today, would have been at occupy wall street.
Our founders woul be repulsed by today's conservatives and their disdain for the common man.......just like conservatives in their day

BTW, since you apparently are linking rebellion with being liberal by trying to claim the founders as liberal. Are you arguing that the confederate states were liberals? That those Western PA folks were liberals during the Whiskey rebellion? That, gasp, Cliven Bundy and his band of merry men are liberals?
I understand all to well the liberal mindset.

Your posts prove otherwise!

The Founding Fathers were liberals and there is nothing that you can produce to prove otherwise.

Funny...the Pilgrims started out as a collective until they all started starving to death.
They went to private land use shortly after where the individual benefitted from their own labor and the colonies thrived....go figure.

Moronic deflection!

This OP is about the liberal Founding Fathers, not the pilgrims.
The Founders didn't do shit for slaves.......unless you consider the 3/5th law to be really representative of slaves in govt...

Since you don't understand the 3/5 issue...since it doesn't seem to be taught in democrat controlled schools since it would undermine the statist attempts to alienate blacks from this country.....that compromise was agreed to to weaken the strength of the slave owning states in the new nation......you know....the states that would later become the racist democrats. Those racist slave owners, who would become democrats, wanted to count slaves for the purpose of representation in congress....giving them far more power than they deserved since slaves were not free......so to keep them from having that power a compromise had to be reached....and they counted each slave as 3/5 of a free man to diminish the slave states representation in congress........moron.............

It was the first act against the slave owning states..to diminish their future power......
That would be democratic schools, dumbass....

No...democrat run schools.....asshole....
There is no such animals...since the schools officials are not elected to their positions...

The teachers unions and teachers are by a vast majority democrats.......and they control day to day affairs in their classrooms.....not the school boards....and they then give their union dues to re elect democrat politicians...they are one of the biggest political contributers to democrats...

People donating to politicians who represent their interest.........How is that something new?
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Thank a classical liberal anyway.

The progressives are destroying them.

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Universal suffrage was begun back in the 1700's, but took a while to be widely accepted. It was one of the basic foundations for our country. Not surprising that a right winger wouldn't want it to continue.

Yeah...something about paying for dead beats just rubs me the wrong way.
Everyone pays a percentage and you could end the controversy right now.

How do you connect suffrage with deadbeats?

How do you call anyone who doesnt pay into the system anything but a dead beat?
It is thank a Libertarian.

The structure of the 19th century constitution falls under a libertarian ideology--healthy set of individual rights and the lack of government regulations to encourage rapid expansion.

I think you mean 18th century, but anyway, the articles of confederation didn't work out too good. Too libertarian like. Too weak for a growing country that needs the power to tax and regulate.
Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You have no idea what you are talking about...the Republican party has and still supports the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, especially in the conservative, Tea Party and libertarian wings......the same people who fought to end slavery, fought to protect the rights of the freed blacks from the racist democrats, and fought to pass civil rights laws to protect blacks from racist democrats....

That has never changed.....you guys have lied about it and used your minions in the democrat press to push those lies...but the truth and reality have never changed....

If the republican party still supported the constitution, then why did almost every republican senator and congressman hook up with obama to push through the TPP?
It is not only extremely secret, and written by lobbyists of both American and foreign corporations, we do know that it has written in it, the ability of unelected tribunals who can override American rules and regulations.
More of this freed the blacks bullshit. The modern conservative mentality would consider slaves property not to be taken away from their legal owners. Property and money is all your party stands for these days. The tea baggers of the Boston tea party days, would be the enemy of your party that just adores corporations, and that's who owned the tea that was thrown in the harbor back then. The British East India company. You so called conservative patriots of today have the royalist and loyalty to the crown mentality, and would've been snitching to the British soldiers, the whereabouts of Paul Revere, Sam Adams and the rest of the revolutionaries.

Sorry...conservatives support the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights....and the party was created to end slavery....the democrats fought to keep slavery, expand it into the new states and re start the slave trade with AFrica....

You are wrong....the democrats support central government and the dependence of people on that government, they changed tactics, not beliefs....

Maybe conservatives of old, not today's conservative mentality. How about the TPP? All your patriotic reps got behind Obama on that one. No, conservatives never support revolutions, which is why they are conservative. You guys would've hated the original founders who, today, would have been at occupy wall street.
Our founders woul be repulsed by today's conservatives and their disdain for the common man.......just like conservatives in their day

OH BS, they would be repulsed by you repeating the same lie over and over again. Hell back then you had to be a land owner to vote. Now the liberals don't want a person to have to id themselves, yeah that is exactly the same.
Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Another conservative who doesn't understand the concept of the inalienable right to vote.

