One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

Trump in 1991: David Duke is a racist
Trump to Jake Tapper from CNN in 2016: I know nothing about David Duke.

And the Trumpies still support this type of lying..

On Chris Matthews Chris just showed both

What he should have done, when the vile reporter asked him about Duke, FUCKING AGAIN, was get up and punch the cocksucker in the face.

Instead he just blew him off.

YOu realize that Trump is not a blip, right?
On the one hand, it took him two days to pretend to condemn racism which inevitably disappointed everyone who wasn't a racist. I think the initial refusal to do this was in large part because he desperately didn't want to lose any of his white supremacist support.

However, he did end up pretending to condemn the racism after the backlash from both republicans and democrats. From there, his support from those nazis has now likely been eroded. For everyone else, the condemnation was too little too late.

In other words, by Trump being a coward in trying to please everyone, he ended up just pissing off everyone instead.
Scenario #1. Trump does nothing. He gets criticized for it.
Scenario #2. Trump condemns racism. He gets criticized for it.
See a pattern?
Instead of dwelling on what he didn't say, dwell on what he did say. He condemned HATE. In my opinion the number one evil in this is hate. Not nazis, or Democrats or Republicans or even Terrorists. Hate is the real enemy. Trump was 100% dead on accurate.

Sent from my SCH-I545PP using mobile app

Hate can be a perfectly valid, thoroughly justified, emotion.

The "real enemy" is subjective. It depends on your values and who you are. For the white nationalists, the real enemy is people who fight back against their plans for imposing racist policies on the nation. For the rest of, it's the white nationalists.
:cuckoo: :dunno: :eusa_naughty:
Breaking News: The White House is " stunned" the prez went rogue.
In other words more unhinged than usual.

If this doesn't finish him, I don't know what will!? This is so obscene to see unfolding; predictable, but still obscene to see it happening in real time! It's just unbelievable the self-immolation and the relentless support by some with no shame!
Every past president that is still alive needs to come forward now and denounce Trump and advocate for him being declared unfit for office.

If they want to destroy the last vestiges of legitimacy the political process has.
I Grow in a country far far away from the US....we studied world history and american history....I was listening to Trump and I couldn't believe how ignorant he is about the country's history. It's appalling....That adds to a long list of bad qualities about this guy. I honestly can't believe he is a president let alone the President of the US. WOW just wow!!!

WHat did he not know about history that shocked you?
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?

Poor little drama queen, this too shall pass.

But there will be another giant fuck up right around the corner. It's who Trump is. His uncontrollable mouth and incompetence is a stable of his presidency His luck will run out you can bet on that

What's a "canbet not"?

Weak. Instead of addressing my point you come back with that. If you bothered to check its already corrected dumbass.

Your fallacy is he didn't fuck up this time. Like I said in another post, it wasn't conservatives that attacked a lawful assembly to deny others their constitutionally protected rights. Your side did that, and it really pissed you off because Trump pointed it out.


the left attacked the WS certainly not the conservatives
I have NEVER seen a member of the KKK or a neo Nazi. NEVER. .

You know they only wear the white robes for special occasions. So you wouldn't know who they are in the light of day, but only in the dead of night. Your neighbor could be a neo-nazi or klan, and you would never know, since his words wouldn't surprise you.
Robes have been replaced by tattoos
" like the left is"
But cant call out the nazi brown shirts from c- vile and all over the country.

Don't lie.
You think ALL "righties" are nazi brown fact you may think all white people are nazis if your're not white....and maybe even if you are because of your conditioning
Love how you ASSUME you know what I think.
I do know that this forum is filled with proud white supremacists.
They're a big part of Trump's base and that's what you voted for..

Save your race card bullshit.

Like anything he did would have satisfied you.

Actually, you nitwit, Trump could have won over millions of voters by just getting his fat ass over to Virginia and made a speech how such behavior is NOT ACCEPTABLE within our country. Domestic terrorism MUST be stopped.

