One Democrat 'Stands Alone': "I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist"

...except that is exactly what Liberals have been doing for a long time now, exactly what they did with the National Anthem protest.

What exactly do "Liberals" have to do with the national anthem* protest?

Oh, you mean back when we wrote the Constitution and led it off with that pesky First Amendment guaranteeing the right of expression? Dayum us Liberals, we so subversive.

*It's not a proper name btw --- you don't need capitals.
New Age Sewage

But Liberalism is a superstitious pagan cult, so it should be capitalized just like legitimate religions are. One of its branches, Wicca, is capitalized.

As for the National Anthem, it can be capitalized because "Stars and Stripes" is capitalized.
I get furious when people say all Trump voters are racist, they’re not,” she said. They’re worried about jobs and the economy, which totally went over the heads of Democrats last year.

“People haven’t forgotten that economic fear in their hearts and souls a decade later”

“Donald Trump came into Michigan and went into other states … and showed an empathy that we’d better learn how to show again.”

“[Trump] showed that he got it, he understood, he’s somebody that listens. That’s what Democrats have to do, learn how to show that empathy and understand how people are feeling.”

....said D-Rep (Mich) Debbie Dingell.

"Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) has said she feels like she’s an outsider in her own party due to her aversion to play into identity politics, while also noting the underreported empathy problem Democrats are facing. They don’t care about the working class. They haven’t for a long time—and it was simply because, in her opinion, Democrats stopped talking to them. Over time, the insufferable legions of the professional left, urban-based, overly educated, and condescending as hell, took over the party. They don’t care about the economic hardship in rural America. To them, these people are leeches, vestiges of the old world, and a bunch of racists."

Democrats have proven they don't listen to the American people, but you would think they would listen to their own politicians. Dingell was the female Democrat who when asked could not name 1 Hillary accomplishment. She also warned the party that she thought Michigan was actually in play during the election:

"Dingell also recalled how people thought she was nuts when he said how Michigan was in play. Hillary never really ventured into the Rust Belt, which proved fatal."

Democratic Rep: I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist

She's right; it's a blanket generalization fallacy. I call that out on this board literally every day -- it's rampant.
Security Blanket

Maybe a word change will make you stop feeling disgusted ever time you hear our National Anthem:

O'er the RAMPANTS we watched, were so gallantly streaming

That doesn't make a lick of sense.
I made no reference to a national anthem there -- the post is about the logical fallacy of blanket generalization.

Dhimmi Doormats

I was just doing my patriotic duty. I thought that a tiny change of one letter might get you to honor America, so our enemies wouldn't take you as an example proving that Americans are apathetic pushovers.
Finally a Democrat that gets it.
Trump wasn't a choice. He was a lack of options. Either way, I would have voted for the check out girl at Walmart before voting for Clinton. A hate-filled woman!

"Voting to block" is clearly a recipe for disaster. QED.

A big reason we need to ditch the WTA Electrical College.
You can eliminate winner-take-all and still have the EC's compensation to the less-populated states. Candidates who win 60% of a 10 EV state would get only 6 votes, but the state's voters-per-EV ratio would remain the same. The only reason you're confused on this obvious lack of connection between WTA and EV is that Americans are afraid of challenging the incompetent and anti-democratic COTUS. When they are independent enough to do that, they're still intimidated from thinking clearly.

I'm not in the least "confused". That's why I qualified "Electrical College" with the adjective "WTA".
It's the latter that creates no-win elections.
If Political Science Masters theses were relevant, some grad student ought to figure out who would have won our elections based on eliminating winner-take-all. If everything turned out the same with split vote except for Florida, Gore would have won. Still---and someone as limited in logic as you would never be advanced enough to think of this---we'd have to find out exactly how many EVs Bush would have picked up elsewhere without WTA.

Another thing shallow thinkers like you miss is that it may be more democratic to give states 4 electoral votes for their Senators, because less-populated states are still not compensated enough. A huge and resource-filled state like Alaska still gets only 3 votes. That's not enough, even though it would only get 1 vote if voters per EV were equalized.
Finally a Democrat that gets it.
Trump wasn't a choice. He was a lack of options. Either way, I would have voted for the check out girl at Walmart before voting for Clinton. A hate-filled woman!

