One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
He did NOT defend them. He dished out equal responsibility to the protesters on the left who participated in the violence. They WERE there; there were some, and they came looking for trouble same as some on the Right did. Do I mind seeing the neo-Nazi's get a punch in the nose? Hell, not at all, but that's my personal bad. Trump is not wrong, and he very clearly condemned the hate groups that organized that rally.
I'm open to hearing why I'm wrong.

But protesting AGAINST hate is not the same as protesting FOR hate

Nobody was protesting for hate.

Did you watch the torchlight parade?

No chants or signs about statues.......Jews will not replace us, white power, anti black hatred

That was the night before.
Some white nationalists are wonderful people. Some of the best people I know.

I mean where will all this stop? Will they demand removing the Washington Monument?

I don’t hate Jews. Some Jews are very nationalistic.

Those people are not making Nazi salutes. They’re saying hello to me.

Angela Merkel’s problem is she doesn’t understand the good thing Nazi’s stand for.

Junior and Eric have their friends over all the time for a cup or two of blood.

My father had very good reasons not to rent to blacks. You notice I’m not into residential.

Black’s have their space, so what’s wrong with White’s having theirs?

Russia doesn’t have this problem.

And I’ll tell ya another thing, you didn’t see any blacks or Mexicans in Charlottesville.



In other words, you are a LIAR and PROPAGANDIST, & TROLL.

And these snippets below are from The Leftist Propagandist Rag The Washington Post.
So Debate The Credibility of your own Leftist Propaganda Rag if you want to.
The Article was written to attack The President, but, the actual quotes they tried to use do THE OPPOSITE.

Donald J. Trump on Leaving The Reform Party because David Duke, Lenora Fulani, & Pat Buchanan was allowed to join it.

— Trump, in a statement saying he will not accept the Reform Party nomination for president, Feb. 13, 2000

“The Reform Party now includes a Klansman, Mr. Duke, a neo-Nazi, Mr. [Patrick] Buchanan, and a communist, Ms. [Lenora] Fulani. This is not company I wish to keep.”

Donald J. Trump on Leaving The Reform Party because David Duke was allowed to join it..

NBC’s Matt Lauer: “When you say the [Reform] party is self-destructing, what do you see as the biggest problem with the Reform Party right now?”

Trump: “Well, you’ve got David Duke just joined — a bigot, a racist, a problem. I mean, this is not exactly the people you want in your party.”

—remarks on NBC’s “Today Show,” Feb. 14, 2000

Donald Trump and David Duke: For the record

Would you like me to go back to 1991 where President Trump states that he hates that David Duke became Governor of Louisiana and what that Represented?

Fucking Liars and Prejudiced Bigots, ALL OF YOU!

The Quotes I cited were 17 years ago, and 1991 was 26 years ago!

He denounced David Duke 26 years ago, and he denounced Duke and left The Reform Party because of David Duke 17 years ago. He Denounced The KKK, White Supremacists, ANTIFA, BLM and other HATE GROUPS TODAY!

He's been Consistent on That. And you have consistently LIED ABOUT THAT!

You don't give a shit about The Truth, this country, or Democracy. You are just another Troll, who is no different than any other Troll. There is nothing special about you at all.

Not even your hatred for The President is special. Fascists Hate him, Jihadists Hate him, Anarchists Hate him, Globalists Hate him, Felons Hate him, Mexican Drug Cartels Hate him, Illegal Aliens Hate him, & Dictators Hate him.

You Are Just another Lemming spouting off talking points without even understanding them, and vomiting up the propaganda of our Enemies all over the pages of this message board.
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He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
He did NOT defend them. He dished out equal responsibility to the protesters on the left who participated in the violence. They WERE there; there were some, and they came looking for trouble same as some on the Right did. Do I mind seeing the neo-Nazi's get a punch in the nose? Hell, not at all, but that's my personal bad. Trump is not wrong, and he very clearly condemned the hate groups that organized that rally.
I'm open to hearing why I'm wrong.

