One Democrat 'Stands Alone': "I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist"

I get furious when people say all Trump voters are racist, they’re not,” she said. They’re worried about jobs and the economy, which totally went over the heads of Democrats last year.

“People haven’t forgotten that economic fear in their hearts and souls a decade later”

“Donald Trump came into Michigan and went into other states … and showed an empathy that we’d better learn how to show again.”

“[Trump] showed that he got it, he understood, he’s somebody that listens. That’s what Democrats have to do, learn how to show that empathy and understand how people are feeling.”

....said D-Rep (Mich) Debbie Dingell.

"Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) has said she feels like she’s an outsider in her own party due to her aversion to play into identity politics, while also noting the underreported empathy problem Democrats are facing. They don’t care about the working class. They haven’t for a long time—and it was simply because, in her opinion, Democrats stopped talking to them. Over time, the insufferable legions of the professional left, urban-based, overly educated, and condescending as hell, took over the party. They don’t care about the economic hardship in rural America. To them, these people are leeches, vestiges of the old world, and a bunch of racists."

Democrats have proven they don't listen to the American people, but you would think they would listen to their own politicians. Dingell was the female Democrat who when asked could not name 1 Hillary accomplishment. She also warned the party that she thought Michigan was actually in play during the election:

"Dingell also recalled how people thought she was nuts when he said how Michigan was in play. Hillary never really ventured into the Rust Belt, which proved fatal."

Democratic Rep: I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist

She's right; it's a blanket generalization fallacy. I call that out on this board literally every day -- it's rampant.
Security Blanket

Maybe a word change will make you stop feeling disgusted ever time you hear our National Anthem:

O'er the RAMPANTS we watched, were so gallantly streaming
I voted for Trump in my state primary. I didn't vote for him in the general, and find him an embarrassment to the nation and a racist.
I get furious when people say all Trump voters are racist, they’re not,” she said. They’re worried about jobs and the economy, which totally went over the heads of Democrats last year.

“People haven’t forgotten that economic fear in their hearts and souls a decade later”

“Donald Trump came into Michigan and went into other states … and showed an empathy that we’d better learn how to show again.”

“[Trump] showed that he got it, he understood, he’s somebody that listens. That’s what Democrats have to do, learn how to show that empathy and understand how people are feeling.”

....said D-Rep (Mich) Debbie Dingell.

"Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) has said she feels like she’s an outsider in her own party due to her aversion to play into identity politics, while also noting the underreported empathy problem Democrats are facing. They don’t care about the working class. They haven’t for a long time—and it was simply because, in her opinion, Democrats stopped talking to them. Over time, the insufferable legions of the professional left, urban-based, overly educated, and condescending as hell, took over the party. They don’t care about the economic hardship in rural America. To them, these people are leeches, vestiges of the old world, and a bunch of racists."

Democrats have proven they don't listen to the American people, but you would think they would listen to their own politicians. Dingell was the female Democrat who when asked could not name 1 Hillary accomplishment. She also warned the party that she thought Michigan was actually in play during the election:

"Dingell also recalled how people thought she was nuts when he said how Michigan was in play. Hillary never really ventured into the Rust Belt, which proved fatal."

Democratic Rep: I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist
Sure but you certainly can say that anybody that voted for Trump in the primaries is a racist. Which still ends up being a lot.

No, 'interesting' is you insinuating that 1 person who voted fro Trump makes anyone / everyone who voted for Trump a racist. As I stated, D-Dingell says you're full of shite!
I didn't insinuate anything lol.

I took two leftists quotes and juxtaposed them. Derp along now with your guilty conscience
I voted for Trump in my state primary. I didn't vote for him in the general, and find him an embarrassment to the nation and a racist.
I get furious when people say all Trump voters are racist, they’re not,” she said. They’re worried about jobs and the economy, which totally went over the heads of Democrats last year.

“People haven’t forgotten that economic fear in their hearts and souls a decade later”

“Donald Trump came into Michigan and went into other states … and showed an empathy that we’d better learn how to show again.”

“[Trump] showed that he got it, he understood, he’s somebody that listens. That’s what Democrats have to do, learn how to show that empathy and understand how people are feeling.”

....said D-Rep (Mich) Debbie Dingell.

"Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) has said she feels like she’s an outsider in her own party due to her aversion to play into identity politics, while also noting the underreported empathy problem Democrats are facing. They don’t care about the working class. They haven’t for a long time—and it was simply because, in her opinion, Democrats stopped talking to them. Over time, the insufferable legions of the professional left, urban-based, overly educated, and condescending as hell, took over the party. They don’t care about the economic hardship in rural America. To them, these people are leeches, vestiges of the old world, and a bunch of racists."

