One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

Today in a nutshell:
Trump said fake news a number of times, got history completely wrong, bragged about the election for the one millionth time and said he knows C-Ville because he owns " the best" winery there.
1. the MSM news is fake
2. history is being revised, Washington and Jefferson are being slimed as "slave owners" (Trump is right, save the statues, the new books are wrong)
3. He won the election, wait and see who "interfered" in the election...hint: not the Russkis
The media made a big attempt to interfere with the election by constantly trying to derail voters from voting for Trump by running non stop stories like "no path to the white house..", "Clinton landslide..." over and over and over.
Yet our expert intelligence agencies say it was Russia.... but I'm sure you know best.
Your "experts"

I have had 2 solid days of liberal reportage on this single issue. And WHY? people die all the time. I know of a innocent poor soul little old white lady murdered by some black males, or a homeless white man in a wheelchair slaughtered by a black guy, those events barley raise any eyebrow. So what is the real issue HERE?

Reality doesn't fit your meme very well. We have a bunch of alt-right white supremacists including the guy who drove 532 miles from Ohio in his dodge challenger, who turned his car into an ISIS terror weapon. Killing and injuring innocent people, but one big xdifference is, this crime was painfully caught on video.
That's why Fox' Charles Krauthammer called trump " a moral disgrace."
If the comrade pulled down his pants and took a dump on that podium, you'd make excuses for him.

Krauthammer can say whatever he wants to say.

It is "possible" that Trump does have a few moral issues. Most humans do. Bill Clinton certainly did didn't he?

However, he continues to prove he is a man of his word and challenges the Establishment constantly and that is a great thing for America.

I would prefer Trumps brand of immorality over the Lefts flaming immorality all week long and twice on Sunday.

In what way is Trump a "man of his word"? A man of his word doesn't lie but Trump lies daily - about everything. He hasn't kept a single promise he made on the campaign trail, and has in fact abandoned most of them.

Trump doesn't "challenge the establishment". He is the establishment. He capitulates to the establishment daily.

The only people Trump challenges is anyone who disagrees with him.
I have had 2 solid days of liberal reportage on this single issue. And WHY? people die all the time. I know of a innocent poor soul little old white lady murdered by some black males, or a homeless white man in a wheelchair slaughtered by a black guy, those events barley raise any eyebrow. So what is the real issue HERE?

Reality doesn't fit your meme very well. We have a bunch of alt-right white supremacists including the guy who drove 532 miles from Ohio in his dodge challenger, who turned his car into an ISIS terror weapon. Killing and injuring innocent people, but one big xdifference is, this crime was painfully caught on video.
I can't speak for anyone but myself. Liberals tease and harass and generally harangue. Liberals should know better than to antagonize and push people they way the did. And they are just as responsible as the those dingaling rightist, please, it takes two to tango. Liberals aught to know better.
It's more like the press is trying to deal with Trump, they try to blame him for race crimes, and the liberal media fuels the fire of liberal base and hate, the media feeds into anti cop sentiments, we get dead cops . The liberal media feeds on anti nazi anti confederate statues, we get innocent protesters dead, it breaks my heart, but it's not racist KKK that are the problem, it's loudmouth intolerant liberal media that are the firebrands and the instigators. We need to Unite. Not instigate.
Stop whining about the liberal media

Trump was on his own today. The media was barely allowed a word in edgewise

All the media had to do today is show Trump being Trump
Not a pretty sight
I can't speak for anyone but myself. Liberals tease and harass and generally harangue. Liberals should know better than to antagonize and push people they way the did. And they are just as responsible as the those dingaling rightist, please, it takes two to tango. Liberals aught to know better.

WTF, you say the alt-right carrying torches, chanting racist and anti semetic while carrying torches was caused by something the liberals did?
I can't speak for anyone but myself. Liberals tease and harass and generally harangue. Liberals should know better than to antagonize and push people they way the did. And they are just as responsible as the those dingaling rightist, please, it takes two to tango. Liberals aught to know better.

WTF, you say the alt-right carrying torches, chanting racist and anti semetic while carrying torches was caused by something the liberals did?
I have Jewish blood running in my veins. My father fought against the fascist and was wounded. I can't tell you how vile your post is. I am seeing a different side of this, how neo liberals have become the total antithesis of liberalism. You jumped to conclusions, fill in the blanks and make people that disagree villains. You need to NOT do that.
Trump was on his own today. The media was barely allowed a word in edgewise

All the media had to do today is show Trump being Trump
Not a pretty sight

Trump condemned the white supremacist nazi's on monday, after a 48 hour pause, or what Trump would call waiting for the facts.

