One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

It would have mattered to me. I'm ready to give Trump props for anything he does right, or smart. I just haven't seen anything yet. Every move he's made so far has reinforced my initial perception of him as a worm.

You are seeing exactly what you WANT to see. Even if it's through tainted glasses.

Trump has some bad points and so did Obama.

You just might be a hard core racist bigot
You somehow object to someone teasing and taunting KKK morons?

Didn't you know. If the liberals didn't tease the KKK, they would be peaceful as Gandhi.
I disagree, these people intentionally antagonized their opponents, they led to violence and fisticuffs. I am disgusted with the neo liberals, they used to be non confrontational all embracing and peaceful. Now? they are the most hateful control freaks I have ever seen, EVER. These kids scare me more than any KKK or Nazis. Because they are omnipresent and so hateful and intolerant. I have NEVER seen a member of the KKK or a neo Nazi. NEVER. Liberals? They are everywhere.
That's some crazy shit Mary. Were you abused as a child?
Really? Are you making fun of abuse, or are you just a veiled misogynist in liberals clothing?
It would have mattered to me. I'm ready to give Trump props for anything he does right, or smart. I just haven't seen anything yet. Every move he's made so far has reinforced my initial perception of him as a worm.

You are seeing exactly what you WANT to see. Even if it's through tainted glasses.

Trump has some bad points and so did Obama.

You just might be a hard core racist bigot

Maybe. What's the other side of hateful, violent racism?
The YUGE difference between you non thinking, pre-programmed hypocrites on the Left and We The Thinkers on the Right is .........

We THINK. You morons simply REPEAT and REACT. You repeat what you've been told to believe by your trainers (Establisment hacks) and you REACT blindly instead of thinking and investigating with an unbiased attitude.

I don't carte blanc accept everything Trump does or says. And there are things he has done and said I don't like.
For example I question his endorsement of Luther Strange for Jeff sessions seat in Congress.

In contrast, most of you Lefty imbeciles think Obama was a Messiah and COULD DO NO WRONG.


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On the one hand, it took him two days to pretend to condemn racism which inevitably disappointed everyone who wasn't a racist. I think the initial refusal to do this was in large part because he desperately didn't want to lose any of his white supremacist support.

However, he did end up pretending to condemn the racism after the backlash from both republicans and democrats. From there, his support from those nazis has now likely been eroded. For everyone else, the condemnation was too little too late.

In other words, by Trump being a coward in trying to please everyone, he ended up just pissing off everyone instead.

He tells the truth....and it burns leftists like a cross does to a wonder you created this post.......go back to your will heal....
I am disgusted with the neo liberals, they used to be non confrontational all embracing and peaceful. Now? they are the most hateful control freaks I have ever seen, EVER. These kids scare me more than any KKK or Nazis. Because they are omnipresent and so hateful and intolerant. I have NEVER seen a member of the KKK or a neo Nazi. NEVER. Liberals? They are everywhere.

Jews will not replace us. - Alt-right torch carrying chant.

These folks don't scare you?
I have NEVER seen a member of the KKK or a neo Nazi. NEVER. .

You know they only wear the white robes for special occasions. So you wouldn't know who they are in the light of day, but only in the dead of night. Your neighbor could be a neo-nazi or klan, and you would never know, since his words wouldn't surprise you.
The YUGE difference between you non thinking, pre-programmed hypocrites on the Left and We The Thinkers on the Right is .........

We THINK. You morons simply REPEAT and REACT. You repeat what you've been told to believe by your trainers (Establisment hacks) and you REACT blindly instead of thinking and investigating with an unbiased attitude.

I don't carte blanc accept everything Trump does or says. And there are things he has done and said I don't like.
For example I question his endorsement of Luther Strange for Jeff sessions seat in Congress.

In contrast, most of you Lefty imbeciles think Obama was a Messiah and COULD DO NO WRONG.