Democrats have proven they don't listen to the American people, but you would think they would listen to their own politicians. Dingell was the female Democrat who when asked could not name 1 Hillary accomplishment. She also warned the party that she thought Michigan was actually in play during the election:

"Dingell also recalled how people thought she was nuts when he said how Michigan was in play. Hillary never really ventured into the Rust Belt, which proved fatal."

Democratic Rep: I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist
Sure but you certainly can say that anybody that voted for Trump in the primaries is a racist. Which still ends up being a lot.

No, 'interesting' is you insinuating that 1 person who voted fro Trump makes anyone / everyone who voted for Trump a racist. As I stated, D-Dingell says you're full of shite!
I didn't insinuate anything lol.

I took two leftists quotes and juxtaposed them. Derp along now with your guilty conscience
Ask him why he voted for Trump in the primaries. I'm sure it will be enlightening.
Did they vote for him in the primaries? Because then yes. All the candidates were promising jobs, tax cuts, and military spending. Only one was promising to get rid of Muslims and stoking fear and suspicion of immigrants.
Show me where Donald Trump was promising to GET RID OF MUSLIMS? Just because you say it doesn't make it true, you fucking sociopath. I really do hate you liberals, with a passion.

And you can quote me on it.
Aw, arguing semantics. You are going to pretend you don't mind Muslims now? Coward.
I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, I think I have some experience on how Muslims think. While morons like you , probably haven't even left your little county so must believe what ever the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, lamestream media tells you..
Yup, hates Muslims. Not leaving the county, btw, is more typical of the frightened Trump sheep that populate flyover country. I work with, and am neighbors with Muslims. I don't live in Bumfuck, Alabama, where people who have never met a Muslim and never will lose sleep at night over their fear of Muslims.

You spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia? Sounds like you didn't like it, which is odd considering they've written most of your conservative beliefs into law, as you want to do over here.
The one actually relevant thing about Trump and the NFL is it illustrates how he uses dog whistles to take some rational issue and twist it to inflame passions among his minority base.

Kapernick ties standing up to show respect to the flag with how blacks are unfairly treated in the criminal justice system (and maybe race in society as a whole, as Kaepernick is not really clear on what his thing is). A lot of people think it's bs, but more or less ignore it. Trump, facing defeats on heathcare and a base not happy with DACA, twists this into "disrespecting the flag." Kaepernick may be an idiot, but "disrecpecting the flag" was never on his agenda.

Trump operates similarly with muslim immigration. Muslims in the US are exponentially more likely to report any suspected terror activity than to have any hand in it. US muslims as a whole are possibly more law abiding that the "good people" at white supremeicist and KKK rallies. However, terrorists are using social media to radicalize people and we have no way to track it. Maybe we should reevaluate how we vet muslim immigrants, esp those from areas more likely to see terror support.

And from there we go to "we know how All muslims think."
Kapernick ties standing up to show respect to the flag with how blacks are unfairly treated in the criminal justice system

which no one got. it would be nice to know how kneeling before a football game brings attention to black crime. I'm sorry, what has he done to help himself to bring that attention to himself? anything? I mean is he going to the communities and hearing stories so he can call together representatives to help eliminate it? tell us other than bringing attention to his sad ass, what he's done? I'll tell you, he's just an ungrateful millionaire seeking attention.
No, it just means that many liberals realize that the bullshit the Regressives are pushing is not liberal.

If only these "Regressives" existed anywhere outside your own head. Then you'd have your own blanket generalization pet.

The 21st century emanation of the Blanket Generalization fallacy seems to be generalizing about a collective that exists only in fantasy and has no definition. Like the recycled "Progressive". I'm guessing what you're playing here is a mock-up of that, amirite? A fantasy collective as the opposite of another fantasy collective?

I dunno summa y'all seem to be writing your own comic books in this desperate attempt to put people in boxes so that real individuals need not be dealt with. It's bizarre. :dunno:
Denial is powerful in ideologues.

Here are some honest liberals to explain the term to you. You're welcome.


See what I mean? I just pointed out your fixation with putting people in boxes, and you post a stream of videos of putting people in boxes. Instructional videos on how to make the box and how to get them in there.

Which is exactly what I just pointed out.

The question remains, why are you so fixated with putting people in boxes in the first place?

