Once and for all: Why isn't Trump demanding that we open back up TODAY?

I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
/——-/ Because you Progs will blame him for every death whether Coronavirus related or not. Now the Governors will take the heat.
Because you Progs will blame him for every death whether Coronavirus related or not. Now the Governors will take the heat.
Wow, so he's afraid of what people will say, and he's willing to play politics with our lives.

Dang. Ugly. Okay, thanks for responding.
trump's not demanding we open today?
Well his minions sure think he has because THEY want to open TODAY
A strange dichotomy, no?

They cheer when he tosses out childish personal insults and third-grade namecalling every day, but at a time this crucial to the country, they want him to be as quiet as a little mouse.

/—-/ The only thing weird is your twists and distortions. Blue state Governors want to defect blame for deaths.
trump's not demanding we open today?
Well his minions sure think he has because THEY want to open TODAY
A strange dichotomy, no?

They cheer when he tosses out childish personal insults and third-grade namecalling every day, but at a time this crucial to the country, they want him to be as quiet as a little mouse.

/—-/ The only thing weird is your twists and distortions. Blue state Governors want to defect blame for deaths.
Ironic that you would use the word "deflect", when you refuse to hold Trump accountable for keeping his mouth shut.
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
Because the DNC their sycophant MSM would decimate him and try to upend his candidacy. Trump needs not only MAGA people but also needs Independants....It's called politics. Ask your nanny Nancy about that.
He's afraid of what people will say? What kind of leader is that? Has he no convictions?
Well, to be fair, I edited my reply and you pulled the trigger too soon. The States have sovereign power. Do you want Trump to act like a Tyrant? Oh yeah, you do. BTW I never said Trump was afraid of what people will say, you made that up. A President serves at the behest of We The People and, unlike the snot-smearing Pelosi, he cares what we think. I know that gets your TDS panties in a wad but, live with it. Trump will be President for the forseeable future....Too bad for you.
I don't see an answer in that talk radio diatribe.

He's supposed to keep his mouth shut at this historically important time? Isn't he a leader?

Why do you guys celebrate when he "speaks his mind", but give him a pass at such a crucial moment?

We both know the answer to that, but I'm enjoying watching you guys spin and deflect and attack.
The OP is a strawman.
trump's not demanding we open today?
Well his minions sure think he has because THEY want to open TODAY
A strange dichotomy, no?

They cheer when he tosses out childish personal insults and third-grade namecalling every day, but at a time this crucial to the country, they want him to be as quiet as a little mouse.

/—-/ The only thing weird is your twists and distortions. Blue state Governors want to defect blame for deaths.
Ironic that you would use the word "deflect", when you refuse to hold Trump accountable for keeping his mouth shut.
/——-/ Libtards complain Trump never shuts up while in the same breath accuse him of keeping his mouth shut. Libtards live in an alternate universe.
Amazing to watch the Borg refuse to see the con.
/——/ Heres the real con:
Amazing to watch the Borg refuse to see the con.
/——/ Heres the real con:
View attachment 332217View attachment 332218
And yet, Trump doesn't say a peep and you attack for him.

I think you're in on this. You want to destroy America.
/——/ Are you still beating your eife?
You're an agent out to destroy our economy and America.

For what country? China? Russia? Saudi Arabia? Fiji?
Because you Progs will blame him for every death whether Coronavirus related or not. Now the Governors will take the heat.
Wow, so he's afraid of what people will say, and he's willing to play politics with our lives.

Dang. Ugly. Okay, thanks for responding.

I notice you didn't try to refute the validity of what he said.

That's the first intelligent thing you've done in this thread...
It's not his place to do that. He's smart enough to know that.You're not...
It's not his place to state his opinion, or to suggest something at this critical moment?

Of all people, the guy you celebrate when he insults and name-calls and attacks people, shouldn't provide his input here?

OH WAIT, actually he DID provide his input on this, when he said he STRONGLY DISAGREED with the governor of Georgia when he wanted to RE-OPEN HIS STATE.

You're lost in a group psychosis. Not a good thing, historically speaking.
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Because the US does not have the virus anywhere near under control, like Australia, we can start to open back up because we were sane and locked down and followed it for the common good.

Trump knows America is no where near that point yet.

If he calls to open back up the virus will wash up on the USA more than it already has, your current and horrendous death toll will look like cotton candy in comparison and tank his re-election chances.

So he lets the governors make all the tough calls, eggs on the half wits demonstrating on behalf of their own minuteman deluded egos but will take credit where ever lock downs contain the virus.

"Because the US is obviously wrong and the worst, because it always is, Trump must obviously be trying to put the blame for the US being bad and eeeevil on someone else for when everything goes totally wrong as I always expect it to for such a bad country."

That's literally all I heard before it was drowned out by your evil cackling while you prayed for catastrophe.

