Once again, another active shooter.

I've never liked that 'active shoooter' language.

What is a inactive shooter? What are the media trying to project onto the tv drones?

According to libs, anyone who owns a gun is an "inactive" shooter just waiting to become an "active" shooter.

Post the evidence, Oh yeah, you're well known as a damn liar.

First of all, show where I've lied.

Second, we hear in threads all the time from you guys, that "the shooter" was a law abiding citizen until he went on a rampage. You guys are obviously implying that gun owners are just a heartbeat away from being an "active shooter".
Aurora, Illinois, shooting, at Henry Pratt Company building: what we know

Again...is that all we get?

There have been 39 mass shooting events already in 2019...but the GOP Senate won't even VOTE on Universal background checks

It was clear the gun control advocates owned the Republican Party, or did until Trump appeared, now Putin does.

POST SCRIPT: Putin's Russia has gun controls, wait 'till he gets together with trump for their next love in and he'll remind trump that his despotic rule is at risk with too many guns in circulation.

You really are stupid....Russia has strict gun control....and more gun murder than the U.S.....you moron...

The U.S. Has More Guns, But Russia Has More Murders

Russian Gun Laws

Russia has tough gun laws on the books. It's illegal for Russian citizens to own automatic and semi-automatic guns. It's possible to apply for a handgun or shotgun license, though citizens are required to provide reasons such as hunting or target shooting.

Applicants face strict background checks, including criminal history, a full psychological evaluation and a medical exam. They must pass a test on firearm laws and safety.

Each weapon is then registered by the police during a home visit. Police take bullet patterns, test bullets and cartridges so bullets can be matched if the gun is used in a crime. A license lasts five years, after which applicants must go through the whole process again.
Aurora, Illinois, shooting, at Henry Pratt Company building: what we know

Again...is that all we get?

There have been 39 mass shooting events already in 2019...but the GOP Senate won't even VOTE on Universal background checks

It was clear the gun control advocates owned the Republican Party, or did until Trump appeared, now Putin does.

POST SCRIPT: Putin's Russia has gun controls, wait 'till he gets together with trump for their next love in and he'll remind trump that his despotic rule is at risk with too many guns in circulation.

You really are stupid....Russia has strict gun control....and more gun murder than the U.S.....you moron...

The U.S. Has More Guns, But Russia Has More Murders

Russian Gun Laws

Russia has tough gun laws on the books. It's illegal for Russian citizens to own automatic and semi-automatic guns. It's possible to apply for a handgun or shotgun license, though citizens are required to provide reasons such as hunting or target shooting.

Applicants face strict background checks, including criminal history, a full psychological evaluation and a medical exam. They must pass a test on firearm laws and safety.

Each weapon is then registered by the police during a home visit. Police take bullet patterns, test bullets and cartridges so bullets can be matched if the gun is used in a crime. A license lasts five years, after which applicants must go through the whole process again.

SHHHH, facts don't fit his narrative.
Whether you like it or not, this is the cost of freedom.
----------------------------------------------------------- thanks and you are correct , i say similar all the time Fugazi . My thinking is , hey , 310 million mutts of all sorts in the USA at the 2010 census and most can be armed and what is it , 5 died in the USA . Too bad , may they REST in Peace . So looks like the huge MAJORITY of people in the USA made it through the day and night except for some others that died in car accidents Fugazi .
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So the solution to work place gun violence...school gun violence...mall gun violence...concert gun violence...night club gun violence

Is nothing.

This can happen ANYWHERE...and does...often...and Republicans would do

Pismoe finds this "funny"?
So the solution to work place gun violence...school gun violence...mall gun violence...concert gun violence...night club gun violence

Is nothing.

This can happen ANYWHERE...and does...often...and Republicans would do


Shall they pass useless laws?
Why is there surprise because some one was shoot at a gun free location? are there more murders there than other places? really Guns are not the problem, people are the problem. why do so many more people think killing is a solution. could all the extreme political hatred be adding to the problem?
Anyone surprised? [Aurora, IL]

Anyone surprised? [Aurora, IL]

I am surprised. I thought the draconian anti-gun laws of Illinois were supposed to prevent such things.

No, you're confused, gun laws do not prevent such events, no more than speed limits prevent speeding. If you need to have someone explain 1) why speed laws do not prevent speeders, and 2) why we need speed limits please ask.

So, what is it you are proposing, Wry? 90 million weapons already exist and in the hands of the people. Why do propose as to what must be done???