It's a general question; you're certainly not the only one with this disease. But maybe you can explain it.

Yeah, I didn't think you'd like that.

Bitch about my posts all you want. Irrelevant to me.

Hey, all I can do is lead you to the water. You have to come up with the thirst.
For now we'll settle on "I'm going to continue putting imaginary people in imaginary boxes expecting different results".

And this is why I no longer try to communicate with you people.

I proved your claim that Regressives are in my head to COMPLETELY false, with the specific genesis of the term, with specific examples, and you keep running with it.

You're just another liar. Dime a dozen. Play your games with someone else, thanks.
Did they vote for him in the primaries? Because then yes. All the candidates were promising jobs, tax cuts, and military spending. Only one was promising to get rid of Muslims and stoking fear and suspicion of immigrants.
Show me where Donald Trump was promising to GET RID OF MUSLIMS? Just because you say it doesn't make it true, you fucking sociopath. I really do hate you liberals, with a passion.

And you can quote me on it.
Aw, arguing semantics. You are going to pretend you don't mind Muslims now? Coward.
I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, I think I have some experience on how Muslims think. While morons like you , probably haven't even left your little county so must believe what ever the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, lamestream media tells you..
Yup, hates Muslims. Not leaving the county, btw, is more typical of the frightened Trump sheep that populate flyover country. I work with, and am neighbors with Muslims. I don't live in Bumfuck, Alabama, where people who have never met a Muslim and never will lose sleep at night over their fear of Muslims.

You spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia? Sounds like you didn't like it, which is odd considering they've written most of your conservative beliefs into law, as you want to do over here.
The one actually relevant thing about Trump and the NFL is it illustrates how he uses dog whistles to take some rational issue and twist it to inflame passions among his minority base.

Kapernick ties standing up to show respect to the flag with how blacks are unfairly treated in the criminal justice system (and maybe race in society as a whole, as Kaepernick is not really clear on what his thing is). A lot of people think it's bs, but more or less ignore it. Trump, facing defeats on heathcare and a base not happy with DACA, twists this into "disrespecting the flag." Kaepernick may be an idiot, but "disrecpecting the flag" was never on his agenda.

Trump operates similarly with muslim immigration. Muslims in the US are exponentially more likely to report any suspected terror activity than to have any hand in it. US muslims as a whole are possibly more law abiding that the "good people" at white supremeicist and KKK rallies. However, terrorists are using social media to radicalize people and we have no way to track it. Maybe we should reevaluate how we vet muslim immigrants, esp those from areas more likely to see terror support.

And from there we go to "we know how All muslims think."

And that is in fact Rump's approach to everything ---- create some kind of dichotomy conflict, some kind of "us vs. them" for every issue. Whether "them" is Muslims, Democrats, veterans, women, Mexicans, Indians, the Chinese, football players, rival primary candidates, reporters, the entire news media, the "political establishment", the "swamp", people with congenital disabilities, Rosie O'Donnell, anyone protesting anything (unless they're "fine people" of course), Arnold Schwarzenegger, immigrants, etc etc etc. He can't live without creating some kind of conflict. And if there's not enough left for the "us" part, he'll just inject himself.

What a great choice to head the country --- an orange klown who can't get along with anybody. Except "fine people" about which he "knows nothing".

But this is what he sells as a practiced professional con artist. He understands as well as the media does that controversy sells, and attention is and always has been his goal as an unprincipled pitchman -- Numero Uno. It's perfectly articulated in that infamous line from his Fraud University playbook --- "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions.... you sell feelings". Nothing Rump ever said or wrote was ever more candid than that..

None of that is really hard to see. What is hard to see is why anybody would line up and open wide for that sort of snake oil.
I voted for Trump in my state primary. I didn't vote for him in the general, and find him an embarrassment to the nation and a racist.
I get furious when people say all Trump voters are racist, they’re not,” she said. They’re worried about jobs and the economy, which totally went over the heads of Democrats last year.

“People haven’t forgotten that economic fear in their hearts and souls a decade later”

“Donald Trump came into Michigan and went into other states … and showed an empathy that we’d better learn how to show again.”

“[Trump] showed that he got it, he understood, he’s somebody that listens. That’s what Democrats have to do, learn how to show that empathy and understand how people are feeling.”

....said D-Rep (Mich) Debbie Dingell.

"Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) has said she feels like she’s an outsider in her own party due to her aversion to play into identity politics, while also noting the underreported empathy problem Democrats are facing. They don’t care about the working class. They haven’t for a long time—and it was simply because, in her opinion, Democrats stopped talking to them. Over time, the insufferable legions of the professional left, urban-based, overly educated, and condescending as hell, took over the party. They don’t care about the economic hardship in rural America. To them, these people are leeches, vestiges of the old world, and a bunch of racists."

Democrats have proven they don't listen to the American people, but you would think they would listen to their own politicians. Dingell was the female Democrat who when asked could not name 1 Hillary accomplishment. She also warned the party that she thought Michigan was actually in play during the election:

"Dingell also recalled how people thought she was nuts when he said how Michigan was in play. Hillary never really ventured into the Rust Belt, which proved fatal."

Democratic Rep: I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist
Sure but you certainly can say that anybody that voted for Trump in the primaries is a racist. Which still ends up being a lot.

No, 'interesting' is you insinuating that 1 person who voted fro Trump makes anyone / everyone who voted for Trump a racist. As I stated, D-Dingell says you're full of shite!
I didn't insinuate anything lol.

I took two leftists quotes and juxtaposed them. Derp along now with your guilty conscience
Ask him why he voted for Trump in the primaries. I'm sure it will be enlightening.
well I can tell you already since he's stated his position already, easy did not ever vote for trump. just saying, do some fking work and stop with the trolling.
Show me where Donald Trump was promising to GET RID OF MUSLIMS? Just because you say it doesn't make it true, you fucking sociopath. I really do hate you liberals, with a passion.

And you can quote me on it.
Aw, arguing semantics. You are going to pretend you don't mind Muslims now? Coward.
I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, I think I have some experience on how Muslims think. While morons like you , probably haven't even left your little county so must believe what ever the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, lamestream media tells you..
Yup, hates Muslims. Not leaving the county, btw, is more typical of the frightened Trump sheep that populate flyover country. I work with, and am neighbors with Muslims. I don't live in Bumfuck, Alabama, where people who have never met a Muslim and never will lose sleep at night over their fear of Muslims.

You spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia? Sounds like you didn't like it, which is odd considering they've written most of your conservative beliefs into law, as you want to do over here.
The one actually relevant thing about Trump and the NFL is it illustrates how he uses dog whistles to take some rational issue and twist it to inflame passions among his minority base.

Kapernick ties standing up to show respect to the flag with how blacks are unfairly treated in the criminal justice system (and maybe race in society as a whole, as Kaepernick is not really clear on what his thing is). A lot of people think it's bs, but more or less ignore it. Trump, facing defeats on heathcare and a base not happy with DACA, twists this into "disrespecting the flag." Kaepernick may be an idiot, but "disrecpecting the flag" was never on his agenda.

Trump operates similarly with muslim immigration. Muslims in the US are exponentially more likely to report any suspected terror activity than to have any hand in it. US muslims as a whole are possibly more law abiding that the "good people" at white supremeicist and KKK rallies. However, terrorists are using social media to radicalize people and we have no way to track it. Maybe we should reevaluate how we vet muslim immigrants, esp those from areas more likely to see terror support.

And from there we go to "we know how All muslims think."

And that is in fact Rump's approach to everything ---- create some kind of dichotomy conflict, some kind of "us vs. them" for every issue. Whether "them" is Muslims, Democrats, veterans, women, Mexicans, Indians, the Chinese, football players, rival primary candidates, reporters, the entire news media, the "political establishment", the "swamp", people with congenital disabilities, Rosie O'Donnell, anyone protesting anything (unless they're "fine people" of course), Arnold Schwarzenegger, immigrants, etc etc etc. He can't live without creating some kind of conflict. And if there's not enough left for the "us" part, he'll just inject himself.

What a great choice to head the country --- an orange klown who can't get along with anybody. Except "fine people" about which he "knows nothing".

But this is what he sells as a practiced professional con artist. He understands as well as the media does that controversy sells, and attention is and always has been his goal as an unprincipled pitchman -- Numero Uno. It's perfectly articulated in that infamous line from his Fraud University playbook --- "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions.... you sell feelings". Nothing Rump ever said or wrote was ever more candid than that..

None of that is really hard to see. What is hard to see is why anybody would line up and open wide for that sort of snake oil.
he learned it from the left. right? who started russia russia? I know it wasn't trump. so answer me that pup
If only these "Regressives" existed anywhere outside your own head. Then you'd have your own blanket generalization pet.

