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One big reason why unions are good!

I thought this was common sense but then again I must remember my audience.... You don't leave a job until you have another one lined up...sheesh, I didn't think I wouldhave to explain that one but I guess i was wrong.... maybe that is why there are so many Democrats out of a job right now...
shockingly amazing, isnt it
if the place you work sucks, look for another job and when you find it, change work places

What makes you think it'll be better somewhere else?

And who's hiring?
yeah, no ones hiring
maybe up where you are
but then democrats run your state, as they do mine
and it looks like they are fucking up BOTH states
Taught school a year and yes it does. I had to join the union for which annually a large chunk of my dues went to political candidates I'd have about as soon shot as sent money. On top of which I have a female teaching world history to 7th graders that doesn't know how many continents there are and couldn't find anything not in the US on a map. And had trouble on a globe finding the US...

Pubic education goes out of its way to instituionalize incompetence at any and all levels. Please underatand it isn't because they don't give a damn. It's because of the fact that your average grade school and junior high teacher spends almost no time studying the subjects he will actually be required to teach and bucket loads of time studing crap that in a good year will be useful to him or her about 14 times.
Taught school a year and yes it does. I had to join the union for which annually a large chunk of my dues went to political candidates I'd have about as soon shot as sent money.

I found this on Wiki about Unions:

Labor unions use the term jurisdiction to refer to their claims to represent workers who perform a certain type of work and the right of their members to perform such work. For example, the work of unloading containerized cargo at United States ports, which both the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters have claimed rightfully should be assigned to workers they represent. A jurisdictional strike is a concerted refusal to work undertaken by a union to assert its members' right to such job assignments and to protest the assignment of disputed work to members of another union or to unorganized workers. Jurisdictional strikes occur most frequently in the United States in the construction industry.[5]

Unions also use jurisdiction to refer to the geographical boundaries of their operations, as in those cases in which a national or international union allocates the right to represent workers among different local unions based on the place of those workers' employment, either along geographical lines or by adopting the boundaries between political jurisdictions.[5]

And what makes them different than street corner pimps or gangs? When you read the above it is impossible not to walk away and say that they are at least a quazi-governmental agency. As such, and in light of their supposed actual mission, they should not be using dues in political campaigns, it's corruption. While I feel this is ridiculous, what really makes me blow my gasket is when school districts and other government bodies contribute to campaigns. Those people should be in prison.
Taught school a year and yes it does. I had to join the union for which annually a large chunk of my dues went to political candidates I'd have about as soon shot as sent money.

I found this on Wiki about Unions:

Labor unions use the term jurisdiction to refer to their claims to represent workers who perform a certain type of work and the right of their members to perform such work. For example, the work of unloading containerized cargo at United States ports, which both the International Longshore and Warehouse Union and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters have claimed rightfully should be assigned to workers they represent. A jurisdictional strike is a concerted refusal to work undertaken by a union to assert its members' right to such job assignments and to protest the assignment of disputed work to members of another union or to unorganized workers. Jurisdictional strikes occur most frequently in the United States in the construction industry.[5]

Unions also use jurisdiction to refer to the geographical boundaries of their operations, as in those cases in which a national or international union allocates the right to represent workers among different local unions based on the place of those workers' employment, either along geographical lines or by adopting the boundaries between political jurisdictions.[5]
And what makes them different than street corner pimps or gangs? When you read the above it is impossible not to walk away and say that they are at least a quazi-governmental agency. As such, and in light of their supposed actual mission, they should not be using dues in political campaigns, it's corruption. While I feel this is ridiculous, what really makes me blow my gasket is when school districts and other government bodies contribute to campaigns. Those people should be in prison.
could not allow this tripe to stand unrefuted

unions are NOT quasi-governmental, but they are - by federal law - democratic
those pimps and gangs you compared as equivalents of the union are not a bit democratic
yes, unions are able to use the organization's funds, generated by dues, to advance the political careers of the politicians who support the interests of the union. just as employers, such as walmart, use their considerable assets to fund the political careers of those who oppose unions

