Once and for all... why you shouldn't believe the MSM and I want you BIASED MSM defenders --- defend!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.
There is no interest in Fact or truth from any 24 hour news stations. Keeping enough people watching constant news requires contravesary agitation excitement. Plain old facts & truth never as exciting as crazy making propaganda.
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.

All of those things you listed is media driven
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.
Oh and YOU are a perfect human being..AKA..."Jesus"???
Where is YOUR proof of those above statements? OH yea... from the same MSM! Right?
You are proving exactly the brainwashed people that the biased MSM depends on.
I'm not going to retort your truly brainwashed, MSM supplied LIES but all you said above are lies.
But I forgive you for your flaws, including the inability to comprehend how the biased MSM has
influenced you...all because they donated money to Trump opponents. You are a fine example!
Fact 1: The press largely leans left.

Fact 2: Dismissing everything they say as fake news is comically simplistic and ignorant.
And I agree with # 2 except you are doing what the MSM does..."exaggerate"..."Dismissing everything" is an exaggeration and that's what the MSM does.
Also I am pointing out FACTS: The MSM donated 96% to Hillary and she lost, therefore they donated 90% to Biden and helped get him elected by 95% negative news.
Those are the facts.

Just one question for you though...
Which has a greater chance of damage to a large environment... 1 million barrels traveling 1 mile on the open ocean or 700 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land?
Have you heard anything like that from the MSM regarding Keystone?
It is a perfect example of how the biased MSM has grossly misinformed the public.
This is just ONE example of the biased news that the majority of anti-Trumpers support, even
thought there is more damage potential to the environment!
Again this is just ONE example of the way the biased MSM has altered uninformed, unsophisticated people's opinions.
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.
Oh and YOU are a perfect human being..AKA..."Jesus"???
Where is YOUR proof of those above statements? OH yea... from the same MSM! Right?
You are proving exactly the brainwashed people that the biased MSM depends on.
I'm not going to retort your truly brainwashed, MSM supplied LIES but all you said above are lies.
But I forgive you for your flaws, including the inability to comprehend how the biased MSM has
influenced you...all because they donated money to Trump opponents. You are a fine example!

I get it Mostly it was from reading your blobs words. You should try it some time.
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
Yes the media was biased, I don’t think that’s a mystery. Trump declared war on them and relentlessly talked shit which only fueled the fire. Even Fox News a Trump ally had the majority of their coverage considered negative towards trump. It’s because all trump did was lie and lies cause controversy and controversy becomes the story. What point are you trying to make with this thread?
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.

All of those things you listed is media driven


All of what I posted actually happened.
Fact 1: The press largely leans left.

Fact 2: Dismissing everything they say as fake news is comically simplistic and ignorant.

Misinterpreting his words is fake.
They did not report any of the good things Trump did.
Misinterpreting his words is meaningless opinion commentary discussion. They play the clips of Trump saying the things he says in video. We are grown ups we can interpret for ourselves.
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.
Oh and YOU are a perfect human being..AKA..."Jesus"???
Where is YOUR proof of those above statements? OH yea... from the same MSM! Right?
You are proving exactly the brainwashed people that the biased MSM depends on.
I'm not going to retort your truly brainwashed, MSM supplied LIES but all you said above are lies.
But I forgive you for your flaws, including the inability to comprehend how the biased MSM has
influenced you...all because they donated money to Trump opponents. You are a fine example!
Most of what he said actually happened man. Like it’s on tape and video
Fact 1: The press largely leans left.

Fact 2: Dismissing everything they say as fake news is comically simplistic and ignorant.
And I agree with # 2 except you are doing what the MSM does..."exaggerate"..."Dismissing everything" is an exaggeration and that's what the MSM does.
Also I am pointing out FACTS: The MSM donated 96% to Hillary and she lost, therefore they donated 90% to Biden and helped get him elected by 95% negative news.
Those are the facts.