The 21st century emanation of the Blanket Generalization fallacy seems to be generalizing about a collective that exists only in fantasy and has no definition. Like the recycled "Progressive". I'm guessing what you're playing here is a mock-up of that, amirite? A fantasy collective as the opposite of another fantasy collective?

I dunno summa y'all seem to be writing your own comic books in this desperate attempt to put people in boxes so that real individuals need not be dealt with. It's bizarre. :dunno:
Denial is powerful in ideologues.

Here are some honest liberals to explain the term to you. You're welcome.


See what I mean? I just pointed out your fixation with putting people in boxes, and you post a stream of videos of putting people in boxes. Instructional videos on how to make the box and how to get them in there.

Which is exactly what I just pointed out.

The question remains, why are you so fixated with putting people in boxes in the first place?

It's a general question; you're certainly not the only one with this disease. But maybe you can explain it.

Yeah, I didn't think you'd like that.

Bitch about my posts all you want. Irrelevant to me.

Hey, all I can do is lead you to the water. You have to come up with the thirst.
For now we'll settle on "I'm going to continue putting imaginary people in imaginary boxes expecting different results".

And this is why I no longer try to communicate with you people.

I proved your claim that Regressives are in my head to COMPLETELY false, with the specific genesis of the term, with specific examples, and you keep running with it.

You're just another liar. Dime a dozen. Play your games with someone else, thanks.

And there it is YET AGAIN --- "you people".

I keep pointing out this obsession with creating "you people" boxes, and you keep going out of your way to prove me right. We're in complete agreement there.

I just want to know why that is, here in this thread about blanket generalization fallacies. But I understand you're not ready.
I voted for Trump in my state primary. I didn't vote for him in the general, and find him an embarrassment to the nation and a racist.
Sure but you certainly can say that anybody that voted for Trump in the primaries is a racist. Which still ends up being a lot.

No, 'interesting' is you insinuating that 1 person who voted fro Trump makes anyone / everyone who voted for Trump a racist. As I stated, D-Dingell says you're full of shite!
I didn't insinuate anything lol.

I took two leftists quotes and juxtaposed them. Derp along now with your guilty conscience
Ask him why he voted for Trump in the primaries. I'm sure it will be enlightening.
well I can tell you already since he's stated his position already, easy did not ever vote for trump. just saying, do some fking work and stop with the trolling.
I wouldnt care if he did. Who others vote for is really none of my business.
Finally a Democrat that gets it.
Trump wasn't a choice. He was a lack of options. Either way, I would have voted for the check out girl at Walmart before voting for Clinton. A hate-filled woman!

"Voting to block" is clearly a recipe for disaster. QED.

A big reason we need to ditch the WTA Electrical College.
You can eliminate winner-take-all and still have the EC's compensation to the less-populated states. Candidates who win 60% of a 10 EV state would get only 6 votes, but the state's voters-per-EV ratio would remain the same. The only reason you're confused on this obvious lack of connection between WTA and EV is that Americans are afraid of challenging the incompetent and anti-democratic COTUS. When they are independent enough to do that, they're still intimidated from thinking clearly.
I voted for Trump in my state primary. I didn't vote for him in the general, and find him an embarrassment to the nation and a racist.
I get furious when people say all Trump voters are racist, they’re not,” she said. They’re worried about jobs and the economy, which totally went over the heads of Democrats last year.

“People haven’t forgotten that economic fear in their hearts and souls a decade later”

“Donald Trump came into Michigan and went into other states … and showed an empathy that we’d better learn how to show again.”

“[Trump] showed that he got it, he understood, he’s somebody that listens. That’s what Democrats have to do, learn how to show that empathy and understand how people are feeling.”

....said D-Rep (Mich) Debbie Dingell.

"Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) has said she feels like she’s an outsider in her own party due to her aversion to play into identity politics, while also noting the underreported empathy problem Democrats are facing. They don’t care about the working class. They haven’t for a long time—and it was simply because, in her opinion, Democrats stopped talking to them. Over time, the insufferable legions of the professional left, urban-based, overly educated, and condescending as hell, took over the party. They don’t care about the economic hardship in rural America. To them, these people are leeches, vestiges of the old world, and a bunch of racists."

Democrats have proven they don't listen to the American people, but you would think they would listen to their own politicians. Dingell was the female Democrat who when asked could not name 1 Hillary accomplishment. She also warned the party that she thought Michigan was actually in play during the election:

"Dingell also recalled how people thought she was nuts when he said how Michigan was in play. Hillary never really ventured into the Rust Belt, which proved fatal."

