On this 4th of July....Don't forget to thank a liberal

Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Yes....lying about the word liberal.......Liberals by that definition are now called Conservatives........ liberals today by the actual definition and standard are statists...who don't believe in the principals of actual classical liberalism....limited government and equality among men...and women..........

So in 1776, Conservatives represented both the Rebels AND the Torries?

You can't lose when you are claiming both sides ...can you?

Sorry....you guys have to lie.....you lie about using the word "conservative" in an attempt to smear modern conservatives with the racist, democrat conservatives who fought to keep slaves, and now you are trying to use the world to lie about which side Modern Conservatives would have been on during the Revolutionary War.....you guys lie and lie and lie and never stop.......

Modern American Conservatives support the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution....which means for you libtards, we would have supported the American Colonists during the war....

Today's "liberals" are actually statists, they believe in the power of a strong central government....so during the revolutionary war they would have fought for the King of England...

But thanks for lying.....it reveals so much about you modern liberals....the truth, reality and a functioning moral compass are something you know nothing about.....
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You have no idea what you are talking about...the Republican party has and still supports the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, especially in the conservative, Tea Party and libertarian wings......the same people who fought to end slavery, fought to protect the rights of the freed blacks from the racist democrats, and fought to pass civil rights laws to protect blacks from racist democrats....

That has never changed.....you guys have lied about it and used your minions in the democrat press to push those lies...but the truth and reality have never changed....
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

One day the founders were stinking white slave owners ,the next god like,imagine a world where that didn't happen
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

Yes....lying about the word liberal.......Liberals by that definition are now called Conservatives........ liberals today by the actual definition and standard are statists...who don't believe in the principals of actual classical liberalism....limited government and equality among men...and women..........

So in 1776, Conservatives represented both the Rebels AND the Torries?

You can't lose when you are claiming both sides ...can you?

Sorry....you guys have to lie.....you lie about using the word "conservative" in an attempt to smear modern conservatives with the racist, democrat conservatives who fought to keep slaves, and now you are trying to use the world to lie about which side Modern Conservatives would have been on during the Revolutionary War.....you guys lie and lie and lie and never stop.......

Modern American Conservatives support the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution....which means for you libtards, we would have supported the American Colonists during the war....

Today's "liberals" are actually statists, they believe in the power of a strong central government....so during the revolutionary war they would have fought for the King of England...

But thanks for lying.....it reveals so much about you modern liberals....the truth, reality and a functioning moral compass are something you know nothing about.....

Liberals aren't statists, Doublethink-boy. And perhaps we should also note that night isn't day, strawberry isn't pistachio and up isn't down.
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
There were no liberals in the Revolutionary war they were all conservatives the liberals were all hiding under their beds while conservatives won the war. To quote Bill Murrary from Stripes that's the fact jack.

Fighting against tyranny doesn't make you a liberal.

Fighting against excessive taxes doesn't make you a liberal.

Fighting to protect your family and business doe

Your delusions are your problem.

The conservatives supported the King of England.

Too bad your hom skewling didn't cover the basics.
No your trying rewrite history is the problem I'm simply making fun of you and your making it way to easy.

Translation: You Googled and discovered that you were wrong so now you are trying to hide your ignorance because you lack the honesty and integrity to admit that you were wrong.

But we understand.

It took a lot of courage to do what the Founding Fathers did and only liberals have the kind of courage necessary to stand up for what is right. Conservatives don't understand that concept.
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
There were no liberals in the Revolutionary war they were all conservatives the liberals were all hiding under their beds while conservatives won the war. To quote Bill Murrary from Stripes that's the fact jack.

Your delusions are your problem.

The conservatives supported the King of England.

Too bad your hom skewling didn't cover the basics.
No your trying rewrite history is the problem I'm simply making fun of you and your making it way to easy.

Translation: You Googled and discovered that you were wrong so now you are trying to hide your ignorance because you lack the honesty and integrity to admit that you were wrong.

But we understand.

It took a lot of courage to do what the Founding Fathers did and only liberals have the kind of courage necessary to stand up for what is right. Conservatives don't understand that concept.

Fighting against excessive taxes doesn't make you a liberal.

Fighting to protect your family and business does not make you a liberal

Your delusions are your problem.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You sum up the liberal mantra quite nicely. Anything good = liberal, anything bad = conservative. Such hubris is almost breathtaking.
Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You have no idea what you are talking about...the Republican party has and still supports the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence, especially in the conservative, Tea Party and libertarian wings......the same people who fought to end slavery, fought to protect the rights of the freed blacks from the racist democrats, and fought to pass civil rights laws to protect blacks from racist democrats....

That has never changed.....you guys have lied about it and used your minions in the democrat press to push those lies...but the truth and reality have never changed....

The same ones that did all that? That means the average age must be somewhere above 100. No wonder you are dying off so quickly.
Our founders were the greatest liberal thinkers of their day

The concept of the equality of man was a breakthrough in history

Indeed it was although they stood on the shoulders of those who had fought and died for our freedoms going back many centuries.

