On What Planet Are Most Gas Prices Below $3/gal? Not In U. S. - Is Someone Lying About Prices?

Earth... And to erase the lie...nobody to the best of my knowledge ever said that the price of gas everywhere was below $3 a gallon.

Gas prices More drivers paying under 3 a gallon

10 percent of the nation's gas stations are now selling gasoline at less than $3 a gallon. That means that 90% of the nation's gas stations are selling gasoline at more than $3 a gallon.

It doesn't mean 90% of gas is being sold for that since that 10% (if accurate -- again no link) is doing way more than that percentage of business.

Picture two gas stations, one priced at $2.78 and the other at $3.98. Which one will you have to get in line for?
OK then.
You are the KING of obfuscation.
Hey genius. Go to gasbuddy.com....That is the fucking link, you lazy sack of shit.
Paid $2.97 a gallon yesterday

Thanks President Obama

If you like low gas prices....vote Democrat

Because they were below $2/gallon when Obama took office and it's taken him this long to get them back down to almost $3?
I paid over $4 a gallon under that bastard Bush

Won't catch me voting Republican

And you paid near 5$ under Obama... Have you ever been honest in your lifetime?

Not me

I flashed my Liberal Card and got gas for $2.79 a gallon


Not only did I pay $2.97 a gallon in NJ, but they pumped the gas for me

Thanks President Obama!
I checked the averages on gas, and as of today in New Jersey the average price is $3.57.8. Thanks Obama! Lol

Actually it's $3.10 so --- not even close.

It ranges (at that site) from as low as $2.77 to as high as $3.98 --- which is why I wrote post 29. That's the kind of thing it refers to.
I know what your saying, but rightwinger paying less than $3.00 a gallon in New Jersey close to what we are paying in south Carolina is bullshit, and I called him out on it.

Dude, you can get gas in Jersey right now for $2.77 a gallon. See the station at the top of this list? That's where I fill up enroute to New England.
So WTF are you demanding others provide a link to gas prices when you've already been there yourself?
Are you trying to figure out ways to become an even bigger pain in the ass?
Paid $2.97 a gallon yesterday

Thanks President Obama

If you like low gas prices....vote Democrat

Because they were below $2/gallon when Obama took office and it's taken him this long to get them back down to almost $3?
I paid over $4 a gallon under that bastard Bush

Won't catch me voting Republican

And you paid near 5$ under Obama... Have you ever been honest in your lifetime?

Not me

I flashed my Liberal Card and got gas for $2.79 a gallon


lol, no no... You just never really cared what you paid because you have a welfare job so you're not really paying for it. If the Government stop paying all people that do work for them as you do, what do you suppose the net loss would be? Or would we just see a savings....
Pump prices are still above $3.50 a gallon in my state.
There are states where gas prices are consistently far above the national average.
Those being the high tax blue states in the northeast. IN the upper midwest where gas is piped from the Gulf states has very high transportation costs plus those states collect upwards of 60 cents per gallon in taxes. And of course California, which has so many ridiculous environmental rules and high taxes, it is quite possible to find gasoline more than one dollar per gallon above the national average.
Pump prices are still above $3.50 a gallon in my state.
There are states where gas prices are consistently far above the national average.
Those being the high tax blue states in the northeast. IN the upper midwest where gas is piped from the Gulf states has very high transportation costs plus those states collect upwards of 60 cents per gallon in taxes. And of course California, which has so many ridiculous environmental rules and high taxes, it is quite possible to find gasoline more than one dollar per gallon above the national average.

Thaaaanks Obama....

Or wait, RW gave credit to Obama for low gas prices but I guess the high prices are all Republicans fault, or lets just blame Bush.

RW logic, Republican = bad Democrat = pay me to do nothing! I think it's great how RW, a political dated dinosaur thinks his humor is edgy and clever when really, he's about on par with the shitbag hack parody he presents.
Paid $2.97 a gallon yesterday

Thanks President Obama

If you like low gas prices....vote Democrat

Because they were below $2/gallon when Obama took office and it's taken him this long to get them back down to almost $3?
I paid over $4 a gallon under that bastard Bush

Won't catch me voting Republican

And you paid near 5$ under Obama... Have you ever been honest in your lifetime?

Not me

I flashed my Liberal Card and got gas for $2.79 a gallon


lol, no no... You just never really cared what you paid because you have a welfare job so you're not really paying for it. If the Government stop paying all people that do work for them as you do, what do you suppose the net loss would be? Or would we just see a savings....

Look moron....I am a Liberal and by definition, that entitles me to "free stuff"

By flashing my Liberal Card I get into movies free, get free beer and get free lap dances at titty bars
Because they were below $2/gallon when Obama took office and it's taken him this long to get them back down to almost $3?
I paid over $4 a gallon under that bastard Bush

Won't catch me voting Republican

And you paid near 5$ under Obama... Have you ever been honest in your lifetime?

