On this 4th of July....Don't forget to thank a liberal

Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

'Loyalist' has been re-defined.........but a total Fedcoat supporter like you hasn't noticed.
Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Taxes are near all time lows. Only idiots would start an "armed rebellion over taxation" at these tax rates.

The liberal Founding Fathers would be laughing at your whining.

Did I ever say current tax rates are too high and we should start a rebellion over them? I like our Bush tax rates.

You are obviously too stupid to keep up.

Training for the 2016 Olympic Backpedaling team already?

So why did you even bring up that inane deflection from the OP in the first place if it wasn't relevant by your own admission?
You can thank the Republican Party's shift from the common man to the rich for that.

Corporations will still be ruling this country 100 years from now, thank God.

Spoken like a true unAmerican!

Why don't you move to communist north Korea and live your dream on a state owned farm.

You are the one that wants to impose authoritarian rule via Big Business AKA an Idiocracy.

Personally I prefer to be governed by We the People as set up by the liberal Founding Fathers.

Do you need any help packing?

I simply stated a fact, how many of the founders were wealthy? Well there you have it.

Yet another non sequitur because you cannot defend your own inanities.

Try sticking to the OP instead.
Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nothing in that link demonstrates conservative versus liberal ideology in Tories or Patriots.

Thanks for playing.
Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

'Loyalist' has been re-defined.........but a total Fedcoat supporter like you hasn't noticed.
Loyalists were conservatives loyal to the crown

Liberals fought for independence
Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

'Loyalist' has been re-defined.........but a total Fedcoat supporter like you hasn't noticed.
Loyalists were conservatives loyal to the crown

Liberals fought for independence

That was then, clown..........this is now.
Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nothing in that link demonstrates conservative versus liberal ideology in Tories or Patriots.

Thanks for playing.

Imagine a world where a certain class was born to rule over those who were born to lower classes
Your position in society was based on your birth, not what you accomplish after your birth

The liberals of the day stood up and declared.......All men are created equal

They created a country where the lowest farm hand had the same vote as the richest land owner

Thank a liberal


We live in a world where a certain class - the parasites - was born to rule over taxpayers, the producers and those who still believe in the work ethic.

The fascist liberals who are dumb as sticks, are planning on electing an avowed socialist - Bernard Sanders

Berniemania! Why Is Socialist Senator Bernie Sanders So Popular?

So you do the math.

Too bad today's "liberals" aren't liberal in the classical sense. Today they are just a bunch of progressive assclowns that hate the America those Founding Fathers helped create.

Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Taxes are near all time lows. Only idiots would start an "armed rebellion over taxation" at these tax rates.

The liberal Founding Fathers would be laughing at your whining.

Did I ever say current tax rates are too high and we should start a rebellion over them? I like our Bush tax rates.

You are obviously too stupid to keep up.

Training for the 2016 Olympic Backpedaling team already?

So why did you even bring up that inane deflection from the OP in the first place if it wasn't relevant by your own admission?

We were talking about 1770's overtaxation. If today's liberals were around then, there is no way they would protest overtaxation. Not then, and not now.
Corporations will still be ruling this country 100 years from now, thank God.

Spoken like a true unAmerican!

Why don't you move to communist north Korea and live your dream on a state owned farm.

You are the one that wants to impose authoritarian rule via Big Business AKA an Idiocracy.

Personally I prefer to be governed by We the People as set up by the liberal Founding Fathers.

Do you need any help packing?

I simply stated a fact, how many of the founders were wealthy? Well there you have it.

Yet another non sequitur because you cannot defend your own inanities.

Try sticking to the OP instead.

I guess you can't read, I thanked liberals for supporting corporations.
Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nothing in that link demonstrates conservative versus liberal ideology in Tories or Patriots.

Thanks for playing.

Yale historian Leonard Woods Larabee has identified eight characteristics of the Loyalists that made them essentially conservative and loyal to the king and Britain:[7]

  • They were older, better established, and resisted radical change.
Classical Liberal is a fantasy made up by today's conservatives to somehow excuse their opposition to our independence

A view that liberals should somehow maintain opinions from 200 years ago to remain liberal

Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Taxes are near all time lows. Only idiots would start an "armed rebellion over taxation" at these tax rates.

The liberal Founding Fathers would be laughing at your whining.

Did I ever say current tax rates are too high and we should start a rebellion over them? I like our Bush tax rates.

You are obviously too stupid to keep up.

Training for the 2016 Olympic Backpedaling team already?

So why did you even bring up that inane deflection from the OP in the first place if it wasn't relevant by your own admission?