Democratic Rep: I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist
Sure but you certainly can say that anybody that voted for Trump in the primaries is a racist. Which still ends up being a lot.

No, 'interesting' is you insinuating that 1 person who voted fro Trump makes anyone / everyone who voted for Trump a racist. As I stated, D-Dingell says you're full of shite!
I didn't insinuate anything lol.

I took two leftists quotes and juxtaposed them. Derp along now with your guilty conscience
Again, you used 1 person who voted for Trump who says he thinks Trump is a racist and tried to say that was enough to wipe out Dingell's point that people who claim all of Trump's supporters are racists. Duly noted. Thank you for that 'over-abundance' of evidence to support your idiotic claim. :p
Denial is powerful in ideologues.

Here are some honest liberals to explain the term to you. You're welcome.


See what I mean? I just pointed out your fixation with putting people in boxes, and you post a stream of videos of putting people in boxes. Instructional videos on how to make the box and how to get them in there.

Which is exactly what I just pointed out.

The question remains, why are you so fixated with putting people in boxes in the first place?

It's a general question; you're certainly not the only one with this disease. But maybe you can explain it.

Yeah, I didn't think you'd like that.

Bitch about my posts all you want. Irrelevant to me.

Hey, all I can do is lead you to the water. You have to come up with the thirst.
For now we'll settle on "I'm going to continue putting imaginary people in imaginary boxes expecting different results".

And this is why I no longer try to communicate with you people.

I proved your claim that Regressives are in my head to COMPLETELY false, with the specific genesis of the term, with specific examples, and you keep running with it.

You're just another liar. Dime a dozen. Play your games with someone else, thanks.

And there it is YET AGAIN --- "you people".

I keep pointing out this obsession with creating "you people" boxes, and you keep going out of your way to prove me right. We're in complete agreement there.

I just want to know why that is, here in this thread about blanket generalization fallacies. But I understand you're not ready.

My apologies. "You people" is a generalization, you're right.

You Regressives.

For a complete description of the term (with helpful videos!), please see post 86. Ya can't miss it!

...except that is exactly what Liberals have been doing for a long time now, exactly what they did with the National Anthem protest.

What exactly do "Liberals" have to do with the national anthem* protest?

Oh, you mean back when we wrote the Constitution and led it off with that pesky First Amendment guaranteeing the right of expression? Dayum us Liberals, we so subversive.

*It's not a proper name btw --- you don't need capitals.
I voted for Trump in my state primary. I didn't vote for him in the general, and find him an embarrassment to the nation and a racist.
I get furious when people say all Trump voters are racist, they’re not,” she said. They’re worried about jobs and the economy, which totally went over the heads of Democrats last year.

“People haven’t forgotten that economic fear in their hearts and souls a decade later”

“Donald Trump came into Michigan and went into other states … and showed an empathy that we’d better learn how to show again.”

“[Trump] showed that he got it, he understood, he’s somebody that listens. That’s what Democrats have to do, learn how to show that empathy and understand how people are feeling.”

....said D-Rep (Mich) Debbie Dingell.

"Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) has said she feels like she’s an outsider in her own party due to her aversion to play into identity politics, while also noting the underreported empathy problem Democrats are facing. They don’t care about the working class. They haven’t for a long time—and it was simply because, in her opinion, Democrats stopped talking to them. Over time, the insufferable legions of the professional left, urban-based, overly educated, and condescending as hell, took over the party. They don’t care about the economic hardship in rural America. To them, these people are leeches, vestiges of the old world, and a bunch of racists."

Democrats have proven they don't listen to the American people, but you would think they would listen to their own politicians. Dingell was the female Democrat who when asked could not name 1 Hillary accomplishment. She also warned the party that she thought Michigan was actually in play during the election:

"Dingell also recalled how people thought she was nuts when he said how Michigan was in play. Hillary never really ventured into the Rust Belt, which proved fatal."

Democratic Rep: I Hate It When People Say Trump Supporters Are Racist
Sure but you certainly can say that anybody that voted for Trump in the primaries is a racist. Which still ends up being a lot.

No, 'interesting' is you insinuating that 1 person who voted fro Trump makes anyone / everyone who voted for Trump a racist. As I stated, D-Dingell says you're full of shite!
I didn't insinuate anything lol.

I took two leftists quotes and juxtaposed them. Derp along now with your guilty conscience
Again, you used 1 person who voted for Trump who says he thinks Trump is a racist and tried to say that was enough to wipe out Dingell's point that people who claim all of Trump's supporters are racists. Duly noted. Thank you for that 'over-abundance' of evidence to support your idiotic claim. :p
No what I did was prove old-school wrong but you're so eager to roll around in the muck that you COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT.