But protesting AGAINST hate is not the same as protesting FOR hate

Nobody was protesting for hate.

Did you watch the torchlight parade?

No chants or signs about statues.......Jews will not replace us, white power, anti black hatred

That was the night before.
THAT was the side our president said was equal
Trump says the neo Nazi marchers were peaceful, quiet and respectful. Trump says he has all the information and we don't. So he knows and we don't.

They weren't saying "Jews won't replace us". They were saying replace my Shoes because apparently there was some bad soil or something.

They weren't carrying torches. They were carrying large and gentle candles.

They were fine people. Of course they were fine people. They were wearing Khakis and Polo shirts and they were white.

Those weren't shields, they were wind breakers.

That wasn't riot gear, it was nice and thick black sweaters. It gets cold there at night.

Those weren't bats and semi automatic weapons. They were toys and and licorice lollipops.

And all those people who threw themselves in front of that guy's car deserved what they got. I don't believe there are laws against driving on the sidewalk. He was driving so slow to protect the marchers. But when you hit a car with your body at a dead run, of course you could get hurt.

And those counter marchers were armed with dangerous flowers and deadly silly string. So the neo Nazi's and Trump supporters had to defend themselves.

And the Alt Left wants to take down really important statues erected in the 1900's which were there to protest black rights, not promote treason by dividing the country.

So once you gather all the facts, the way Trump has, it's a completely different story. The problem is the fake news showing all that doctored video.

Clearly they are whispering "We want new Shoes".

are you anti semitic ?
Trump says the neo Nazi marchers were peaceful, quiet and respectful. Trump says he has all the information and we don't. So he knows and we don't.

They weren't saying "Jews won't replace us". They were saying replace my Shoes because apparently there was some bad soil or something.

They weren't carrying torches. They were carrying large and gentle candles.

They were fine people. Of course they were fine people. They were wearing Khakis and Polo shirts and they were white.

Those weren't shields, they were wind breakers.

That wasn't riot gear, it was nice and thick black sweaters. It gets cold there at night.

Those weren't bats and semi automatic weapons. They were toys and and licorice lollipops.

And all those people who threw themselves in front of that guy's car deserved what they got. I don't believe there are laws against driving on the sidewalk. He was driving so slow to protect the marchers. But when you hit a car with your body at a dead run, of course you could get hurt.

And those counter marchers were armed with dangerous flowers and deadly silly string. So the neo Nazi's and Trump supporters had to defend themselves.

And the Alt Left wants to take down really important statues erected in the 1900's which were there to protest black rights, not promote treason by dividing the country.

So once you gather all the facts, the way Trump has, it's a completely different story. The problem is the fake news showing all that doctored video.

Clearly they are whispering "We want new Shoes".

Easy question to answer. Minus the violent counter protesters, how many die?

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Liberals Claim Trump Has No Moral Compass

Not me. He has a moral compass. One that allows him to not pay workers and steal from children with cancer. He's actually very much like most Republicans.

Would you be so kind as to let the class know when Trump gets a blow job by an intern in the Oral Office?

He did NOT defend them. He dished out equal responsibility to the protesters on the left who participated in the violence. They WERE there; there were some, and they came looking for trouble same as some on the Right did. Do I mind seeing the neo-Nazi's get a punch in the nose? Hell, not at all, but that's my personal bad. Trump is not wrong, and he very clearly condemned the hate groups that organized that rally.
I'm open to hearing why I'm wrong.

But protesting AGAINST hate is not the same as protesting FOR hate

Nobody was protesting for hate.

Did you watch the torchlight parade?

No chants or signs about statues.......Jews will not replace us, white power, anti black hatred

That was the night before.
THAT was the side our president said was equal

You don't believe it's protected speech?
It is rather clever of the KKK to openly praise Trump's wishy-washy response as to who to blame for the violence in Charlottesville.....By declaring that opponents to the Klan and white supremacists are JUST AS AT FAULT as the heavily armed alt-right demonstrators, Trump has tacitly "condoned" their ideology. So, WHY has the Klan scored a coup to bolster their nation-wide standing?

