Once and for all: Why isn't Trump demanding that we open back up TODAY?

Then Trump should be demanding that the governors and mayors open back up. Today.

And he won't. And you still whine.

"Never mind all that federalism and laws crap you're pointing out. Everything Trump does is wrong, because AAAAAARRRRGH!!!!"

Can you just cut to the chase, be honest, and tell us that anything Trump does is going to be wrong in your eyes simply because it's Trump doing it?
Wow, look at that lie. Put in quotes.

When you whine about what I supposedly say, perhaps you could actually quote me, instead of lying.

I realize that you think the definition of "lie" is "saying anything that I don't like", but I'm afraid that's not reality.

The quote is the translation of your post from leftist bullshit to real meaning.

Oh, and just a tip: If it bothers you so much to have people actually respond to the horse manure you spew, perhaps not posting on a public message board would be a more effective solution than attempting to shame people by saying, "Responding is whining", particularly when the people in question respect you just slightly less than a backed-up sewer.
Doesn't bother me at all. I enjoy observing behaviors, and USMB is one, huge, free Petri dish for me.
Trump Derangement Syndrome is a terrible mental illness, isn't it? Dat Moon Bat haz it.

So basically, I hear you saying, "Well, well, well . . . I have this meme, so I WIN!!!"
You don't "win" on message boards. But I'm not required to participate in asymmetrical conversations with nutters.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Someone probably set down and told him about the limits of liability and the cost that could incur for violating the trust of the populace. Hahaha, who am I kidding? He is still sulking over the cleaner injection fubar...
Why are we still talking about this still? The responsibility for each state opening up falls on the Governors. It is by their leadership and decision-making their states and this country will, in part recover / succeed. As far as Trump goes, like all of us, he has the Constitutional Right to speak.

Any more drma needed on this one? Or are we all good?

If Trump is still President, then I can assure you that the leftists and their fainting couches are going to require more drama.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Trump may be crazy but he's not stupid. He would be going against the recommendations of his own advisors as well as most of the Healthcare leaders in the country. He will not win re-election on the graves of hundreds of thousands of covid 19 deaths.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?

Mostly because he didn't say that, and also because we don't feel the need to attack him based on what your twinko ass believes at the moment and tells us we should believe.
Of course he said that.

It really is okay to just be honest. It really is okay to criticize him. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't give someone else an advantage.

Being honest gives YOU the advantage. Your head won't explode, I swear.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?
Clearly, it means you're an idiot.
What kind of drugs make you stupid enough to believe that Dems want to tank the economy? Idiot.

Of course, Democrats/Progressives want the economy to crash, how else can they put Joe Biden in the Oval Office and continue to hide all the corruption from the left?
Someone probably set down and told him about the limits of liability and the cost that could incur for violating the trust of the populace. Hahaha, who am I kidding? He is still sulking over the cleaner injection fubar...

No "cleaner injection fubar". If you believe that, please feel free to chug a half-gallon of bleach to clean out all the viruses.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?

Mostly because he didn't say that, and also because we don't feel the need to attack him based on what your twinko ass believes at the moment and tells us we should believe.
Of course he said that.

It really is okay to just be honest. It really is okay to criticize him. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't give someone else an advantage.

Being honest gives YOU the advantage. Your head won't explode, I swear.

"My talking points SAID he said that" is not "of course".

It really is okay to not criticize him. It will make you disloyal to your thought masters, but it will give YOU the advantage of not contradicting yourself every five minutes so that people laugh at you like you just hit yourself in the nuts with a rake.
Someone probably set down and told him about the limits of liability and the cost that could incur for violating the trust of the populace. Hahaha, who am I kidding? He is still sulking over the cleaner injection fubar...

No "cleaner injection fubar". If you believe that, please feel free to chug a half-gallon of bleach to clean out all the viruses.
Rum works better.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?

Mostly because he didn't say that, and also because we don't feel the need to attack him based on what your twinko ass believes at the moment and tells us we should believe.
Of course he said that.

It really is okay to just be honest. It really is okay to criticize him. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't give someone else an advantage.

Being honest gives YOU the advantage. Your head won't explode, I swear.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?
Clearly, it means you're an idiot.
Good Trumpster-level response. I like it.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?

Mostly because he didn't say that, and also because we don't feel the need to attack him based on what your twinko ass believes at the moment and tells us we should believe.
Of course he said that.

It really is okay to just be honest. It really is okay to criticize him. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't give someone else an advantage.

Being honest gives YOU the advantage. Your head won't explode, I swear.

"My talking points SAID he said that" is not "of course".

It really is okay to not criticize him. It will make you disloyal to your thought masters, but it will give YOU the advantage of not contradicting yourself every five minutes so that people laugh at you like you just hit yourself in the nuts with a rake.
You folks sure are touchy.