"Voting to block" is clearly a recipe for disaster. QED.

A big reason we need to ditch the WTA Electrical College.
You can eliminate winner-take-all and still have the EC's compensation to the less-populated states. Candidates who win 60% of a 10 EV state would get only 6 votes, but the state's voters-per-EV ratio would remain the same. The only reason you're confused on this obvious lack of connection between WTA and EV is that Americans are afraid of challenging the incompetent and anti-democratic COTUS. When they are independent enough to do that, they're still intimidated from thinking clearly.

I'm not in the least "confused". That's why I qualified "Electrical College" with the adjective "WTA".
It's the latter that creates no-win elections.
If Political Science Masters theses were relevant, some grad student ought to figure out who would have won our elections based on eliminating winner-take-all. If everything turned out the same with split vote except for Florida, Gore would have won. Still---and someone as limited in logic as you would never be advanced enough to think of this---we'd have to find out exactly how many EVs Bush would have picked up elsewhere without WTA.

Another thing shallow thinkers like you miss is that it may be more democratic to give states 4 electoral votes for their Senators, because less-populated states are still not compensated enough. A huge and resource-filled state like Alaska still gets only 3 votes. That's not enough, even though it would only get 1 vote if voters per EV were equalized.
If you're such a deep thinker, how come you failed to include my post that triggered you.
Might want to think about that before you start to feel so smug.
But Mitch McConnell acts like Obama nutted him and raped his wife. Of course, Mitch was tasked with repealing Obamacare, and he just doesn't have close to those 60 votes.
McConnell never has liked or supported Trump. Not just Trump but all 'non-career, non-Washington Insider' candidates / politicians who actually listen to and try to do what the people want is a complete threat to career Washington Insider politicians like himself who are interested in maintaining the status quo, their power, and their money.

Hell, McConnell wants to destroy politicians chosen by the people instead of those the GOP forces upon the people (which is what the DNC did with Hillary). You can't let people start thinking THEY can pick their own Representatives and think career politicians are no longer needed. :p

Bottom line, IMO, is that McConnell is not only a complete failure as a leader, he and Ryan (and others) are deliberately undermining Trump's agenda....again, IMO.
Weewee on the People

The Constitution set up this racket. Quit worshiping 18th Century political propaganda like some infallible Bible; only then can we make the system respond to more than 1% of the people. Voting is not electing, it is a forced choice between two pre-owned candidates.
What exactly do "Liberals" have to do with the national anthem* protest?

Oh, you mean back when we wrote the Constitution and led it off with that pesky First Amendment guaranteeing the right of expression? Dayum us Liberals, we so subversive.
Conservatives did not start the disrespectful national anthem protest.

I don't know the political makeup of two hundred-plus football players is, those that have any, and neither do you. This past week is just a simple, respectful and patriotic gesture of defiance against a Divider in Chief:

>> “Trump can’t divide this. I think sports show the perfect example of unity. It’s not just black NFL players, it’s different races. I feel like that was a clear shot at Trump, sitting on that knee like that because you just can’t do that. [What Trump said was] super disrespectful. We showed great unity tonight. That’s what that was for. I feel like that was needed. … We’re not going to let a guy like that tear us apart. Not just us but this whole entire league. We’re a prime example of positive people. … He should have never said that. It was a clear punch in the face. I feel like we made up for that.” << -- Dez Bryant, wide receiver whose politics are an unknown

This has zero to do with "Liberal" or "Conservative" or "right" or "left". It's simple personal attack and the consequences thereof. You don't like the consequences? Then don't launch the personal attack in the first place, and we might add, DUH.

We do know some of the team owners who stood out with their players and/or blasted Rump for those personal attacks were Rump supporters or voters, but that still tells us nothing, unless you're about to make the case that Rump is some kind of "conservative" :lol: --- as if he has any principles at all.

As for characterizing the mass reaction as "disrespectful" I heard that all day yesterday and all day I challenged anyone and everyone to back it up. I have yet to get answer number one. So piss off with this appeal to emotion bullshit that has nothing whatsoever behind it.

No one said the NFL players do not have the right to express themselves by disrespecting the national anthem by kneeling down during its playing.

