On Way Out, Terrorist Sympathizer Obama Remains Loyal To Terrorists

Not his best moves.

Manning and Rivera. Two who should rot in jail for the rest of their lives.

Douchebag is tree stump dumb.
Goldman Sachs was Obama's primary contributor. Hilary was widely known to be in Goldman Sachs pocket. Don thus far has 5 Goldman Sachs higher ups in his white house. The economic team of Paulson/Geitner/Summers slid straight from the Bush administration to the Obama administration. And still folks think partisanshit matters. Phuggin' phenomenal.
Add FALN to the list of terrorists and criminals Obama has helped over the last 8 years:

Muslim Brotherhood
Haqqani network
Al Qaeda
Taliban 5
Mexican Drug Cartels
Terrorist Freed by Obama Placed 130 Bombs Across U.S.

Puerto Rican Terrorist Freed by Obama Placed 130 Bombs Across U.S.

"Oscar López Rivera, the mastermind of Puerto Rican nationalist group FALN, placed more than 130 bombs throughout the United States, most concentrated in New York and Chicago."

So where does Barry get his affinity for terrorists? He came in by announcing his intent to run for President in the living room of domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, a POS terrorists who bombed his own country and killed 1st responders, a guy who declared his only regret was not having done more.

During his 8 years in office Barry never met a terrorists he didn't like ... or fund, supply, arm, train, defend, protect, etc...

Now, on his way out - much like how he started - it is with another terrorist who bombed this country and killed Americans.

That's all you need to know about Barak Obama and his Presidency right there.
I wonder if we can expect Barry to pardon anymore terrorists on the way out?

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