I understand all to well the liberal mindset.
If you dont pay into the pot you shouldnt have any say in how it's spent.
Our liberal founding fathers never believed that

That is a conservative value. You must have money to vote

How does it feel to be wrong all the time?
How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Universal suffrage was begun back in the 1700's, but took a while to be widely accepted. It was one of the basic foundations for our country. Not surprising that a right winger wouldn't want it to continue.

Yeah...something about paying for dead beats just rubs me the wrong way.
Everyone pays a percentage and you could end the controversy right now.

Good luck with that.

Look,I know you love sucking on the tit of government while the rest of us pay.
But it would benefit you greatly as far as your pride and the sense of being part of your country instead of a leach.

Oh my...Another right winger called me a leach. Actually, I was lucky enough to retire early and now spend my days fishing and working on hobbies. Not much time to leach off of you, and I highly doubt you could supply the things I enjoy.

Funny...I retired at 46 four years ago.
And I know for a fact you couldnt supply me with the cost of my electric bill every month.
It is thank a Libertarian.

The structure of the 19th century constitution falls under a libertarian ideology--healthy set of individual rights and the lack of government regulations to encourage rapid expansion.


There has never been and never will be any successful Libertarian government.

Libertarianism is the mirror image of Communism only it will collapse into Anarchy sooner because there is nothing holding it together.

Let's stick to the OP topic which is about the LIBERAL Founding Fathers.
I understand all to well the liberal mindset.

Your posts prove otherwise!

The Founding Fathers were liberals and there is nothing that you can produce to prove otherwise.

Funny...the Pilgrims started out as a collective until they all started starving to death.
They went to private land use shortly after where the individual benefitted from their own labor and the colonies thrived....go figure.

Moronic deflection!

This OP is about the liberal Founding Fathers, not the pilgrims.

Just pointing out the fact that they learned real quick your way doesnt work.
The Founders didn't do shit for slaves.......unless you consider the 3/5th law to be really representative of slaves in govt...

Since you don't understand the 3/5 issue...since it doesn't seem to be taught in democrat controlled schools since it would undermine the statist attempts to alienate blacks from this country.....that compromise was agreed to to weaken the strength of the slave owning states in the new nation......you know....the states that would later become the racist democrats. Those racist slave owners, who would become democrats, wanted to count slaves for the purpose of representation in congress....giving them far more power than they deserved since slaves were not free......so to keep them from having that power a compromise had to be reached....and they counted each slave as 3/5 of a free man to diminish the slave states representation in congress........moron.............

It was the first act against the slave owning states..to diminish their future power......
That would be democratic schools, dumbass....

No...democrat run schools.....asshole....
There is no such animals...since the schools officials are not elected to their positions...

The teachers unions and teachers are by a vast majority democrats.......and they control day to day affairs in their classrooms.....not the school boards....and they then give their union dues to re elect democrat politicians...they are one of the biggest political contributers to democrats...

Teacher have been unionized for decades. During which time, U.S. educated citizens won WW2, built a middle class thanks to unions, put a man on the moon, etc. Guess rush limbaugh's opinions hold sway with right wingers though.
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You sum up the liberal mantra quite nicely. Anything good = liberal, anything bad = conservative. Such hubris is almost breathtaking.

Not what I said, but no, the current batch of right wingers have done nothing worthwhile, and are an embarrassment to what our country stands for.

They are playing nice with Obama. Got his Obamatrade passed. I thought that was the biggest hit on Republicans, they didn't play nice with Obama when they were not in power. Now we see that are and all kinds of things are happening. I am thinking you are mixed up, it was the Democrats who were in charge for the last 8 years and what did they accomplish? Forcing SCOTUSCARE upon us? Quite the accomplishement.

TPP wouldn't have passed without overwhelming republican support. A so called trade pact that gives corporations free reign to override our elected officials. I guess not to many conservatives were upset about that since this is all your party stands for anyway - more power the wealthy and let some of it trickle down.

Certainly Republicans would have had to vote for the deal, to that there is no doubt. But as always without a democrat president putting pressure on other democrats the bill would have gone no where. So what is the difference? Republicans have, rightly or wrongly, always supported free trade bills, they never acted or said otherwise. Democrats on the other hand have historically opposed free trade agreements. So who is being the hyporites, the Republicans or the Democrats? Who sold you out, those you didn't and won't vote for or the ones you do?

If Obama would have vetoed the bill that would have been the end of it, until him and his new BFF figured some other way to force it upon the people.

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