On What Planet Are Most Gas Prices Below $3/gal? Not In U. S. - Is Someone Lying About Prices?

Looks like the lying continues about gas prices.

Yes and you're the one doing it.

Thanks for bumping my thread. Did you finally figure out 90% of America has prices over $3 dumbass?

Guess not.

I never made the argument that they didn't little girl. Just that the price of gas in some areas are below $3 a gallon. You've made 4 threads to try to derail an argument that was never made. It's sad.

Someday when you're all growed up, you'll look back on your behavior here and hope nobody who knows you IRL is witnessing this. You're obviously very lonely (not of your own choice) so I doubt anyone pays that much attention to you IRL.

LOL, I'm really under you skin, aren't I, candycornintheshit.

Show me where you used the word SOME in that lying title of yours.


U libs can't win the argu and move to Saul Alinsky tactics...LOL....not very original are ya, nit wit?

The only thing you're under is the impression that you matter.
Show me where I said "Everywhere" in that title?
If I were to write something like, "Ebola is discovered in Texas" would you automatically assume that every square inch in Texas or every person in Texas is effected? Gee, I hope not.

Anyway...it's been fun dealing with your brand of juvenile antics.
Looks like the lying continues about gas prices.

Yes and you're the one doing it.

Thanks for bumping my thread. Did you finally figure out 90% of America has prices over $3 dumbass?

Guess not.

I never made the argument that they didn't little girl. Just that the price of gas in some areas are below $3 a gallon. You've made 4 threads to try to derail an argument that was never made. It's sad.

Someday when you're all growed up, you'll look back on your behavior here and hope nobody who knows you IRL is witnessing this. You're obviously very lonely (not of your own choice) so I doubt anyone pays that much attention to you IRL.

LOL, I'm really under you skin, aren't I, candycornintheshit.

Show me where you used the word SOME in that lying title of yours.


U libs can't win the argu and move to Saul Alinsky tactics...LOL....not very original are ya, nit wit?

The only thing you're under is the impression that you matter.
Show me where I said "Everywhere" in that title?
If I were to write something like, "Ebola is discovered in Texas" would you automatically assume that every square inch in Texas or every person in Texas is effected? Gee, I hope not.

Anyway...it's been fun dealing with your brand of juvenile antics.

You've been caught lying AGAIN!! LOL

You said you said SOME.

You lied.


Sorry had enuf funning playing wi you stupid libs for now...gotta run and do something even more fun now.

Ta ta idiot.
Yes and you're the one doing it.

Thanks for bumping my thread. Did you finally figure out 90% of America has prices over $3 dumbass?

Guess not.

I never made the argument that they didn't little girl. Just that the price of gas in some areas are below $3 a gallon. You've made 4 threads to try to derail an argument that was never made. It's sad.

Someday when you're all growed up, you'll look back on your behavior here and hope nobody who knows you IRL is witnessing this. You're obviously very lonely (not of your own choice) so I doubt anyone pays that much attention to you IRL.

LOL, I'm really under you skin, aren't I, candycornintheshit.

Show me where you used the word SOME in that lying title of yours.


U libs can't win the argu and move to Saul Alinsky tactics...LOL....not very original are ya, nit wit?

The only thing you're under is the impression that you matter.
Show me where I said "Everywhere" in that title?
If I were to write something like, "Ebola is discovered in Texas" would you automatically assume that every square inch in Texas or every person in Texas is effected? Gee, I hope not.

Anyway...it's been fun dealing with your brand of juvenile antics.

You've been caught lying AGAIN!! LOL

You said you said SOME.

You lied.


Sorry had enuf funning playing wi you stupid libs for now...gotta run and do something even more fun now.

Ta ta idiot.

Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
The US average price per gallon was $1.838 the day Obama took office.

If you like low gas prices , vote Democrat indeed.

Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96 Under Obama CNS News

POTUSes have nothing to do with the price of gas. Go git chew a edumacation. And some more credible sources. IIRC Mitt Romney tried the same ploy. The unwashed are dim, but they're not quite that dim.

The price had tanked, pun intended, because of the Grand Collapse of September 2008. Two months earlier it had hit a record high -- a record which still stands.

And the whole world knows it. But thanks for coming out; say bye-bye to any credibility you would have had. :bye1:
The US average price per gallon was $1.838 the day Obama took office.

If you like low gas prices , vote Democrat indeed.

Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96 Under Obama CNS News

POTUSes have nothing to do with the price of gas. Go git chew a edumacation. And some more credible sources. IIRC Mitt Romney tried the same ploy. The unwashed are dim, but they're not quite that dim.

