one issue you wont hear about from the White House -

must be too early for Russia to hack America ...

I agree with Treesha. Your BOY, BHO told us, that NOTHING like this could EVER occur. He was out of touch, wasn't he!

Add to that, there was no COLLUSION, it is on your hero, BHO!

Now prosecute him-)
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.
Trump is counting on a rerun of 2016 and is doing less than zero to secure our elections. When that first batch of hacked emails comes in from Russia all of you Trumpbots will not feel the least bit dirty or sad that the GOP is now a Russian espionage tool. You've sold your souls.

Russian interference in US elections is yet another issue conservatives couldn’t care less about – particularly when it benefits Republican candidates.

Well you were warned when they rolled out those machines after the 2000 election that our data could be hacked...

Voting machines can be hacked in two minutes, expert warns

This is from November...

Some voting machines in the US are so old officials can't even tell when they've been hacked

March of last year...

Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised

The CBS one is from AUGUST of 2016!

I can keep on going backwards but the threat has been known about and it only because an issue when Hillary Clinton did not win the Electoral College...

Maybe it might be wiser to go back to paper ballots instead...

Just hope Chad does not hang around again...
Any of you liberals have anything to say about Obama not doing anything about the potential hacks?
Or, is this just another political game of gotchya?
This has been going on for some time, and my best guess would be if
the old hag had won, it wouldn't have been an issue.
Obama did do something. He imposed sanctions on Russia your man would take away in an instant if he could get away with it. The cyber-espionage arms race is being purposely lost by Trump because if the Russians win the GOP wins. Never mind what the Russians might want in return for their strings-attached help.

RW hacks wont give Obama credit for Russian sanctions, they're Trumpdrones.

the Obama administration took actions before and after Election Day. Prior to the election, the Obama administration publicly named the Russian government as the culprit, confronted Russian President Vladimir Putin in person, and worked to secure U.S. election infrastructure — all while intelligence agencies investigated the issue.

But the Obama administration’s most significant retaliatory measure against Russia came after Trump’s electoral win.

On Dec. 29, 2016, Obama ordered 35 Russian diplomats and suspected intelligence agents to leave the United States, and he also imposed narrow sanctions on some Russian individuals and organizations.

Trump, on the other hand, has cast doubt on Russia’s election meddling and repeated Putin’s denials of his government’s involvement.
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.
Trump is counting on a rerun of 2016 and is doing less than zero to secure our elections. When that first batch of hacked emails comes in from Russia all of you Trumpbots will not feel the least bit dirty or sad that the GOP is now a Russian espionage tool. You've sold your souls.

Russian interference in US elections is yet another issue conservatives couldn’t care less about – particularly when it benefits Republican candidates.

Well you were warned when they rolled out those machines after the 2000 election that our data could be hacked...

Voting machines can be hacked in two minutes, expert warns

This is from November...

Some voting machines in the US are so old officials can't even tell when they've been hacked

March of last year...

Hacker demonstrates how voting machines can be compromised

The CBS one is from AUGUST of 2016!

I can keep on going backwards but the threat has been known about and it only because an issue when Hillary Clinton did not win the Electoral College...

Maybe it might be wiser to go back to paper ballots instead...

Just hope Chad does not hang around again...
Any of you liberals have anything to say about Obama not doing anything about the potential hacks?
Or, is this just another political game of gotchya?
This has been going on for some time, and my best guess would be if
the old hag had won, it wouldn't have been an issue.
Obama did do something. He imposed sanctions on Russia your man would take away in an instant if he could get away with it. The cyber-espionage arms race is being purposely lost by Trump because if the Russians win the GOP wins. Never mind what the Russians might want in return for their strings-attached help.

RW hacks wont give Obama credit for Russian sanctions, they're Trumpdrones.

the Obama administration took actions before and after Election Day. Prior to the election, the Obama administration publicly named the Russian government as the culprit, confronted Russian President Vladimir Putin in person, and worked to secure U.S. election infrastructure — all while intelligence agencies investigated the issue.

But the Obama administration’s most significant retaliatory measure against Russia came after Trump’s electoral win.

On Dec. 29, 2016, Obama ordered 35 Russian diplomats and suspected intelligence agents to leave the United States, and he also imposed narrow sanctions on some Russian individuals and organizations.

Trump, on the other hand, has cast doubt on Russia’s election meddling and repeated Putin’s denials of his government’s involvement.

Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.
Trump is counting on a rerun of 2016 and is doing less than zero to secure our elections. When that first batch of hacked emails comes in from Russia all of you Trumpbots will not feel the least bit dirty or sad that the GOP is now a Russian espionage tool. You've sold your souls.

Russian interference in US elections is yet another issue conservatives couldn’t care less about – particularly when it benefits Republican candidates.

