"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," wrote Christopher Ciccone, who hi

Most responses to my post are by pro gay politicos. Scary, because it means most of you responding are incapable of independent critical thought are just mindlessly defending something because they are brainwashed pawns. It's sad. Don't defend gays or kid yourself. You are just a patsy.
What is wrong with gay people? Nothing, except your bigotry.
There can be no rational answer to this question.
Probably because it strengthened his argument that since most of the country had already decided it was acceptable there was no reason to wait around for the cave-dwellers such as you and Mary to catch up with the decent folks...

That isn't his job, moron. He supposed to make decisions based on their popularity.
He didn't make the decision based on that, he referenced the larger picture that included society. His decision was based on Equality before the Law, which is why you lost. The fags are equal to you, believe it or not...

He's supposed to rule based on the Constitution, nimrod. You're just admitting that his ruling was made incorrectly.
Nope. He ruled using the Constitution. You just don't like it because it overruled your mob rule and homophobia.

He didn't even mention the Constitution, so your claim is absurd on its face.
Read the ruling you idiot. God you're an infant.
Democrats believe in government, and that's all they believe in.
Nope. Some are even liberals like me, who believe in the founding principles of the nation.

If you weren't such a selfish infantile anarchist, you'd be a decent fascist.

You take a big shit on the Founding principles of this nation every time you post.
Nope. The founders and I are bothers, only I'm the smarter one...

Yeah, because we all know the founders would have agreed with the following:

There were plenty of Jews who sucked Nazi cock, and ended up in Israel, which is why the place was made up of scum. The nice Jews died in the camps.

- PMH -
Yep, they weren't big on Jews either. And remember, I got that from an old Jew, and it's always proven to be sage advice when trying to understand the Zionists...
Decent folks don't have anal sex, and fist each other, then pretend that's the same as loving pair procreating and having kids, people like you or I. I am offended that people equate homosexuality as Jews or blacks, how dare you. Gays are a minority psycho-sexual group, a mental dysfunction. Ever read any books by Oliver Sacks? Mental diseases and dysfunctions have many faces, none of them deserve marriage or special privileges. Pitty gays are just one more small minority of people with broken sexuality.
Decent folks don't have anal sex, and fist each other, then pretend that's the same as loving pair procreating and having kids, people like you or I. I am offended that people equate homosexuality as Jews or blacks, how dare you. Gays are a minority psycho-sexual group, a mental dysfunction. Ever read any books by Oliver Sacks? Mental diseases and dysfunctions have many faces, none of them deserve marriage or special privileges. Pitty gays are just one more small minority of people with broken sexuality.
Out of nowhere: Comedy Gold!
Decent folks don't have anal sex...
The hell they don't. Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and when the wife is going down on me and I on her that's normal now. You are the weird one. A prude and a homophobe. So ends Mary, who needs a blowjob...
That wasn't a threat, lil. You limpwristed twits are laughable in your cowardice.

Cowardice? lol. Your foot-stomping bluster doesn't scare any of us.
Of course it's cowardice. You fear censure of your depravity, and like true cowards you seek to silence and imprison anybody who refuses to endorse your brand of stupidity. You will eventually taste real fear and real pain, along with Christians...but there will be no salvation for you. Just fear, and pain.

I don't fear your censure, dingbat. You're insignificant to my life. And nobody is silencing or imprisoning you, drama queen. This constant need of yours to feel victimized is comical to behold and I am shocked you can even type with that cross on your back.
Says the retard who falsely claims victimization at the hands of Christians lolol.

Where did I claim I was being victimized at the hands of Christians? Oh wait...I didn't. All the Christians I know in real life are great people. You on the other hand are just a bitter bitch with a whiny persecution complex.
When you claim the rights of homos are violated when Christians fail to endorse them. Whiny persecution complex indeed...did you see the screechy hysterics of the fags who want to be married by Davis, and Davis alone?
Finally logic is introduced by an openly gay man.