Today with all the alt-facts, Trump went on a wild rant to defend the alt-right, using talking points straight off their websites.
WTF, you say the alt-right carrying torches, chanting racist and anti semetic while carrying torches was caused by something the liberals did?
I have Jewish blood running in my veins. My father fought against the fascist and was wounded. I can't tell you how vile your post is. I am seeing a different side of this, how neo liberals have become the total antithesis of liberalism. You jumped to conclusions, fill in the blanks and make people that disagree villains. You need to NOT do that.

Then you should be calling Trump deplorable for his defense of the alt-right.
WTF, you say the alt-right carrying torches, chanting racist and anti semetic while carrying torches was caused by something the liberals did?
I have Jewish blood running in my veins. My father fought against the fascist and was wounded. I can't tell you how vile your post is. I am seeing a different side of this, how neo liberals have become the total antithesis of liberalism. You jumped to conclusions, fill in the blanks and make people that disagree villains. You need to NOT do that.

Then you should be calling Trump deplorable for his defense of the alt-right.
REALLY? Please, this is another way the neo lefties try to hijack the debate. Not an issue. I am an old school liberal. I won't let you steer this away to something else. Liberals taunted, teased and acted like children antagonizing and harassing these KKK morons. I am disgusted by that, real liberals don't act like that. How do you excuse THAT?
WTF, you say the alt-right carrying torches, chanting racist and anti semetic while carrying torches was caused by something the liberals did?
I have Jewish blood running in my veins. My father fought against the fascist and was wounded. I can't tell you how vile your post is. I am seeing a different side of this, how neo liberals have become the total antithesis of liberalism. You jumped to conclusions, fill in the blanks and make people that disagree villains. You need to NOT do that.

Then you should be calling Trump deplorable for his defense of the alt-right.
REALLY? Please, this is another way the neo lefties try to hijack the debate. Not an issue. I am an old school liberal. I won't let you steer this away to something else. Liberals taunted, teased and acted like children antagonizing and harassing these KKK morons. I am disgusted by that, real liberals don't act like that. How do you excuse THAT?
You somehow object to someone teasing and taunting KKK morons?
In what way is Trump a "man of his word"? A man of his word doesn't lie but Trump lies daily - about everything. He hasn't kept a single promise he made on the campaign trail, and has in fact abandoned most of them.
Trump doesn't "challenge the establishment". He is the establishment. He capitulates to the establishment daily.
The only people Trump challenges is anyone who disagrees with him.

Here's the litmus test.......
List 5 things that you LIKE about Trump and that YOU feel he did that was good.

NOONE is ALL bad.....

So if you can't come up with that 5 then YOU are the bigot and the one who's messed up.
Yet his cabinet is Chuck full of white supremacists and bigots that he has no intention of getting rid of.

Stevie Wonder.......Obama's cabinet was EXACTLY the SAME. Just replace white with "black".

fucking hypocritical imbeciles !!!!!
You somehow object to someone teasing and taunting KKK morons?

Didn't you know. If the liberals didn't tease the KKK, they would be peaceful as Gandhi.
I disagree, these people intentionally antagonized their opponents, they led to violence and fisticuffs. I am disgusted with the neo liberals, they used to be non confrontational all embracing and peaceful. Now? they are the most hateful control freaks I have ever seen, EVER. These kids scare me more than any KKK or Nazis. Because they are omnipresent and so hateful and intolerant. I have NEVER seen a member of the KKK or a neo Nazi. NEVER. Liberals? They are everywhere.
On the one hand, it took him two days to pretend to condemn racism which inevitably disappointed everyone who wasn't a racist. I think the initial refusal to do this was in large part because he desperately didn't want to lose any of his white supremacist support.

However, he did end up pretending to condemn the racism after the backlash from both republicans and democrats. From there, his support from those nazis has now likely been eroded. For everyone else, the condemnation was too little too late.

In other words, by Trump being a coward in trying to please everyone, he ended up just pissing off everyone instead.

It wouldn't have mattered at all to you half wits. No matter what he did or said. Everyone, including you lying nut jobs knows this. Shut the fuck up dumbass.

It would have mattered to me. I'm ready to give Trump props for anything he does right, or smart. I just haven't seen anything yet. Every move he's made so far has reinforced my initial perception of him as a worm.
You somehow object to someone teasing and taunting KKK morons?

Didn't you know. If the liberals didn't tease the KKK, they would be peaceful as Gandhi.
I disagree, these people intentionally antagonized their opponents, they led to violence and fisticuffs. I am disgusted with the neo liberals, they used to be non confrontational all embracing and peaceful. Now? they are the most hateful control freaks I have ever seen, EVER. These kids scare me more than any KKK or Nazis. Because they are omnipresent and so hateful and intolerant. I have NEVER seen a member of the KKK or a neo Nazi. NEVER. Liberals? They are everywhere.
That's some crazy shit Mary. Were you abused as a child?

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