On this 4th of July....Don't forget to thank a liberal


Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Another conservative who doesn't understand the concept of the inalienable right to vote.
Taxing TEA sounds mighty LIBERAL to me!


I'll bet you think the Boston Tea Party was about the tax on tea.

Lone Laugher.....still using a racist photo of our Senator who is Cuban.......good for you.....showing your racism for all to see is true courage, most racists hide their racism...not you buddy....keep showing it loud and proud...it is vile and should be condemned by all good people, but as a Conservative I support your freedom of speech...even if it is showing a vile, racist photo......

Bad enough you don't understand the meaing of "Liberal" -- now you don't know what "racist" mean either?? :disbelief:

I completely understand the definition of the word "liberal" and how it is used in the modern era.......and how you guys lie when you use it.......as all leftists lie because if they didn't lie....no one would believe their crap......
Libertarians live in a dream world. Educate yourself.

Critiques Of Libertarianism

Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....

The Zulu Nation was a chief supplier.
Libertarians live in a dream world. Educate yourself.

Critiques Of Libertarianism

Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....
The Founders didn't do shit for slaves.......unless you consider the 3/5th law to be really representative of slaves in govt...
Taxing TEA sounds mighty LIBERAL to me!


I'll bet you think the Boston Tea Party was about the tax on tea.

Lone Laugher.....still using a racist photo of our Senator who is Cuban.......good for you.....showing your racism for all to see is true courage, most racists hide their racism...not you buddy....keep showing it loud and proud...it is vile and should be condemned by all good people, but as a Conservative I support your freedom of speech...even if it is showing a vile, racist photo......

Bad enough you don't understand the meaing of "Liberal" -- now you don't know what "racist" mean either?? :disbelief:

I completely understand the definition of the word "liberal" and how it is used in the modern era.......and how you guys lie when you use it.......as all leftists lie because if they didn't lie....no one would believe their crap......
Leftist are not all liberals, just like all GOP members are not heterosexuals...

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Our liberal founding fathers realized EVERYONE has skin in the game and has a right to vote for those who represent them

Thank a liberal
Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....

The Zulu Nation was a chief supplier.
So was Eastern Europe...
Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....

The Zulu Nation was a chief supplier.

Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....
The Founders didn't do shit for slaves.......unless you consider the 3/5th law to be really representative of slaves in govt...
The 3/5 s gave them more power to enforce slavery
The Dempcratic or liberal party was founded in 1828 the Republican or conservative party was founded in 1854 the Revolutionary War started in 1775 ended in 1783. Just a little something to think about if everyone is going to continue this Founding Fathers were liberal or conservative sillinesses. I'm now going to prepare to spend July 4th as it should be with family, friends, barbecue, and beer enjoy your day everyone.

Um -- the Republican Party wasn't anything "conservative" when it was founded. It was (then) the party of bold new ideas, using government for big things, and, most Liberal of all, ending slavery. Go look up your own history.

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Universal suffrage was begun back in the 1700's, but took a while to be widely accepted. It was one of the basic foundations for our country. Not surprising that a right winger wouldn't want it to continue.

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Another conservative who doesn't understand the concept of the inalienable right to vote.

I understand all to well the liberal mindset.
If you dont pay into the pot you shouldnt have any say in how it's spent.
Taxing TEA sounds mighty LIBERAL to me!


I'll bet you think the Boston Tea Party was about the tax on tea.

Lone Laugher.....still using a racist photo of our Senator who is Cuban.......good for you.....showing your racism for all to see is true courage, most racists hide their racism...not you buddy....keep showing it loud and proud...it is vile and should be condemned by all good people, but as a Conservative I support your freedom of speech...even if it is showing a vile, racist photo......

Bad enough you don't understand the meaing of "Liberal" -- now you don't know what "racist" mean either?? :disbelief:

I completely understand the definition of the word "liberal" and how it is used in the modern era.......and how you guys lie when you use it.......as all leftists lie because if they didn't lie....no one would believe their crap......

See that? You don't know the difference between Liberal and leftist either.
Why don't you go do your homework and come back in a couple of years...
Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You have no idea what you are talking about...the Republican party has and still supports the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, especially in the conservative, Tea Party and libertarian wings......the same people who fought to end slavery, fought to protect the rights of the freed blacks from the racist democrats, and fought to pass civil rights laws to protect blacks from racist democrats....