I'll assume you weren't responding to me.
Victims of the car driven by terrorist James Fields during the rally sued James Fields and both leader and organizer of this rally Jason Kessler and Richard Spencer for $3 millions.
Good for them bankrupt these bastard where it hurts most.
Today in a nutshell:
Trump said fake news a number of times, got history completely wrong, bragged about the election for the one millionth time and said he knows C-Ville because he owns " the best" winery there.
1. the MSM news is fake
2. history is being revised, Washington and Jefferson are being slimed as "slave owners" (Trump is right, save the statues, the new books are wrong)
3. He won the election, wait and see who "interfered" in the election...hint: not the Russkis
The media made a big attempt to interfere with the election by constantly trying to derail voters from voting for Trump by running non stop stories like "no path to the white house..", "Clinton landslide..." over and over and over.
Yet our expert intelligence agencies say it was Russia.... but I'm sure you know best.
Your "experts"


I'll take the real "3 Stooges" over Trump, Bannon, & Miller! :blahblah: :cuckoo: :dunno: :fu:
oh boy


"we really REALLY got him this time " retarded threads

--LOL @ Dumb Fucktards

Today in a nutshell:
Trump said fake news a number of times, got history completely wrong, bragged about the election for the one millionth time and said he knows C-Ville because he owns " the best" winery there.
1. the MSM news is fake
2. history is being revised, Washington and Jefferson are being slimed as "slave owners" (Trump is right, save the statues, the new books are wrong)
3. He won the election, wait and see who "interfered" in the election...hint: not the Russkis
The media made a big attempt to interfere with the election by constantly trying to derail voters from voting for Trump by running non stop stories like "no path to the white house..", "Clinton landslide..." over and over and over.
Yet our expert intelligence agencies say it was Russia.... but I'm sure you know best.
Your "experts"

be glad the leftists didnt win the election

tim kaine the new face of the democrat party

defending lawlessness and the actions of the violent leftist antifa

If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?
It's not going to finish Trump. Remember, white conservatives already attacked this country once before. It was called the Civil War. These are the same people who want to end school lunches for poor children. Who promote "let him die" as healthcare. Who were and probably still are "birthers". They are clearly the majority of the GOP. We have to stop them and defeat them. Unchecked, we could end up going down the same path Germany did.
"What Trump did today is a moral disgrace" - Charles Krautammer on Fox News just now

Did you see Laura Ingraham PWN Krauthammer after that! :funnyface:
Krauthammer has much more creds than that trump whore..
Not even close.
Imagine the courage to stick up for Trump on Fox News.
She gets the SEAn Hannity Courage Award.
I have always liked Krauthammer but his nevertrump obsession has been taken to its most illogical conclusions. Laura Ingraham mopped the floor with him.
Total bullshit just like your lie that Michael Moores show bombed after ten minutes. It was a sell out and he got a standing ovation. Krauthammer and Shepard Smith are the only two people left at Fox with their dignity still intact.
Trump was a national disgrace today. No question about that.
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?
It's not going to finish Trump. Remember, white conservatives already attacked this country once before. It was called the Civil War. These are the same people who want to end school lunches for poor children. Who promote "let him die" as healthcare. Who were and probably still are "birthers". They are clearly the majority of the GOP. We have to stop them and defeat them. Unchecked, we could end up going down the same path Germany did.
Nothing but the truth. Preach it brother.
America committed suicide in November of 2008. The violence, killings, destruction, hatred, and immorality are a direct result of the election of Barack Hussein Obama. The man who will be credited with achieving what his father wanted: the destruction of America.

Wait a minute.................Trump has already said that the racial tension started in this country a long time ago. He said it wasn't him, nor was it Obama that started it.

"We condemn in the strongest possible terms this egregious display of hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides, on many sides," Trump said during a short statement from his private golf club in New Jersey. "It has been going on for a long time in our country -- not Donald Trump, not Barack Obama. It has been going on for a long, long time. It has no place in America."

Trump condemns 'hatred, bigotry and violence on many sides' in Charlottesville - CNNPolitics
You're correct. Neither Obama nor Trump started racism. Racism has existed since races started trying to live together. However, your boy, Obama stoked the fire of racism...and still does. Trump does not.

Jim Acosta is a fucking idiot!
OMG. What universe do you live in? From day one when that POS came down that elevator he started his racist philosophy.
And he hasn't let up yet.
President Obama spoke the truth about racism but racists like you wouldn't hear it.
If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?

Poor little drama queen, this too shall pass.

If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?

Poor little drama queen, this too shall pass.

But there will be another giant fuck up right around the corner. It's who Trump is. His uncontrollable mouth and incompetence is a staple of his presidency His luck will run out you can bet on that
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