i did not see you conclude that walmart management should be imprisoned for their campaign contributions. but that would be equitable justice under your facist admonitions

in short, you demonstrate that you have no understanding of unions. you have no understanding of justice. worse, you have no understanding of things democratic. one must then conclude you have no understanding
My sister works for rite aid and her store recently joined the ufcw and she was telling me the other night how her higher ups fucked her and a few others out of hours this week and next. The took someone in from a recently closed rite aid and this person bitched that they wanted 40 hours(which they didnt have and should not have hired her) so they did it and cut staff hours to fit her in. WELL only problem is they went around the union and its by laws to do it when they should have put it up to a union vote meaning this person was brought in illegally, totally disregarding union rules which state it has to go to a full vote....this time its not a case of unions doing wrong but corporate fucking over the little guys and saying we dont care about you, the union steward is fighting it for them and if all goes well my sis and the others will get back pay.

I didn't know Rite-Aid was a union company. Maybe that's why they did not survive in my state of Colorado? One would open up & close a few months later--laying off all employees.

But reading your post it specifically states: That this woman belonged to the union at Rite Aid & at a Rite Aid store that recently closed & she went to your sisters store & they hired her. This is what your complaint is. I imagine that there is some by-law within the union that forced management to hire this woman? Maybe it was senority--maybe it was more education--or a by-law within the union regarding "sharing hours during slow-downs."

But you crack me up by being a supporter of the union & a democrat at the same time: As your speaker of the house recently was caught giving this speech to a bunch of Illegals in San Francisco: Out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi--democrat--speaker of the house.

"EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants and their families that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is "un-American."

The speaker, condemning raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, referred to the illegal immigrants she was addressing as "very, very patriotic."

Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American - Presidential Politics | Political News - FOXNews.com

you totally missed my message...the union knew nothing about this woman getting hired....upper management went AROUND the union to hire her, ignoring the fact that they are required to call a meeting about it. why would the union force something like that just to turn around and bitch about it to support those it hurt???!! You anti union people amaze me with your convoluted notions and ideas! " oh ALL unions are bad and they fuck over both the business and the workers at the same time" OOOOOOKKKKKKK!

side note: things are getting fixed, talked to my sis last night and she has 21 hours next week both working at her store and subbing at other stores.

to those that lumped my sister in with your stereotyped notion that my sister is one of those lazy under acheiving workers that deserved this I have two words for you...FUCK OFF!! you don't know my sister and have NO clue what her work ethic is like, if this had happened to a family member of yours would you still feel the same way or want to defend them and be pissed as fuck that this was happening?
My sister works for rite aid and her store recently joined the ufcw and she was telling me the other night how her higher ups fucked her and a few others out of hours this week and next. The took someone in from a recently closed rite aid and this person bitched that they wanted 40 hours(which they didnt have and should not have hired her) so they did it and cut staff hours to fit her in. WELL only problem is they went around the union and its by laws to do it when they should have put it up to a union vote meaning this person was brought in illegally, totally disregarding union rules which state it has to go to a full vote....this time its not a case of unions doing wrong but corporate fucking over the little guys and saying we dont care about you, the union steward is fighting it for them and if all goes well my sis and the others will get back pay.

I didn't know Rite-Aid was a union company. Maybe that's why they did not survive in my state of Colorado? One would open up & close a few months later--laying off all employees.

But reading your post it specifically states: That this woman belonged to the union at Rite Aid & at a Rite Aid store that recently closed & she went to your sisters store & they hired her. This is what your complaint is. I imagine that there is some by-law within the union that forced management to hire this woman? Maybe it was senority--maybe it was more education--or a by-law within the union regarding "sharing hours during slow-downs."

