Once again the BANNED MSM bashing Trump! Especially The Register banned by Trump!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Remember back when Trump banned the Des Moines Register?
The real-estate mogul and Republican 2016 candidate was unhappy with an editorial published by the newspaper that called on Trump to pull out of the race.
“We’re not issuing credentials to anyone from The Des Moines Register based on the editorial that they wrote earlier in the week,” Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told the newspaper.

He said he expected the campaign would reconsider for future events.
Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event

So today's Register Headline:News | The Des Moines Register | DesMoinesRegister.com
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BURIED in the story though if any one cares to go farther SEE what Iowans think about the candidates!
BEATS all including CRUZ in 5 of 7 attributes:
By a wide margin on 4 of the 7 over Cruz.

YET what is the MSM/Register's HEADLINE????
Once again people like me are pissed at the MSM and their CONSTANT manipulation of people's
opinions instead of just sharing the FACTS!

Screen Shot 2015-12-12 at 5.51.22 PM.png
A candidate for president of the United States "banning" press. Beating up on journalists - yep, RWNJs love that.

And look at that poll. So far, Drumpf has not shown he can or could do any of those things. So far, all he has shown is that he's good at bluster and bragging and bull shit.

Read his policy statement at his site.
A candidate for president of the United States "banning" press. Beating up on journalists - yep, RWNJs love that.

And look at that poll. So far, Drumpf has not shown he can or could do any of those things. So far, all he has shown is that he's good at bluster and bragging and bull shit.

Read his policy statement at his site.

Well I'd rather have his bluster etc. then this crap that you idiots lapped up!
From Obama's book "Dreams from My Father"...published July 18,1995
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed.
Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered young black man who didn't seem angry all the time

You idiots NEVER ever read this I'm sure because you'd SEE what a dumb f...k Obama takes people like you for! I mean Obama told you he was going to lie to you!
Trick you ... Use tactics to keep you from seeing he was an "An angry ill-mannered' now OLD and disgusting black man!
He fooled you so many times and yes I'd take Trump's bluster over Obama's pussy whipped bowing to what ever is politically correct and LYING all the time to idiots like YOU.
Why is anyone surprised when Trump behaves like a fascist. The guy is a fascist, he is supposed to act like one. His followers eat that stuff up.
Remember back when Trump banned the Des Moines Register?
The real-estate mogul and Republican 2016 candidate was unhappy with an editorial published by the newspaper that called on Trump to pull out of the race.
“We’re not issuing credentials to anyone from The Des Moines Register based on the editorial that they wrote earlier in the week,” Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told the newspaper.

He said he expected the campaign would reconsider for future events.
Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event

So today's Register Headline:News | The Des Moines Register | DesMoinesRegister.com
View attachment 56749

BURIED in the story though if any one cares to go farther SEE what Iowans think about the candidates!
BEATS all including CRUZ in 5 of 7 attributes:
By a wide margin on 4 of the 7 over Cruz.

YET what is the MSM/Register's HEADLINE????
Once again people like me are pissed at the MSM and their CONSTANT manipulation of people's
opinions instead of just sharing the FACTS!

View attachment 56750

We're not looking for best personality or biggest compromising quisling. We've already been there and done that. We need 1 - 5. 6 and 7 will get with the program soon enough.
A presidential candidate who can't take heat from the press? Tell us again how the rest of the world sees Obama as weak. You know who I want dealing with ISIS? A man who can't take a female moderator repeating things he actually said.
Trump is an American disgrace and a wonderful representation of the reactionary far right craziness.
Remember back when Trump banned the Des Moines Register?
The real-estate mogul and Republican 2016 candidate was unhappy with an editorial published by the newspaper that called on Trump to pull out of the race.
“We’re not issuing credentials to anyone from The Des Moines Register based on the editorial that they wrote earlier in the week,” Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told the newspaper.

He said he expected the campaign would reconsider for future events.
Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event

So today's Register Headline:News | The Des Moines Register | DesMoinesRegister.com
View attachment 56749

BURIED in the story though if any one cares to go farther SEE what Iowans think about the candidates!
BEATS all including CRUZ in 5 of 7 attributes:
By a wide margin on 4 of the 7 over Cruz.

YET what is the MSM/Register's HEADLINE????
Once again people like me are pissed at the MSM and their CONSTANT manipulation of people's
opinions instead of just sharing the FACTS!

