One has to really appreciate how terrible Trump's response to the Nazi attack was

I wonder how many of the Press realize that they are allies with the Nazis?

I wouldn't call them allied. I would say they are being used.

White Nationalists in their addled minds think they need the total breakdown of society to trigger their RAHOWA, or at least scare enough white people into joining them as a last resort. giving them more press than they deserve and ignoring the antics of the left when it comes to these things only makes it easier for them to recruit the weak minded fence sitters.

They are using each other. And imo, if the Press is unaware of the benefit they are providing the Nazis, it is a Willful Blindness.

It's sad that it's the same thing they did for Trump. They despised him but gave him so much press they actually helped him.

They just don't seem to be able to learn from their mistakes.

Well, it's a happy thing with Trump, imo.

he wasn't even my 5th choice, but I picked him over Hillary. I'm not a "never Trumper", more of a, "fine, trump then-er"

All he is doing is moving up a fight we were going to have eventually to right now.

IMO, it is almost certainly too late for that fight.

We should have had this conversation in 1992, with Buchanan.

But, if a chance has presented itself, we have to try.
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
He did NOT defend them. He dished out equal responsibility to the protesters on the left who participated in the violence. They WERE there; there were some, and they came looking for trouble same as some on the Right did. Do I mind seeing the neo-Nazi's get a punch in the nose? Hell, not at all, but that's my personal bad. Trump is not wrong, and he very clearly condemned the hate groups that organized that rally.
I'm open to hearing why I'm wrong.
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
He did NOT defend them. He dished out equal responsibility to the protesters on the left who participated in the violence. They WERE there; there were some, and they came looking for trouble same as some on the Right did. Do I mind seeing the neo-Nazi's get a punch in the nose? Hell, not at all, but that's my personal bad. Trump is not wrong, and he very clearly condemned the hate groups that organized that rally.
I'm open to hearing why I'm wrong.

But protesting AGAINST hate is not the same as protesting FOR hate
I am disgusted with the neo liberals, they used to be non confrontational all embracing and peaceful. Now? they are the most hateful control freaks I have ever seen, EVER. These kids scare me more than any KKK or Nazis. Because they are omnipresent and so hateful and intolerant. I have NEVER seen a member of the KKK or a neo Nazi. NEVER. Liberals? They are everywhere.

Jews will not replace us. - Alt-right torch carrying chant.

These folks don't scare you?

Don't forget the Nazi chant.
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
He did NOT defend them. He dished out equal responsibility to the protesters on the left who participated in the violence. They WERE there; there were some, and they came looking for trouble same as some on the Right did. Do I mind seeing the neo-Nazi's get a punch in the nose? Hell, not at all, but that's my personal bad. Trump is not wrong, and he very clearly condemned the hate groups that organized that rally.
I'm open to hearing why I'm wrong.

Only one side killed somebody. The idea of them being equal was lost at that point.
LMAO! He can't shake it. Fighting with the press.
"Before I make a statement I like to know the facts".
Really? Like when he knee-jerked on Twitter that Obama wire 'tapped' him?
Like when he said in 2011 that Obama was born in Kenya then he said in 2016 that he was born in America?

Trump's Lies (because he doesn't CARE about the facts)
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
He is speaking for the unheard voices of the American people. The people are shouting for the truth, but Fake news like CNN and NBC are not reporting everything.

Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
He did NOT defend them. He dished out equal responsibility to the protesters on the left who participated in the violence. They WERE there; there were some, and they came looking for trouble same as some on the Right did. Do I mind seeing the neo-Nazi's get a punch in the nose? Hell, not at all, but that's my personal bad. Trump is not wrong, and he very clearly condemned the hate groups that organized that rally.
I'm open to hearing why I'm wrong.

But protesting AGAINST hate is not the same as protesting FOR hate

Nobody was protesting for hate.
Trump says the neo Nazi marchers were peaceful, quiet and respectful. Trump says he has all the information and we don't. So he knows and we don't.

They weren't saying "Jews won't replace us". They were saying replace my Shoes because apparently there was some bad soil or something.

They weren't carrying torches. They were carrying large and gentle candles.

They were fine people. Of course they were fine people. They were wearing Khakis and Polo shirts and they were white.

Those weren't shields, they were wind breakers.

That wasn't riot gear, it was nice and thick black sweaters. It gets cold there at night.

Those weren't bats and semi automatic weapons. They were toys and and licorice lollipops.

And all those people who threw themselves in front of that guy's car deserved what they got. I don't believe there are laws against driving on the sidewalk. He was driving so slow to protect the marchers. But when you hit a car with your body at a dead run, of course you could get hurt.

And those counter marchers were armed with dangerous flowers and deadly silly string. So the neo Nazi's and Trump supporters had to defend themselves.