Not me

I flashed my Liberal Card and got gas for $2.79 a gallon


lol, no no... You just never really cared what you paid because you have a welfare job so you're not really paying for it. If the Government stop paying all people that do work for them as you do, what do you suppose the net loss would be? Or would we just see a savings....

Look moron....I am a Liberal and by definition, that entitles me to "free stuff"

By flashing my Liberal Card I get into movies free, get free beer and get free lap dances at titty bars

Figures liberals would need subsidies.
Ok, who's going to explain to rw that New Jersey is NOT a planet. I repeat, NOT a planet.

He's one of the few libs I like around here so I won't do it, but I'm sure plenty are thinkin it. :)

Obviously you've never been to New Jersey.... it's a whole 'nother world.
And they pump the gas because they have to -- it's state law. Jersey and Oregon. No one knows why but prolly because anyone who's been trying to cope with New Jersey traffic signs is in no mental condition to handle a volatile fuel....

It's thinly-veiled welfare for stoned high-school dropouts.

It's also the reason I refuse to buy gas in Jersey!
That and the NJ Gasoline Retailers Association has been successful at lobbying the State government from keeping legislation to permit self serve gas from coming to a vote as well as keeping initiatives off any statewide referendum.
The association's claims are always the same.
"Women won't be able to pump their own gas( Meanwhile 48 states full of women do just that)
"Self serve gas will not lower the price"....When in states where both services are available, the price for self serve is always lower..
" It will put people out of work"..So?.....Since when is pumping gas a viable career?....
"Service to the traveling public will come to an end"..Really. Asked of NJ people on here. When is the last time the gas pumper asked if you wanted your oil checked?
Every time I go back home I have to endure these guys who make you think they are doing you a favor for filling your gas tank. Most gas pumpers are malcontents who don't want to do anything with their lives or can't So they are just miserable sons of bitches who get to play "you will wait until I'm good and fucking ready to pump your gas"...
And then....THEN....These pricks...wait for it....Want a TIP!!!! Are you shitting me?
Yes, years ago when the guy that pumped the gas, also checked the oil and cleaned the windshield, I remember my mom or dad always giving a tip. Now of course gas was 25 cents a gallon so a 50 cent tip was like 10 15% of the total sale.
Those days are over. The guy with permanent scowl on his face that treats the motorist like an interruption to their time on their cell phone looking at facebook, wants a tip because you had the audacity to interrupt his day...
Wow, Candyass is getting schooled from every angle: INSIDE her thread, outside her thread, inside the Flame Zone, and in related threads on how stupid she is about gas prices.

She's getting Fired at and POUNDED from every angle.


Fun cornering asshole liars. LOL

You've been neutralized Bimbo. SNAP

Keep typing away....this is what is called a NOOOSE. Bwhahahahahhahahaaa
Because they were below $2/gallon when Obama took office and it's taken him this long to get them back down to almost $3?
I paid over $4 a gallon under that bastard Bush

Won't catch me voting Republican

And you paid near 5$ under Obama... Have you ever been honest in your lifetime?

Not me

I flashed my Liberal Card and got gas for $2.79 a gallon


lol, no no... You just never really cared what you paid because you have a welfare job so you're not really paying for it. If the Government stop paying all people that do work for them as you do, what do you suppose the net loss would be? Or would we just see a savings....

Look moron....I am a Liberal and by definition, that entitles me to "free stuff"

By flashing my Liberal Card I get into movies free, get free beer and get free lap dances at titty bars

See, your humor is not really clever or funny because the card carrying term is used to describe someone that is extremely attached to an ideology. Trying to make a joke of it does not play when when you are in fact a hyper partisan.... You simply look like an idiot desperate to sound funny but has given up caring if your humor is accepted due to your jokes simply not being entertaining.

I don't call you a card carrying liberal... You're just mindlessly partisan. You admitted to having a job where the Government overpays you to do quite literally nothing... Just look at my sig, you said it, not me.

So trying to play this hyper partisan parody humor skit losses any entertainment value because you are hyper partisan, you just don't carry a card, or rather maybe you do but no one actually gives a fuck.

So yes RW, in a realistic way your movies, your beer and lap dances are paid for by Government who taxes all of us to have you "advise them" on who the fucks knows what. You try so hard to makes jokes but strangely you can't seem to grasp that you are the joke.

So keep the "I'm a stupid hack.... on the far left.... defined by Republicans..." character going RW, you're almost as good as Steven Colbert. Alllllmost.
I paid over $4 a gallon under that bastard Bush

Won't catch me voting Republican

And you paid near 5$ under Obama... Have you ever been honest in your lifetime?