Go hack on someone else, you're not at my level obviously.
Show me where Donald Trump was promising to GET RID OF MUSLIMS? Just because you say it doesn't make it true, you fucking sociopath. I really do hate you liberals, with a passion.

And you can quote me on it.
Aw, arguing semantics. You are going to pretend you don't mind Muslims now? Coward.
I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, I think I have some experience on how Muslims think. While morons like you , probably haven't even left your little county so must believe what ever the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, lamestream media tells you..
Yup, hates Muslims. Not leaving the county, btw, is more typical of the frightened Trump sheep that populate flyover country. I work with, and am neighbors with Muslims. I don't live in Bumfuck, Alabama, where people who have never met a Muslim and never will lose sleep at night over their fear of Muslims.

You spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia? Sounds like you didn't like it, which is odd considering they've written most of your conservative beliefs into law, as you want to do over here.
The one actually relevant thing about Trump and the NFL is it illustrates how he uses dog whistles to take some rational issue and twist it to inflame passions among his minority base.

Kapernick ties standing up to show respect to the flag with how blacks are unfairly treated in the criminal justice system (and maybe race in society as a whole, as Kaepernick is not really clear on what his thing is). A lot of people think it's bs, but more or less ignore it. Trump, facing defeats on heathcare and a base not happy with DACA, twists this into "disrespecting the flag." Kaepernick may be an idiot, but "disrecpecting the flag" was never on his agenda.

Trump operates similarly with muslim immigration. Muslims in the US are exponentially more likely to report any suspected terror activity than to have any hand in it. US muslims as a whole are possibly more law abiding that the "good people" at white supremeicist and KKK rallies. However, terrorists are using social media to radicalize people and we have no way to track it. Maybe we should reevaluate how we vet muslim immigrants, esp those from areas more likely to see terror support.

And from there we go to "we know how All muslims think."

And that is in fact Rump's approach to everything ---- create some kind of dichotomy conflict, some kind of "us vs. them" for every issue. Whether "them" is Muslims, Democrats, veterans, women, Mexicans, Indians, the Chinese, football players, rival primary candidates, reporters, the entire news media, the "political establishment", the "swamp", people with congenital disabilities, Rosie O'Donnell, anyone protesting anything (unless they're "fine people" of course), Arnold Schwarzenegger, immigrants, etc etc etc. He can't live without creating some kind of conflict. And if there's not enough left for the "us" part, he'll just inject himself.

What a great choice to head the country --- an orange klown who can't get along with anybody. Except "fine people" about which he "knows nothing".

But this is what he sells as a practiced professional con artist. He understands as well as the media does that controversy sells, and attention is and always has been his goal as an unprincipled pitchman -- Numero Uno. It's perfectly articulated in that infamous line from his Fraud University playbook --- "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions.... you sell feelings". Nothing Rump ever said or wrote was ever more candid than that..

None of that is really hard to see. What is hard to see is why anybody would line up and open wide for that sort of snake oil.
Because they want the snake oil. And with any con, there has to be a nugget of truth in the snake oil.

It's not pretty, and basically it's why Hillary called them "deporables," but being gullible and falling for lies about our basest fears is not really deplorable. Trump is deplorable, but most Americans see that clearly.
See what I mean? I just pointed out your fixation with putting people in boxes, and you post a stream of videos of putting people in boxes. Instructional videos on how to make the box and how to get them in there.

Which is exactly what I just pointed out.

The question remains, why are you so fixated with putting people in boxes in the first place?

It's a general question; you're certainly not the only one with this disease. But maybe you can explain it.
Yeah, I didn't think you'd like that.

Bitch about my posts all you want. Irrelevant to me.

Hey, all I can do is lead you to the water. You have to come up with the thirst.
For now we'll settle on "I'm going to continue putting imaginary people in imaginary boxes expecting different results".
And this is why I no longer try to communicate with you people.

I proved your claim that Regressives are in my head to COMPLETELY false, with the specific genesis of the term, with specific examples, and you keep running with it.

You're just another liar. Dime a dozen. Play your games with someone else, thanks.

And there it is YET AGAIN --- "you people".

I keep pointing out this obsession with creating "you people" boxes, and you keep going out of your way to prove me right. We're in complete agreement there.

I just want to know why that is, here in this thread about blanket generalization fallacies. But I understand you're not ready.
My apologies. "You people" is a generalization, you're right.

