Once again Trump makes the right decision. Transgender cannot serve in military

Transanimals, is that the next class, that liberals will champion?

  • Yes, if someone identifies as an animal, then he/she/it should be an animal. Look at Bill Clinton

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, Insane people need to be put away, before they hurt themselves or someone else.

    Votes: 16 88.9%

  • Total voters
Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

The problem is mentally ill shouldn't have access to guns, much less handed one and be expected to protect others or kill an enemy.
The Big Orange Idiot is finding himself sinking deeper and deeper into the sh!t pile of his administration’s corruption.

ban has conservatives smiling from ear to ear, and has given them back that same gleeful spring in their step they get when congress votes to steal healthcare from tens-of-millions of their fellow Americans.

However, the conservatives’ denial of Big Orange’s collusion can only go so far. This ban enacted by the Big Orange Idiot will act as shot in the arm to rekindle the conservatives overwhelming hate for those who are not white conservative Christians. But its effects are only temporary.

Happily, Mueller’s investigation will soon have the conservatives entertaining everyone else, as they resume vehemently denying reality again, and proclaiming the innocence of Big Orange and his crooked cronies.

Trump's Cruel Military Ban On Transgender People Is An Attempt To Save His Base

More truth and reality for conservatives to deny.
You should inform yourself about why the MILITARY RECOMMENDED THE BAN
( that they complained about this when it was forced upon them at the end of the last term).
It's not intended prejudice against transgenders to apply the ban, it was strictly done because of the financial burden it would have and affecting cohesion weighed out to the minute numbers that it would be inclusive to. Also they felt it would be abused by people who would use the army as last affordable resort to surgery.
You do realize someone can't be stationed in another country in a front line only to be taking months off to come hack home for hormone injections and surgeries, right?
=expensive, & disruptive=non cohesive.
BE REAL, stop being fooled by Tabloid media.
Please provide the names or link to these imaginary generals and military experts, otherwise just admit that you have no idea what you are talking about.

YOU'LL have to research it, verify it by writing the higher commands or read about it in their reports or notations if they have them on line. I'm not gonna name drop and reveal my location, what do I look like a leaker to you?
But you just admitted tabloid news does not inform you well that you think the Generals are imaginary. Who do you think talked him into the difficult decision that is not popular with him? He's got
KAITLYN JENNER in one ear and Generals in the other, he has to maintain the respect of his military ranks and cater to them not a missinformed Kaitlyn who has tabloid news brainwashed friends irking his outrage making him take something personal instead of common sense.
You listen to your Generals every day of the week. Period. End of discussion.
But Trump said he knew more than the generals. The top generals supported transgender inclusion in the military.

He based his decision on political reasons.
Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

The problem is mentally ill shouldn't have access to guns, much less handed one and be expected to protect others or kill an enemy.
It is not a mental illness.

Being a dumbass Trumpette is a mental illness
Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

The problem is mentally ill shouldn't have access to guns, much less handed one and be expected to protect others or kill an enemy.
It is not a mental illness.

Being a dumbass Trumpette is a mental illness

Denying reality is a sure sign of mental illness. You cannot change your sex. Chromosomes don't lie. Biology deniers should not be encouraged to continue living a fantasy.
As a veteran...they do not belong in military.

As a military retiree, I disagree. We have an all volunteer military. If you want to serve and can meet the standards, you should be allowed to serve. Upwards of 5,000 are serving now. How can you say they don't belong?
It's a mental illness, so yes they are disqualified. Good job Trump keeping your promises.

Actual mental health professionals disagree with anonymous internet guy. Color me surprised.
A man cannot become a woman, or have you forgotten that fact?
A person can mentally be a different sex than their physical body. Changing the body to match the brain. So a person transgendered from male to female has always been a female being.
A person cannot change their DNA. You're wrong once again.
It's a mental illness, so yes they are disqualified. Good job Trump keeping your promises.
So thinking your a different gender, makes you a queer?
The Pentagon asked for this change.
Trump's tweets took the Pentagon by surprise.
Doubtful, since he said he strongly disagreed with transgenders in the military and that, if elected, he would look at the issue.
hen? He said he would protect the transgendered peop,le better than anyone else.
Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

The problem is mentally ill shouldn't have access to guns, much less handed one and be expected to protect others or kill an enemy.

Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

Trump is willing to protect LGBT from Muslims who want to blow them up and throw them off root tops.

The disabled aren't allowed to join the military, does that mean Trump is anti-disabled?