I believe Rump did that. And I believe you're about to demonstrate how that right is squelched. Aaaaand GO.

At the same time, the American people have the same right to express themselves by continuing to boycott the NFL, burning their season tickets, burning their NFL memorabilia, refusing to purchase NFL products, influencing businesses to cut ties with them or face losing consumer support / money, etc...

There is no "boycott" of the NFL, Klown. :lol:

The 1st Amendment does not FORCE anyone to support anyone exercising their right of free speech.

America and the Constitution is pretty awesome that way.

You purporting to even know how to spell Constitution after the rant above is like Michael Moore giving dietary advice. I'm good, thanks. :eusa_hand:
Costumed Dumb Jock Bullies

The self-obsessed players should blame the thughugging traitors among them for starting all this. They defend their childish, false-masculinity game like it's some kind of religion. If they had any adult attitudes like patriotism, they'd force those teammates to recant their loyalty to gangbangers and confrontational punks. The gutless scumbags were all draftdodgers during the Vietnam War; that is a capital offense because real Americans died taking the place of these prancing and strutting baboons.
Costumed Dumb Jock Bullies
The self-obsessed players should blame the thughugging traitors among them for starting all this.
Sorry, I am a big fan / proponent of 'personal accountability'. Last week every NFL player who chose to take a knee during the National Anthem did so after making that decision for themselves. They were not 'sheep' who simply 'followed'. They made the call, just as the Steelers' ex-Army Ranger OL made the decision to walk out of the locker room and stand.
Mole From Motown
It could be short for Dingellevsky, you never know. She married a guy 28 years her senior; Russian female spies are assigned to do things like that.

Of course, any Democrats who would openly criticize or disagree with the 'mother-ship' HAVE to be Russian / Russian spies / agents. :p

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Glop for the Giggling Gotcha Gang

And Mrs. Dingellachov is a blonde. Don't you get the impression that all the Russian female spies we see in the movies are blondes? I sure do. So there's that.

Robert Mueller should get on this new evidence right away.
Finally a Democrat that gets it.
Trump wasn't a choice. He was a lack of options. Either way, I would have voted for the check out girl at Walmart before voting for Clinton. A hate-filled woman!

"Voting to block" is clearly a recipe for disaster. QED.

A big reason we need to ditch the WTA Electrical College.
You can eliminate winner-take-all and still have the EC's compensation to the less-populated states. Candidates who win 60% of a 10 EV state would get only 6 votes, but the state's voters-per-EV ratio would remain the same. The only reason you're confused on this obvious lack of connection between WTA and EV is that Americans are afraid of challenging the incompetent and anti-democratic COTUS. When they are independent enough to do that, they're still intimidated from thinking clearly.

I'm not in the least "confused". That's why I qualified "Electrical College" with the adjective "WTA".
It's the latter that creates no-win elections.
If Political Science Masters theses were relevant, some grad student ought to figure out who would have won our elections based on eliminating winner-take-all. If everything turned out the same with split vote except for Florida, Gore would have won. Still---and someone as limited in logic as you would never be advanced enough to think of this---we'd have to find out exactly how many EVs Bush would have picked up elsewhere without WTA.

Another thing shallow thinkers like you miss is that it may be more democratic to give states 4 electoral votes for their Senators, because less-populated states are still not compensated enough. A huge and resource-filled state like Alaska still gets only 3 votes. That's not enough, even though it would only get 1 vote if voters per EV were equalized.
If you're such a deep thinker, how come you failed to include my post that triggered you.
Might want to think about that before you start to feel so smug.
Left-Handed Compliment

I don't like automatically negative conclusions, such as that hillary lost the election, Trump didn't win it. Like this player in another context who got the ball stripped; that could have been presented as an alert, skillfull, and unexpected play by the defender and that the runner would have normally scored a touchdown and was not at fault. When, in baseball, a fielder makes a brilliant catch, no one criticizes the batter.
But Mitch McConnell acts like Obama nutted him and raped his wife. Of course, Mitch was tasked with repealing Obamacare, and he just doesn't have close to those 60 votes.
McConnell never has liked or supported Trump. Not just Trump but all 'non-career, non-Washington Insider' candidates / politicians who actually listen to and try to do what the people want is a complete threat to career Washington Insider politicians like himself who are interested in maintaining the status quo, their power, and their money.