"90 million" ? Where did you get that ?

There's actually an estimated 120 firearms per 100 people in the U.S. That means there's somewhere around 390 million firearms in private ownership in the U.S.

To put it another way, the people have about 100 times the # of guns than our military does.
So the solution to work place gun violence...school gun violence...mall gun violence...concert gun violence...night club gun violence

Is nothing.

This can happen ANYWHERE...and does...often...and Republicans would do

Pismoe finds this "funny"?
------------------------------------------------- i find YOU Funny Lesh . As so Eloquently and already said , this is the price of the Freedom to have Guns and Gun RIGHTS you emotion driven Opportunist Lesh .
Aurora, Illinois, shooting, at Henry Pratt Company building: what we know

Again...is that all we get?

There have been 39 mass shooting events already in 2019...but the GOP Senate won't even VOTE on Universal background checks

It was clear the gun control advocates owned the Republican Party, or did until Trump appeared, now Putin does.

POST SCRIPT: Putin's Russia has gun controls, wait 'till he gets together with trump for their next love in and he'll remind trump that his despotic rule is at risk with too many guns in circulation.

You really are stupid....Russia has strict gun control....and more gun murder than the U.S.....you moron...

The U.S. Has More Guns, But Russia Has More Murders

Russian Gun Laws

Russia has tough gun laws on the books. It's illegal for Russian citizens to own automatic and semi-automatic guns. It's possible to apply for a handgun or shotgun license, though citizens are required to provide reasons such as hunting or target shooting.

Applicants face strict background checks, including criminal history, a full psychological evaluation and a medical exam. They must pass a test on firearm laws and safety.

Each weapon is then registered by the police during a home visit. Police take bullet patterns, test bullets and cartridges so bullets can be matched if the gun is used in a crime. A license lasts five years, after which applicants must go through the whole process again.
Yea...who's doing the murdering?

State sanctioned Mafia
Aurora, Illinois, shooting, at Henry Pratt Company building: what we know

Again...is that all we get?

There have been 39 mass shooting events already in 2019...but the GOP Senate won't even VOTE on Universal background checks

It was clear the gun control advocates owned the Republican Party, or did until Trump appeared, now Putin does.

POST SCRIPT: Putin's Russia has gun controls, wait 'till he gets together with trump for their next love in and he'll remind trump that his despotic rule is at risk with too many guns in circulation.

You really are stupid....Russia has strict gun control....and more gun murder than the U.S.....you moron...

The U.S. Has More Guns, But Russia Has More Murders

Russian Gun Laws

Russia has tough gun laws on the books. It's illegal for Russian citizens to own automatic and semi-automatic guns. It's possible to apply for a handgun or shotgun license, though citizens are required to provide reasons such as hunting or target shooting.

Applicants face strict background checks, including criminal history, a full psychological evaluation and a medical exam. They must pass a test on firearm laws and safety.

Each weapon is then registered by the police during a home visit. Police take bullet patterns, test bullets and cartridges so bullets can be matched if the gun is used in a crime. A license lasts five years, after which applicants must go through the whole process again.
Yea...who's doing the murdering?

State sanctioned Mafia

Thank you for confirming the beliefs of our Founding Fathers...that normal people need access to guns...thanks.
Shall they pass useless laws?

You consider Universal background checks to be "useless?

Consider this. we have more guns than people...but only 1/3 of the households own ANY guns.

This is about a pretty small minority of gun fetishesists

Apparently Sassy is one of those
I believe every citizen should be legally forced to own at least 3 guns per household -- that is the only way we can guarantee that our country would be safe from mass shooters.
Shall they pass useless laws?

You consider Universal background checks to be "useless?

Consider this. we have more guns than people...but only 1/3 of the households own ANY guns.

This is about a pretty small minority of gun fetishesists

Apparently Sassy is one of those

Yes......universal background checks are useless........ the Current, Federally mandated background check system did not stop the latest, Aurora, Illinois shooter from getting a gun...he is a convicted felon who cannot legally buy, own or carry a gun.....

Criminals get their guns by stealing them or by using a straw buyer, someone who can pass any background check including the universal background check for a private gun sale.....

So, you pass universal gun background checks.....criminals still get guns and use them, mass public shooters still get guns and use them....so what do they actually do?

So.......the only reason.....the only reason the anti-gunners want universal background checks is to be able to demand universal gun registration...which they need to ban and confiscate guns for law abiding gun owners......

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