View attachment 56750

I'm sorry, what are you bitching about? Are you mad because the story contained an infographic highlighting facts about people's opinions? Are are you calling on the newspaper to perform fellatio on Trump? Nothing you're saying here is making much sense. But I guess that's what I should expect from you by now.
And calling for thugs to beat up a protester because Drumpf does not want American voices heard.

Then there's laws he has said he will break. The 5% "tax" and an executive order for a national death penalty for cop killers. There are others but damn, its hard to keep track of his lies and his complete and utter ignorance about the country he SAYs he wants to "lead".
Remember back when Trump banned the Des Moines Register?
The real-estate mogul and Republican 2016 candidate was unhappy with an editorial published by the newspaper that called on Trump to pull out of the race.
“We’re not issuing credentials to anyone from The Des Moines Register based on the editorial that they wrote earlier in the week,” Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told the newspaper.

He said he expected the campaign would reconsider for future events.
Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event

So today's Register Headline:News | The Des Moines Register | DesMoinesRegister.com
View attachment 56749

BURIED in the story though if any one cares to go farther SEE what Iowans think about the candidates!
BEATS all including CRUZ in 5 of 7 attributes:
By a wide margin on 4 of the 7 over Cruz.

YET what is the MSM/Register's HEADLINE????
Once again people like me are pissed at the MSM and their CONSTANT manipulation of people's
opinions instead of just sharing the FACTS!

View attachment 56750

We're not looking for best personality or biggest compromising quisling. We've already been there and done that. We need 1 - 5. 6 and 7 will get with the program soon enough.

So much Jeri and her supposed support of Jews.

We already knew you hate blacks, women, gays, children, Hispanics ... and now we know you hate Jews as well.
Why is anyone surprised when Trump behaves like a fascist. The guy is a fascist, he is supposed to act like one. His followers eat that stuff up.

Funny how he wasn't "christian" until it would get him votes. Now he brings up "god" constantly and the nutters fall for it.
Remember back when Trump banned the Des Moines Register?
The real-estate mogul and Republican 2016 candidate was unhappy with an editorial published by the newspaper that called on Trump to pull out of the race.
“We’re not issuing credentials to anyone from The Des Moines Register based on the editorial that they wrote earlier in the week,” Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told the newspaper.

He said he expected the campaign would reconsider for future events.
Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event

So today's Register Headline:News | The Des Moines Register | DesMoinesRegister.com
View attachment 56749

BURIED in the story though if any one cares to go farther SEE what Iowans think about the candidates!
BEATS all including CRUZ in 5 of 7 attributes:
By a wide margin on 4 of the 7 over Cruz.

YET what is the MSM/Register's HEADLINE????
Once again people like me are pissed at the MSM and their CONSTANT manipulation of people's
opinions instead of just sharing the FACTS!

View attachment 56750

We're not looking for best personality or biggest compromising quisling. We've already been there and done that. We need 1 - 5. 6 and 7 will get with the program soon enough.

So much Jeri and her supposed support of Jews.
Oh please, Luddly. I've already told you. Trump's daughter is Jewish. He doesn't hate Jews. Nor does he hate Hispanics. He has many on his pay role and they are quite happy working for him. Quit looking for trouble where there isn't any.

We already knew you hate blacks, women, gays, children, Hispanics ... and now we know you hate Jews as well.
Remember back when Trump banned the Des Moines Register?
The real-estate mogul and Republican 2016 candidate was unhappy with an editorial published by the newspaper that called on Trump to pull out of the race.
“We’re not issuing credentials to anyone from The Des Moines Register based on the editorial that they wrote earlier in the week,” Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told the newspaper.

He said he expected the campaign would reconsider for future events.
Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event

So today's Register Headline:News | The Des Moines Register | DesMoinesRegister.com
View attachment 56749

BURIED in the story though if any one cares to go farther SEE what Iowans think about the candidates!
BEATS all including CRUZ in 5 of 7 attributes:
By a wide margin on 4 of the 7 over Cruz.

YET what is the MSM/Register's HEADLINE????
Once again people like me are pissed at the MSM and their CONSTANT manipulation of people's
opinions instead of just sharing the FACTS!

View attachment 56750

We're not looking for best personality or biggest compromising quisling. We've already been there and done that. We need 1 - 5. 6 and 7 will get with the program soon enough.

