On this 4th of July........Don’t forget to thank a Liberal

Recent examples prove otherwise.


Violence on college campuses to prevent people from simply speaking, hounding administration officials in public because of differences in policy. I could go on, but that's not promoting freedom, it's quite the opposite.

Constitution provides a right to protest
You have no right to assault people, you fucking thug.

Who says you do Fingerboy
Where am I proposing to assault people? You're the one defending it, douchebag.
Wow, you choose less than 1% of the governments activities and one that is actually constitutional for your example. Military contractors produce mostly expendables. Things that have no advantage to the everyday citizen, but necessary to the survival of the country.

Under that definition everything military contractors produce is expendable. Whether a bullet or an aircraft carrier.

Compare aircraft. The average military aircraft is older than the average commercial aircraft. So how expendable are they?
That's why we have the 2 nd amendment to protect the 1st.

Why does the 2nd have two clauses? And why do you ignore the first.

Put it this way , that 1776, this is 2018

Context means everything

The first rule of contracts, every word has meaning. And is to interpreted where no clause is rendered moot.

No read the bible or koran..thats the way the constitution was written, read the federalist papers..


Try to read the pictures on the walls of Egypt.. their is so many comprehensive thoughts that's how the 2nd was written to make you think
The first rule of contracts, every word has meaning. And is to interpreted where no clause is rendered moot.

No read the bible or koran..thats the way the constitution was written, read the federalist papers..

I've read both, and they spent months working out every nuance of the constitution, making sure each word had meaning, and there were no meaningless clauses.
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
As far as I know your founding fathers were very religious people. Liberals now remember about God, Heavens or hell only when it may bring them political points.

Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton

Founding fathers must be spinning in their graves when compared to today's liberals.
The Founding Fathers made sure that ecclesiastical interference with our statecraft was excluded to the point they wrote a constitutional amendment assuring that would not happen.

They also put in the original Constitution that there can be no religious test to hold office. Yet we have US senators questioning prospective judges on their faith. GO FIGURE.

Wow, you choose less than 1% of the governments activities and one that is actually constitutional for your example. Military contractors produce mostly expendables. Things that have no advantage to the everyday citizen, but necessary to the survival of the country.

Under that definition everything military contractors produce is expendable. Whether a bullet or an aircraft carrier.

Compare aircraft. The average military aircraft is older than the average commercial aircraft. So how expendable are they?

So now you think your safe?

Guess again

Yeah I think I will pass on that.

Aren't you happy Trump is President of USA?

Then thank the Loonie Left! :04:
Because of that I have also had to hear them bitch about it non-stop it was funny for the first year but now it's like being around a three month old that never stops crying the fun is gone.

But President Trump is here! Thank's GOD!


Be thankful to the Left nevertheless.:wink_2:
You obviously don't understand the difference between a religious document and a godless one. That one "attestation" as you call it, acknowledged not only God, but the son of God, as does our modern day calendar. You're free to try to spin it any other way, but that's a fact.


It was how they expressed dates. Just like TGIF isn't a tribute to god.

Acronym for "Thank God it's Friday". Used to express the joy one feels in knowing that the work week has officially ended and that they have two days off

Spin on child, spin on.

Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
As far as I know your founding fathers were very religious people. Liberals now remember about God, Heavens or hell only when it may bring them political points.

Albright: 'special place in hell' for women who don't support Clinton

Founding fathers must be spinning in their graves when compared to today's liberals.
The Founding Fathers made sure that ecclesiastical interference with our statecraft was excluded to the point they wrote a constitutional amendment assuring that would not happen.

They also put in the original Constitution that there can be no religious test to hold office. Yet we have US senators questioning prospective judges on their faith. GO FIGURE.

Are they being questioned about their faith to determine the separation of their faith from fidelity to the law?
The first rule of contracts, every word has meaning. And is to interpreted where no clause is rendered moot.