Well, wittingly or not, the KKK has "recruited" most of Trump ass kissers to their cause and ideology.

Granted that not ALL Trump acolytes may fully agree with the Klan, but many republicans are now forced to openly condone the Klan's actions simply because democrats oppose these Klan actions and call to violence.

Republicans should invest in the sale of pointed hoods and Nazi insignia paraphernalia.
Such was the chant we heard in C- Ville on Saturday by the alt right.
Another is BLOOD AND SOIL BLOOD AND SOIL... which is another Nazi chant.

The president of the United States called them" very fine people", while being flanked by an Asian and a Jew carefully placed as props.

Over to the side was General Kelly who grimaced and lowered his head in disgrace over the president's words.

Christopher Cantwell, one of the leaders of the white supremacists, said there will be many more deaths.

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade

Are the Nazis and white supremacists " very fine people?"
It is rather clever of the KKK to openly praise Trump's wishy-washy response as to who to blame for the violence in Charlottesville.....By declaring that opponents to the Klan and white supremacists are JUST AS AT FAULT as the heavily armed alt-right demonstrators, Trump has tacitly "condoned" their ideology. So, WHY has the Klan scored a coup to bolster their nation-wide standing?

Well, wittingly or not, the KKK has "recruited" most of Trump ass kissers to their cause and ideology.

Granted that not ALL Trump acolytes may fully agree with the Klan, but many republicans are now forced to openly condone the Klan's actions simply because democrats oppose these Klan actions and call to violence.

Republicans should invest in the sale of pointed hoods and Nazi insignia paraphernalia.

Planning to buy some?
David Duke said, " Mr. President don't forget the people who put you in office."
And Trump responded with his incredibly mind numbing words.
One thing I noticed was how young the tiki torch carriers were.
Trump has enboldened a new generation of racists.
This is to be expected from a Nazi collaborator who attempts to draw a moral equivalency between Nazis and those who oppose them.
What are you going on about? Donald Trump said that this was a situation that escalated out of control due to both sides and he was absolutely correct. Nobody is "innocent" in this particular matter.

No, Donald Trump is not a white supremacist. No, he is not going to enslave black people.
What are you going on about? Donald Trump said that this was a situation that escalated out of control due to both sides and he was absolutely correct. Nobody is "innocent" in this particular matter.

No, Donald Trump is not a white supremacist. No, he is not going to enslave black people.
Answer the question. Wastrump right when he called white supremicists " very fine people?"
Such was the chant we heard in C- Ville on Saturday by the alt right.
Another is BLOOD AND SOIL BLOOD AND SOIL... which is another Nazi chant.

The president of the United States called them" very fine people", while being flanked by an Asian and a Jew carefully placed as props.

Over to the side was General Kelly who grimaced and lowered his head in disgrace over the president's words.

Christopher Cantwell, one of the leaders of the white supremacists, said there will be many more deaths.

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade

Are the Nazis and white supremacists " very fine people?"

You're a liar. How the fuck can you sport an avatar like that when every one of your posts prove the opposite?
Such was the chant we heard in C- Ville on Saturday by the alt right.
Another is BLOOD AND SOIL BLOOD AND SOIL... which is another Nazi chant.

The president of the United States called them" very fine people", while being flanked by an Asian and a Jew carefully placed as props.

Over to the side was General Kelly who grimaced and lowered his head in disgrace over the president's words.

Christopher Cantwell, one of the leaders of the white supremacists, said there will be many more deaths.

Trump shows sympathy to hate groups in bizarre tirade

Are the Nazis and white supremacists " very fine people?"

You're a liar. How the fuck can you sport an avatar like that when every one of your posts prove the opposite?
Where's the lie? Everything I said was fact. Got a problem with facts, bro?

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