Ciccone acknowledged that Davis is required to follow federal law before he added: "But why should she when DOJ and other civil authorities don't follow federal law when they choose not to, i.e. Washington State and Colorado (POT) come to mind...or the abstract notion of 'sanctuary cities.' I always thought that sanctuary was the province of churches."

Madonna's Brother Defends Jailed Clerk Who Refused Marriage Licenses for Gay Couples

"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," he continued. "Is it so difficult to allow this women her religion? Or must we destroy her in order for her to betray her faith. No matter how we judge, it's truth. The rights we have all fought for, mean nothing, if we deny her hers."

"Ciccone acknowledged that Davis is required to follow federal law..."

Your post ended right there.
Except for the fact what the SC did was declare a law saying marriage was between 1 man and 1 woman unconstitutional. They NEVER passed a law because they aren't allowed to. That would be up to Congress. So there is no law she is breaking.

Supreme Court decisions are case law. 'Case law'. Can you find the secret word in there?
Some of us in the vanguard, we see what a fraud the homosexual agenda is. Used to be old school, and what was old will be new again. Because, it's true. The tidal wave of pushback.
Decent folks don't have anal sex...
The hell they don't. Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and when the wife is going down on me and I on her that's normal now. You are the weird one. A prude and a homophobe. So ends Mary, who needs a blowjob...
Speaking of broken minds, here we are. I am the weird one? What was your argument FOR gay marriage? I got lost in that fog of pejorative nonsense of your last post.
Finally logic is introduced by an openly gay man.

Ciccone acknowledged that Davis is required to follow federal law before he added: "But why should she when DOJ and other civil authorities don't follow federal law when they choose not to, i.e. Washington State and Colorado (POT) come to mind...or the abstract notion of 'sanctuary cities.' I always thought that sanctuary was the province of churches."

Madonna's Brother Defends Jailed Clerk Who Refused Marriage Licenses for Gay Couples

"Once again, the gay community feels the need to be sore winners," he continued. "Is it so difficult to allow this women her religion? Or must we destroy her in order for her to betray her faith. No matter how we judge, it's truth. The rights we have all fought for, mean nothing, if we deny her hers."
September 6, 2015
Jail Time for Christians: No Longer a Hypothesis
ByLloyd Marcus
So this is how the game is played. Leftist operatives in the courts (supreme and state) create unconstitutional laws to further their anti-God agenda. Then leftists say those who disobey their lawless laws are not behaving like Christians and good Americans. Many on our side fall for it.

The SCOTUS' ruling on Obamacare and homosexual marriage means the Constitution will now say whatever leftists want it to say. Folks, do you realize that based on this new precedent, the left can make anything they want a law? Incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and so on?

Before you call me crazy, leftists are already clamoring for the normalization of these sins. Have you heard ofNAMBLA(North American Man Boy Love Association)?

Suppose our kangaroo Supreme Court decreed that ending slavery was unconstitutional. All blacks must report to government for their slavery assignments. How many idiots on our side would comply because Christians and good Americans must obey the law?

Meanwhile, it goes without saying that Obama is the most lawless president in U.S. history,refusing to obeylaws he dislikes. Sanctuary cities run by Democrats defiantly disobey federal immigration law at the cost of endangeringand even killingAmerican citizens. It is insane to allow these conniving vipers to claim the moral high ground over us, lecturing us about obeying the law.

Christians with their heads not buried in the sand knew thatjail time was comingfor Christians who refuse to bow down and worship homosexuals' false god.

In response to the SCOTUS ruling on homosexual marriage, a mega-church pastor said he hoped it would not infringe upon our religious freedom. I thought, "Well, duh!" That is the purpose of the attacks and lawsuits: to criminalize biblical standards.

Wedding chapels, cakes, flowers, and everything else needed for homosexuals to marry are readily available to them. Homosexuals' ultimate mission is to force Christians to rubber-stamp their behavior, thus betraying the true God.

This is why I get upset with Christians who still do not get it – labeling any pushback as intolerant and un-Christian, lecturing fellow Christians about showing these passive, humble homosexuals more love. I want to scream, "This ain't about that!" This is about saying no to being bullied into embracing anti-biblical behavior.