But you crack me up by being a supporter of the union & a democrat at the same time: As your speaker of the house recently was caught giving this speech to a bunch of Illegals in San Francisco: Out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi--democrat--speaker of the house.

"EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants and their families that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is "un-American."

The speaker, condemning raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, referred to the illegal immigrants she was addressing as "very, very patriotic."

Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American - Presidential Politics | Political News - FOXNews.com

you totally missed my message...the union knew nothing about this woman getting hired....upper management went AROUND the union to hire her, ignoring the fact that they are required to call a meeting about it. why would the union force something like that just to turn around and bitch about it to support those it hurt???!! You anti union people amaze me with your convoluted notions and ideas! " oh ALL unions are bad and they fuck over both the business and the workers at the same time" OOOOOOKKKKKKK!

side note: things are getting fixed, talked to my sis last night and she has 21 hours next week both working at her store and subbing at other stores.

to those that lumped my sister in with your stereotyped notion that my sister is one of those lazy under acheiving workers that deserved this I have two words for you...FUCK OFF!! you don't know my sister and have NO clue what her work ethic is like, if this had happened to a family member of yours would you still feel the same way or want to defend them and be pissed as fuck that this was happening?
you need to chill the fuck out
no one said your sister was lazy, just supposed that she might have been less of a worker than this other one
and most of all, half of what you said few would even believe
Companies like this are the only reason Unions still exist, and unfortunately are needed.

Yea, we sure need unions because dimwits can’t negotiate the value of their own labor with a business owner.

Let me give you my sole union experinece Jackasses. It lasted about 2 hours. Fresh out of the army I take this union gig doing light assembly. Simple damn job about like putting nuts and washers on a bolt. I didn't even need hand tools. I'm working along side this good ole boy been there for about a century or so or so it looked to my 20 something ass at the time and I'm filling about three baskets to his one and it's been about 30 minutes and this dude come over and tells me, "That's not how we do that here. Do it like this."

Well the only difference between the way he told me to do it and the way I was doing it was that his way was freaking slower, but I'm still making 2 baskets to the oll guys 1. So I figure what the hell and just keep doing it the way he wants and sure enough about 30 minutes latter some other clown comes over and tells me the same damn thing only his way fo doing still doesn't make a better finished product than what I had before the first guy came by and it's slower still, and I'm now down to about 1-1/2 times as many parts as the old geezer and the more I think about it the more pissed I get. Finally the break whistle blows and I see these ass hats standing by the water fountain and I grab a handful of parts and take them over to them and say, "When you assholes figure out how you want these done and that finding slower and slower ways to do shit doesn't help anyone give me a call I'm going to the house! Needless to say they never did but I went back to college and got a teaching degree so it wasn't any real loss.

There are in my experience 3 types of people on any union Job. those actually trying to do the work who are generally referred to as ass kisser and company men and harrassed until they quit so the Union bosses butt buddy doesn't have to strain himself trying to keep up, the union hierarchy, and the union hierarchy's ass kissers.

In between leaving High School and getting the job that i kept through College to pay Room, Board and tuition, I got a job in a union shop that was a parts distribution shop. My job was to put the parts orders into plastic folders with the parts list visible through the transparent window so the parts pickers could read them, make a circuit through the warehouse and have a filled parts order at the end of the circuit. There were three parts pickers.

On the second or third day, enough of the pickers called in sick so that I was pressed into service as the guy who put the orders into the envelopes AND a parts picker. I picked up the envelope, picked up a box, put the box into the cart and pushed the cart around the circuit. I did this twice. Noticing that there were six compartment on the cart and that each compartment was bigger than the parts box, I took 4 orders and 4 boxes on the next trip. I made several more circuits with 6 boxes on the cart and that completed all of the orders for the day. It was before noon. The Union Steward told me I just wasn't fitting in and sent me home.

Injured, I explained this to my dad who roared with laughter until my mother, both of them were products of the Depression, reminded that I needed to find a job and the atmosphere became much less jovial.

