Zone1 On What Story Do You Base Your Life?

I suspect I am a re-incarnation of the Magdeline .

Anybody seen that nerdy monk yet?
Unconsciously or not, we all base our lives on a story. On what story do you base your life? Is it a true story or a false story?

After thinking for a bit, the story I base my life on is that God is love, and that His love is so great He loves us all. The day I felt God's love, what had the greatest impact on me was that this is how God loves everyone, not just little ol' me. If only I could love--care--like God loves and cares about us.

In a homily this week, the message was also, God is good. I believe that as well, but more, my life is based on the story that God is love. On what story have you based you life? And is it a true story?

Don Quixote. I spend a lot of time fighting windmills.
I also like the story of how Buddha became a mover of the world by deliberately doing nothing. I love the story of Martin Luther and John Wycliffe who risked their everything to bring the Bible to regular people. I like the story of Joseph Smith but he was a man of remarkable talents. Not everyone could do what he did. He was an extraordinary man. Buddha, Martin Luther, and John Wycliffe did things that all of us are capable of doing but had remarkable results. Joseph Smith was that one and twenty billion people that almost never come along. He can’t inspire me but I do like his story.


I follow Jesus and His story. When I go through painful things, I think of Him and Calvary. When I pray the rosary, it is His life I meditate on, forgetting my own... at least some of the time. I'm eternally grateful for the good priest years ago who shared w/ me about the Real Presence... something I had not heard of even though "raised Catholic" (not... long story...) God bless that priest... but I know God already has... seemingly in spades
I just never thought about having a spiritual role model.
because you know everything already, eh?


I like reading about the saints... it's comforting to know that they were often miserable following Jesus just as I am... (St John of the Cross... ST John Vianney... St Jude)... easy to fell picked on by the Man Upstairs if you don't hear the stories of others...
Give it a read if you ever come across it. It’s sci-fi, but a great story with timeless elements of both politics and religion. Won some snooty awards in its day.
i don't do fiction. Non-fiction is much stranger... therefore more fascinating. Plus, I just figure facts and truth and true stories are more useful in combatting... well, you know... BS

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