Russia got personal data of Americans and Republicans give them a pass ---

some of the most amazing displays of ANTI PATRIOTISM in the history of this country - THANKS TRUMP.
Russia got personal data and the Democrats who went after President Trump gave them a pass. You know, after the next election he will have more flexibility, I will pass this on the Putin...
Russia got personal data and the Democrats who went after President Trump gave them a pass. You know, after the next election he will have more flexibility, I will pass this on the Putin...

You and the rest just keep on ignoring the elephant in the room: Trump is not doing anything to make sure the espionage operation detailed in the Mueller report does not happen again. If he knows it is coming, does nothing to stop it and takes full advantage of it then explain how he is supposed to be held blameless?
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.
Trump is counting on a rerun of 2016 and is doing less than zero to secure our elections. When that first batch of hacked emails comes in from Russia all of you Trumpbots will not feel the least bit dirty or sad that the GOP is now a Russian espionage tool. You've sold your souls.

Russian interference in US elections is yet another issue conservatives couldn’t care less about – particularly when it benefits Republican candidates.

Russia got personal data of Americans and Republicans give them a pass ---

some of the most amazing displays of ANTI PATRIOTISM in the history of this country - THANKS TRUMP.
Russia got personal data and the Democrats who went after President Trump gave them a pass. You know, after the next election he will have more flexibility, I will pass this on the Putin...

:777::spinner: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.
Trump is counting on a rerun of 2016 and is doing less than zero to secure our elections. When that first batch of hacked emails comes in from Russia all of you Trumpbots will not feel the least bit dirty or sad that the GOP is now a Russian espionage tool. You've sold your souls.

Russian interference in US elections is yet another issue conservatives couldn’t care less about – particularly when it benefits Republican candidates.
How many Liberals do you know who didn’t vote for Hillary?
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.
Trump is counting on a rerun of 2016 and is doing less than zero to secure our elections. When that first batch of hacked emails comes in from Russia all of you Trumpbots will not feel the least bit dirty or sad that the GOP is now a Russian espionage tool. You've sold your souls.

Russian interference in US elections is yet another issue conservatives couldn’t care less about – particularly when it benefits Republican candidates.

Russia got personal data of Americans and Republicans give them a pass ---

some of the most amazing displays of ANTI PATRIOTISM in the history of this country - THANKS TRUMP.
Russia got personal data and the Democrats who went after President Trump gave them a pass. You know, after the next election he will have more flexibility, I will pass this on the Putin...

:777::spinner: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
I know you hate to debate someone who brings "TRUTH" to the argument. Sorry, dude, but go back to school and get past the 3rd grade.
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.

1st Russian shows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

maybe Trump should have asked Obama for Clintons emails rather than Russia ..
I've beene here years longer than the Russian-troll lie has been. You just don't like having truth shining on your bullshit.
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.

1st Russian shows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

maybe Trump should have asked Obama for Clintons emails rather than Russia ..
I've beene here years longer than the Russian-troll lie has been. You just don't like having truth shining on your bullshit.

About this website


Flynn told Mueller people tied to Trump and Congress tried to obstruct probe
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.
Trump is counting on a rerun of 2016 and is doing less than zero to secure our elections. When that first batch of hacked emails comes in from Russia all of you Trumpbots will not feel the least bit dirty or sad that the GOP is now a Russian espionage tool. You've sold your souls.

I think Trump is a blowhard and said so numerous times on these very boards before and during the election. Try again.
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.

1st Russian shows ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

maybe Trump should have asked Obama for Clintons emails rather than Russia ..
I've beene here years longer than the Russian-troll lie has been. You just don't like having truth shining on your bullshit.

About this website


Flynn told Mueller people tied to Trump and Congress tried to obstruct probe

Then charge them! What does it have to do with the hacking of Florida's machines?
Who was the president when the hacking occurred? It has already been established that Trump did not "collude" with Russia, and he was a civilian at the time. Maybe "cut it out" wasn't an effective way to deal with Russian meddling. Thanks Obama.

Here's WHY Trump ass kissers get classified by Trump himself as the "poorly educated"

First, Obama DID kick out dozens of Russian scum who were spying and recruiting Americans to spy for them.........Carter Page was definitely one of those.

Second, Obama DID close down two Russian spy dens (in MD and NY)

Third....and most important, Obama DID impose severe sanctions on Russia for their meddling.

Fourth, Trump was fully informed of the Russian interference.......and what does Trump do?????

Well, he ASKS Russia to do even MORE "Russia, if you're listening..."

Further, Trump Jr. and his low life campaign manager actually hold a MEETING with Russian spies who promised them more dirt on Hillary.

Finally.....what does Trump do to not "collude"????......Well, the GOP platform INCLUDED lifting sanctions on Russia.

Noooooo, Trump did not DIRECTLY collude with Russia......Putin is too fucking smart to trust the orange idiot to keep his mouth shit.......Instead, the much smarter Putin made sure that Trump was surrounded with easily corrupted scum in his cabinet and the West Wing.

What are the chances that the STOOGE, Barr will launch an investigation on what happened in Florida???

If he did, the orange clown would fire him for making his "election" seem a bit illegitimate.

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