No read the bible or koran..thats the way the constitution was written, read the federalist papers..

I've read both, and they spent months working out every nuance of the constitution, making sure each word had meaning, and there were no meaningless clauses.

No you haven't , I spent decades trying to decipher them it is hard as hell I read them over and over again..
They also put in the original Constitution that there can be no religious test to hold office. Yet we have US senators questioning prospective judges on their faith. GO FIGURE.

They didn't put a criminal test into the constitution to hold office, yet congress questions prospective nominees for criminal activity.
Who the hell do you think made up the Continental army?
In the Continental Army? Primarily the poor and landless, who were fighting for land bounties. The CA was supported by local militias.

Study Orders of Battle for Saratoga, Monmouth, and Guilford Court House as examples. The CA regiments of line were used as the base on which the militia hovered. Sometimes they acted as skirmishers up front, but very rarely were the used in the line: they would run after the second volley.
Once again, who made up the CA? Professional soldiers from other countries or American citizens..
You implied militia made up the CA above. You are dead wrong.
By all understandings of the militia, they are made up of able bodied citizens who are willing to take up arms in the defense of the community/State/country. Tell me who made up the CA if it wasn't citizens willing to take up arms?.
They were enlisted soldiers in the national army, professional soldiers. They were not militia, temporary soldiers.

Just can't bring yourself to tell the truth can ya? The fact is both were made up of citizens willing to bear arms in the defense of the country. The only difference is the level of training the regular army received, which back then wasn't very damn much.

Perhaps....fear and repressed hatred of turning this country into a shithole....like Obama was doing.
I know......ensuring healthcare for all, protecting the environment, protecting the needy makes for a shithole
Healthcare is not a right, and insurance is not healthcare
God Given, Inalienable Rights
Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Life does not mean healthcare, and certainly doesn't mean insurance....dumbass.

Health is the basis of life

Right...still not seeing healthcare or insurance in there...dumbass.
Yeah, I bet that's why the founders gave us a "Godless" Constitution.

That's a pure commiecrat invention. The Constitution was dated "Year of our Lord", they weren't referring to the king of England.

Year of our Lord was just a common expression
. . . for a legal attestation of a document.

In no way did the attestation make the document religious in nature.

You obviously don't understand the difference between a religious document and a godless one. That one "attestation" as you call it, acknowledged not only God, but the son of God, as does our modern day calendar. You're free to try to spin it any other way, but that's a fact..
It does nothing of the sort. lt is secular attestation under the law: it attests to its legality. The Constitution is a secular document, then, now, and always. Believe your wrongness, it is your right to do so.

Yet now you commiecrats are demanding Christian values to be substituted for our secular law enforcement decisions. Hypocrites much?

I've read both, and they spent months working out every nuance of the constitution, making sure each word had meaning, and there were no meaningless clauses.

No you haven't , I spent decades trying to decipher them it is hard as hell I read them over and over again..

Try lexus nexus.

Their is like a hundred variations of the bible and Quran .you have to dig through them all brother..and I am still reading them
Our founding fathers were the most liberal thinkers of their era

Imagine believing that all men were created equal, that royalty were no better than anyone else, that common people should vote

Conservatives supported the King ....that is where the power was

Our liberal founding fathers risked all to create a new nation
/——/ Our Founding Fathers believed marriage was between a man and woman. Liberals, not so much.
Values change...they recognize that

They never put marriage was between a man and a woman in the constitution

They had no idea they needed to. No one of their time could conceive the perversion that has been foisted upon the country today.

Jesus Christ we all know patton got killed by the Soviet Union , if he survived he would of finished them off, Reagan knew this that's why he built up an arsenal and destroyed pizza head

Obama went on a appolige tour, Trump recognize this , and took back the legacy of making America great again

Trump sucks Putin's dick. He just handed Vlad Crimea and Syria, for "keepsies"

Really, that's not what Sanders said yesterday.


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