Not me

I flashed my Liberal Card and got gas for $2.79 a gallon


lol, no no... You just never really cared what you paid because you have a welfare job so you're not really paying for it. If the Government stop paying all people that do work for them as you do, what do you suppose the net loss would be? Or would we just see a savings....

Look moron....I am a Liberal and by definition, that entitles me to "free stuff"

By flashing my Liberal Card I get into movies free, get free beer and get free lap dances at titty bars

Figures liberals would need subsidies.

If it wasn't for the "free stuff" why else would we be liberals?

Only Conservatives are dumb enough to pay full price
I paid over $4 a gallon under that bastard Bush

Won't catch me voting Republican

And you paid near 5$ under Obama... Have you ever been honest in your lifetime?

Not me

I flashed my Liberal Card and got gas for $2.79 a gallon


lol, no no... You just never really cared what you paid because you have a welfare job so you're not really paying for it. If the Government stop paying all people that do work for them as you do, what do you suppose the net loss would be? Or would we just see a savings....

Look moron....I am a Liberal and by definition, that entitles me to "free stuff"

By flashing my Liberal Card I get into movies free, get free beer and get free lap dances at titty bars

See, your humor is not really clever or funny because the card carrying term is used to describe someone that is extremely attached to an ideology. Trying to make a joke of it does not play when when you are in fact a hyper partisan.... You simply look like an idiot desperate to sound funny but has given up caring if your humor is accepted due to your jokes simply not being entertaining.

I don't call you a card carrying liberal... You're just mindlessly partisan. You admitted to having a job where the Government overpays you to do quite literally nothing... Just look at my sig, you said it, not me.

So trying to play this hyper partisan parody humor skit losses any entertainment value because you are hyper partisan, you just don't carry a card, or rather maybe you do but no one actually gives a fuck.

So yes RW, in a realistic way your movies, your beer and lap dances are paid for by Government who taxes all of us to have you "advise them" on who the fucks knows what. You try so hard to makes jokes but strangely you can't seem to grasp that you are the joke.

So keep the "I'm a stupid hack.... on the far left.... defined by Republicans..." character going RW, you're almost as good as Steven Colbert. Alllllmost.

Looks like someones panties are in a bit of a knot

Chalk up another victim to ..........Rightwinger!
And you paid near 5$ under Obama... Have you ever been honest in your lifetime?

Not me

I flashed my Liberal Card and got gas for $2.79 a gallon


lol, no no... You just never really cared what you paid because you have a welfare job so you're not really paying for it. If the Government stop paying all people that do work for them as you do, what do you suppose the net loss would be? Or would we just see a savings....

Look moron....I am a Liberal and by definition, that entitles me to "free stuff"

By flashing my Liberal Card I get into movies free, get free beer and get free lap dances at titty bars

See, your humor is not really clever or funny because the card carrying term is used to describe someone that is extremely attached to an ideology. Trying to make a joke of it does not play when when you are in fact a hyper partisan.... You simply look like an idiot desperate to sound funny but has given up caring if your humor is accepted due to your jokes simply not being entertaining.

I don't call you a card carrying liberal... You're just mindlessly partisan. You admitted to having a job where the Government overpays you to do quite literally nothing... Just look at my sig, you said it, not me.

So trying to play this hyper partisan parody humor skit losses any entertainment value because you are hyper partisan, you just don't carry a card, or rather maybe you do but no one actually gives a fuck.

So yes RW, in a realistic way your movies, your beer and lap dances are paid for by Government who taxes all of us to have you "advise them" on who the fucks knows what. You try so hard to makes jokes but strangely you can't seem to grasp that you are the joke.

So keep the "I'm a stupid hack.... on the far left.... defined by Republicans..." character going RW, you're almost as good as Steven Colbert. Alllllmost.

Looks like someones panties are in a bit of a knot

Chalk up another victim to ..........Rightwinger!

Gawd you sound old, lol. Seriously, how old are you?
Not me

I flashed my Liberal Card and got gas for $2.79 a gallon


lol, no no... You just never really cared what you paid because you have a welfare job so you're not really paying for it. If the Government stop paying all people that do work for them as you do, what do you suppose the net loss would be? Or would we just see a savings....

Look moron....I am a Liberal and by definition, that entitles me to "free stuff"

By flashing my Liberal Card I get into movies free, get free beer and get free lap dances at titty bars

See, your humor is not really clever or funny because the card carrying term is used to describe someone that is extremely attached to an ideology. Trying to make a joke of it does not play when when you are in fact a hyper partisan.... You simply look like an idiot desperate to sound funny but has given up caring if your humor is accepted due to your jokes simply not being entertaining.

I don't call you a card carrying liberal... You're just mindlessly partisan. You admitted to having a job where the Government overpays you to do quite literally nothing... Just look at my sig, you said it, not me.

