On What Planet Are Most Gas Prices Below $3/gal? Not In U. S. - Is Someone Lying About Prices?

Let's face reality here, people. Low gas prices represent one or more of several things:

1. Higher supply. We know Obama doesn't have anything to do with that, because he's done nothing to increase America's supply of available petroleum. Quite the opposite, in fact.
2. Lower demand. That means lower economic growth, fewer people driving to work, traveling on vacations, transporting goods, stuff like that. Now, Obama might have something to do with that.
Let's face reality here, people. Low gas prices represent one or more of several things:

1. Higher supply. We know Obama doesn't have anything to do with that, because he's done nothing to increase America's supply of available petroleum. Quite the opposite, in fact.
2. Lower demand. That means lower economic growth, fewer people driving to work, traveling on vacations, transporting goods, stuff like that. Now, Obama might have something to do with that.

Well no not really. Supply and demand applies to normal things like oranges. Oil's a whole 'nother ball game.

Neither O'bama nor any other POTUS has anything to do with "America's supply of available petroleum", nor with gas prices. Those are a function of the international market-- the pool it all comes from.

That's why this thread really doesn't belong in the Politics forum.
Let's face reality here, people. Low gas prices represent one or more of several things:

1. Higher supply. We know Obama doesn't have anything to do with that, because he's done nothing to increase America's supply of available petroleum. Quite the opposite, in fact.
2. Lower demand. That means lower economic growth, fewer people driving to work, traveling on vacations, transporting goods, stuff like that. Now, Obama might have something to do with that.

Well no not really. Supply and demand applies to normal things like oranges. Oil's a whole 'nother ball game.

Neither O'bama nor any other POTUS has anything to do with "America's supply of available petroleum", nor with gas prices. Those are a function of the international market-- the pool it all comes from.

That's why this thread really doesn't belong in the Politics forum.

Actually, the American president has a lot to do with the supply of petroleum under American control that is not subject to disruption by ME terrorists. Right now, Iran could close off the Straight of Hormuz and instantly raise oil prices around the world. The more oil we're accessing here at home the less we would have to do without.
That represents a very SMALL number of gas stations under 3....90% OVER 3 bucks dum dums

-- with no link, for the 17th time...
Let's face reality here, people. Low gas prices represent one or more of several things:

1. Higher supply. We know Obama doesn't have anything to do with that, because he's done nothing to increase America's supply of available petroleum. Quite the opposite, in fact.
2. Lower demand. That means lower economic growth, fewer people driving to work, traveling on vacations, transporting goods, stuff like that. Now, Obama might have something to do with that.

Well no not really. Supply and demand applies to normal things like oranges. Oil's a whole 'nother ball game.

Neither O'bama nor any other POTUS has anything to do with "America's supply of available petroleum", nor with gas prices. Those are a function of the international market-- the pool it all comes from.

That's why this thread really doesn't belong in the Politics forum.

Actually, the American president has a lot to do with the supply of petroleum under American control that is not subject to disruption by ME terrorists. Right now, Iran could close off the Straight of Hormuz and instantly raise oil prices around the world. The more oil we're accessing here at home the less we would have to do without.

I'm afraid you don't get how this system works.

The oil we might drill and/or process here has nothing directly to do with the gasoline supply available. First of all, "we" don't drill or process it -- oil companies do that, and they don't work for "us" (the country); they work for their stockholders. That oil developed in Texas or wherever doesn't end up in a 76 station in Lubbock; it goes (virtually) to that same world pool where Venezuela's and Nigeria's and Saudi Arabia's oil goes ---- to whatever buyer returns the Company the most profit, in order. We're not at the top of that list any more.

That's the whole fallacy that tries to sell the Keystone pipeline -- just because that Canadian crude gets refined in Houston doesn't mean it's staying here -- the reason it would go to Houston for refining (Houston certainly isn't the only place that can refine) is because it can be easily loaded on ships to Asia. Because that's where the money is at the moment. So that's where it goes. Nobody benefits from that except Big Oil.

Unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and create an insular market cut off from the rest of the world, the myth of "what's drilled here stays here" remains a myth used to sell snake oil like Keystone to public approval. Oil companies don't work for a flag; they work for profit.
That and the NJ Gasoline Retailers Association has been successful at lobbying the State government from keeping legislation to permit self serve gas from coming to a vote as well as keeping initiatives off any statewide referendum.
The association's claims are always the same.
"Women won't be able to pump their own gas( Meanwhile 48 states full of women do just that)
"Self serve gas will not lower the price"....When in states where both services are available, the price for self serve is always lower..
" It will put people out of work"..So?.....Since when is pumping gas a viable career?....
"Service to the traveling public will come to an end"..Really. Asked of NJ people on here. When is the last time the gas pumper asked if you wanted your oil checked?
Every time I go back home I have to endure these guys who make you think they are doing you a favor for filling your gas tank. Most gas pumpers are malcontents who don't want to do anything with their lives or can't So they are just miserable sons of bitches who get to play "you will wait until I'm good and fucking ready to pump your gas"...
And then....THEN....These pricks...wait for it....Want a TIP!!!! Are you shitting me?
Yes, years ago when the guy that pumped the gas, also checked the oil and cleaned the windshield, I remember my mom or dad always giving a tip. Now of course gas was 25 cents a gallon so a 50 cent tip was like 10 15% of the total sale.
Those days are over. The guy with permanent scowl on his face that treats the motorist like an interruption to their time on their cell phone looking at facebook, wants a tip because you had the audacity to interrupt his day...

A few years ago, my friend's motorhome was 5 seconds away from a tank of diesel fuel! That was his last fillup in Jersey.
Looks like the lying continues about gas prices.

Yes and you're the one doing it.

Thanks for bumping my thread. Did you finally figure out 90% of America has prices over $3 dumbass?

Guess not.

I never made the argument that they didn't little girl. Just that the price of gas in some areas are below $3 a gallon. You've made 4 threads to try to derail an argument that was never made. It's sad.

Someday when you're all growed up, you'll look back on your behavior here and hope nobody who knows you IRL is witnessing this. You're obviously very lonely (not of your own choice) so I doubt anyone pays that much attention to you IRL.
Looks like the lying continues about gas prices.

Yes and you're the one doing it.

Thanks for bumping my thread. Did you finally figure out 90% of America has prices over $3 dumbass?

Guess not.

I never made the argument that they didn't little girl. Just that the price of gas in some areas are below $3 a gallon. You've made 4 threads to try to derail an argument that was never made. It's sad.

Someday when you're all growed up, you'll look back on your behavior here and hope nobody who knows you IRL is witnessing this. You're obviously very lonely (not of your own choice) so I doubt anyone pays that much attention to you IRL.

LOL, I'm really under you skin, aren't I, candycornintheshit.

Show me where you used the word SOME in that lying title of yours.


U libs can't win the argu and move to Saul Alinsky tactics...LOL....not very original are ya, nit wit?

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