Obama didn't allow "transgender" mentally ill to join either, but you loons weren't going ape shit about that at the time.
The Big Orange Idiot is finding himself sinking deeper and deeper into the sh!t pile of his administration’s corruption.

ban has conservatives smiling from ear to ear, and has given them back that same gleeful spring in their step they get when congress votes to steal healthcare from tens-of-millions of their fellow Americans.

However, the conservatives’ denial of Big Orange’s collusion can only go so far. This ban enacted by the Big Orange Idiot will act as shot in the arm to rekindle the conservatives overwhelming hate for those who are not white conservative Christians. But its effects are only temporary.

Happily, Mueller’s investigation will soon have the conservatives entertaining everyone else, as they resume vehemently denying reality again, and proclaiming the innocence of Big Orange and his crooked cronies.

Trump's Cruel Military Ban On Transgender People Is An Attempt To Save His Base

More truth and reality for conservatives to deny.
You should inform yourself about why the MILITARY RECOMMENDED THE BAN
( that they complained about this when it was forced upon them at the end of the last term).
It's not intended prejudice against transgenders to apply the ban, it was strictly done because of the financial burden it would have and affecting cohesion weighed out to the minute numbers that it would be inclusive to. Also they felt it would be abused by people who would use the army as last affordable resort to surgery.
You do realize someone can't be stationed in another country in a front line only to be taking months off to come hack home for hormone injections and surgeries, right?
=expensive, & disruptive=non cohesive.
BE REAL, stop being fooled by Tabloid media.
Please provide the names or link to these imaginary generals and military experts, otherwise just admit that you have no idea what you are talking about.

YOU'LL have to research it, verify it by writing the higher commands or read about it in their reports or notations if they have them on line. I'm not gonna name drop and reveal my location, what do I look like a leaker to you?
But you just admitted tabloid news does not inform you well that you think the Generals are imaginary. Who do you think talked him into the difficult decision that is not popular with him? He's got
KAITLYN JENNER in one ear and Generals in the other, he has to maintain the respect of his military ranks and cater to them not a missinformed Kaitlyn who has tabloid news brainwashed friends irking his outrage making him take something personal instead of common sense.
You listen to your Generals every day of the week. Period. End of discussion.
But Trump said he knew more than the generals. The top generals supported transgender inclusion in the military.

He based his decision on political reasons.
Maybe Obama's top generals supported the inclusion, but since Trump has been quietly removing the traitors to the country and putting in more Generals that will Make America Great again and stop the crying trannies who wont get FREE addadictamies or clip and snips.
Draft dodger Trump thinks he knows what's best for the military. If a transgender person is willing to lay their life down for this country, what's the problem?

The problem is mentally ill shouldn't have access to guns, much less handed one and be expected to protect others or kill an enemy.
It is not a mental illness.

Being a dumbass Trumpette is a mental illness

Denying reality is a sure sign of mental illness. You cannot change your sex. Chromosomes don't lie. Biology deniers should not be encouraged to continue living a fantasy.
In most cases, a person's mental & phyical sex coincide We do know that these chromosomes do not guarantee a heterosecual sexual mentality that matches the physical sexual organs.

Some people are romantically attracted to the same sex. Some people have a brain that identifies a different sex than their bodies.
The Big Orange Idiot is finding himself sinking deeper and deeper into the sh!t pile of his administration’s corruption.

ban has conservatives smiling from ear to ear, and has given them back that same gleeful spring in their step they get when congress votes to steal healthcare from tens-of-millions of their fellow Americans.

However, the conservatives’ denial of Big Orange’s collusion can only go so far. This ban enacted by the Big Orange Idiot will act as shot in the arm to rekindle the conservatives overwhelming hate for those who are not white conservative Christians. But its effects are only temporary.

Happily, Mueller’s investigation will soon have the conservatives entertaining everyone else, as they resume vehemently denying reality again, and proclaiming the innocence of Big Orange and his crooked cronies.

Trump's Cruel Military Ban On Transgender People Is An Attempt To Save His Base

More truth and reality for conservatives to deny.
You should inform yourself about why the MILITARY RECOMMENDED THE BAN
( that they complained about this when it was forced upon them at the end of the last term).
It's not intended prejudice against transgenders to apply the ban, it was strictly done because of the financial burden it would have and affecting cohesion weighed out to the minute numbers that it would be inclusive to. Also they felt it would be abused by people who would use the army as last affordable resort to surgery.
You do realize someone can't be stationed in another country in a front line only to be taking months off to come hack home for hormone injections and surgeries, right?
=expensive, & disruptive=non cohesive.
BE REAL, stop being fooled by Tabloid media.
Please provide the names or link to these imaginary generals and military experts, otherwise just admit that you have no idea what you are talking about.