Since that job, I've been on commission or salaried. I was a Teamster for 6 years on commission. On those pay scales, working smarter and working faster is encouraged. I was "fitting in" better in those positions.
My sister works for rite aid and her store recently joined the ufcw and she was telling me the other night how her higher ups fucked her and a few others out of hours this week and next. The took someone in from a recently closed rite aid and this person bitched that they wanted 40 hours(which they didnt have and should not have hired her) so they did it and cut staff hours to fit her in. WELL only problem is they went around the union and its by laws to do it when they should have put it up to a union vote meaning this person was brought in illegally, totally disregarding union rules which state it has to go to a full vote....this time its not a case of unions doing wrong but corporate fucking over the little guys and saying we dont care about you, the union steward is fighting it for them and if all goes well my sis and the others will get back pay.

I didn't know Rite-Aid was a union company. Maybe that's why they did not survive in my state of Colorado? One would open up & close a few months later--laying off all employees.

But reading your post it specifically states: That this woman belonged to the union at Rite Aid & at a Rite Aid store that recently closed & she went to your sisters store & they hired her. This is what your complaint is. I imagine that there is some by-law within the union that forced management to hire this woman? Maybe it was senority--maybe it was more education--or a by-law within the union regarding "sharing hours during slow-downs."

But you crack me up by being a supporter of the union & a democrat at the same time: As your speaker of the house recently was caught giving this speech to a bunch of Illegals in San Francisco: Out of the mouth of Nancy Pelosi--democrat--speaker of the house.

"EXCLUSIVE: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently told a group of both legal and illegal immigrants and their families that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, is "un-American."

The speaker, condemning raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, referred to the illegal immigrants she was addressing as "very, very patriotic."

Pelosi Tells Illegal Immigrants That Work Site Raids are Un-American - Presidential Politics | Political News - FOXNews.com

you totally missed my message...the union knew nothing about this woman getting hired....upper management went AROUND the union to hire her, ignoring the fact that they are required to call a meeting about it. why would the union force something like that just to turn around and bitch about it to support those it hurt???!! You anti union people amaze me with your convoluted notions and ideas! " oh ALL unions are bad and they fuck over both the business and the workers at the same time" OOOOOOKKKKKKK!

side note: things are getting fixed, talked to my sis last night and she has 21 hours next week both working at her store and subbing at other stores.

to those that lumped my sister in with your stereotyped notion that my sister is one of those lazy under acheiving workers that deserved this I have two words for you...FUCK OFF!! you don't know my sister and have NO clue what her work ethic is like, if this had happened to a family member of yours would you still feel the same way or want to defend them and be pissed as fuck that this was happening?

I don't kow how her union defines seniority. Some unions divide it up so the stores are the basis while others organize around districts or others can even be organized nationally. It sounds in her case like she is getting hours from other stores so it might be that Rite-Aide is organized at least regionally.

This other lady's store seems to have closed. If seniority applies within the district and if the transferee is most senior, she would be required under the union guidelines to be allowed the full time position. The only job a union has is to continue to recieve dues. If that means inciting the workforce to hate management, and it usually means exactly that, that is what they do.

Your sister might have been mistreated but the reason might have been either the back stabbing management that you cite or the de-humanizing union that would honor its by laws over reason and not feel the need to communicate the moves.

If the union she belongs to is Retail Clerks, my money is on the union being the cause of the mistreatment.
Good unions which work on behalf of their members are a good thing.

Bad unions which don't work on behalf of their members are a bad thing.


yup.....the NALC ...my union is kinda right now in between....used to fight like hell on our behalf....now not so sure,always have a reason why they cant do this or that....
I am amused by the people here who make feeble attempts to rip on unions and union members. Union workers are perfectly compensated and work perfectly hard. I realize a lot of you have to work too hard for not enough but it is the economic system in place that is screwing you over and you should be angry with the evil merchants of death in charge and not with people who are working and earning a reasonable amount.

