On What Planet Are Most Gas Prices Below $3/gal? Not In U. S. - Is Someone Lying About Prices?

Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.

In other words, what you mean is that
whenever something negative happens on his watch, he's 100% responsible.
When something positive happens on his watch, he's 100% not responsible.
Which is of course exactly the opposite of what you do.

Bubble head.

Total nonsense as I have shown time and again. Only admitted racists liars like yourself continue to make this claim that Obama is not criticized by his own constituency. Just because your view of the world is narrow and you find it impossible to have two thoughts in your head at one time doesn't mean that the rest of the world suffers from your profound limitations.
Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.

In other words, what you mean is that
whenever something negative happens on his watch, he's 100% responsible.
When something positive happens on his watch, he's 100% not responsible.
Which is of course exactly the opposite of what you do.

Bubble head.

Total nonsense as I have shown time and again. Only admitted racists liars like yourself continue to make this claim that Obama is not criticized by his own constituency. Just because your view of the world is narrow and you find it impossible to have two thoughts in your head at one time doesn't mean that the rest of the world suffers from your profound limitations.

You're an idiot Candy. I was talking about YOU specifically, not Obama's constituency.

You need to head over to Pogo.com and play games, you have nothing of value to add to this board. I mean NOTHING.
Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.

In other words, what you mean is that
whenever something negative happens on his watch, he's 100% responsible.
When something positive happens on his watch, he's 100% not responsible.
Which is of course exactly the opposite of what you do.

Bubble head.

Total nonsense as I have shown time and again. Only admitted racists liars like yourself continue to make this claim that Obama is not criticized by his own constituency. Just because your view of the world is narrow and you find it impossible to have two thoughts in your head at one time doesn't mean that the rest of the world suffers from your profound limitations.

You're an idiot Candy. I was talking about YOU specifically, not Obama's constituency.

You need to head over to Pogo.com and play games, you have nothing of value to add to this board. I mean NOTHING.

Again, Total nonsense as I have shown time and again. To explain what that means to you is that I..me...personally...have started various threads criticizing the President and have weighed in several times about his lack of management skills, errors in judgment about wanting to go into Syria last year et. al., and spread it to include Reid and Pelosi.

If you're hungry, I can force feed you crow on this or you can apologize and sulk away like you normally do after losing an argument.

See, when someone uses "I", they are talking about themselves.

Just because your view of the world is narrow and you find it impossible to have two thoughts in your head at one time doesn't mean that the rest of the world suffers from your profound limitations.
The US average price per gallon was $1.838 the day Obama took office.

If you like low gas prices , vote Democrat indeed.

Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96 Under Obama CNS News
And gas was $1.20 a gallon when Bush took office and it hit an all time high of $5.00 dollars a gallon before the economy crashed...and it went down...
gas prices raising or lowering had NOTHING to do with economy in general. Read the link from Times that I posted. One company caused the price to tank in 08, I'm sure that another company caused the price to spike in that same year as well.

Of course the simple fix is to make futures speculation illegal. NEITHER party supports that.
LOL Disc...you have to be kidding me that you think that link backs you up. LOL

You are one wacky delusional ideologue.

Gas prices fall below 3 in two states - CSMonitor.com

I suspect that with the summer blend expense to the refiners and the surplus of crude, thanks to fracking, that gas will go below $3 in many of the other 48 states. Obama will be crushed since he wants our gas prices to be on a par with European gas prices. At least he put every road block in place that he could to keep prices up, but American oil companies and technology defeated him.

You and the other share holders shouldn't be worried, you still have all those tax incentives provided corporate lobbyists.
Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.

In other words, what you mean is that
whenever something negative happens on his watch, he's 100% responsible.
When something positive happens on his watch, he's 100% not responsible.
I don't have any in other words. The ones you are using are being proven wrong on a daily basis. Anything economically positive is despite what obie has intended. If it wasn't for the free market we would be totally fucked. Everything wrong is 100% obies fault, those are the results of his policies. He gets no credit when someone can work around his bullshit and actually make something work.

So yes. whatever happens is 100% obies problem when it goes wrong and 100% the people that made it happen fighting against his stupidity. They made it happen despite obies hurdles. Why would any sane person give him any credit for that?
I suspect that with the summer blend expense to the refiners and the surplus of crude, thanks to fracking, that gas will go below $3 in many of the other 48 states. Obama will be crushed since he wants our gas prices to be on a par with European gas prices. At least he put every road block in place that he could to keep prices up, but American oil companies and technology defeated him.