YOU'LL have to research it, verify it by writing the higher commands or read about it in their reports or notations if they have them on line. I'm not gonna name drop and reveal my location, what do I look like a leaker to you?
But you just admitted tabloid news does not inform you well that you think the Generals are imaginary. Who do you think talked him into the difficult decision that is not popular with him? He's got
KAITLYN JENNER in one ear and Generals in the other, he has to maintain the respect of his military ranks and cater to them not a missinformed Kaitlyn who has tabloid news brainwashed friends irking his outrage making him take something personal instead of common sense.
You listen to your Generals every day of the week. Period. End of discussion.
But Trump said he knew more than the generals. The top generals supported transgender inclusion in the military.

He based his decision on political reasons.
Maybe Obama's top generals supported the inclusion, but since Trump has been quietly removing the traitors to the country and putting in more Generals that will Make America Great again and stop the crying trannies who wont get FREE addadictamies or clip and snips.
You do realize that the military spends far far far more on Viagra. Are you saying you need a boner to fire a gun?
It's a mental illness, so yes they are disqualified. Good job Trump keeping your promises.
So thinking your a different gender, makes you a queer?
The Pentagon asked for this change.
Trump's tweets took the Pentagon by surprise.
Doubtful, since he said he strongly disagreed with transgenders in the military and that, if elected, he would look at the issue.
hen? He said he would protect the transgendered peop,le better than anyone else.
But he did not and does not support them being in the military - he made that very clear BEFORE he was elected.
It's a mental illness, so yes they are disqualified. Good job Trump keeping your promises.
So thinking your a different gender, makes you a queer?
The Pentagon asked for this change.
Trump's tweets took the Pentagon by surprise.
Doubtful, since he said he strongly disagreed with transgenders in the military and that, if elected, he would look at the issue.
hen? He said he would protect the transgendered peop,le better than anyone else.
You should inform yourself about why the MILITARY RECOMMENDED THE BAN
( that they complained about this when it was forced upon them at the end of the last term).
It's not intended prejudice against transgenders to apply the ban, it was strictly done because of the financial burden it would have and affecting cohesion weighed out to the minute numbers that it would be inclusive to. Also they felt it would be abused by people who would use the army as last affordable resort to surgery.
You do realize someone can't be stationed in another country in a front line only to be taking months off to come hack home for hormone injections and surgeries, right?
=expensive, & disruptive=non cohesive.
BE REAL, stop being fooled by Tabloid media.
Please provide the names or link to these imaginary generals and military experts, otherwise just admit that you have no idea what you are talking about.

YOU'LL have to research it, verify it by writing the higher commands or read about it in their reports or notations if they have them on line. I'm not gonna name drop and reveal my location, what do I look like a leaker to you?
But you just admitted tabloid news does not inform you well that you think the Generals are imaginary. Who do you think talked him into the difficult decision that is not popular with him? He's got
KAITLYN JENNER in one ear and Generals in the other, he has to maintain the respect of his military ranks and cater to them not a missinformed Kaitlyn who has tabloid news brainwashed friends irking his outrage making him take something personal instead of common sense.
You listen to your Generals every day of the week. Period. End of discussion.
But Trump said he knew more than the generals. The top generals supported transgender inclusion in the military.

He based his decision on political reasons.
Maybe Obama's top generals supported the inclusion, but since Trump has been quietly removing the traitors to the country and putting in more Generals that will Make America Great again and stop the crying trannies who wont get FREE addadictamies or clip and snips.
You do realize that the military spends far far far more on Viagra. Are you saying you need a boner to fire a gun?
Are you saying a man needs to have his Dick cut off to fire a gun?
By the way, the cost of viagra for one man is much less than the cost of one man to have a sex change. Whether the military should pay for either is debatable.
It's a mental illness, so yes they are disqualified. Good job Trump keeping your promises.
So thinking your a different gender, makes you a queer?
The Pentagon asked for this change.
Trump's tweets took the Pentagon by surprise.
Doubtful, since he said he strongly disagreed with transgenders in the military and that, if elected, he would look at the issue.
hen? He said he would protect the transgendered peop,le better than anyone else.
But he did not and does not support them being in the military - he made that very clear BEFORE he was elected.
Really?. I recall his promises to advance the rights and protections for LGBT people.
Yeah....nails it

IJR posted the reactions of veterans who agree with the transgender ban decision, but one Wounded Warrior’s response has really stood out.

Kira Davis over at Red State compiled the tweets:

J.R. Salzman is a writer, wounded warrior and a veteran who has served in Iraq and he took the time Wednesday morning to share his own thoughts on the ban and life in the military. It immediately began to go viral, with Salzman eventually telling folks not to expect any more responses to the thousands of replies he’s been receiving since he first posted.