All slave owners oppose unions so if you choose to align yourself with slave owners it proves you are a racist fool. And to all the union people here at US Message - don't listen to the negative trash being shot out here...the smart people know you provide value to society. Let us therefor keep up the good work!

Pukon....i am amused by your feeble attempts to join any conversation going on here
We don't want your crappy low paying jobs with no benefits.

I'd rather 75 people make $50K where you think it is better that 100 people make $40K. Well, you are wrong. Quality of life. A living wage.

If they want to cut costs, cut the CEO's pay. Or is that SOCIALISM!!! :lol:

so Willows way 25 more people are working making a decent buck.....your way 75 people may have to pick up the slack of the other 25,and then bitch about wanting more money....ill take Willow as my CEO.....Bobo you dont have the job....go work for the NEO-CONS they are more your style....
but in a nonunion company, those guys are the ones to go FIRST
when downsizing happens

I worked for a company that fired 10% of its staff every December 15th, right before xmas. Bastards! They did it regardless of how the year was going, just to look as lean and profitable as they could starting the next year. Then they'd hire again in January or February. Evil pricks.

Anyways, if they were unionized, the company couldn't do that.

I can see both sides on this issue, but I think unions protect workers and I'm a worker. I'm not in a union, nor do I want to be. But I like them being out there fighting for workers. I don't like them protecting bad workers though, but all that is is union bashing. Fuck that! How about the 99% of the employees who work as hard as you do? What about the CEO who is overpaid? What about all the other executives who are a drain on the company?
no company would ever have a viable workforce that did that kind of bullshit
who the fuck would be stupid enough to stay working for them if they treated them like that?
i sure as hell wouldnt go back to them
and their competition would kick their ass and they'd be out of business soon

im sorry Bobo....i gotta agree with Dive on this...
Good unions which work on behalf of their members are a good thing.

Bad unions which don't work on behalf of their members are a bad thing.


yup.....the NALC ...my union is kinda right now in between....used to fight like hell on our behalf....now not so sure,always have a reason why they cant do this or that....

NALC is sucking big time right now. They screwed up by letting management invoke the use of article 12 and hiring temps. Now every office is losing full time staff and replacing them with TEs. I also think they're not listening to their base. If the management wants to cut to 5 days a week delivery forget digging your heels in and fighting all the way, just fight so that the day cut is saturday and all our members can get a real weekend and have a normal life outside of work. I'm an NALC member and very unhappy with President Young. My local just elected a new president, I'm hoping other's are doing the same across the nation.
shockingly amazing, isnt it
if the place you work sucks, look for another job and when you find it, change work places

What makes you think it'll be better somewhere else?

And who's hiring?
yeah, no ones hiring
maybe up where you are
but then democrats run your state, as they do mine
and it looks like they are fucking up BOTH states

so California's not the only state the Dems are ripping apart?.....hey lets form a club....the only qualification....the far left sucking your state dry.....and my state has already supplied the queen....
Good unions which work on behalf of their members are a good thing.

Bad unions which don't work on behalf of their members are a bad thing.


yup.....the NALC ...my union is kinda right now in between....used to fight like hell on our behalf....now not so sure,always have a reason why they cant do this or that....

NALC is sucking big time right now. They screwed up by letting management invoke the use of article 12 and hiring temps. Now every office is losing full time staff and replacing them with TEs. I also think they're not listening to their base. If the management wants to cut to 5 days a week delivery forget digging your heels in and fighting all the way, just fight so that the day cut is saturday and all our members can get a real weekend and have a normal life outside of work. I'm an NALC member and very unhappy with President Young. My local just elected a new president, I'm hoping other's are doing the same across the nation.

holy shit another carrior?.....we dont even have TE's any more out here....they expect us to "ABSORB" a half hour here or an hour there...."UNDERTIME" they say....but its funny how management does not have any "UNDERTIME"....only carriors....and i dont believe they will cut Sat.,because we want that to be the day.....and yea Young aint no Sombrotto.....our union prez is one of the most useless fuckers ever in that position,does nothing,and gets elected every time.....oh sorry folkes.....a little postal rant.....
yup.....the NALC ...my union is kinda right now in between....used to fight like hell on our behalf....now not so sure,always have a reason why they cant do this or that....