Just one question for you though...
Which has a greater chance of damage to a large environment... 1 million barrels traveling 1 mile on the open ocean or 700 barrels traveling 1 mile on dry land?
Have you heard anything like that from the MSM regarding Keystone?
It is a perfect example of how the biased MSM has grossly misinformed the public.
This is just ONE example of the biased news that the majority of anti-Trumpers support, even
thought there is more damage potential to the environment!
Again this is just ONE example of the way the biased MSM has altered uninformed, unsophisticated people's opinions.
The incessant whining about the media is getting old. You do realize the right wing media that dominates the radio waves along with Fox News Prime time is just as if not more so provocative, dishonest and biased, right?

we live in a capitalistic society with freedom of speech. This is where the free market has taken the “news”business. Do you wanna commie up and just run state media?
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.

All of those things you listed is media driven


All of what I posted actually happened.

All misrepresented by main stream media.
He called one woman a dog not all women are dogs .
He banned travel from Muslim countries because of their wars not because of their religion.
See how media has twisted that?
All of it twisted into negative hate.
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.

All of those things you listed is media driven


All of what I posted actually happened.

All misrepresented by main stream media.
He called one woman a dog not all women are dogs .
He banned travel from Muslim countries because of their wars not because of their religion.
See how media has twisted that?
All of it twisted into negative hate.
Should the President be calling any woman a "dog"?
He banned Muslims from coming here because of "their wars"? What wars are those?

It wasn't twisted into hate...your blob was and is a hateful sack of shit. Sorry. But it's true.
I have always been the type of person to consider the source, myself.

What do they want us to believe ?What words are they using towards that end? Are they appealing to our emotions or our intellect? What are they NOT telling us? How are they framing their coverage? Who benefits if people follow them without questioning?

I don't know if you can actually teach critical thinking skills as much of it is innate, but I think it is possible to at least encourage it. Our school system actually squashes it rather than encouraging it, though, as children are taught to not ask questions but simply accept answers. Compliance is valued over inquiry, and so we have become a nation where fewer and fewer people even ask the question "is this true?"

As the Media becomes more and more an extension of the global elites and sees itself more and more as a tool to shape a compliant society eager to serve this elite, our lack of critical thinking skills is leading us towards dystopia.
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.
Plopped kids in OBAMA'S CAGES. The rest of that BS is out of context as well like everything else that the MSM spewed for the last four years. They also told us he recommended shooting up bleach--NEVER HAPPENED.
It's a simple question based on these facts and I'd like some of you ignorant, uninformed people explain why its is wrong. Here are the facts with links, substantiation...NOT MY subjective opinion...but simple facts.
A) Trump received 95% negative press.
"Former Democratic president Carter comes to President Trump's defense following onslaught of negative coverage."
Broadcast coverage of Trump 95% negative, according to new study
“I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it,” said Rich Noyes, research director for the conservative press watchdog.

B) Proof of WHY MSM biased?
90% donations went to Biden by MSM in 2020. In 2016 96% donations to Hillary.
These are facts... that have directly affected the BIASED MSM reporting.
View attachment 443682
95% negative press?

Perhaps he shouldn't have been a 100% asshole...fired people by tweet...called people 3rd grade names....referred to women as dogs....banned people from coming here based on their religion....plopped kids into cages as a "deterrent" (500+ still remain by the way--not one committed a single fucking crime)....argued that the kids he kidnapped aren't entitled to soap and toothpaste...called the neo-nazi's "very fine people...called Mexicans "rapists"...said Russia didn't interfere in our 2016 election....gladhaned a brutal North Korean dictator...lied tens of thousands of times....totally ignored a pandemic as it raged the countryside for weeks at a time.

All of those things you listed is media driven


All of what I posted actually happened.

All misrepresented by main stream media.
He called one woman a dog not all women are dogs .
He banned travel from Muslim countries because of their wars not because of their religion.
See how media has twisted that?
All of it twisted into negative hate.
Should the President be calling any woman a "dog"?
He banned Muslims from coming here because of "their wars"? What wars are those?

It wasn't twisted into hate...your blob was and is a hateful sack of shit. Sorry. But it's true.

You sure do always simplify any issue down to the level of understanding of a 10 year old, don't you?

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