One apparent mistake Trump made (not that he only made one but anyhow...) Gingrich couldve been VP

Gingrich was too forceful, talkative. That's why Christie was nixed for VP, too.

A prez canNOT have someone as VP who is going to overshadow him or challenge him. That's why they pick milquetoasts, like Pence, though I must say, Pence was a real Study in White.

Trump got rid of everyone with an opinion of their own, who would put those opinions forcefully. Trump wasn't putting up with challenges. I'm not sure what I think of that: well, maybe he went overboard, firing so many, and so angrily.
i would have fired those people also... except for maybe Lewandowski but.. in any case.. Comey for example... shouldve been fired on DAy One of Trump admin

actually, sooner

again, we should have the vp on a separate ballot... maybe have the RNC AND the nominee choose a list of 5 people and have people vote on them.. i dunno... just thinking as I go alongg..
Gingrich was too forceful, talkative. That's why Christie was nixed for VP, too.

A prez canNOT have someone as VP who is going to overshadow him or challenge him. That's why they pick milquetoasts, like Pence, though I must say, Pence was a real Study in White.

Trump got rid of everyone with an opinion of their own, who would put those opinions forcefully. Trump wasn't putting up with challenges. I'm not sure what I think of that: well, maybe he went overboard, firing so many, and so angrily.
Meh....I'll bet a dollar to a dog turd that Pence was behind some of Trump's shittiest appointments, like Bolton and Haspell.
The DNC and the media cheated Bernie....he should have joined Jill Stein and the Green Party. And I may be the only one at USMB you'll ever hear say that -- maybe I'm the only 100% honest one here.

Maybe I'm really Tucker Carlson .
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The Greenies would have never bought him a 3rd home, for rolling over and shutting up when the nomination was stolen from him.
The Greenies would have never bought him a 3rd home, for rolling over and shutting up when the nomination was stolen from him.
He would have been Ross Peroted out.
Reform, Green , Independent, Libertarian, Labor....whatever you call it so far ain't happening .
He exposed a huge underbelly of corruption in our government and especially the Democrat Party, and warned us about it, and then you saw that ugly beast take over during the 2020 election with their Maduro voting machines, and illegal election law changes and all the cheating shenanigans that went on.
trump exposed corruption, ha


and Rudy lied about Venezuela and dominion Rudy Giuliani says he didn't check Dominion election fraud "evidence"—"Not my job"
He would have been Ross Peroted out.
Reform, Green , Independent, Libertarian, Labor....whatever you call it so far ain't happening .
Still wouldn't have been bought off with the 3rd house from anyone but the DNC.
The lower face is also the face of you moonbats, when you're told that your boys suck as much billionaire corporate dick as anyone.
there is a wide disparity in congress. Lindsey Graham gets 47% of his cash from big donors. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler is even worse, and Mark Kelly (D) is really bad.
By contrast AOC and Bernie sanders gets 80% of their funding from small donors.

there is a wide disparity in congress. Lindsey Graham gets 47% of his cash from big donors. David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler is even worse, and Mark Kelly (D) is really bad.
By contrast AOC and Bernie sanders gets 80% of their funding from small donors.

Donors aren't the issue....Bernie and AOC lick the asses of the corporate intrests and big banksters....Their votes for bills favoring them speak with far greater volume than campaign loot.
Still wouldn't have been bought off with the 3rd house from anyone but the DNC.
A lot of (D) voters went with Trump solely out of hatred for Hillary. I became a Trump supporter in 2017- 2018 after seeing the hypocricy and dishonesty from the left....particularly the DNC and the MSM.
shows what you know about Newt... not that he wwas what you call him here but he DID like Trump and he liked him because of what he was... (hard to believe... brace yourself)

bc of what Trump was DOING

you know.. as opposed to what he was doing or allegedly doing 10 or more years before his presidency... as opposed to what people SAY

talk is cheap

Trump DID something about the egregious problems in our country... Now that moron baby killer is trying to destroy Trump all over again (that's all the dims in DC think about)--

the well being of our country be damned.
LMao. Someone's triggered.
i would have fired those people also... except for maybe Lewandowski but.. in any case.. Comey for example... shouldve been fired on DAy One of Trump admin

actually, sooner

again, we should have the vp on a separate ballot... maybe have the RNC AND the nominee choose a list of 5 people and have people vote on them.. i dunno... just thinking as I go alongg..
Agreed about Comey!! That man wanted to be prez himself: that's the only sense I can make of his thrashings around during the 2016 election.
Meh....I'll bet a dollar to a dog turd that Pence was behind some of Trump's shittiest appointments, like Bolton and Haspell.
I read Bolton's book, "The Room Where It Happened." The administration censored that book up one side and down the other, but still, it was pretty juicy. I was happy initially at the Bolton appointment, better have a fierce hawk for a change! But he was seriously opinionated, and Trump was not, ever, having that, so finally, out went Bolton.

To be fair, the book makes it clear, however much Bolton tries to soft-pedal it, that he Bolton RESIGNED, or at least offered to, in a fury at something foreign (that he was wrong about IMO anyway). And Trump, simply, didn't stop it. Accepted his resignation. Which is less traumatic that many such departures.
Yeh, Gingrich was considered for VP. I cannot recall at this time what thereason was for going w/ Pence..

but things obviously may have turned out differently on Jan 6 if Gingrich had been VP...
Pence gave Trump evangelical bona fides. It says a lot about those folks that apparantly they threw over Pence, who walks the walk no matter what his weaknesses may be, for Trump.
with no example of how Trump was an "asss" I have nothing to comment re that first thing

and he did not treat people like sh.. not that I know of... or not to the extent that... What? he was worse than Clinton? the one who took advantage of a girl half his age and in the WH of all places?

but then... we are supposed to forget that...

along with the fake election of 2020
you dont see it because you liked the guy.....
You mean he treated people like you treat people? Trump was one of the most truthful presidents we ever had and exposed all of these evil MoFos for what they are, and no one should apologize for that, especially him.
if he treated people like i do he would have won re-election easily....
Yeh, Gingrich was considered for VP. I cannot recall at this time what thereason was for going w/ Pence..

but things obviously may have turned out differently on Jan 6 if Gingrich had been VP...
Newt sure-as-hell dodged a bullet on that one, eh? :cool: I mean, he still has his reputation and he still has his honor. Not easy in the Rumpian Alternateverse...

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