On this 4th of July....Don't forget to thank a liberal

Indeed it was although they stood on the shoulders of those who had fought and died for our freedoms going back many centuries.

Magna Carta Inspiration for America s Founding Fathers to Visit Museum of Fine Arts Boston Museum of Fine Arts Boston

It was the Magna Carta that inspired them to go from the conservative concept of being governed by a monarch to the liberal concept of governance by We the People.

That liberal breakthrough is the legacy they gave us and which we still build on today.

There is even more to be thankful for this 4th of July since we now have Equality for gays and Healthcare for all.

There are still 30 million Americans that do not have health insurance.

It was almost 50 million before Obamacare.

That number will continue to decrease as time goes on.

7 Million Lose Health Insurance Under 'Obamacare'

What was to be a $2500 per year savings has grown into AT LEAST a $2500 a year INCREASE!

Insurance has always gone up, and always will. The rate of increase has dropped drastically since Obamacare was enacted, It won't be that long before that $2500 difference between what it costs and what it would have cost is achieved. Nobody said it would happen over night.

BUT THE OBOMANATION PROMISED.... you need me to place the Youtube here with him saying so, or take my word?...It's been 5 years now, slightly more than overnight!

You might want to re-watch that video. Did he say there would be an immediate drop in price? I'm sorry if it isn't fast enough to make you happy, but you will live through it. Children always have a hard time waiting for anything that takes a while. Do you get upset because Christmas isn't here yet too?
As you say to my little posters...Just because YOU say so doesn't make it true!

I Have 67 MILLION hits saying...George Washington was a libertarian!

george washington was a libertarian - Bing

Unfortunately the concept of Libertarianism didn't even exist then. Linear time is such a bother, innit?

And it couldn't exist until Liberalism opened the horizons for the extremists to show us where the wacko fringe would lead.

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives
There are still 30 million Americans that do not have health insurance.

It was almost 50 million before Obamacare.

That number will continue to decrease as time goes on.

7 Million Lose Health Insurance Under 'Obamacare'

What was to be a $2500 per year savings has grown into AT LEAST a $2500 a year INCREASE!

Insurance has always gone up, and always will. The rate of increase has dropped drastically since Obamacare was enacted, It won't be that long before that $2500 difference between what it costs and what it would have cost is achieved. Nobody said it would happen over night.

BUT THE OBOMANATION PROMISED.... you need me to place the Youtube here with him saying so, or take my word?...It's been 5 years now, slightly more than overnight!

You might want to re-watch that video. Did he say there would be an immediate drop in price? I'm sorry if it isn't fast enough to make you happy, but you will live through it. Children always have a hard time waiting for anything that takes a while. Do you get upset because Christmas isn't here yet too?

FIVE YEARS SFB, FIVE YEARS and show me 5 states where the price went down, just once in those 5 years!... It's a shame your 2 digit IQ can only handle you breathing and copying others thoughts!

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

Like the right of 20+ Million ILLEGAL ALIENS to vote.... Even Mexico isn't THIS STUPID!

It was almost 50 million before Obamacare.

That number will continue to decrease as time goes on.

7 Million Lose Health Insurance Under 'Obamacare'

What was to be a $2500 per year savings has grown into AT LEAST a $2500 a year INCREASE!

Insurance has always gone up, and always will. The rate of increase has dropped drastically since Obamacare was enacted, It won't be that long before that $2500 difference between what it costs and what it would have cost is achieved. Nobody said it would happen over night.

BUT THE OBOMANATION PROMISED.... you need me to place the Youtube here with him saying so, or take my word?...It's been 5 years now, slightly more than overnight!

You might want to re-watch that video. Did he say there would be an immediate drop in price? I'm sorry if it isn't fast enough to make you happy, but you will live through it. Children always have a hard time waiting for anything that takes a while. Do you get upset because Christmas isn't here yet too?

FIVE YEARS SFB, FIVE YEARS and show me 5 states where the price went down, just once in those 5 years!... It's a shame your 2 digit IQ can only handle you breathing and copying others thoughts!

Idiot, the rate of increase has gone down in all of them.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

Fuck off loser

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

Like the right of 20+ Million ILLEGAL ALIENS to vote.... Even Mexico isn't THIS STUPID!


Move to Mexico you unpatriotic jerk.

Sure they weren't Conservatives, wanting things in the colonies to remain the same, rejecting the Kings ever increasing taxes?
Actually....they were fighting "taxation without representation"

Imagine that.......every man having a right to vote for his representative

Another LIBERAL concept still fought against by conservatives

and awarded to LANDOWNERS, only 12-15% of the population,
I prefer to thank these people....

No veterans signed the Declaration of Independence

Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
Imagine a world where all leaders get their position because of who their parents were.
Our founders fought against a monarchy and royalty

What a liberal concept
I prefer to thank these people....

No veterans signed the Declaration of Independence

Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
Liberals used to tar and feather Conservatives back then

What we look back on as....the good ole days
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Yes....lying about the word liberal.......Liberals by that definition are now called Conservatives........ liberals today by the actual definition and standard are statists...who don't believe in the principals of actual classical liberalism....limited government and equality among men...and women..........
I prefer to thank these people....

No veterans signed the Declaration of Independence

Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
There were no liberals in the Revolutionary war they were all conservatives the liberals were all hiding under their beds while conservatives won the war. To quote Bill Murrary from Stripes that's the fact jack.

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