The price had tanked, pun intended, because of the Grand Collapse of September 2008. Two months earlier it had hit a record high -- a record which still stands.

And the whole world knows it. But thanks for coming out; say bye-bye to any credibility you would have had. :bye1:

What the fuck are you talking about? At WHAT point did I say the President controlled gas prices? Oh that's right, I didn't.

But certainly your claim that he has NOTHING to do with prices is incorrect, because as new regulations are added, or new taxes, prices of EVERYTHING goes up. If on the other hand policies allow for lower taxes and less regulation, prices go down.

And that of course isn't even considering the effect the POTUS can have on inflation, which is considerable.
Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.
The US average price per gallon was $1.838 the day Obama took office.

If you like low gas prices , vote Democrat indeed.

Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96 Under Obama CNS News

POTUSes have nothing to do with the price of gas. Go git chew a edumacation. And some more credible sources. IIRC Mitt Romney tried the same ploy. The unwashed are dim, but they're not quite that dim.

The price had tanked, pun intended, because of the Grand Collapse of September 2008. Two months earlier it had hit a record high -- a record which still stands.

And the whole world knows it. But thanks for coming out; say bye-bye to any credibility you would have had. :bye1:

What the fuck are you talking about? At WHAT point did I say the President controlled gas prices? Oh that's right, I didn't.

But certainly your claim that he has NOTHING to do with prices is incorrect, because as new regulations are added, or new taxes, prices of EVERYTHING goes up. If on the other hand policies allow for lower taxes and less regulation, prices go down.

And that of course isn't even considering the effect the POTUS can have on inflation, which is considerable.

What the fuck are you talking about? At WHAT point did I say you said the President controlled gas prices? Oh that's right, I didn't.

If you'd like to entertain us further with your obviously profound ignorance of what makes gas prices tick, why don't you give us a list of those regulations Shrub did away with in the late summer of '08 to make prices tank from $4.60 to $1.80. That oughta be a hoot.
LOL Disc...you have to be kidding me that you think that link backs you up. LOL

You are one wacky delusional ideologue.

Gas prices fall below 3 in two states - CSMonitor.com

I suspect that with the summer blend expense to the refiners and the surplus of crude, thanks to fracking, that gas will go below $3 in many of the other 48 states. Obama will be crushed since he wants our gas prices to be on a par with European gas prices. At least he put every road block in place that he could to keep prices up, but American oil companies and technology defeated him.
The US average price per gallon was $1.838 the day Obama took office.

If you like low gas prices , vote Democrat indeed.

Price of Gallon of Gas Up 96 Under Obama CNS News

POTUSes have nothing to do with the price of gas. Go git chew a edumacation. And some more credible sources. IIRC Mitt Romney tried the same ploy. The unwashed are dim, but they're not quite that dim.

The price had tanked, pun intended, because of the Grand Collapse of September 2008. Two months earlier it had hit a record high -- a record which still stands.

And the whole world knows it. But thanks for coming out; say bye-bye to any credibility you would have had. :bye1:

What the fuck are you talking about? At WHAT point did I say the President controlled gas prices? Oh that's right, I didn't.

But certainly your claim that he has NOTHING to do with prices is incorrect, because as new regulations are added, or new taxes, prices of EVERYTHING goes up. If on the other hand policies allow for lower taxes and less regulation, prices go down.

And that of course isn't even considering the effect the POTUS can have on inflation, which is considerable.

What the fuck are you talking about? At WHAT point did I say you said the President controlled gas prices? Oh that's right, I didn't.

If you'd like to entertain us further with your obviously profound ignorance of what makes gas prices tick, why don't you give us a list of those regulations Shrub did away with in the late summer of '08 to make prices tank from $4.60 to $1.80. That oughta be a hoot.

Again, where did I say BOOSH directly lowered gas prices? Oh that's right, I still didn't. What I DID say was that the President's policies can certainly affect prices.

As for the drop in 2008 oil prices, here's a pretty good article

What Caused the Big Slide in Oil Prices - TIME
Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.

In other words, what you mean is that
whenever something negative happens on his watch, he's 100% responsible.
When something positive happens on his watch, he's 100% not responsible.
Gas prices are less than 3 per gallon.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You of course must mean despite obie. The free market has done the opposite of what he was trying to get done with regulation. Imagine how much less we would be paying with Keystone up and running.

Production is up in the USA despite government interference. And just like we told you people for years now the more production the cheaper the price. You are getting an economic education every time you fill up. Pay attention and stop cheering for stupid policies.

In other words, what you mean is that
whenever something negative happens on his watch, he's 100% responsible.
When something positive happens on his watch, he's 100% not responsible.
Which is of course exactly the opposite of what you do.

Bubble head.

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