Given these men have served and been in a war zone it’s important to note that they are not armchair social engineers like the liberals losing their minds on Twitter. What they have to say on this actually matters.

See what Salzman had to say below:

I served in Iraq in 2006. For the first five months I was on a 12 man firebase out in the middle of nowhere in the desert.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Everyday was Groundhog Day. Wake up and do the same patrols, the same shifts, every single day. It was so damn hot. 150° in the gun trucks.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Tracer fire would go overhead occasionally at night. IED’s on the road were a daily threat. We got resupplied food every 8 days.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

QRF was an hour away. After they made the minimum three gun truck rule after the guys got kidnapped, life got harder.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

The stress of being out there and doing the same job every single day eats away at you. The younger guys had problems with that overtime.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Any tiny little personal issue they had suddenly became a mountain. And that shit came out on that fire base. And they snapped mentally.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

After stepping on each other’s nuts living in the same can for five months, guys were at each other’s throats. The stress made it worse.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Guys would literally snap over a dear John letter. Their personal issues came out and they were instantly combat ineffective.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Take someone who is right off the bat not uniform or part of the same team. Give them special treatment because of their identity.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Take that person, put them in that stressful war environment and watch what happens. It’s a fucking ticking time bomb.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

You have to be incredibly tough mentally, physically and emotionally. War is not a fucking video game. It tests every ounce of your being.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

You can’t teach someone to be a fearless warrior in a fucking PowerPoint. You either have it or you don’t. You can hack it or you can’t.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

We had guys who couldn’t. When faced with combat situations they crumbled. They had mental and emotional issues. They were a liability.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

To be successful at war, you have to become a warrior mentally, physically, and emotionally. You can’t fake it and go through the motions.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

In war if it comes down to kill or be killed, and you hesitate, you’re dead. It’s a simple as that. It’s not a fucking video game.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

In war if it comes down to kill or be killed, and you hesitate, you’re dead. It’s a simple as that. It’s not a fucking video game.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

And if you don’t, you’ll just get people needlessly killed. Political correctness has absolutely no place in the military.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Enough for now. This one armed veteran has a business to run. Unlike Iran, the country that took my arm, Obama didn’t pay me millions.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017
Yeah....nails it

IJR posted the reactions of veterans who agree with the transgender ban decision, but one Wounded Warrior’s response has really stood out.

Kira Davis over at Red State compiled the tweets:

J.R. Salzman is a writer, wounded warrior and a veteran who has served in Iraq and he took the time Wednesday morning to share his own thoughts on the ban and life in the military. It immediately began to go viral, with Salzman eventually telling folks not to expect any more responses to the thousands of replies he’s been receiving since he first posted.

Given these men have served and been in a war zone it’s important to note that they are not armchair social engineers like the liberals losing their minds on Twitter. What they have to say on this actually matters.

See what Salzman had to say below:

I served in Iraq in 2006. For the first five months I was on a 12 man firebase out in the middle of nowhere in the desert.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Everyday was Groundhog Day. Wake up and do the same patrols, the same shifts, every single day. It was so damn hot. 150° in the gun trucks.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Tracer fire would go overhead occasionally at night. IED’s on the road were a daily threat. We got resupplied food every 8 days.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

QRF was an hour away. After they made the minimum three gun truck rule after the guys got kidnapped, life got harder.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

The stress of being out there and doing the same job every single day eats away at you. The younger guys had problems with that overtime.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Any tiny little personal issue they had suddenly became a mountain. And that shit came out on that fire base. And they snapped mentally.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

After stepping on each other’s nuts living in the same can for five months, guys were at each other’s throats. The stress made it worse.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Guys would literally snap over a dear John letter. Their personal issues came out and they were instantly combat ineffective.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Take someone who is right off the bat not uniform or part of the same team. Give them special treatment because of their identity.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Take that person, put them in that stressful war environment and watch what happens. It’s a fucking ticking time bomb.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

You have to be incredibly tough mentally, physically and emotionally. War is not a fucking video game. It tests every ounce of your being.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

You can’t teach someone to be a fearless warrior in a fucking PowerPoint. You either have it or you don’t. You can hack it or you can’t.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

We had guys who couldn’t. When faced with combat situations they crumbled. They had mental and emotional issues. They were a liability.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

To be successful at war, you have to become a warrior mentally, physically, and emotionally. You can’t fake it and go through the motions.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

