One apparent mistake Trump made (not that he only made one but anyhow...) Gingrich couldve been VP

Yeh, Gingrich was considered for VP. I cannot recall at this time what thereason was for going w/ Pence..

but things obviously may have turned out differently on Jan 6 if Gingrich had been VP...
Well, the good thing is President Trump wont ask Pence to be his VP again.
Trump did what everyone thought was impossible. He beat career politicians at their own game with zero political experience. That shocked the political establishment on BOTH SIDES which is why Trump was attacked, demonized, and dehumanized every minute of every day. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if the Democrats had Republican help in election tampering to defeat Trump.

We already saw it when Mccain took his Trump hatred to the grave. Not to mention Romney playing chameleon during his presidency. You can bet the played a role. The Republican party is in the process of an overhaul. Reason why you see Liz Cheney getting the boot.
Nobody pressured anyone to overturn anything.

The only thing Pence was to do, was assent to the constitutional authority that the legislatures of AZ, GA, and PA have, to take ten days to further review their results before committing their electors.

And Pence told Trump & his henchmen to fuck off because he knew that your preposterous claim is total bullshit. Even Pence who sucked up to Trump for four years knew Trump got his ass beat by Biden.

He did what he had to do because the Constitution demanded it. Don't like it? Tough shit.
We already saw it when Mccain took his Trump hatred to the grave. Not to mention Romney playing chameleon during his presidency. You can bet the played a role. The Republican party is in the process of an overhaul. Reason why you see Liz Cheney getting the boot.
Not a Trump asslicker? Get the boot.
Donors aren't the issue....Bernie and AOC lick the asses of the corporate intrests and big banksters....Their votes for bills favoring them speak with far greater volume than campaign loot.
she gets pocket change from companies

vast majority is from individual donors.
dims are so predictable.. all they ever talk about is the misdeeds of the Rs... never the misdeeds of those in their own party... never the great things some Rs have done... Nope..

it's black and white all thetime

R = bad
D = good

regardless of... just whatever..

Sure, when Clinton and Obama were in office, now Biden?
Not only were they ridiculed by republicans, they just make shit up.

Give everyone a break.

Great things republicans have done?
Tax cut for millionaires or obstructing?

Let everyone know what 'great' things republicans have done for America.
all dims every talk about RE Trump is what he used to do.. how he cheated on his wives, etc..

I notice how none of them mentions him cutting taxes for the little people so called... nothing about stopping abortions being paid for overseas by US taxpayers opposed to killing children.. nothing about getting businesses to come back to the US... and I could go on and on...

they probably don't even know about such achievements... too busy watching Clinton News Network aka cnn.. too busy being brainwashed and programmed, that is.
'and I could go on and on'...
I bet you could.

With GQP BS.

Tax cuts for 'little people'?

December 19 2017
Donald Trump promised as he ran for president that the middle class would get a “massive” tax cut of 35 percent. After taking office, he promised that cuts would be aimed squarely at the middle class.

The bill reduces federal taxes by about 10 percent for the middle class, not the promised 35 percent, and only for eight years.

And because the tax cuts for individuals expire after 2025, while the 40 percent reduction in the corporate income tax rate is forever.

December 24 2017
President Trump kicked off his holiday weekend at Mar-a-Lago Friday night at a dinner where he told friends, "You all just got a lot richer," referencing the sweeping tax overhaul he signed into law hours earlier.

The president has spent many weekends of his presidency so far at the "Winter White House," where initiation fees cost $200,000, annual dues cost $14,000, and some of the most affluent members of society have the opportunity to interact with the president in a setting while many Americans cannot.

January 22 2020
An enormous tax cut for middle-class Americans is coming soon, Donald Trump vowed on Tuesday, if he and his party win in November.

If this pledge sounds familiar, it's because he has made and broken it many times before.

Trump told the Wall Street Journal this week that if he wins a second term and Republicans regain control of Congress, he will cut taxes for the middle class. He declined to share any details of his plan with the paper, saying only that it would be unveiled in three months.

Yeah, just like his health care plan.

'Nothing about getting businesses to come back to the US'?

That's because there were none.
i dunno... seems a little hypocritical and unChristian to judge people by their past lives..

"Judge not, lest you be judged" said the Great One, "for by what measure you mete, so shall it be meted unto you."
And yet you judged Clinton and his affair in the White House just in this thread.

Why Newt Gingrich was not taken is because of the fact he cheated on his wife while Pence was the darling of the Christian Conservative’s at the time.

As for January 6th 2021, well Nancy the fact is it would not have mattered and Biden would have still became President…

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