Instead, the sniveling clown had to be cajoled into reading a prepared speech........

Here's what the white supremacists stated after his FIRST little charade.

Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. When asked to condemn, he just [waled] out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.” -Andrew Anglin, Editor, Daily Stormer Today

Oh, so now you believe Nazi's?

The biggest advertiser those morons have is the lefty anti-fa idiots who attack them.

Nope, it's the liberal media that gives them air time ever time they say something that the Left can use.

It's a perfect alliance. Both sides benefit greatly.
Like anything he did would have satisfied you.

Actually, you nitwit, Trump could have won over millions of voters by just getting his fat ass over to Virginia and made a speech how such behavior is NOT ACCEPTABLE within our country. Domestic terrorism MUST be stopped.

Instead, the sniveling clown had to be cajoled into reading a prepared speech........

Here's what the white supremacists stated after his FIRST little charade.

Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. When asked to condemn, he just [waled] out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.” -Andrew Anglin, Editor, Daily Stormer Today

Oh, so now you believe Nazi's?

The biggest advertiser those morons have is the lefty anti-fa idiots who attack them.

Nope, it's the liberal media that gives them air time ever time they say something that the Left can use.

It's a perfect alliance. Both sides benefit greatly.

Correct. By giving these morons attention they only swell their ranks. By trying to link these Nazi fucks with anyone on the Right they also force people into an "us vs. them" mentality, only fueling the recruitment ability of the bastards.
On the one hand, it took him two days to pretend to condemn racism which inevitably disappointed everyone who wasn't a racist. I think the initial refusal to do this was in large part because he desperately didn't want to lose any of his white supremacist support.

However, he did end up pretending to condemn the racism after the backlash from both republicans and democrats. From there, his support from those nazis has now likely been eroded. For everyone else, the condemnation was too little too late.

In other words, by Trump being a coward in trying to please everyone, he ended up just pissing off everyone instead.
in other words, regardless of what he would have done, your end result of a post would be the same, just move some words around.

he's 100% right - both sides are at fault.

whether you like someone or not they have a right to assemble. i protect that right even if i hate the message.

you seem to only allow messages you or "pop-culture" approves of. life simply doesn't work that way and your sides desire to continue to push that is only going to scream louder as this "bubble" your side was in fact able to create, bursts as the rest of the people are simply tired of the hypocrisy.

you prove why trump won with every post like this that bitches at him for saying you're side is just as much responsible for this mess as the other side.
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?

Jackson, Lee, all the Confederates were welcomed back into the Union, by those who paid the price for defeating them.

What moral authority do you have that is greater than theirs, on this issue?
if it were not for Gen Ulysses S Grant, they'd be hung and dead for treason

Really? That's interesting.

Say, who did more than Grant to win the war for the Union?

Who are you to gainsay him on this?
The Antifa was bussed in from at least four different places, the Antifa that were there were not even from Virginia.

The white supremacists also traveled to Charlottesville for the protests. VICE News did a whole half hour last night on the weekend's events, and when they interviewed the white supremacists, many of them came from 2 to 5 hours away, and one of the white supremacists came 12 hours all the way down from Canada. Hate to tell you Lucy, but both sides did that.

So what.

Is there some law restricting the distance one can travel to support a cause?
here's a difference from a local community protesting something and paid or ultra right and left advocates looking for trouble. When they come from hours away, they aren't there to stand with a sign and behaving.

From what I have read the group who obtained the permit was marching in complete silence, despite being yelled at and spat upon.
The problem occurred at the point the parade route was blocked by the group without a permit.
The police allowed the route to be blocked. Had they allowed the group marching to pass, no incidents would have occurred.

Last night, VICE News did their whole report on what happened over the weekend. On one of their segments when they were covering the protest at the statue, there were a bunch of white supremacists with shields, helmets and bats that were being led by a big biker looking dude. He sat there and chanted for about 30 seconds, got them to start chanting with him, and then he led the group of white supremacists in an attack on the antifa protesters. No, they weren't all peaceful.