Hell, McConnell wants to destroy politicians chosen by the people instead of those the GOP forces upon the people (which is what the DNC did with Hillary). You can't let people start thinking THEY can pick their own Representatives and think career politicians are no longer needed. :p

Bottom line, IMO, is that McConnell is not only a complete failure as a leader, he and Ryan (and others) are deliberately undermining Trump's agenda....again, IMO.
Weewee on the People

The Constitution set up this racket. Quit worshiping 18th Century political propaganda like some infallible Bible; only then can we make the system respond to more than 1% of the people. Voting is not electing, it is a forced choice between two pre-owned candidates.
Easy appears to not notice Trump is maintaining the status quo for himself and fellow 1%ers
Finally a Democrat that gets it.
Trump wasn't a choice. He was a lack of options. Either way, I would have voted for the check out girl at Walmart before voting for Clinton. A hate-filled woman!

"Voting to block" is clearly a recipe for disaster. QED.

A big reason we need to ditch the WTA Electrical College.
You can eliminate winner-take-all and still have the EC's compensation to the less-populated states. Candidates who win 60% of a 10 EV state would get only 6 votes, but the state's voters-per-EV ratio would remain the same. The only reason you're confused on this obvious lack of connection between WTA and EV is that Americans are afraid of challenging the incompetent and anti-democratic COTUS. When they are independent enough to do that, they're still intimidated from thinking clearly.

I'm not in the least "confused". That's why I qualified "Electrical College" with the adjective "WTA".
It's the latter that creates no-win elections.
If Political Science Masters theses were relevant, some grad student ought to figure out who would have won our elections based on eliminating winner-take-all. If everything turned out the same with split vote except for Florida, Gore would have won. Still---and someone as limited in logic as you would never be advanced enough to think of this---we'd have to find out exactly how many EVs Bush would have picked up elsewhere without WTA.

Another thing shallow thinkers like you miss is that it may be more democratic to give states 4 electoral votes for their Senators, because less-populated states are still not compensated enough. A huge and resource-filled state like Alaska still gets only 3 votes. That's not enough, even though it would only get 1 vote if voters per EV were equalized.

You must be extremely obese to have an ass that voluminous to pull from.

I've never maintained that the reason WTA needs to go yesterday has anything to do with "who would win".
...except that is exactly what Liberals have been doing for a long time now, exactly what they did with the National Anthem protest.

What exactly do "Liberals" have to do with the national anthem* protest?

Oh, you mean back when we wrote the Constitution and led it off with that pesky First Amendment guaranteeing the right of expression? Dayum us Liberals, we so subversive.

*It's not a proper name btw --- you don't need capitals.
New Age Sewage

But Liberalism is a superstitious pagan cult, so it should be capitalized just like legitimate religions are. One of its branches, Wicca, is capitalized.

As for the National Anthem, it can be capitalized because "Stars and Stripes" is capitalized.

Wrong again Dimbulb. The term "national anthem" is a generic. Every country that uses one has one by definition, and they're all different. The term "Star Spangled Banner" would be capitalized because it's the unique proper name of a song and therefore a title. Hence The Star Spangled Banner is used as a national anthem, just as O Canada is used as another national anthem. The term "stars and stripes" is a colloquial descriptor, not a proper name unless you're referring to the military newspaper.

I had another dimbulb in another thread capitalize "the Flag". I informed him that the only way "flag" would be capitalized would be if he considered that particular piece of cloth to be a deity to worship. Which perfectly exposed his idolatry thereof.

Liberalism is a political philosophy, the one that created this country and wrote its Constitution. That would be the same Constitution that guarantees the right of its citizens to just say no to idolatry and robotic mob mentality, should one so choose. It's also the selfsame Constitution that the Orange Spittle Spewer constantly spews spittle on. None of which has Jack Friggety Shit to do with Wicca, which is a generalized catch-all religious category, and comes from the root for "wisdom". And finally, "wisdom" is what you clearly ain't got.
I get furious when people say all Trump voters are racist, they’re not,” she said. They’re worried about jobs and the economy, which totally went over the heads of Democrats last year.