That has never changed.....you guys have lied about it and used your minions in the democrat press to push those lies...but the truth and reality have never changed....

If the republican party still supported the constitution, then why did almost every republican senator and congressman hook up with obama to push through the TPP?
It is not only extremely secret, and written by lobbyists of both American and foreign corporations, we do know that it has written in it, the ability of unelected tribunals who can override American rules and regulations.
More of this freed the blacks bullshit. The modern conservative mentality would consider slaves property not to be taken away from their legal owners. Property and money is all your party stands for these days. The tea baggers of the Boston tea party days, would be the enemy of your party that just adores corporations, and that's who owned the tea that was thrown in the harbor back then. The British East India company. You so called conservative patriots of today have the royalist and loyalty to the crown mentality, and would've been snitching to the British soldiers, the whereabouts of Paul Revere, Sam Adams and the rest of the revolutionaries.
Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....
The Founders didn't do shit for slaves.......unless you consider the 3/5th law to be really representative of slaves in govt...

Since you don't understand the 3/5 issue...since it doesn't seem to be taught in democrat controlled schools since it would undermine the statist attempts to alienate blacks from this country.....that compromise was agreed to to weaken the strength of the slave owning states in the new nation......you know....the states that would later become the racist democrats. Those racist slave owners, who would become democrats, wanted to count slaves for the purpose of representation in congress....giving them far more power than they deserved since slaves were not free......so to keep them from having that power a compromise had to be reached....and they counted each slave as 3/5 of a free man to diminish the slave states representation in congress........moron.............

It was the first act against the slave owning states..to diminish their future power......
Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....

The Zulu Nation was a chief supplier.

ZULU?? :disbelief:

Zulus are in SOUTH Africa. Slaves were imported from WEST Africa. What, do they all look alike to you?
Are you trying to say Yoruba?
I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You have no idea what you are talking about...the Republican party has and still supports the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, especially in the conservative, Tea Party and libertarian wings......the same people who fought to end slavery, fought to protect the rights of the freed blacks from the racist democrats, and fought to pass civil rights laws to protect blacks from racist democrats....

That has never changed.....you guys have lied about it and used your minions in the democrat press to push those lies...but the truth and reality have never changed....

If the republican party still supported the constitution, then why did almost every republican senator and congressman hook up with obama to push through the TPP?
It is not only extremely secret, and written by lobbyists of both American and foreign corporations, we do know that it has written in it, the ability of unelected tribunals who can override American rules and regulations.
More of this freed the blacks bullshit. The modern conservative mentality would consider slaves property not to be taken away from their legal owners. Property and money is all your party stands for these days. The tea baggers of the Boston tea party days, would be the enemy of your party that just adores corporations, and that's who owned the tea that was thrown in the harbor back then. The British East India company. You so called conservative patriots of today have the royalist and loyalty to the crown mentality, and would've been snitching to the British soldiers, the whereabouts of Paul Revere, Sam Adams and the rest of the revolutionaries.

Sorry...conservatives support the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights....and the party was created to end slavery....the democrats fought to keep slavery, expand it into the new states and re start the slave trade with AFrica....

You are wrong....the democrats support central government and the dependence of people on that government, they changed tactics, not beliefs....

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!

Our liberal founding fathers realized EVERYONE has skin in the game and has a right to vote for those who represent them

Thank a liberal

How do you have skin in the game when you dont pay taxes?
It would be very easy to rectify the situation with a flat tax and no tax returns.
You pay your percentage and thats it.
Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....
The Founders didn't do shit for slaves.......unless you consider the 3/5th law to be really representative of slaves in govt...

Since you don't understand the 3/5 issue...since it doesn't seem to be taught in democrat controlled schools since it would undermine the statist attempts to alienate blacks from this country.....that compromise was agreed to to weaken the strength of the slave owning states in the new nation......you know....the states that would later become the racist democrats. Those racist slave owners, who would become democrats, wanted to count slaves for the purpose of representation in congress....giving them far more power than they deserved since slaves were not free......so to keep them from having that power a compromise had to be reached....and they counted each slave as 3/5 of a free man to diminish the slave states representation in congress........moron.............

It was the first act against the slave owning states..to diminish their future power......
That would be democratic schools, dumbass....

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