On this Glorious Tax Day, let me say.....


This should be a national Progressive holiday. This is the day we take money from the greedy rich folk and give it to the poor folk cuz they need to pay their fair share.

Come on Progs, let's hear it from you. We need parades, we need fire works, we need you to be proud for who and what you are.

Sadly, they don't seem proud, do they? They just whimper about the Trump tax cuts and hire lawyers to try to find any way they can to impeach him.

I just spent the last few days figuring out what I owe the U.S. Treasure.

g5000 will be glad to know that I took advantage of every Tax Expenditure I could get my greedy, government-loathing hands on.....muuuaaaahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!

By the way......FUCK TAXES!!!
I want all expenditures and credits gone. But you bet your ass i will try to get my hands on every one i can!
I have always thought that Republicans should ban payroll withholding. People automatically go by their net income now but would be different if you had to send one check in every April.
I got a refund, then again I was prepared and did my taxes back in February.
I got a refund, then again I was prepared and did my taxes back in February.

I submitted mine today so I could send the check as late as possible.

We do not have many deductions and pay out the nose. One child, no mortgage, very little tuition, 401ks are Roth.

I have been saving all year so I can send a damn big check to Uncle Sam

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I got a refund, then again I was prepared and did my taxes back in February.

I submitted mine today so I could send the check as late as possible.

We do not have many deductions and pay out the nose. One child, no mortgage, very little tuition, 401ks are Roth.

I have been saving all year so I can send a damn big check to Uncle Sam

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All your 401ks are Roth? I've got my work 401k which is not a Roth and then I have separate individual IRAs, one is a Roth though I'm rarely ever able to put any money into them.

Anyway, I don't sweat 'tax day', as everyday is tax day.
I got a refund, then again I was prepared and did my taxes back in February.

I submitted mine today so I could send the check as late as possible.

We do not have many deductions and pay out the nose. One child, no mortgage, very little tuition, 401ks are Roth.

I have been saving all year so I can send a damn big check to Uncle Sam

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All your 401ks are Roth? I've got my work 401k which is not a Roth and then I have separate individual IRAs, one is a Roth though I'm rarely ever able to put any money into them.

Anyway, I don't sweat 'tax day', as everyday is tax day.

I did everything I could to pay taxes now vice later. I do not sweat it, but it does annoy the piss out of me that I am basically punished for not following the social engineering plan of the tax code

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I got a refund, then again I was prepared and did my taxes back in February.

I submitted mine today so I could send the check as late as possible.

We do not have many deductions and pay out the nose. One child, no mortgage, very little tuition, 401ks are Roth.

I have been saving all year so I can send a damn big check to Uncle Sam

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

All your 401ks are Roth? I've got my work 401k which is not a Roth and then I have separate individual IRAs, one is a Roth though I'm rarely ever able to put any money into them.

Anyway, I don't sweat 'tax day', as everyday is tax day.

I did everything I could to pay taxes now vice later. I do not sweat it, but it does annoy the piss out of me that I am basically punished for not following the social engineering plan of the tax code

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I don't either. I don't have kids so I don't get the write off but I have absolutely no problem paying taxes for education, it's kind of a responsibility whether I directly benefit or not.

I've paid my share of sin taxes and I don't have a problem with that either, I used to smoke but that is a drag on our healthcare system and well...it was killing me so the extra tax was an incentive to quit.

I do have a mortgage but it's so low I'm not getting much of a benefit out of it.

This year was a little different for me as I installed solar on my house and I was able to get a tax refund of 30% of the cost from federal and a lesser but specific dollar amount from my state. That incentive helped me save even more money considering my utility bill is next to zero, just some fees and local taxes, about 20 bucks a month. Going solar is good for the environment and a definite benefit for our country to be subsidized, at least for now.

So, I guess I win some, lose some on that 'social engineering plan'. Some of those tax schemes are a benefit to the country such as heavily taxing cigarettes, I don't have an issue with that, if you make stupid choices then maybe you should pay stupid taxes and not be a burden for the rest of us. However the home mortgage deduction while very popular should probably be phased out slowly so as to not kill the housing market. However it benefits few and rarely ever those who could really use the money.

You are following that social engineering plan to some extent as your Roths are making money tax free and that's probably best for you and the country as a whole as it boosts savings for retirement.
I got a refund, then again I was prepared and did my taxes back in February.

I submitted mine today so I could send the check as late as possible.

We do not have many deductions and pay out the nose. One child, no mortgage, very little tuition, 401ks are Roth.

I have been saving all year so I can send a damn big check to Uncle Sam

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

All your 401ks are Roth? I've got my work 401k which is not a Roth and then I have separate individual IRAs, one is a Roth though I'm rarely ever able to put any money into them.

Anyway, I don't sweat 'tax day', as everyday is tax day.