So much Jeri and her supposed support of Jews.
Oh please, Luddly. I've already told you. Trump's daughter is Jewish. He doesn't hate Jews. Nor does he hate Hispanics. He has many on his pay role and they are quite happy working for him. Quit looking for trouble where there isn't any.

We already knew you hate blacks, women, gays, children, Hispanics ... and now we know you hate Jews as well.

Oh please, Luddly. I've already told you. Trump's daughter is Jewish. He doesn't hate Jews. Nor does he hate Hispanics. He has many on his pay role and they are quite happy working for him. Quit looking for trouble where there isn't any.
Questions for the Trump fans -

Never mind his threat to the First Amendment. Just how many news orgs do you think he can "ban"?

Why is that okay with you?

Why is it okay that journalism in the US be controlled by Drumpf?
A presidential candidate who can't take heat from the press? Tell us again how the rest of the world sees Obama as weak. You know who I want dealing with ISIS? A man who can't take a female moderator repeating things he actually said.
Who would that be? I know Trump handles himself very well and has the press on the run. Who are you talking about, Aaron?
Trump today is 10 points behind Cruz in IA, and after that smashing victory, Trump will plummet in NH. Cruz and Christie will finish one and two there.
A presidential candidate who can't take heat from the press? Tell us again how the rest of the world sees Obama as weak. You know who I want dealing with ISIS? A man who can't take a female moderator repeating things he actually said.
Who would that be? I know Trump handles himself very well and has the press on the run. Who are you talking about, Aaron?

How does running from the press signify he has the press on the run? :dunno:
A presidential candidate who can't take heat from the press? Tell us again how the rest of the world sees Obama as weak. You know who I want dealing with ISIS? A man who can't take a female moderator repeating things he actually said.
Who would that be? I know Trump handles himself very well and has the press on the run. Who are you talking about, Aaron?

How does running from the press signify he has the press on the run? :dunno:
He isn't running from the press. That's what you get for listening to the press, Aaron.
A presidential candidate who can't take heat from the press? Tell us again how the rest of the world sees Obama as weak. You know who I want dealing with ISIS? A man who can't take a female moderator repeating things he actually said.
Who would that be? I know Trump handles himself very well and has the press on the run. Who are you talking about, Aaron?

How does running from the press signify he has the press on the run? :dunno:
He isn't running from the press. That's what you get for listening to the press, Aaron.

Listening to the press? I was listening to the OP. I didn't even know Trump was ducking the Des Moines Register for one opinion piece.
Remember back when Trump banned the Des Moines Register?
The real-estate mogul and Republican 2016 candidate was unhappy with an editorial published by the newspaper that called on Trump to pull out of the race.
“We’re not issuing credentials to anyone from The Des Moines Register based on the editorial that they wrote earlier in the week,” Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski told the newspaper.

He said he expected the campaign would reconsider for future events.
Trump bans Des Moines Register from Iowa campaign event

So today's Register Headline:News | The Des Moines Register | DesMoinesRegister.com
View attachment 56749

BURIED in the story though if any one cares to go farther SEE what Iowans think about the candidates!
BEATS all including CRUZ in 5 of 7 attributes:
By a wide margin on 4 of the 7 over Cruz.

YET what is the MSM/Register's HEADLINE????
Once again people like me are pissed at the MSM and their CONSTANT manipulation of people's
opinions instead of just sharing the FACTS!

View attachment 56750

We're not looking for best personality or biggest compromising quisling. We've already been there and done that. We need 1 - 5. 6 and 7 will get with the program soon enough.

So much Jeri and her supposed support of Jews.
Oh please, Luddly. I've already told you. Trump's daughter is Jewish. He doesn't hate Jews. Nor does he hate Hispanics. He has many on his pay role and they are quite happy working for him. Quit looking for trouble where there isn't any.

We already knew you hate blacks, women, gays, children, Hispanics ... and now we know you hate Jews as well.

Oh please, Luddly. I've already told you. Trump's daughter is Jewish. He doesn't hate Jews. Nor does he hate Hispanics. He has many on his pay role and they are quite happy working for him. Quit looking for trouble where there isn't any.

Since you seem to be Google-impaired, this is for you.

Get your head out of the sand and just admit you're a bigot and a racist and anti-Semite. Don't worry though - my bet is Drumpf hates catholics too.

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