On this 4th of July....Don't forget to thank a liberal

I prefer to thank these people....

No veterans signed the Declaration of Independence

Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
There were no liberals in the Revolutionary war they were all conservatives the liberals were all hiding under their beds while conservatives won the war. To quote Bill Murrary from Stripes that's the fact jack.

Your delusions are your problem.

The conservatives supported the King of England.

Too bad your hom skewling didn't cover the basics.
I prefer to thank these people....

No veterans signed the Declaration of Independence

Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.

Yes...lying in how you use definitions....

Today's liberals believe in the power of government.....so democrats of today would have fought on the side of the King....

Today's conservatives are trying to preserve the principals found in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights and would have fought with Washington......

You guys have to lie about everything.....because the truth and reality expose you for what you are...statist thugs.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


You're funny, timmy. you should have lassie post for you.

Only PROPERTY OWNERS could vote when this land became a country.
U.S. Voting Rights

As it should be. All you have to do is look where we are now.
Only fools allow people to vote themselves largess from the government,and apparently we're fools.
I prefer to thank these people....

No veterans signed the Declaration of Independence

Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
Liberals used to tar and feather Conservatives back then

What we look back on as....the good ole days
Liberals couldn't use tar it was black to do so would have been politically incorrect and racist thats a big liberal no, no.
Taxing TEA sounds mighty LIBERAL to me!


I'll bet you think the Boston Tea Party was about the tax on tea.

Lone Laugher.....still using a racist photo of our Senator who is Cuban.......good for you.....showing your racism for all to see is true courage, most racists hide their racism...not you buddy....keep showing it loud and proud...it is vile and should be condemned by all good people, but as a Conservative I support your freedom of speech...even if it is showing a vile, racist photo......
I prefer to thank these people....

No veterans signed the Declaration of Independence

Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
There were no liberals in the Revolutionary war they were all conservatives the liberals were all hiding under their beds while conservatives won the war. To quote Bill Murrary from Stripes that's the fact jack.

Your delusions are your problem.

The conservatives supported the King of England.

Too bad your hom skewling didn't cover the basics.
No your trying rewrite history is the problem I'm simply making fun of you and your making it way to easy.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.
I know, right? It's like Father's Day where you have 300 million kids. :eusa_dance:
The left really does see people as children tho. That's not even an exaggeration. They ultimately see centrists and rightists as ignorant, disobedient children rebelling against what they're obviously doing in our best interest, which is why we have to be forced into their better, brighter society. It's why far left nations historically have to build walls around their borders and have their guards facing inwards. They just believe in autonomy and freedom of choice like that.

One of the main reasons the government is making it harder and harder to renounce your citizenship.
It's akin to chaining the passengers of the Titanic to the railings...
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
You do realize that none of the conservative veterans who actually fought the war on the front lines and saved Franklin's neck from the gallows were invited to the signing, right?

We are talking 1776

There were no veterans

Would you consider members of the Sons of Liberty, the group that dumped the tea in Boston, veterans?

Because John Hancock was a member of that group
His name was Footpenis until he changed it to Hancock...
Boston baked beans were invented by liberals and that is what I am tasked with making for our multi cultural and party affiliation 4th of July Party. The beans are baking as I type.
No veterans signed the Declaration of Independence

Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
There were no liberals in the Revolutionary war they were all conservatives the liberals were all hiding under their beds while conservatives won the war. To quote Bill Murrary from Stripes that's the fact jack.

Your delusions are your problem.

The conservatives supported the King of England.

Too bad your hom skewling didn't cover the basics.
No your trying rewrite history is the problem I'm simply making fun of you and your making it way to easy.

Translation: You Googled and discovered that you were wrong so now you are trying to hide your ignorance because you lack the honesty and integrity to admit that you were wrong.

But we understand.

It took a lot of courage to do what the Founding Fathers did and only liberals have the kind of courage necessary to stand up for what is right. Conservatives don't understand that concept.
I prefer to thank these people....

No veterans signed the Declaration of Independence

Just liberals......conservatives refused to sign
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.

Yes...lying in how you use definitions....

Today's liberals believe in the power of government.....so democrats of today would have fought on the side of the King....