It's a half hour segment. Here, watch it for yourself. Pay special attention to what the white supremacists are saying about this country.

Watch VICE News Tonight's full episode "Charlottesville: Race and Terror"
That was quite a spot on VICE. Thanks.
Like anything he did would have satisfied you.

Actually, you nitwit, Trump could have won over millions of voters by just getting his fat ass over to Virginia and made a speech how such behavior is NOT ACCEPTABLE within our country. Domestic terrorism MUST be stopped.

Instead, the sniveling clown had to be cajoled into reading a prepared speech........

Here's what the white supremacists stated after his FIRST little charade.

Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. When asked to condemn, he just [waled] out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.” -Andrew Anglin, Editor, Daily Stormer Today

Oh, so now you believe Nazi's?

The biggest advertiser those morons have is the lefty anti-fa idiots who attack them.

Nope, it's the liberal media that gives them air time ever time they say something that the Left can use.

It's a perfect alliance. Both sides benefit greatly.

Correct. By giving these morons attention they only swell their ranks. By trying to link these Nazi fucks with anyone on the Right they also force people into an "us vs. them" mentality, only fueling the recruitment ability of the bastards.

I wonder how many of the Press realize that they are allies with the Nazis?
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?
It's not going to finish Trump. Remember, white conservatives already attacked this country once before. It was called the Civil War. These are the same people who want to end school lunches for poor children. Who promote "let him die" as healthcare. Who were and probably still are "birthers". They are clearly the majority of the GOP. We have to stop them and defeat them. Unchecked, we could end up going down the same path Germany did.
I can certainly agree that we DO NOT want to go down the same path Germany has. They are over run with Muslim rapists and butchers. MAGA!
Like anything he did would have satisfied you.

Actually, you nitwit, Trump could have won over millions of voters by just getting his fat ass over to Virginia and made a speech how such behavior is NOT ACCEPTABLE within our country. Domestic terrorism MUST be stopped.

Instead, the sniveling clown had to be cajoled into reading a prepared speech........

Here's what the white supremacists stated after his FIRST little charade.

Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. When asked to condemn, he just [waled] out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.” -Andrew Anglin, Editor, Daily Stormer Today

Oh, so now you believe Nazi's?

The biggest advertiser those morons have is the lefty anti-fa idiots who attack them.

Nope, it's the liberal media that gives them air time ever time they say something that the Left can use.

It's a perfect alliance. Both sides benefit greatly.

Correct. By giving these morons attention they only swell their ranks. By trying to link these Nazi fucks with anyone on the Right they also force people into an "us vs. them" mentality, only fueling the recruitment ability of the bastards.

I wonder how many of the Press realize that they are allies with the Nazis?

I wouldn't call them allied. I would say they are being used.

White Nationalists in their addled minds think they need the total breakdown of society to trigger their RAHOWA, or at least scare enough white people into joining them as a last resort. giving them more press than they deserve and ignoring the antics of the left when it comes to these things only makes it easier for them to recruit the weak minded fence sitters.
Actually, you nitwit, Trump could have won over millions of voters by just getting his fat ass over to Virginia and made a speech how such behavior is NOT ACCEPTABLE within our country. Domestic terrorism MUST be stopped.

Instead, the sniveling clown had to be cajoled into reading a prepared speech........

Here's what the white supremacists stated after his FIRST little charade.

Trump comments were good. He didn’t attack us. When asked to condemn, he just [waled] out of the room. Really, really good. God bless him.” -Andrew Anglin, Editor, Daily Stormer Today

Oh, so now you believe Nazi's?

The biggest advertiser those morons have is the lefty anti-fa idiots who attack them.

Nope, it's the liberal media that gives them air time ever time they say something that the Left can use.