“People haven’t forgotten that economic fear in their hearts and souls a decade later”

“Donald Trump came into Michigan and went into other states … and showed an empathy that we’d better learn how to show again.”

“[Trump] showed that he got it, he understood, he’s somebody that listens. That’s what Democrats have to do, learn how to show that empathy and understand how people are feeling.”

....said D-Rep (Mich) Debbie Dingell.

"Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) has said she feels like she’s an outsider in her own party due to her aversion to play into identity politics, while also noting the underreported empathy problem Democrats are facing. They don’t care about the working class. They haven’t for a long time—and it was simply because, in her opinion, Democrats stopped talking to them. Over time, the insufferable legions of the professional left, urban-based, overly educated, and condescending as hell, took over the party. They don’t care about the economic hardship in rural America. To them, these people are leeches, vestiges of the old world, and a bunch of racists."

Democrats have proven they don't listen to the American people, but you would think they would listen to their own politicians. Dingell was the female Democrat who when asked could not name 1 Hillary accomplishment. She also warned the party that she thought Michigan was actually in play during the election:

"Dingell also recalled how people thought she was nuts when he said how Michigan was in play. Hillary never really ventured into the Rust Belt, which proved fatal."

Democratic Rep: I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist

She's right; it's a blanket generalization fallacy. I call that out on this board literally every day -- it's rampant.
Security Blanket

Maybe a word change will make you stop feeling disgusted ever time you hear our National Anthem:

O'er the RAMPANTS we watched, were so gallantly streaming

That doesn't make a lick of sense.
I made no reference to a national anthem there -- the post is about the logical fallacy of blanket generalization.

Dhimmi Doormats

I was just doing my patriotic duty. I thought that a tiny change of one letter might get you to honor America, so our enemies wouldn't take you as an example proving that Americans are apathetic pushovers.

You might be well advised to leave parody to the professionals.
That would be me.

Here's one I wrote just hours ago. I envision this as a counter-robot jingle to be sung whenever a public address speaker orders a captive audience, who came for an entirely different purpose, to rise for their national robot-exercise:

Jingo balls, jingo balls
Jingo all the way!
Oh what fun to force your shit on a football team all day -hey!

Jingo balls, jingo balls
Jingo all the way....
Nothin' to do with a football game but Ja you vill obey!

If you do not stand
We take your job away
And put you on the street
Laughing all the way (hey hey)

Smells like bunch of sheep
Cowering in fright
What fun when Dear Leader calls them
'Sumbitches' every night! Hey!

Jingo balls jingo balls
Jingo this all day
Oh what fun it is to order
Robots to obey - HEY
Jingo balls, jingo balls
Jingo all the way
Dim Dung ain't the only one
'Cause we chant "U-S-A!"
Snowflakes are pissed the President stood up for America against a thug who reportedly donated money to a charity that supports / supported a cop killer ... and they claim the President is the bad guy.

Go figure.
The other funny thing is, all the hate generated in this thread from the left is a result of a DEMOCRAT saying Trump supporters are not racist, the Left doesn't get it, and anyone who says they are racists are biased idiots.
But Mitch McConnell acts like Obama nutted him and raped his wife. Of course, Mitch was tasked with repealing Obamacare, and he just doesn't have close to those 60 votes.
McConnell never has liked or supported Trump. Not just Trump but all 'non-career, non-Washington Insider' candidates / politicians who actually listen to and try to do what the people want is a complete threat to career Washington Insider politicians like himself who are interested in maintaining the status quo, their power, and their money.

Hell, McConnell wants to destroy politicians chosen by the people instead of those the GOP forces upon the people (which is what the DNC did with Hillary). You can't let people start thinking THEY can pick their own Representatives and think career politicians are no longer needed. :p

Bottom line, IMO, is that McConnell is not only a complete failure as a leader, he and Ryan (and others) are deliberately undermining Trump's agenda....again, IMO.
Weewee on the People

The Constitution set up this racket. Quit worshiping 18th Century political propaganda like some infallible Bible; only then can we make the system respond to more than 1% of the people. Voting is not electing, it is a forced choice between two pre-owned candidates.
Easy appears to not notice Trump is maintaining the status quo for himself and fellow 1%ers

Getting rid of the economy-clearcutting GreenHeads will benefit both Capital and Labor.

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