The radical homosexual movement is a form of the Mark of the Beast. In essence, any business or household that does not display the homosexual rainbow flag over its doorway will not be permitted to exist. Remember the pro football player who wasfined and forced into sensitivity trainingfor tweeting his disapproval of two men kissing on national TV.

When did we lose the power, folks, becomingsubservientto 2% of the population, forced to comply or end up in jail?

Kim Davis realizes that the Creator's Law trumps the creation's law. This is why she has the strength to in essence say, "Y'all can have a fit and even throw me in jail – I will not bow down and worship your god." Trust me: the forces of evil are outraged. Note that all the vitriol is coming from the left, not from Christians.

Christian abolitionists disobeyed the law, helping blacks to escape slavery via theunderground railroad. They also broke the law by teaching blacks to read.

Daniel was a high-ranking, highly respected government (King Darius) employee. A new law said everyone must pray only to King Darius. Daniel disobeyed, continuing to pray to the God of Israel. He was arrested and thrown into the lion's den. When interviewed by reporters from the Stone Tablet Times, I suspect some Christians trashed Daniel for noncompliance to the king's law.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were government (King Nebuchadnezzar) appointees. The king built a golden statue, proclaimed it god, and decreed that all must bow down and worship it. Faithful to the true God, the three Hebrew boys disobeyed the law, refusing to bow down or worship the government's statue. They were arrested and thrown into a fiery furnace.

Like Kim Davis, Daniel and the three Hebrew boys believed that the consequence of betraying God is eternal: heaven or hell. It is hard to believe that Christians are now forced to make such a choice in the United States of America.

God bless GOP presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz for standing up for religious freedom.

I stand with Kim Davis. Unequivocally. I stand with every American that the Obama Administration is trying to force to choose between honoring his or her faith or complying with a lawless court opinion.

In dissent, Chief Justice Roberts rightly observed that the Court's marriage opinion has nothing to do with the Constitution. Justice Scalia observed that the Court's opinion was so contrary to law that state and local officials would choose to defy it.

Pleaseclick this linkto read the rest of Sen Cruz's powerful statement.

Frankly, GOP presidential contender Carly Fiorina saying Kim Davis should issue the license or resign smells of more GOP caving to the left – we-don't-have-your-back politics as usual. This makes mea bit nervousenvisioning Fiorina in the big chair in the Oval Office.

Fiorina's behavior takes me back toan articleI wrote titled "Which GOP Presidential Contender will Keep Their Word in the White House."

Again, thank you, brother Cruz, for leading the charge for religious liberty and We the People.

So this is how the game is played. Leftist operatives in the courts (supreme and state) create unconstitutional laws to further their anti-God agenda. Then leftists say those who disobey their lawless laws are not behaving like Christians and good Americans. Many on our side fall for it.

The SCOTUS' ruling on Obamacare and homosexual marriage means the Constitution will now say whatever leftists want it to say. Folks, do you realize that based on this new precedent, the left can make anything they want a law? Incest, pedophilia, bestiality, and so on?

Before you call me crazy, leftists are already clamoring for the normalization of these sins. Have you heard ofNAMBLA(North American Man Boy Love Association)?

Suppose our kangaroo Supreme Court decreed that ending slavery was unconstitutional. All blacks must report to government for their slavery assignments. How many idiots on our side would comply because Christians and good Americans must obey the law?

Meanwhile, it goes without saying that Obama is the most lawless president in U.S. history,refusing to obeylaws he dislikes. Sanctuary cities run by Democrats defiantly disobey federal immigration law at the cost of endangeringand even killingAmerican citizens. It is insane to allow these conniving vipers to claim the moral high ground over us, lecturing us about obeying the law.

Christians with their heads not buried in the sand knew thatjail time was comingfor Christians who refuse to bow down and worship homosexuals' false god.

In response to the SCOTUS ruling on homosexual marriage, a mega-church pastor said he hoped it would not infringe upon our religious freedom. I thought, "Well, duh!" That is the purpose of the attacks and lawsuits: to criminalize biblical standards.