It's a perfect alliance. Both sides benefit greatly.

Correct. By giving these morons attention they only swell their ranks. By trying to link these Nazi fucks with anyone on the Right they also force people into an "us vs. them" mentality, only fueling the recruitment ability of the bastards.

I wonder how many of the Press realize that they are allies with the Nazis?

I wouldn't call them allied. I would say they are being used.

White Nationalists in their addled minds think they need the total breakdown of society to trigger their RAHOWA, or at least scare enough white people into joining them as a last resort. giving them more press than they deserve and ignoring the antics of the left when it comes to these things only makes it easier for them to recruit the weak minded fence sitters.

They are using each other. And imo, if the Press is unaware of the benefit they are providing the Nazis, it is a Willful Blindness.
Oh, so now you believe Nazi's?

The biggest advertiser those morons have is the lefty anti-fa idiots who attack them.

Nope, it's the liberal media that gives them air time ever time they say something that the Left can use.

It's a perfect alliance. Both sides benefit greatly.

Correct. By giving these morons attention they only swell their ranks. By trying to link these Nazi fucks with anyone on the Right they also force people into an "us vs. them" mentality, only fueling the recruitment ability of the bastards.

I wonder how many of the Press realize that they are allies with the Nazis?

I wouldn't call them allied. I would say they are being used.

White Nationalists in their addled minds think they need the total breakdown of society to trigger their RAHOWA, or at least scare enough white people into joining them as a last resort. giving them more press than they deserve and ignoring the antics of the left when it comes to these things only makes it easier for them to recruit the weak minded fence sitters.

They are using each other. And imo, if the Press is unaware of the benefit they are providing the Nazis, it is a Willful Blindness.

It's sad that it's the same thing they did for Trump. They despised him but gave him so much press they actually helped him.

They just don't seem to be able to learn from their mistakes.
Nope, it's the liberal media that gives them air time ever time they say something that the Left can use.

It's a perfect alliance. Both sides benefit greatly.

Correct. By giving these morons attention they only swell their ranks. By trying to link these Nazi fucks with anyone on the Right they also force people into an "us vs. them" mentality, only fueling the recruitment ability of the bastards.

I wonder how many of the Press realize that they are allies with the Nazis?

I wouldn't call them allied. I would say they are being used.

White Nationalists in their addled minds think they need the total breakdown of society to trigger their RAHOWA, or at least scare enough white people into joining them as a last resort. giving them more press than they deserve and ignoring the antics of the left when it comes to these things only makes it easier for them to recruit the weak minded fence sitters.

They are using each other. And imo, if the Press is unaware of the benefit they are providing the Nazis, it is a Willful Blindness.

It's sad that it's the same thing they did for Trump. They despised him but gave him so much press they actually helped him.

They just don't seem to be able to learn from their mistakes.

Well, it's a happy thing with Trump, imo.
Correct. By giving these morons attention they only swell their ranks. By trying to link these Nazi fucks with anyone on the Right they also force people into an "us vs. them" mentality, only fueling the recruitment ability of the bastards.

I wonder how many of the Press realize that they are allies with the Nazis?

I wouldn't call them allied. I would say they are being used.

White Nationalists in their addled minds think they need the total breakdown of society to trigger their RAHOWA, or at least scare enough white people into joining them as a last resort. giving them more press than they deserve and ignoring the antics of the left when it comes to these things only makes it easier for them to recruit the weak minded fence sitters.

They are using each other. And imo, if the Press is unaware of the benefit they are providing the Nazis, it is a Willful Blindness.

It's sad that it's the same thing they did for Trump. They despised him but gave him so much press they actually helped him.

They just don't seem to be able to learn from their mistakes.

Well, it's a happy thing with Trump, imo.

he wasn't even my 5th choice, but I picked him over Hillary. I'm not a "never Trumper", more of a, "fine, trump then-er"

All he is doing is moving up a fight we were going to have eventually to right now.

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