One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

Trump has finally united America. Against him. There's been outrage on both sides since POTUS made that speech.

The alt right is very pleased with him today.

Anyone still working in the WH has blood on their hands. Any decent person should resign to make a statement that they don't agree with that the White hate groups " are very fine people."
The craziness of the Op.
View attachment 143983
Another coward afraid to answer the question. Was Trump right that these hate groups are " very fine people?"
I have a hard time believing anything you and the media spout. One thing we know though the leader of unite the right leader was an occupy member and an Obama supporter. So actually he is one of you. Lol
You don't have to believe anything. What Trump said is on record and in my link. Why are you running away from the truth?
He could say he loves everyone and you would twist it to say he loves just Nazi's. Anyway the leader of the Nazi's was a obama supporter, he is one of you.
Still sprinting away from the truth I see.
I twicely proved what Trump said. Obviously you believe the hate groups are very fine people.
The craziness of the Op.
View attachment 143983
Another coward afraid to answer the question. Was Trump right that these hate groups are " very fine people?"
I have a hard time believing anything you and the media spout. One thing we know though the leader of unite the right leader was an occupy member and an Obama supporter. So actually he is one of you. Lol
You don't have to believe anything. What Trump said is on record and in my link. Why are you running away from the truth?

Post the link please. I'll make you a project, further showing what a dumb fuck you truly are. And seriously, lose the avatar "Reasonable". For the life of me, I'll never understand the left's desire for false labels.
I already did twice, two posts above yours. lol Do you have a sight problem?
Trump has finally united America. Against him. There's been outrage on both sides since POTUS made that speech.

The alt right is very pleased with him today.

Anyone still working in the WH has blood on their hands. Any decent person should resign to make a statement that they don't agree with that the White hate groups " are very fine people."
So obama had blood on his hands with blm?
Does Obama have blood on his hands since the leader of the movement was a obama supporter?
Such was the chant we heard in C- Ville on Saturday by the alt right.
Another is BLOOD AND SOIL BLOOD AND SOIL... which is another Nazi chant.

The president of the United States called them" very fine people", while being flanked by an Asian and a Jew carefully placed as props.

Over to the side was General Kelly who grimaced and lowered his head in disgrace over the president's words.

Christopher Cantwell, one of the leaders of the white supremacists, said there will be many more deaths.

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade

Are the Nazis and white supremacists " very fine people?"

Don't know what you were listening to. He said there were very fine people among the protestors and counter protestors. That does NOT include the groups on both sides who brought weapons and hate.

In other words not everyone there who came to protest the taking down of statues was a neo- nazi and not every counter protestor there was an Antifa member. The blame goes to white supremists who brought weapons to a rally and also to Antifa members who initiated violent confrontation using weapons.
How many more ways does it need to be spelled out? You just distorted what he actually said.
I distorted nothing. I quoted this disgraced president exactly.
" There were very fine people on both sides."
EvenGen Kelly was appalled.. but not you... says a lot about you.
Imagine POTUS calling neonazis " very fine people."

Fine people does not include Neo-nazis Dummy
The craziness of the Op.
View attachment 143983
Another coward afraid to answer the question. Was Trump right that these hate groups are " very fine people?"
I have a hard time believing anything you and the media spout. One thing we know though the leader of unite the right leader was an occupy member and an Obama supporter. So actually he is one of you. Lol
You don't have to believe anything. What Trump said is on record and in my link. Why are you running away from the truth?

Post the link please. I'll make you a project, further showing what a dumb fuck you truly are. And seriously, lose the avatar "Reasonable". For the life of me, I'll never understand the left's desire for false labels.
I already did twice, two posts above yours. lol Do you have a sight problem?

Lying on top of lies huh fucker? I went through all of your posts in this thread and I don't see a single link. Post the fucking link sleaze bag coward, I'm going to expose you further than you've already managed.

Incidentally, by chance are you on Soro's payroll? Seems so. At least prostitutes have the sense to be paid.
Does Obama have blood on his hands since the leader of the movement was a obama supporter?
Oh look a squirrel.
He could say he loves everyone and you would twist it to say he loves just Nazi's. Anyway the leader of the Nazi's was a obama supporter, he is one of you.

Not the same Jason Kessler. They are two entirely different people. One is the rally organizer and the other is a freelance writer that has penned articles for CNN, GQ, and, Bon Appétit. He writes mainly about food and travel.
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"Jews Will Not Replace Us. Jews Will Not Replace Us."

No. They won't.

No one is replacing anyone.

So just chill the fuck out!
Another coward afraid to answer the question. Was Trump right that these hate groups are " very fine people?"
I have a hard time believing anything you and the media spout. One thing we know though the leader of unite the right leader was an occupy member and an Obama supporter. So actually he is one of you. Lol
You don't have to believe anything. What Trump said is on record and in my link. Why are you running away from the truth?

Post the link please. I'll make you a project, further showing what a dumb fuck you truly are. And seriously, lose the avatar "Reasonable". For the life of me, I'll never understand the left's desire for false labels.
I already did twice, two posts above yours. lol Do you have a sight problem?

Lying on top of lies huh fucker? I went through all of your posts in this thread and I don't see a single link. Post the fucking link sleaze bag coward, I'm going to expose you further than you've already managed.
You're one dumb motherfucker. The Op, post 25 and post 34.
Paraphrasing the old adage.....
"Not all Trump supporters are racist, but virtually ALL racists are Trump supporters...."

Live with that little factoid, Trump ass kissers.....
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?
It's not going to finish Trump. Remember, white conservatives already attacked this country once before. It was called the Civil War. These are the same people who want to end school lunches for poor children. Who promote "let him die" as healthcare. Who were and probably still are "birthers". They are clearly the majority of the GOP. We have to stop them and defeat them. Unchecked, we could end up going down the same path Germany did.

Note to the dip shit, it wasn't conservatives that attacked a lawful assembly exercising their 1st Amendment right in Charlottesville.


And like Trump said, they were "fine" and peaceful.

So people don't have the right to express their opinion unmolested if you disagree with them? Here's a little hint for ya child, it takes two opposing parties to have conflict. Only one side here had a permit to assemble in this case, it wasn't the leftist and had they not shown up there would have been no conflict.

What are you going on about? Donald Trump said that this was a situation that escalated out of control due to both sides and he was absolutely correct. Nobody is "innocent" in this particular matter.

No, Donald Trump is not a white supremacist. No, he is not going to enslave black people.

You're right, there were two sides here. Americans and Nazis. Which side do you support?
What are you going on about? Donald Trump said that this was a situation that escalated out of control due to both sides and he was absolutely correct. Nobody is "innocent" in this particular matter.

No, Donald Trump is not a white supremacist. No, he is not going to enslave black people.

You're right, there were two sides here. Americans and Nazis. Which side do you support?

I don't think all of the protesters were Nazis, so your question has no relevance.
I have an open mind and can see why some southerners want to preserve history. I am not arrogant enough to assume I know other people's thoughts (except the nasty leftists - lol).

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