So trying to play this hyper partisan parody humor skit losses any entertainment value because you are hyper partisan, you just don't carry a card, or rather maybe you do but no one actually gives a fuck.

So yes RW, in a realistic way your movies, your beer and lap dances are paid for by Government who taxes all of us to have you "advise them" on who the fucks knows what. You try so hard to makes jokes but strangely you can't seem to grasp that you are the joke.

So keep the "I'm a stupid hack.... on the far left.... defined by Republicans..." character going RW, you're almost as good as Steven Colbert. Alllllmost.

Looks like someones panties are in a bit of a knot

Chalk up another victim to ..........Rightwinger!

Gawd you sound old, lol. Seriously, how old are you?

Nothing says...."I am rightwingers bitch"....as much as including me in your signature line

Ready to bark for me little pup?
lol, no no... You just never really cared what you paid because you have a welfare job so you're not really paying for it. If the Government stop paying all people that do work for them as you do, what do you suppose the net loss would be? Or would we just see a savings....

Look moron....I am a Liberal and by definition, that entitles me to "free stuff"

By flashing my Liberal Card I get into movies free, get free beer and get free lap dances at titty bars

See, your humor is not really clever or funny because the card carrying term is used to describe someone that is extremely attached to an ideology. Trying to make a joke of it does not play when when you are in fact a hyper partisan.... You simply look like an idiot desperate to sound funny but has given up caring if your humor is accepted due to your jokes simply not being entertaining.

I don't call you a card carrying liberal... You're just mindlessly partisan. You admitted to having a job where the Government overpays you to do quite literally nothing... Just look at my sig, you said it, not me.

So trying to play this hyper partisan parody humor skit losses any entertainment value because you are hyper partisan, you just don't carry a card, or rather maybe you do but no one actually gives a fuck.

So yes RW, in a realistic way your movies, your beer and lap dances are paid for by Government who taxes all of us to have you "advise them" on who the fucks knows what. You try so hard to makes jokes but strangely you can't seem to grasp that you are the joke.

So keep the "I'm a stupid hack.... on the far left.... defined by Republicans..." character going RW, you're almost as good as Steven Colbert. Alllllmost.

Looks like someones panties are in a bit of a knot

Chalk up another victim to ..........Rightwinger!

Gawd you sound old, lol. Seriously, how old are you?

Nothing says...."I am rightwingers bitch"....as much as including me in your signature line

Ready to bark for me little pup?

My wife loled at your comment when I showed it to her. I guess you are in your 50's based off how funny you think your humor is.
Look moron....I am a Liberal and by definition, that entitles me to "free stuff"

By flashing my Liberal Card I get into movies free, get free beer and get free lap dances at titty bars

See, your humor is not really clever or funny because the card carrying term is used to describe someone that is extremely attached to an ideology. Trying to make a joke of it does not play when when you are in fact a hyper partisan.... You simply look like an idiot desperate to sound funny but has given up caring if your humor is accepted due to your jokes simply not being entertaining.

I don't call you a card carrying liberal... You're just mindlessly partisan. You admitted to having a job where the Government overpays you to do quite literally nothing... Just look at my sig, you said it, not me.

So trying to play this hyper partisan parody humor skit losses any entertainment value because you are hyper partisan, you just don't carry a card, or rather maybe you do but no one actually gives a fuck.

So yes RW, in a realistic way your movies, your beer and lap dances are paid for by Government who taxes all of us to have you "advise them" on who the fucks knows what. You try so hard to makes jokes but strangely you can't seem to grasp that you are the joke.

So keep the "I'm a stupid hack.... on the far left.... defined by Republicans..." character going RW, you're almost as good as Steven Colbert. Alllllmost.

Looks like someones panties are in a bit of a knot

Chalk up another victim to ..........Rightwinger!

Gawd you sound old, lol. Seriously, how old are you?

Nothing says...."I am rightwingers bitch"....as much as including me in your signature line

Ready to bark for me little pup?

My wife loled at your comment when I showed it to her. I guess you are in your 50's based off how funny you think your humor is.

Tell your wife I can still get her a better job....if she has the right skills
RW, when I showed my wife what you said in my sig a long time ago she thought you were kinda creepy. She also found your predatory like behavior odd considering she actually works for a living.
Wow, Candyass is getting schooled from every angle: INSIDE her thread, outside her thread, inside the Flame Zone, and in related threads on how stupid she is about gas prices.

She's getting Fired at and POUNDED from every angle.


Fun cornering asshole liars. LOL

You've been neutralized Bimbo. SNAP

Keep typing away....this is what is called a NOOOSE. Bwhahahahahhahahaaa
What would you expect of a far left wing feminazi twat

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