We were talking about 1770's overtaxation. If today's liberals were around then, there is no way they would protest overtaxation. Not then, and not now.


Your ignorance is so patently obvious.

The liberal Founding Fathers were protesting TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION, not "over taxation".

Please try and keep up with the rest of the class.
Spoken like a true unAmerican!

Why don't you move to communist north Korea and live your dream on a state owned farm.

You are the one that wants to impose authoritarian rule via Big Business AKA an Idiocracy.

Personally I prefer to be governed by We the People as set up by the liberal Founding Fathers.

Do you need any help packing?

I simply stated a fact, how many of the founders were wealthy? Well there you have it.

Yet another non sequitur because you cannot defend your own inanities.

Try sticking to the OP instead.

I guess you can't read, I thanked liberals for supporting corporations.

Lying about what you posted only ruins your own credibility.

The OP is your friend.
Our opposition to independence? Talk about fantasy...

You squatters would never dream of an armed rebellion against an elitist Dear Leader because of taxation.

Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nothing in that link demonstrates conservative versus liberal ideology in Tories or Patriots.

Thanks for playing.

Yale historian Leonard Woods Larabee has identified eight characteristics of the Loyalists that made them essentially conservative and loyal to the king and Britain:[7]

  • They were older, better established, and resisted radical change.

And that has bum fuck to do with conservatism?
Conservatism has to do with age now? Is Hillary a conservative because she is so fucking old now?
Better established makes someone a conservative? I guess that means there are no "established" liberals.
Resisting radical change? I think any party would resist change if it goes against their ideology. Democrats resisting radical changes by Republicans makes them conservative?
Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

'Loyalist' has been re-defined.........but a total Fedcoat supporter like you hasn't noticed.
Loyalists were conservatives loyal to the crown

Liberals fought for independence

That was then, clown..........this is now.
And now conservatives are hostile toward change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

Liberals today continue to fight for the independence of all Americans, most recently gay Americans, opposed by conservatives every step of the way.
Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nothing in that link demonstrates conservative versus liberal ideology in Tories or Patriots.

Thanks for playing.

Yale historian Leonard Woods Larabee has identified eight characteristics of the Loyalists that made them essentially conservative and loyal to the king and Britain:[7]

  • They were older, better established, and resisted radical change.

And that has bum fuck to do with conservatism?
Conservatism has to do with age now? Is Hillary a conservative because she is so fucking old now?
Better established makes someone a conservative? I guess that means there are no "established" liberals.
Resisting radical change? I think any party would resist change if it goes against their ideology. Democrats resisting radical changes by Republicans makes them conservative?

You wear your ignorance so proudly, don't you?

Try enrolling in some remedial education at your local community college.

Then you might be qualified to discuss the topic of this OP.
No...democrat run schools.....asshole....
There is no such animals...since the schools officials are not elected to their positions...

The NEA is liberal. To say otherwise is disingenuous at best.
You have yet to prove all members are liberals...

Next you're going to tell me unions are run by the Tea Party...
I am sure there are Tea party members that work in a union, yet that does not make all union members Tea Party members...

If there are they're a smaller minority than blacks.
Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

'Loyalist' has been re-defined.........but a total Fedcoat supporter like you hasn't noticed.
Loyalists were conservatives loyal to the crown

Liberals fought for independence

That was then, clown..........this is now.
And now conservatives are hostile toward change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

Liberals today continue to fight for the independence of all Americans, most recently gay Americans, opposed by conservatives every step of the way.

Yo Fucktard


Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

'Loyalist' has been re-defined.........but a total Fedcoat supporter like you hasn't noticed.
Loyalists were conservatives loyal to the crown

Liberals fought for independence

That was then, clown..........this is now.
And now conservatives are hostile toward change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

Liberals today continue to fight for the independence of all Americans, most recently gay Americans, opposed by conservatives every step of the way.

The inherent value of liberty lies in a well balanced equilibrium between states rights vs. federal overreach.
Conservatives supported the King during our Revolution

It is their history, that is why they are trying to make themselves look like the real patriots

Anything to back that statement up? Other than "because RW says so!"

It's not as if Britain's political parties back then were divided by left and right issues like today. Tories supported the monarch and Whigs were for more power for parliament, but during the time of the revolution there really weren't political parties formed into any coalitions.
Loyalist American Revolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

'Loyalist' has been re-defined.........but a total Fedcoat supporter like you hasn't noticed.
Loyalists were conservatives loyal to the crown

Liberals fought for independence

That was then, clown..........this is now.
Independence Day was July 4 1776

By definition, it makes it then

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