And you're welcome to quote me contradicting myself.

Why do you Trumpsters keep accusing of me of saying stuff, without quoting me?

Oh, that's right: You're Trumpsters. You make it up as you go.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?

Mostly because he didn't say that, and also because we don't feel the need to attack him based on what your twinko ass believes at the moment and tells us we should believe.
Of course he said that.

It really is okay to just be honest. It really is okay to criticize him. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't give someone else an advantage.

Being honest gives YOU the advantage. Your head won't explode, I swear.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?
Clearly, it means you're an idiot.
Good Trumpster-level response. I like it.
What did you expect?! Do you honestly think huge countries should have the same restrictions as those that are the size of an average county in the US?!

For all your attacks on political correctness, you yourself are one of the most insufferable politically correct prigs here. In addition, you try to sit the fence to the point where it would seem unbearable bunching up in your crotch.

Stop being such a self-righteous prig.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?

Mostly because he didn't say that, and also because we don't feel the need to attack him based on what your twinko ass believes at the moment and tells us we should believe.
Of course he said that.

It really is okay to just be honest. It really is okay to criticize him. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't give someone else an advantage.

Being honest gives YOU the advantage. Your head won't explode, I swear.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?
Clearly, it means you're an idiot.
Good Trumpster-level response. I like it.
What did you expect?! Do you honestly think huge countries should have the same restrictions as those that are the size of an average county in the US?!

For all your attacks on political correctness, you yourself are one of the most insufferable politically correct prigs here. In addition, you try to sit the fence to the point where it would seem unbearable bunching up in your crotch.

Stop being such a self-righteous prig.
Good, get it all out.
maybe someone made trump consider this:

A Trump administration projection and a public model predict rising death tolls.
As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, a 70 percent increase from the current number of about 1,750.
The projections, based on government modeling pulled together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently.

The numbers underscore a sobering reality: The United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks to try slowing the spread of the virus, but reopening the economy will make matters worse.
Endless worst case projections which never come true
Libs now trying to sell let’s stay locked down because in months it will get worse. They live for disaster right around the corner
So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?
He demands that Democratic states open up and Republican states stay locked up.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?

Mostly because he didn't say that, and also because we don't feel the need to attack him based on what your twinko ass believes at the moment and tells us we should believe.
Of course he said that.

It really is okay to just be honest. It really is okay to criticize him. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't give someone else an advantage.

Being honest gives YOU the advantage. Your head won't explode, I swear.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?
Clearly, it means you're an idiot.
Good Trumpster-level response. I like it.
What did you expect?! Do you honestly think huge countries should have the same restrictions as those that are the size of an average county in the US?!

For all your attacks on political correctness, you yourself are one of the most insufferable politically correct prigs here. In addition, you try to sit the fence to the point where it would seem unbearable bunching up in your crotch.

Stop being such a self-righteous prig.
Good, get it all out.
I just did. Now stop being a self-righteous prick.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?

Mostly because he didn't say that, and also because we don't feel the need to attack him based on what your twinko ass believes at the moment and tells us we should believe.
Of course he said that.

It really is okay to just be honest. It really is okay to criticize him. It doesn't make you weak, it doesn't give someone else an advantage.

Being honest gives YOU the advantage. Your head won't explode, I swear.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?
I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Does it have anything to do with the fact that Trump got involved by saying he strongly disagreed with the governor of Georgia opening his state?

Why didn't you guys attack him for that?
Clearly, it means you're an idiot.
Good Trumpster-level response. I like it.
What did you expect?! Do you honestly think huge countries should have the same restrictions as those that are the size of an average county in the US?!

For all your attacks on political correctness, you yourself are one of the most insufferable politically correct prigs here. In addition, you try to sit the fence to the point where it would seem unbearable bunching up in your crotch.

Stop being such a self-righteous prig.
Good, get it all out.
I just did. Now stop being a self-righteous prick.
Okie dokie!
maybe someone made trump consider this:

A Trump administration projection and a public model predict rising death tolls.
As President Trump presses for states to reopen their economies, his administration is privately projecting a steady rise in the number of coronavirus cases and deaths over the next several weeks. The daily death toll will reach about 3,000 on June 1, according to an internal document obtained by The New York Times, a 70 percent increase from the current number of about 1,750.
The projections, based on government modeling pulled together by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, forecast about 200,000 new cases each day by the end of the month, up from about 25,000 cases a day currently.

The numbers underscore a sobering reality: The United States has been hunkered down for the past seven weeks to try slowing the spread of the virus, but reopening the economy will make matters worse.
Endless worst case projections which never come true
Libs now trying to sell let’s stay locked down because in months it will get worse. They live for disaster right around the corner
Yea, Trump predicted cases would go to zero by now.
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