You are not the worst, I think maybe Sudan and Brazil might have fucked this pandemic up more than you Americans.

Then I guess it's fortunate for you, as well as us, that you aren't here.
Because the US does not have the virus anywhere near under control, like Australia, we can start to open back up because we were sane and locked down and followed it for the common good.

Trump knows America is no where near that point yet.

If he calls to open back up the virus will wash up on the USA more than it already has, your current and horrendous death toll will look like cotton candy in comparison and tank his re-election chances.

So he lets the governors make all the tough calls, eggs on the half wits demonstrating on behalf of their own minuteman deluded egos but will take credit where ever lock downs contain the virus.

"Because the US is obviously wrong and the worst, because it always is, Trump must obviously be trying to put the blame for the US being bad and eeeevil on someone else for when everything goes totally wrong as I always expect it to for such a bad country."

That's literally all I heard before it was drowned out by your evil cackling while you prayed for catastrophe.

You are not the worst, I think maybe Sudan and Brazil might have fucked this pandemic up more than you Americans.

Worry about your own country, jackass.

I am not worried about America, there is no point in worrying about a dying republic.

Just observing, for of like David Attenborough watching a great buffalo die.

Yeah, that's why you're on a message board about American politics, rushing to convince us how jaded and superior and condescending you are toward the US, and how short it falls of whatever second-tier, nobody country you call home.

Sounds to me like what you're REALLY worried about is your crushing inferiority complex compared to Americans . . . and you should be. However, this is not your group therapy session, and no one here is interested in having their legs humped for attention. Shoo.
It's not his place to do that. He's smart enough to know that.You're not...
It's not his place to state his opinion, or to suggest something at this critical moment?

Of all people, the guy you celebrate when he insults and name-calls and attacks people, shouldn't provide his input here?

OH WAIT, actually he DID provide his input on this, when he said he STRONGLY DISAGREED with the governor of Georgia when he wanted to RE-OPEN HIS STATE.

You're lost in a group psychosis. Not a good thing, historically speaking.

It's really funny how the leftists on this board rush to post whole threads about, "Oh, look there, Trump is criticizing the end of lockdowns!! Hahahaha!!!" and then we suddenly hear about how he's a shitty leader for not expressing opinions.

I can't decide if you're all schizophrenic, have some sort of short-term memory issue, or you just don't talk to each other.
It's not his place to do that. He's smart enough to know that.You're not...
It's not his place to state his opinion, or to suggest something at this critical moment?

Of all people, the guy you celebrate when he insults and name-calls and attacks people, shouldn't provide his input here?

OH WAIT, actually he DID provide his input on this, when he said he STRONGLY DISAGREED with the governor of Georgia when he wanted to RE-OPEN HIS STATE.

You're lost in a group psychosis. Not a good thing, historically speaking.

It's really funny how the leftists on this board rush to post whole threads about, "Oh, look there, Trump is criticizing the end of lockdowns!! Hahahaha!!!" and then we suddenly hear about how he's a shitty leader for not expressing opinions.

I can't decide if you're all schizophrenic, have some sort of short-term memory issue, or you just don't talk to each other.
If you see me actually being hypocritical, you're more than welcome to point it out. With quotes.

Until then, you can keep avoiding my point.
Americans widely oppose reopening most businesses, despite easing of restrictions in some states, Post-U. Md. poll finds

Americans clearly oppose the reopening of restaurants, retail stores and other businesses, even as governors begin to lift restrictions that have kept the economy locked down in an effort to combat the coronavirus pandemic, according to a Washington Post-University of Maryland poll.
The opposition expressed by sizable majorities of Americans reflects other cautions and concerns revealed in the survey, including continuing fears among most people that they could become infected by the coronavirus, as well as a belief that the worst of the medical crisis is not yet over.
About half of states have eased restrictions on businesses, but Americans’ unease about patronizing them represents a major hurdle to restarting the economy. Many Americans have been making trips to grocery stores and 56 percent say they are comfortable doing so. But 67 percent say they would be uncomfortable shopping at a retail clothing store, and 78 percent would be uncomfortable eating at a sit-down restaurant.
What if we hold a re-opening party and nobody comes?
I've seen about a zillion threads about how the threat of the Coronavirus has been overblown, the numbers are wrong, it's a commie conspiracy, etc. etc. We've all seen them.

So tell me: Why isn't Trump out there, every single day, DEMANDING that states and cities open up 100%?

Yes, before you say it, we all know Trump can't make governors and mayors open up. But his is the biggest bully pulpit on the planet, and there is NOTHING stopping him from being a LEADER and SAYING it.

Right now. Day in, day out. Non stop. He has the microphone and the attention of the country.

Trump supporters celebrate his willingness to "speak his mind", but they're giving him a MASSIVE pass on this, as they keep COMPLAINING about it. Why?
WTF do you think, the USA is Lichtenstein or Andorra?

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