You Regressives.

For a complete description of the term (with helpful videos!), please see post 86. Ya can't miss it!



Unbelievable. :eusa_doh:
Aw, arguing semantics. You are going to pretend you don't mind Muslims now? Coward.
I spent 5 1/2 years over in Saudi Arabia, I think I have some experience on how Muslims think. While morons like you , probably haven't even left your little county so must believe what ever the lickspittle, liberal, lapdog, lamestream media tells you..
Yup, hates Muslims. Not leaving the county, btw, is more typical of the frightened Trump sheep that populate flyover country. I work with, and am neighbors with Muslims. I don't live in Bumfuck, Alabama, where people who have never met a Muslim and never will lose sleep at night over their fear of Muslims.

You spent 5 1/2 years in Saudi Arabia? Sounds like you didn't like it, which is odd considering they've written most of your conservative beliefs into law, as you want to do over here.
The one actually relevant thing about Trump and the NFL is it illustrates how he uses dog whistles to take some rational issue and twist it to inflame passions among his minority base.

Kapernick ties standing up to show respect to the flag with how blacks are unfairly treated in the criminal justice system (and maybe race in society as a whole, as Kaepernick is not really clear on what his thing is). A lot of people think it's bs, but more or less ignore it. Trump, facing defeats on heathcare and a base not happy with DACA, twists this into "disrespecting the flag." Kaepernick may be an idiot, but "disrecpecting the flag" was never on his agenda.

Trump operates similarly with muslim immigration. Muslims in the US are exponentially more likely to report any suspected terror activity than to have any hand in it. US muslims as a whole are possibly more law abiding that the "good people" at white supremeicist and KKK rallies. However, terrorists are using social media to radicalize people and we have no way to track it. Maybe we should reevaluate how we vet muslim immigrants, esp those from areas more likely to see terror support.

And from there we go to "we know how All muslims think."

And that is in fact Rump's approach to everything ---- create some kind of dichotomy conflict, some kind of "us vs. them" for every issue. Whether "them" is Muslims, Democrats, veterans, women, Mexicans, Indians, the Chinese, football players, rival primary candidates, reporters, the entire news media, the "political establishment", the "swamp", people with congenital disabilities, Rosie O'Donnell, anyone protesting anything (unless they're "fine people" of course), Arnold Schwarzenegger, immigrants, etc etc etc. He can't live without creating some kind of conflict. And if there's not enough left for the "us" part, he'll just inject himself.

What a great choice to head the country --- an orange klown who can't get along with anybody. Except "fine people" about which he "knows nothing".

But this is what he sells as a practiced professional con artist. He understands as well as the media does that controversy sells, and attention is and always has been his goal as an unprincipled pitchman -- Numero Uno. It's perfectly articulated in that infamous line from his Fraud University playbook --- "you don't sell products, benefits or solutions.... you sell feelings". Nothing Rump ever said or wrote was ever more candid than that..

None of that is really hard to see. What is hard to see is why anybody would line up and open wide for that sort of snake oil.
Because they want the snake oil. And with any con, there has to be a nugget of truth in the snake oil.

It's not pretty, and basically it's why Hillary called them "deporables," but being gullible and falling for lies about our basest fears is not really deplorable. Trump is deplorable, but most Americans see that clearly.
Why did you vote for Trump in the primaries?
The one actually relevant thing about Trump and the NFL is it illustrates how he uses dog whistles to take some rational issue and twist it to inflame passions among his minority base.
...except that is exactly what Liberals have been doing for a long time now, exactly what they did with the National Anthem protest.

Free Speech on Campuses - When did Free Speech become unacceptable and required to be shutdown by violence, dividing the nation?
- Oh yeah, when liberal fascists rioted, looted, destroyed property, engaged in arson, destroyed local communities / businesses , and successfully used violence to strip people of their Right of Free Speech.

- Oh yeah, when Antifa instigated violence, attacking protestors in successful attempts to strip Americans of their right to Free Speech and the Right to Peacefully Assemble

Protests against history and 'evil' Confederate Statues escalated to attacks and calls to abandon statues and monuments to our Founding Fathers, to strip their names off buildings, etc...

Conservatives did not start the disrespectful kneeling during the National Anthem....

BTW, 58% of ALL Americans - not a minority - are against the NFL's disrespectful protest ...

...but don't let the facts stand in your way of re-writing history and distorting the facts.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but I'm not sure if yours is the result of waste.

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