One Churchgoer Potentially Exposed 180 Others To Virus

All it takes is one person in a small enclosed place.

That's all.

Now, 180 people and all the other people they came in contact with will have to watch for symptoms and self quarantine.

From one person.

This is how the whole thing started in China. From one person.

This is a rural area in north central California. It's a beautiful area and I've spent a lot of time there photographing it. Both film and digital.

The area has been ravaged by wildfires in the last decade. The farmers there have been hit hard by trump's tariff wars and the economic problems with the virus.

Now this. The people of that area don't need something like this thrown at them.

I saw a story on that last night and the churchgoers insisted that they kept space. But that’s not included on the MSN propaganda piece. I get that same propaganda news that you do every day. But then I vet the propaganda to see which parts are actually news. You don’t.
Real news would be the one infected person in the multi-family highspanic home infecting 14 others in close quarters in one suburban house. You won’t see that on your propaganda news network. Doesn’t fit your narrative.
All it takes is one person in a small enclosed place.

That's all.

Now, 180 people and all the other people they came in contact with will have to watch for symptoms and self quarantine.

From one person.

This is how the whole thing started in China. From one person.

This is a rural area in north central California. It's a beautiful area and I've spent a lot of time there photographing it. Both film and digital.

The area has been ravaged by wildfires in the last decade. The farmers there have been hit hard by trump's tariff wars and the economic problems with the virus.

Now this. The people of that area don't need something like this thrown at them.

So more fake news form the liars.
Which part, Mikey? Use your big boy words.
You know exactly what it is scum.
Haha, that's what i thought. Just another Mikey battle with tourettes.
It's fascinating, how the Trump cult seems to think that reality doesn't apply to them, and how brave they all are for rejecting reality.

Of course, they think it doesn't apply to them. After all, Kenneth Copeland said he blew the virus away. No wonder the crazies think they are safe.

You may laugh at them, because it is trendy to do so. But in reality it is Progs at a massively higher percentage costing taxpayers a good amount more out of their wages.

Comparing taxes to that religious nut scam artist bilking widow women out of their food and medicine money is pretty shitty, don't you think?
It's fascinating, how the Trump cult seems to think that reality doesn't apply to them, and how brave they all are for rejecting reality.

Of course, they think it doesn't apply to them. After all, Kenneth Copeland said he blew the virus away. No wonder the crazies think they are safe.

Now wait. Not all of “they” are listening to Copeland or the other mega church pastors or televangelists. It’s usually not a good thing to fly in the face of God. Some of us have more sense.

International Version
Jesus answered, "It is said: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

Virtually all of Copeland's followers are Trump supporters. That kind of stupidity can't be limited to belief in just one scam artist. Putting God to the test is the main claim of Copeland's scam.
It's fascinating, how the Trump cult seems to think that reality doesn't apply to them, and how brave they all are for rejecting reality.

Of course, they think it doesn't apply to them. After all, Kenneth Copeland said he blew the virus away. No wonder the crazies think they are safe.

Now wait. Not all of “they” are listening to Copeland or the other mega church pastors or televangelists. It’s usually not a good thing to fly in the face of God. Some of us have more sense.

International Version
Jesus answered, "It is said: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

Virtually all of Copeland's followers are Trump supporters. That kind of stupidity can't be limited to belief in just one scam artist. Putting God to the test is the main claim of Copeland's scam.

Well if the Son of God said not too I can’t understand why any bible thumper would put God to the test. ‍

2 Timothy 4:3 English Standard Version (ESV)

3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound[a] teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,
It's fascinating, how the Trump cult seems to think that reality doesn't apply to them, and how brave they all are for rejecting reality.

Of course, they think it doesn't apply to them. After all, Kenneth Copeland said he blew the virus away. No wonder the crazies think they are safe.

Now wait. Not all of “they” are listening to Copeland or the other mega church pastors or televangelists. It’s usually not a good thing to fly in the face of God. Some of us have more sense.

International Version
Jesus answered, "It is said: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

Virtually all of Copeland's followers are Trump supporters. That kind of stupidity can't be limited to belief in just one scam artist. Putting God to the test is the main claim of Copeland's scam.

Well if the Son of God said not too I can’t understand why any bible thumper would put God to the test. ‍

2 Timothy 4:3 English Standard Version (ESV)

3 For the time is coming when people will not endure sound[a] teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions,

Looks like the writers of the bible knew what today's so called Christians would become.
But Muslims can meet 5 times/day 7 days a week because Allah (Democrats) protects them.

The Muslims in the USA shut down the mosques, and unlike some Christians, they're not whining about being persecuted and demanding special treatment.

Again, it's only the right in the USA that thinks biology doesn't apply to them, entirely because a political party told them so.
See also: Transgenderism, Climate Change, Global Warming

Scientific topics which most liberals get correct, and which most conservative fail at in a most spectacular fashion, entirely because their political party fed them idiot propaganda.

So, I thank you for highlighting my point about the delusion-based lifestyle of the Trump cult.
All it takes is one person in a small enclosed place.

That's all.

Now, 180 people and all the other people they came in contact with will have to watch for symptoms and self quarantine.

From one person.

This is how the whole thing started in China. From one person.

This is a rural area in north central California. It's a beautiful area and I've spent a lot of time there photographing it. Both film and digital.

The area has been ravaged by wildfires in the last decade. The farmers there have been hit hard by trump's tariff wars and the economic problems with the virus.

Now this. The people of that area don't need something like this thrown at them.

This is the process on how they make vaccines. They introduce the body with the virus. And the body creates antibodies to attack the virus. But sometimes the body will not react to the virus. And so they add something that will irritate the immune system, hoping that it will get it to start working.
But the main purpose is to help the body to produce a serum to fight of the virus. But you don't need a vaccine to get the body to start producing a serum.
But once the body is able to produce the serum. That the body has a memory. And so if the virus comes back, that the body already knows what it have to do to fight off the virus.
But viruses helps to build up our immune system. But it is not good if the body is being attack by more than one virus at the same time. Or if you are taking immunosuppressant drug that organ transplant patients are taking.
But Walmart that Hillary Clinton and George Soros own shares, has employees that can be a carrier of this virus. But stocking the shelves like milk products that are in plastic containers, that the virus can live on plastic for more than 3 days. Cross contaminating Walmart's shoppers.


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