Magna Carta Inspiration for America s Founding Fathers to Visit Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston

It was the Magna Carta that inspired them to go from the conservative concept of being governed by a monarch to the liberal concept of governance by We the People.

That liberal breakthrough is the legacy they gave us and which we still build on today.

There is even more to be thankful for this 4th of July since we now have Equality for gays and Healthcare for all.

There are still 30 million Americans that do not have health insurance.

It was almost 50 million before Obamacare.

That number will continue to decrease as time goes on.

7 Million Lose Health Insurance Under 'Obamacare'

What was to be a $2500 per year savings has grown into AT LEAST a $2500 a year INCREASE!

Insurance has always gone up, and always will. The rate of increase has dropped drastically since Obamacare was enacted, It won't be that long before that $2500 difference between what it costs and what it would have cost is achieved. Nobody said it would happen over night.

Get ready for your 20 to 54% increase in 2016.
What a knucklehead ...
Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today

Nope. Republicans have done a lot of good, but they weren't conservatives when they did it. I really miss the Republican party, back when it was still honorable.

You sum up the liberal mantra quite nicely. Anything good = liberal, anything bad = conservative. Such hubris is almost breathtaking.

Not what I said, but no, the current batch of right wingers have done nothing worthwhile, and are an embarrassment to what our country stands for.
The Dempcratic or liberal party was founded in 1828 the Republican or conservative party was founded in 1854 the Revolutionary War started in 1775 ended in 1783. Just a little something to think about if everyone is going to continue this Founding Fathers were liberal or conservative sillinesses. I'm now going to prepare to spend July 4th as it should be with family, friends, barbecue, and beer enjoy your day everyone.

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

and awarded to LANDOWNERS, only 12-15% of the population,
At first...it only applied to landowners

Our liberal founders quickly found that restricting it to landowners was wrong and expanded it to all free men
Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
There were no liberals in the Revolutionary war they were all conservatives the liberals were all hiding under their beds while conservatives won the war. To quote Bill Murrary from Stripes that's the fact jack.

Your delusions are your problem.

The conservatives supported the King of England.

Too bad your hom skewling didn't cover the basics.
No your trying rewrite history is the problem I'm simply making fun of you and your making it way to easy.

Translation: You Googled and discovered that you were wrong so now you are trying to hide your ignorance because you lack the honesty and integrity to admit that you were wrong.

But we understand.

It took a lot of courage to do what the Founding Fathers did and only liberals have the kind of courage necessary to stand up for what is right. Conservatives don't understand that concept.
All I'm doing is laughing at you and the other far lefties who are trying to apply your talking points of today to the Founding Fathers by simply taking your idiocy expanding it and making you look like the morons you are it's really very easy.

Don't quit your day job because you are failing miserably if that is your intention.

In the meantime the facts about the liberal Founding Fathers haven't changed one iota which is why the OP created this thread to remind us just how much liberals can accomplish.
You misspelled the word LIBERTARIAN in your title! Liberals don't have the spine to fight for Freedom or a REVOLUTION!
Libertarians live in a dream world. Educate yourself.

Critiques Of Libertarianism

Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

How about the right to vote when you have no skin in the game?
No one should have the right to vote for free shit from the ones who pay...PERIOD!!!!
The Dempcratic or liberal party was founded in 1828 the Republican or conservative party was founded in 1854 the Revolutionary War started in 1775 ended in 1783. Just a little something to think about if everyone is going to continue this Founding Fathers were liberal or conservative sillinesses. I'm now going to prepare to spend July 4th as it should be with family, friends, barbecue, and beer enjoy your day everyone.

Conservatives and liberals have belonged to different parties because parties change sides more often than you change your underwear.

Now run along and don't forget to thank the liberals who put their lives on the line for you.
Taxing TEA sounds mighty LIBERAL to me!


I'll bet you think the Boston Tea Party was about the tax on tea.

Lone Laugher.....still using a racist photo of our Senator who is Cuban.......good for you.....showing your racism for all to see is true courage, most racists hide their racism...not you buddy....keep showing it loud and proud...it is vile and should be condemned by all good people, but as a Conservative I support your freedom of speech...even if it is showing a vile, racist photo......

Bad enough you don't understand the meaing of "Liberal" -- now you don't know what "racist" mean either?? :disbelief:
You misspelled the word LIBERTARIAN in your title! Liberals don't have the spine to fight for Freedom or a REVOLUTION!
Libertarians live in a dream world. Educate yourself.

Critiques Of Libertarianism

Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

The compromise with the slavery faction of the Colonies indeed cost lives, but it also gave us the Constitution we have, without the compromise there would have been no Constitution.

No.....Britain, Spain, and Africa and the Indians who were here gave us slavery. They brought slavery here from Africa, as the Africans sold each other to the Europeans, and the indians had slavery, human sacrifice and cannabalism here when the Europeans arrived.....

Our nation was founded on Principals meant to end slavery...and it took a long time to get rid of it.......thanks to our Founding Fathers.....

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