Today's conservatives are trying to preserve the principals found in our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights and would have fought with Washington......

You guys have to lie about everything.....because the truth and reality expose you for what you are...statist thugs.
The GOP had no damn problem creating the powerful central govt. under Lincoln...
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Yes....lying about the word liberal.......Liberals by that definition are now called Conservatives........ liberals today by the actual definition and standard are statists...who don't believe in the principals of actual classical liberalism....limited government and equality among men...and women..........

So in 1776, Conservatives represented both the Rebels AND the Torries?

You can't lose when you are claiming both sides ...can you?
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....
Long tradition of Conservatives

Still doing it today
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal

Fuck off loser

I see the thought of all citizens having an equal vote upsets you. I'm not surprised, considering all the right wing efforts to disenfranchise so many voters.

The only ones with a history of disenfranchising voters, through jim crow, lynching, murder, poll taxes and literacy tests are the racist democrats......but thanks for posting....

Again trying to equate today with more than half a century ago. I guess if that's the best you got, you gotta go with it.
The veterans were just the ones who fought for and won the indpendence all conservatives no liberals.

Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
There were no liberals in the Revolutionary war they were all conservatives the liberals were all hiding under their beds while conservatives won the war. To quote Bill Murrary from Stripes that's the fact jack.

Your delusions are your problem.

The conservatives supported the King of England.

Too bad your hom skewling didn't cover the basics.
No your trying rewrite history is the problem I'm simply making fun of you and your making it way to easy.

Translation: You Googled and discovered that you were wrong so now you are trying to hide your ignorance because you lack the honesty and integrity to admit that you were wrong.

But we understand.

It took a lot of courage to do what the Founding Fathers did and only liberals have the kind of courage necessary to stand up for what is right. Conservatives don't understand that concept.
All I'm doing is laughing at you and the other far lefties who are trying to apply your talking points of today to the Founding Fathers by simply taking your idiocy expanding it and making you look like the morons you are it's really very easy.
You misspelled the word LIBERTARIAN in your title! Liberals don't have the spine to fight for Freedom or a REVOLUTION!
Libertarians live in a dream world. Educate yourself.

Critiques Of Libertarianism

Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
Conservatives sided with the English in the Revolutionary war. The Patriots were all liberals.

You are welcome to your opinion but you can't change the facts.
There were no liberals in the Revolutionary war they were all conservatives the liberals were all hiding under their beds while conservatives won the war. To quote Bill Murrary from Stripes that's the fact jack.

Your delusions are your problem.

The conservatives supported the King of England.

Too bad your hom skewling didn't cover the basics.
No your trying rewrite history is the problem I'm simply making fun of you and your making it way to easy.

Translation: You Googled and discovered that you were wrong so now you are trying to hide your ignorance because you lack the honesty and integrity to admit that you were wrong.

But we understand.

It took a lot of courage to do what the Founding Fathers did and only liberals have the kind of courage necessary to stand up for what is right. Conservatives don't understand that concept.
All I'm doing is laughing at you and the other far lefties who are trying to apply your talking points of today to the Founding Fathers by simply taking your idiocy expanding it and making you look like the morons you are it's really very easy.
You do know this thread is a trap?
You misspelled the word LIBERTARIAN in your title! Liberals don't have the spine to fight for Freedom or a REVOLUTION!
Libertarians live in a dream world. Educate yourself.

Critiques Of Libertarianism

Libertarians have never accomplished anything in history

They fantasize about being like the founders, but our founders would find them repulsive ....just like we do

Our "Founders" would dismiss you out of hand.

They gave us "Frees Speech" which you wholly support as long as you get to define what it is.
They gave us the right to "Keep and bear arms", which you wholly disagree with.

They gave us the "right to privacy" which again you wan to define what it it and what it means.

Spare me your relativistic anger, you've NEVER condemned Obama's use of the Patriot Act to infringe on EVERY American's rights to said privacy.

Yes I condemn Bush's use of it too, but Obama has excelled at it.

THis is just a short list of Lefty oppression.
They also gave us slavery, which cost Americans thousands of lives.....

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