Once again for the terminally illiterate: gas prices do not work that way. Period.
Let's face reality here, people. Low gas prices represent one or more of several things:

1. Higher supply. We know Obama doesn't have anything to do with that, because he's done nothing to increase America's supply of available petroleum. Quite the opposite, in fact.
2. Lower demand. That means lower economic growth, fewer people driving to work, traveling on vacations, transporting goods, stuff like that. Now, Obama might have something to do with that.

Well no not really. Supply and demand applies to normal things like oranges. Oil's a whole 'nother ball game.

Neither O'bama nor any other POTUS has anything to do with "America's supply of available petroleum", nor with gas prices. Those are a function of the international market-- the pool it all comes from.

That's why this thread really doesn't belong in the Politics forum.

Actually, the American president has a lot to do with the supply of petroleum under American control that is not subject to disruption by ME terrorists. Right now, Iran could close off the Straight of Hormuz and instantly raise oil prices around the world. The more oil we're accessing here at home the less we would have to do without.

I'm afraid you don't get how this system works.

The oil we might drill and/or process here has nothing directly to do with the gasoline supply available. First of all, "we" don't drill or process it -- oil companies do that, and they don't work for "us" (the country); they work for their stockholders. That oil developed in Texas or wherever doesn't end up in a 76 station in Lubbock; it goes (virtually) to that same world pool where Venezuela's and Nigeria's and Saudi Arabia's oil goes ---- to whatever buyer returns the Company the most profit, in order. We're not at the top of that list any more.

That's the whole fallacy that tries to sell the Keystone pipeline -- just because that Canadian crude gets refined in Houston doesn't mean it's staying here -- the reason it would go to Houston for refining (Houston certainly isn't the only place that can refine) is because it can be easily loaded on ships to Asia. Because that's where the money is at the moment. So that's where it goes. Nobody benefits from that except Big Oil.

Unless you want to nationalize the oil companies and create an insular market cut off from the rest of the world, the myth of "what's drilled here stays here" remains a myth used to sell snake oil like Keystone to public approval. Oil companies don't work for a flag; they work for profit.

Adding to the world supply of oil, or refined products, be it by OPEC increasing production or exports by the US, lowers the price on the world market. When demand increases faster than supply, prices go up and when supply increase faster than demand, prices go down. This is basic supply and demand 101.
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I suspect that with the summer blend expense to the refiners and the surplus of crude, thanks to fracking, that gas will go below $3 in many of the other 48 states. Obama will be crushed since he wants our gas prices to be on a par with European gas prices. At least he put every road block in place that he could to keep prices up, but American oil companies and technology defeated him.

Once again for the terminally illiterate: gas prices do not work that way. Period.

Perhaps you will tell me how gas prices "work."
Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.

In other words, what you mean is that
whenever something negative happens on his watch, he's 100% responsible.
When something positive happens on his watch, he's 100% not responsible.
Which is of course exactly the opposite of what you do.

Bubble head.

Total nonsense as I have shown time and again. Only admitted racists liars like yourself continue to make this claim that Obama is not criticized by his own constituency. Just because your view of the world is narrow and you find it impossible to have two thoughts in your head at one time doesn't mean that the rest of the world suffers from your profound limitations.

Obama criticized by his own constituency! I can't believe there are Obama supporters that are racist liars. LOL
Ethanol is pushing gasoline prices lower in the Midwest.

Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.

In other words, what you mean is that
whenever something negative happens on his watch, he's 100% responsible.
When something positive happens on his watch, he's 100% not responsible.
Which is of course exactly the opposite of what you do.

Bubble head.

Total nonsense as I have shown time and again. Only admitted racists liars like yourself continue to make this claim that Obama is not criticized by his own constituency. Just because your view of the world is narrow and you find it impossible to have two thoughts in your head at one time doesn't mean that the rest of the world suffers from your profound limitations.

Hey Candycracker, you're in the wrong thread. This is a thread where people who understand economics teach people like YOU how gas prices are derived. :)

But thanks for bumping it.
Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.

In other words, what you mean is that
whenever something negative happens on his watch, he's 100% responsible.
When something positive happens on his watch, he's 100% not responsible.
Which is of course exactly the opposite of what you do.

Bubble head.

Total nonsense as I have shown time and again. Only admitted racists liars like yourself continue to make this claim that Obama is not criticized by his own constituency. Just because your view of the world is narrow and you find it impossible to have two thoughts in your head at one time doesn't mean that the rest of the world suffers from your profound limitations.

Hey Candycracker, you're in the wrong thread. This is a thread where people who understand economics teach people like YOU how gas prices are derived. :)

But thanks for bumping it.

The thread underscores that gas is below $3 a gallon--exactly the opposite of what you attended. Bump it all you wish.

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