Wedding chapels, cakes, flowers, and everything else needed for homosexuals to marry are readily available to them. Homosexuals' ultimate mission is to force Christians to rubber-stamp their behavior, thus betraying the true God.

This is why I get upset with Christians who still do not get it – labeling any pushback as intolerant and un-Christian, lecturing fellow Christians about showing these passive, humble homosexuals more love. I want to scream, "This ain't about that!" This is about saying no to being bullied into embracing anti-biblical behavior.

Read more:Articles: Jail Time for Christians: No Longer a Hypothesis
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Do you have those people in your country? lol
Some of us in the vanguard, we see what a fraud the homosexual agenda is. Used to be old school, and what was old will be new again. Because, it's true. The tidal wave of pushback.
Decent folks don't have anal sex...
The hell they don't. Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and when the wife is going down on me and I on her that's normal now. You are the weird one. A prude and a homophobe. So ends Mary, who needs a blowjob...
Speaking of broken minds, here we are. I am the weird one? What was your argument FOR gay marriage? I got lost in that fog of pejorative nonsense of your last post.

The argument for gay marriage is simple. If heterosexual opposite sex marriage is going to be allowed, there is no good reason, in a democratic society based on equal treatment under the law,

to ban same sex marriage.
Cowardice? lol. Your foot-stomping bluster doesn't scare any of us.
Of course it's cowardice. You fear censure of your depravity, and like true cowards you seek to silence and imprison anybody who refuses to endorse your brand of stupidity. You will eventually taste real fear and real pain, along with Christians...but there will be no salvation for you. Just fear, and pain.

I don't fear your censure, dingbat. You're insignificant to my life. And nobody is silencing or imprisoning you, drama queen. This constant need of yours to feel victimized is comical to behold and I am shocked you can even type with that cross on your back.
Says the retard who falsely claims victimization at the hands of Christians lolol.

Where did I claim I was being victimized at the hands of Christians? Oh wait...I didn't. All the Christians I know in real life are great people. You on the other hand are just a bitter bitch with a whiny persecution complex.
When you claim the rights of homos are violated when Christians fail to endorse them. Whiny persecution complex indeed...did you see the screechy hysterics of the fags who want to be married by Davis, and Davis alone?

A claim I never made and one that you wholly made up. I don't give a shit if you or anyone else 'endorses' my marriage. Remember that whole thing I said about you being insignificant in my life? Still applies. lol.
Of course it's cowardice. You fear censure of your depravity, and like true cowards you seek to silence and imprison anybody who refuses to endorse your brand of stupidity. You will eventually taste real fear and real pain, along with Christians...but there will be no salvation for you. Just fear, and pain.

I don't fear your censure, dingbat. You're insignificant to my life. And nobody is silencing or imprisoning you, drama queen. This constant need of yours to feel victimized is comical to behold and I am shocked you can even type with that cross on your back.
Says the retard who falsely claims victimization at the hands of Christians lolol.

Where did I claim I was being victimized at the hands of Christians? Oh wait...I didn't. All the Christians I know in real life are great people. You on the other hand are just a bitter bitch with a whiny persecution complex.
When you claim the rights of homos are violated when Christians fail to endorse them. Whiny persecution complex indeed...did you see the screechy hysterics of the fags who want to be married by Davis, and Davis alone?

A claim I never made and one that you wholly made up. I don't give a shit if you or anyone else 'endorses' my marriage. Remember that whole thing I said about you being insignificant in my life? Still applies. lol.
You only said that after I said it about you. You're nothing if not unoriginal. And if we're insignificant, you wouldn't rush to throw us in jail for being Christian.
I don't fear your censure, dingbat. You're insignificant to my life. And nobody is silencing or imprisoning you, drama queen. This constant need of yours to feel victimized is comical to behold and I am shocked you can even type with that cross on your back.
Says the retard who falsely claims victimization at the hands of Christians lolol.