NALC is sucking big time right now. They screwed up by letting management invoke the use of article 12 and hiring temps. Now every office is losing full time staff and replacing them with TEs. I also think they're not listening to their base. If the management wants to cut to 5 days a week delivery forget digging your heels in and fighting all the way, just fight so that the day cut is saturday and all our members can get a real weekend and have a normal life outside of work. I'm an NALC member and very unhappy with President Young. My local just elected a new president, I'm hoping other's are doing the same across the nation.

holy shit another carrior?.....we dont even have TE's any more out here....they expect us to "ABSORB" a half hour here or an hour there...."UNDERTIME" they say....but its funny how management does not have any "UNDERTIME"....only carriors....and i dont believe they will cut Sat.,because we want that to be the day.....and yea Young aint no Sombrotto.....our union prez is one of the most useless fuckers ever in that position,does nothing,and gets elected every time.....oh sorry folkes.....a little postal rant.....

What happened to your TEs? Did you ever have any.... we have 15 routes (1 vacant, 1 more to be vacant in July) NO PTFs, but 3 TEs. They've been trying undertime undertime undertime on us for about a year. It's been a disaster. We've won grievances every single month for OTDL "No" people working OT when there was an OTDL "Yes" available. It's got to be costing them a fortune to settle all these, but they don't learn. The higher ups just replace our OIC and 204b's every couple months. So the new guys come in with the same shitty attitude blaming carriers for all the problems.
i did not see you conclude that walmart management should be imprisoned for their campaign contributions. but that would be equitable justice under your facist admonitions

in short, you demonstrate that you have no understanding of unions. you have no understanding of justice. worse, you have no understanding of things democratic. one must then conclude you have no understanding

do the workers at Wal-mart pay dues to the company?.....he pays dues to his union to represent him and others to management.....a company can back who ever they want in an election,its com. money not the workers....a union gets money from the members and as such should use the money for what they are there for NOT backing political candidates who just may not be supported by the membership,UNLESS the rank and file are behind them,ithey should not be supporting politicians ......
I was a union guy but I quit , All I ever seen was them defending was deadbeats and drunks

We are non-union electrical contractors. The companies that I know that joined the IBEW complained of getting sent workers that are referred to as "feas". Meaning it is their purpose in life to drag a job out as long as possible--while collecting their pay-check--they are in essense driving the company into the ground. When my husband formerly worked for the IBEW--he said all those union dues went to buy the leaders new Harley Davidson's while the workers were loosing their jobs--due to an economic slow-down.

Albeit--as a non-union contractor--we still pay more in wages than the union--& offer medical benefits & vacation pay. Our employees do not pay us dues. And we like the choice of who we hire & who we don't. We ask for references--the union doesn't.

Personally, I have never been impressed with any former union employees work habits.
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What happened to your TEs? Did you ever have any.... we have 15 routes (1 vacant, 1 more to be vacant in July) NO PTFs, but 3 TEs. They've been trying undertime undertime undertime on us for about a year. It's been a disaster. We've won grievances every single month for OTDL "No" people working OT when there was an OTDL "Yes" available. It's got to be costing them a fortune to settle all these, but they don't learn. The higher ups just replace our OIC and 204b's every couple months. So the new guys come in with the same shitty attitude blaming carriers for all the problems.

they got rid of all the TE's AND casuals.....we have 2 PTF's....who get sent to other offices so we can absorb parts of routes....they wanna eliminate 2 routes by Oct.....they violate the contract whenever it works for them.....but if you miss a scan....you hear about it

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