In war if it comes down to kill or be killed, and you hesitate, you’re dead. It’s a simple as that. It’s not a fucking video game.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

In war if it comes down to kill or be killed, and you hesitate, you’re dead. It’s a simple as that. It’s not a fucking video game.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

And if you don’t, you’ll just get people needlessly killed. Political correctness has absolutely no place in the military.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Enough for now. This one armed veteran has a business to run. Unlike Iran, the country that took my arm, Obama didn’t pay me millions.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017
Not one of these statements say ANYTHING about trans people's ability to serve in combat
The Big Orange Idiot is finding himself sinking deeper and deeper into the sh!t pile of his administration’s corruption.

ban has conservatives smiling from ear to ear, and has given them back that same gleeful spring in their step they get when congress votes to steal healthcare from tens-of-millions of their fellow Americans.

However, the conservatives’ denial of Big Orange’s collusion can only go so far. This ban enacted by the Big Orange Idiot will act as shot in the arm to rekindle the conservatives overwhelming hate for those who are not white conservative Christians. But its effects are only temporary.

Happily, Mueller’s investigation will soon have the conservatives entertaining everyone else, as they resume vehemently denying reality again, and proclaiming the innocence of Big Orange and his crooked cronies.

Trump's Cruel Military Ban On Transgender People Is An Attempt To Save His Base


View attachment 140743 View attachment 140744

More truth and reality for conservatives to deny.
As a veteran...they do not belong in military.

As a military retiree, I disagree. We have an all volunteer military. If you want to serve and can meet the standards, you should be allowed to serve. Upwards of 5,000 are serving now. How can you say they don't belong?
Distruptive to unit morale. If a transgender tried to give me a direct order I would tell them to fuck off. Military should focus on combat arms and being the most destructive killing machine possible. That implies only the most hard disciplined and physically fit males should participate in combat arms.
Yeah....nails it

IJR posted the reactions of veterans who agree with the transgender ban decision, but one Wounded Warrior’s response has really stood out.

Kira Davis over at Red State compiled the tweets:

J.R. Salzman is a writer, wounded warrior and a veteran who has served in Iraq and he took the time Wednesday morning to share his own thoughts on the ban and life in the military. It immediately began to go viral, with Salzman eventually telling folks not to expect any more responses to the thousands of replies he’s been receiving since he first posted.

Given these men have served and been in a war zone it’s important to note that they are not armchair social engineers like the liberals losing their minds on Twitter. What they have to say on this actually matters.

See what Salzman had to say below:

I served in Iraq in 2006. For the first five months I was on a 12 man firebase out in the middle of nowhere in the desert.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Everyday was Groundhog Day. Wake up and do the same patrols, the same shifts, every single day. It was so damn hot. 150° in the gun trucks.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Tracer fire would go overhead occasionally at night. IED’s on the road were a daily threat. We got resupplied food every 8 days.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

QRF was an hour away. After they made the minimum three gun truck rule after the guys got kidnapped, life got harder.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

The stress of being out there and doing the same job every single day eats away at you. The younger guys had problems with that overtime.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Any tiny little personal issue they had suddenly became a mountain. And that shit came out on that fire base. And they snapped mentally.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

After stepping on each other’s nuts living in the same can for five months, guys were at each other’s throats. The stress made it worse.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Guys would literally snap over a dear John letter. Their personal issues came out and they were instantly combat ineffective.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Take someone who is right off the bat not uniform or part of the same team. Give them special treatment because of their identity.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Take that person, put them in that stressful war environment and watch what happens. It’s a fucking ticking time bomb.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

You have to be incredibly tough mentally, physically and emotionally. War is not a fucking video game. It tests every ounce of your being.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

You can’t teach someone to be a fearless warrior in a fucking PowerPoint. You either have it or you don’t. You can hack it or you can’t.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

We had guys who couldn’t. When faced with combat situations they crumbled. They had mental and emotional issues. They were a liability.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

To be successful at war, you have to become a warrior mentally, physically, and emotionally. You can’t fake it and go through the motions.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

In war if it comes down to kill or be killed, and you hesitate, you’re dead. It’s a simple as that. It’s not a fucking video game.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

In war if it comes down to kill or be killed, and you hesitate, you’re dead. It’s a simple as that. It’s not a fucking video game.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

And if you don’t, you’ll just get people needlessly killed. Political correctness has absolutely no place in the military.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017

Enough for now. This one armed veteran has a business to run. Unlike Iran, the country that took my arm, Obama didn’t pay me millions.

— J.R. Salzman (@jrsalzman) July 26, 2017
I am a combat veteran and transgenders do not have a role to play in combat or anywhere else in the military.

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