On This Day in 1874: Violent Democrats Murdered Two Dozen Republicans in Coushatta Massacre


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Democrats Murdered Two Dozen Republicans in Coushatta Massacre

Democrats Massacred Republicans at Coushatta, Louisiana


This day of 1874, two dozen politically-active Republicans were murdered by the White League, a terrorist organization affiliated with the Democratic Party. Some victims were shot, some hanged, and some hacked to death.
Slavery Party thugs, then as now, were hell-bent on eliminating the GOP. Two years later, Democrats gained control of Louisiana and incorporated their White League into the state militia.

The Democrat party now infiltrated by Marxist Socialist Communists is a scourge on our Republic. Filled with venomous, anti-American terrorists and a wide assortment of snakes and numbskulls, the Democrats are on a kamikaze mission. Scorched earth. They actually DON'T CARE about you, the country, or what's right. Driven totally by evil, greed, and political hijinks, these people are downright dangerous. They're also some of the most racist, intolerant, and vulgar people on the planet -- and have been for DECADES (with some variations). The Republicans aren't perfect by any means and some of them are equally repulsive for other reasons, but the garbage spewed by the Democrats is a daily insult to my intelligence.
Folks don't realize that the KKK is and has been the military arm of the Dem party, just as Antifa and their Stockholm Syndrome" BLM is today. As such, they weren't lynching blacks, they were lynching Republicans, blacks, whites Catholics and Italians alike.
Evil is the perfect word to describe them.
The rest of the story

This day of 1874, two dozen politically-active Republicans were murdered by the White League, a terrorist organization affiliated with the Democratic Party. Some victims were shot, some hanged, and some hacked to death.

That was a long time ago.

Lincoln a Repub freed the slaves.

They were 2nd class citizens and were hanged on a Saturday night for the amusement of the population. Separate but not equal

It was the democrats under Kennedy and Johnson that gave them civil rights on par with the rest of the population.

The faction of the democrats who were opposed to civil rights for black people broke with the demos and join the Repubs. They are the repub problem now .
Democrats Murdered Two Dozen Republicans in Coushatta Massacre

Democrats Massacred Republicans at Coushatta, Louisiana

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This day of 1874, two dozen politically-active Republicans were murdered by the White League, a terrorist organization affiliated with the Democratic Party. Some victims were shot, some hanged, and some hacked to death.
Slavery Party thugs, then as now, were hell-bent on eliminating the GOP. Two years later, Democrats gained control of Louisiana and incorporated their White League into the state militia.

The Democrat party now infiltrated by Marxist Socialist Communists is a scourge on our Republic. Filled with venomous, anti-American terrorists and a wide assortment of snakes and numbskulls, the Democrats are on a kamikaze mission. Scorched earth. They actually DON'T CARE about you, the country, or what's right. Driven totally by evil, greed, and political hijinks, these people are downright dangerous. They're also some of the most racist, intolerant, and vulgar people on the planet -- and have been for DECADES (with some variations). The Republicans aren't perfect by any means and some of them are equally repulsive for other reasons, but the garbage spewed by the Democrats is a daily insult to my intelligence.
Folks don't realize that the KKK is and has been the military arm of the Dem party, just as Antifa and their Stockholm Syndrome" BLM is today. As such, they weren't lynching blacks, they were lynching Republicans, blacks, whites Catholics and Italians alike.
Evil is the perfect word to describe them.

Violence has always been a true hallmark of the statist left. It really is the shinning virtue of narcissistic based sociopaths & the tradition carries on into this very day & era!
The rest of the story

This day of 1874, two dozen politically-active Republicans were murdered by the White League, a terrorist organization affiliated with the Democratic Party. Some victims were shot, some hanged, and some hacked to death.

That was a long time ago.

Lincoln a Repub freed the slaves.

They were 2nd class citizens and were hanged on a Saturday night for the amusement of the population. Separate but not equal

It was the democrats under Kennedy and Johnson that gave them civil rights on par with the rest of the population.

The faction of the democrats who were opposed to civil rights for black people broke with the demos and join the Repubs. They are the repub problem now .

Guess you forget that Democrats gave us Jim Crow, Segregation created by Democrats...

The rest of the story

This day of 1874, two dozen politically-active Republicans were murdered by the White League, a terrorist organization affiliated with the Democratic Party. Some victims were shot, some hanged, and some hacked to death.

That was a long time ago.

Lincoln a Repub freed the slaves.

They were 2nd class citizens and were hanged on a Saturday night for the amusement of the population. Separate but not equal

It was the democrats under Kennedy and Johnson that gave them civil rights on par with the rest of the population.

The faction of the democrats who were opposed to civil rights for black people broke with the demos and join the Repubs. They are the repub problem now .

Guess you forget that Democrats gave us Jim Crow, Segregation created by Democrats...


Do u deny that repubs use to be democrats ?????
Do u deny that repubs use to be democrats ?????

I was a Democrat once I even voted for Carter & Clinton. Does that make any difference to what Democrats have done in the past, especially in the 19th Century? Name one Democrat that participated in these killings in 1874 that are Republicans today.
I was a Democrat once I even voted for Carter & Clinton. Does that make any difference to what Democrats have done in the past, especially in the 19th Century? Name one Democrat that participated in these killings in 1874 that are Republicans today.

The south use to vote democrat but when the the civil rights acts in `1964 was passed they became angry and they switched to republican party and never looked back

1960 presidential vote which showed the South was voting democrats


1964 voting tights act passes outlawed discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin in voter registration, employment, and public accommodations, including ending racial segregation in schools


The south overwhelming voted nay on this act but it was not enough

next election cycle they voted red

So what this shows is the the south voted democrat up till the passing of the 1964 civil rights act which benefits people of color. The southern states overwhelmingly voted nay on this act.

Then they jumped ship and became the base of the republican party.

So if your saying the democrats were racist it was mostly the southern democrats who jump and are now firmly embedded in the republican party. The South had the most segregation policies.

So if your talking from your perspective as one voter it is not the same perspective as a group of voters.

The switch can be identified with a particular cause and the number of votes generated shows a jumping of the ship to join another party.

SO if you are saying democrats are this then those democrats who switched parties are no longer a problem of the democrats but are the basis for the current republican party.

The only abnormality was Carter and Johnson ran and they voted for there own

now your going back to 1874 and comparing them to democrats of today ( over 140 years ago)

well you do not need the way back machine and go that far back to make ;your point and apply it to the present. Especially when there are more current indicators available but they won't fit your narrative.

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