Where did I claim I was being victimized at the hands of Christians? Oh wait...I didn't. All the Christians I know in real life are great people. You on the other hand are just a bitter bitch with a whiny persecution complex.
When you claim the rights of homos are violated when Christians fail to endorse them. Whiny persecution complex indeed...did you see the screechy hysterics of the fags who want to be married by Davis, and Davis alone?

A claim I never made and one that you wholly made up. I don't give a shit if you or anyone else 'endorses' my marriage. Remember that whole thing I said about you being insignificant in my life? Still applies. lol.
You only said that after I said it about you. You're nothing if not unoriginal. And if we're insignificant, you wouldn't rush to throw us in jail for being Christian.

The Presbyterians are Christian; they have blessed same sex marriage. That means you are no longer Christian,

Gays need marriage like that dentist NEEDED to kill cicil the lion, Just a moronic trophy. Signifying nothing. YOU don't need marriage . People that can actually HAVE children with their mates NEED marriage.There is a kind of dignity in common sense. I am not seeing any in this pro gay marriage bollocks.
Most responses to my post are by pro gay politicos. Scary, because it means most of you responding are incapable of independent critical thought are just mindlessly defending something because they are brainwashed pawns. It's sad. Don't defend gays or kid yourself. You are just a patsy.
What is wrong with gay people? Nothing, except your bigotry.

Nothing, until they start trying to get government benefits just because they are shacking up with a fuck buddy.
What government benefits? Marriage? Straight people get in, why shouldn't they? Any valid reason? Look up bigoted fuck.

Straight people get it because marriage exists to facilitate raising healthy well-adjusted children. There's no reason to provide such benefits to gay people.
Nothing, until they start trying to get government benefits just because they are shacking up with a fuck buddy.
And what are married people who don't breed doing?

We have no way of knowing that until they fail to procreate. We know from the start that a couple of fuck buddies aren't going to procreate.

We've argued this point for years. When is it finally going to penetrate your skull?
Some of us in the vanguard, we see what a fraud the homosexual agenda is. Used to be old school, and what was old will be new again. Because, it's true. The tidal wave of pushback.
Decent folks don't have anal sex...
The hell they don't. Sodomy is mostly a heterosexual thing, and when the wife is going down on me and I on her that's normal now. You are the weird one. A prude and a homophobe. So ends Mary, who needs a blowjob...
Speaking of broken minds, here we are. I am the weird one? What was your argument FOR gay marriage? I got lost in that fog of pejorative nonsense of your last post.

The argument for gay marriage is simple. If heterosexual opposite sex marriage is going to be allowed, there is no good reason, in a democratic society based on equal treatment under the law,

to ban same sex marriage.
As long as the judgement was decided by, 'political should be' and not by the law there will be opposition.
A day after Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts sided squarely with the Obama administration on the health care overhaul, the same jurist came out swinging against the court's ruling legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide.

In his dissenting opinion -- which he read from the bench for the first time in his nearly 10 years as chief justice -- Roberts charged Friday that the court had no right to intervene in what should be a democratic debate by the people, at the state level, over same-sex marriage.

"This court is not a legislature," he wrote. "Whether same-sex marriage is a good idea should be of no concern to us. Under the Constitution, judges have power to say what the law is, not what it should be."

As for the state's role, he said: "The fundamental right to marry does not include a right to make a State change its definition of marriage."

‘Court is not a legislature’: Roberts rips gay marriage ruling, day after he backed ObamaCare
Last edited:
Most responses to my post are by pro gay politicos. Scary, because it means most of you responding are incapable of independent critical thought are just mindlessly defending something because they are brainwashed pawns. It's sad. Don't defend gays or kid yourself. You are just a patsy.
What is wrong with gay people? Nothing, except your bigotry.

Nothing, until they start trying to get government benefits just because they are shacking up with a fuck buddy.
What government benefits? Marriage? Straight people get in, why shouldn't they? Any valid reason? Look up bigoted fuck.

Straight people get it because marriage exists to facilitate raising healthy well-adjusted children. There's no reason to provide such benefits to gay people.

No it doesn't. There is not a marriage law in America that includes a child bearing requirement. If you were, there would be.

There's not, thus proving you wrong.

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