And the Alt Left wants to take down really important statues erected in the 1900's which were there to protest black rights, not promote treason by dividing the country.

So once you gather all the facts, the way Trump has, it's a completely different story. The problem is the fake news showing all that doctored video.

Clearly they are whispering "We want new Shoes".
Well, he has the moral high ground whether Liberals like it or not.

Everyone has a Constitutional right to peaceful protest. Especially when you have a permit.

No one has the right to attack peaceful protesters. Not all came for a fight but the Alt-Left did to instigate a riot.

Won't be the last time either. So I suggest we get rid of all these symbols of hate.

If this doesn't finish Trump, then there is no America
I can't believe what I witnessed today.

Does Donald Trump not know that Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee were traitors? That they took up arms AGAINST the United States of America. That they received a pardon, or they would have been hung? Does he not realize that you can't be a "good person" in a march when you knowingly are protesting along side people with Nazi flags?

Was he not aware of the chants about Jews on Friday night in the torch light parade reminiscent of Nazi Germany on the 30's?

What the fuck? That's all I can say, What the fuck are we witnessing? WHAT THE FUCK?
It's not going to finish Trump. Remember, white conservatives already attacked this country once before. It was called the Civil War. These are the same people who want to end school lunches for poor children. Who promote "let him die" as healthcare. Who were and probably still are "birthers". They are clearly the majority of the GOP. We have to stop them and defeat them. Unchecked, we could end up going down the same path Germany did.

Note to the dip shit, it wasn't conservatives that attacked a lawful assembly exercising their 1st Amendment right in Charlottesville.


And like Trump said, they were "fine" and peaceful.
Trump: Not all those Neo Nazi's and Alt Right were Neo Nazi's and Alt Right.
Trump has a choice

1. Nazis, skinheads and klan members
2. People protesting against them

Trump says they are the same
Trump has already said he's against all violence and hatred. You snowflakes are upset because he didn't exclude you. lol
He did say that didn't he
He is capable of saying the right thing when people write it for him

But given a chance to revert to his own thoughts......he reverts back to defending Nazis and white supremacists
He did NOT defend them. He dished out equal responsibility to the protesters on the left who participated in the violence. They WERE there; there were some, and they came looking for trouble same as some on the Right did. Do I mind seeing the neo-Nazi's get a punch in the nose? Hell, not at all, but that's my personal bad. Trump is not wrong, and he very clearly condemned the hate groups that organized that rally.
I'm open to hearing why I'm wrong.

But protesting AGAINST hate is not the same as protesting FOR hate

Nobody was protesting for hate.

Did you watch the torchlight parade?

No chants or signs about statues.......Jews will not replace us, white power, anti black hatred
Well, he has the moral high ground whether Liberals like it or not.

Everyone has a Constitutional right to peaceful protest. Especially when you have a permit.

No one has the right to attack peaceful protesters. Not all came for a fight but the Alt-Left did to instigate a riot.

Won't be the last time either. So I suggest we get rid of all these symbols of hate.

------------------------------------ i understand your point but i say , keep American HISTORY in place , its the AMERICAN way in my opinion Ricky .
That's their problem, no one gives a fuck about their "moral high ground".

The democrats only know how to divide and tear groups apart. That's why they fail.

The republicans are the same. They just have a more dedicated following.
Some white nationalists are wonderful people. Some of the best people I know.

I mean where will all this stop? Will they demand removing the Washington Monument?

I don’t hate Jews. Some Jews are very nationalistic.

Those people are not making Nazi salutes. They’re saying hello to me.

Angela Merkel’s problem is she doesn’t understand the good thing Nazi’s stand for.

Junior and Eric have their friends over all the time for a cup or two of blood.

My father had very good reasons not to rent to blacks. You notice I’m not into residential.

Black’s have their space, so what’s wrong with White’s having theirs?

Russia doesn’t have this problem.

And I’ll tell ya another thing, you didn’t see any blacks or Mexicans in Charlottesville.
Not all the people protesting the removal of the statues were white nationalists, and many of those "white nationalists" were Democrat plants inserted to start trouble in case it didn't start of its own accord..
What does Robert Byrd have to do with Trump's moral compass?

Well, your political icons have a been screaming Trump is a racist for years now and has no moral compass. Trump has told everyone he denounces bigotry, hate, and those who support it for days now. But if he defends everyone's right to free speech, a Constitution right, the libtarded left cries foul. So the only conclusion is the left wants free speech suppressed.

So I'm going to help you out, here's a picture you can use for your avi. in support of your moral high ground.

Liberals Claim Trump Has No Moral Compass

Not me. He has a moral compass. One that allows him to not pay workers and steal from children with cancer. He's actually very much like most Republicans.

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