I did everything I could to pay taxes now vice later. I do not sweat it, but it does annoy the piss out of me that I am basically punished for not following the social engineering plan of the tax code

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I don't either. I don't have kids so I don't get the write off but I have absolutely no problem paying taxes for education, it's kind of a responsibility whether I directly benefit or not.

I've paid my share of sin taxes and I don't have a problem with that either, I used to smoke but that is a drag on our healthcare system and well...it was killing me so the extra tax was an incentive to quit.

I do have a mortgage but it's so low I'm not getting much of a benefit out of it.

This year was a little different for me as I installed solar on my house and I was able to get a tax refund of 30% of the cost from federal and a lesser but specific dollar amount from my state. That incentive helped me save even more money considering my utility bill is next to zero, just some fees and local taxes, about 20 bucks a month. Going solar is good for the environment and a definite benefit for our country to be subsidized, at least for now.

So, I guess I win some, lose some on that 'social engineering plan'. Some of those tax schemes are a benefit to the country such as heavily taxing cigarettes, I don't have an issue with that, if you make stupid choices then maybe you should pay stupid taxes and not be a burden for the rest of us. However the home mortgage deduction while very popular should probably be phased out slowly so as to not kill the housing market. However it benefits few and rarely ever those who could really use the money.

You are following that social engineering plan to some extent as your Roths are making money tax free and that's probably best for you and the country as a whole as it boosts savings for retirement.
What was the total investment for your solar? For many there is never a pay off because of the cost & lifespan/maintenance unless you have a small home.
I looked into it a few years back but the break even date was decades out. That is just unacceptable unless you know you will never sell your home.
No way I'm footing the entire investment just so someone else gets a free ride if I sell my home in 15 or 20 years
I got a refund, then again I was prepared and did my taxes back in February.

I submitted mine today so I could send the check as late as possible.

We do not have many deductions and pay out the nose. One child, no mortgage, very little tuition, 401ks are Roth.

I have been saving all year so I can send a damn big check to Uncle Sam

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

All your 401ks are Roth? I've got my work 401k which is not a Roth and then I have separate individual IRAs, one is a Roth though I'm rarely ever able to put any money into them.

Anyway, I don't sweat 'tax day', as everyday is tax day.

I did everything I could to pay taxes now vice later. I do not sweat it, but it does annoy the piss out of me that I am basically punished for not following the social engineering plan of the tax code

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

I don't either. I don't have kids so I don't get the write off but I have absolutely no problem paying taxes for education, it's kind of a responsibility whether I directly benefit or not.

I've paid my share of sin taxes and I don't have a problem with that either, I used to smoke but that is a drag on our healthcare system and well...it was killing me so the extra tax was an incentive to quit.

I do have a mortgage but it's so low I'm not getting much of a benefit out of it.

This year was a little different for me as I installed solar on my house and I was able to get a tax refund of 30% of the cost from federal and a lesser but specific dollar amount from my state. That incentive helped me save even more money considering my utility bill is next to zero, just some fees and local taxes, about 20 bucks a month. Going solar is good for the environment and a definite benefit for our country to be subsidized, at least for now.

So, I guess I win some, lose some on that 'social engineering plan'. Some of those tax schemes are a benefit to the country such as heavily taxing cigarettes, I don't have an issue with that, if you make stupid choices then maybe you should pay stupid taxes and not be a burden for the rest of us. However the home mortgage deduction while very popular should probably be phased out slowly so as to not kill the housing market. However it benefits few and rarely ever those who could really use the money.

You are following that social engineering plan to some extent as your Roths are making money tax free and that's probably best for you and the country as a whole as it boosts savings for retirement.
What was the total investment for your solar? For many there is never a pay off because of the cost & lifespan/maintenance unless you have a small home.
I looked into it a few years back but the break even date was decades out. That is just unacceptable unless you know you will never sell your home.
No way I'm footing the entire investment just so someone else gets a free ride if I sell my home in 15 or 20 years

My break even date is in about 6 years the panels and system are warrantied for somewhere around 15-20 years. I was able to pay cash though so no loan which would have pushed the break even date back a couple of years.
Living in the greatest country in the world I most often feel I got my money's worth when it comes to taxes. Much easier to say that after the tax return has been filed. Three weeks ago my mood was quite as generous.
"Need" now means wanting someone else's money. "Greed" means wanting to keep your own. "Compassion" is when a politician arranges the transfer.

I just spent the last few days figuring out what I owe the U.S. Treasure.

g5000 will be glad to know that I took advantage of every Tax Expenditure I could get my greedy, government-loathing hands on.....muuuaaaahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa!!!!

By the way......FUCK TAXES!!!

What do you think ? Fancy whiz jets and Syria busting rockets are free?
I make money faster than government can increase taxes and confiscate it that's my revenge. Go ahead tax me I'll just make more :muahaha:

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