One Juror will not convict Michael Slager, which imperils all the jurors


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
I am truly worried that if the one juror deadlocks the murder trial of former officer Slager for killing Walter Scott by shooting him in the back seven times (the last one at 35 ft) that some yahoo is going to go after jurors. This is not the time for a jury nullification. All of the world has watched the video of Slager gunning down a fleeing, unarmed suspect.

Michael Slager trial: Lone juror is holdout on verdict, judge says

Michael Slager trial: Lone juror is holdout on verdict, judge says
SCOTUS ruled in these cases that "deadly force...may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others." The 1985 lethal force exception related to escapes follows with "and", not "or".
What is so hard about doing what a cop tells you to do?

He has his job, you have yours.

Don't fight the cop and you will not get shot.

That's what everyone should have learned from the late Michael Brown.
It is clear to me that the officer is guilty as hell

He was seen firing at a man with his back turned away. The man was no threat.
SCOTUS ruled in these cases that "deadly force...may not be used unless necessary to prevent the escape and the officer has probable cause to believe that the suspect poses a significant threat of death or serious bodily harm to the officer or others." The 1985 lethal force exception related to escapes follows with "and", not "or".
Anyone black and running away from an arrest is probable cause.
What is so hard about doing what a cop tells you to do?

He has his job, you have yours.

Don't fight the cop and you will not get shot.

That's what everyone should have learned from the late Michael Brown.
I would have shot Brown if I had been the officer.

I would not have shot Scott, simply called the back up that he was headed across the park.
What is so hard about doing what a cop tells you to do?

He has his job, you have yours.

Don't fight the cop and you will not get shot.

That's what everyone should have learned from the late Michael Brown.
I would have shot Brown if I had been the officer.

I would not have shot Scott, simply called the back up that he was headed across the park.
I would have shot each of them in the azz so they could not keep running.

I would not have shot them multiple times except maybe in the azz.

But police are taught to.
Criminals are not human. They have no rights. He deserved to get shot. Good for the lone juror.
I think the ground rules need to change. If the suspect is not a threat to the public, you can opt out of shooting him. How the officer gets anything less than manslaughter is beyond me.
The Safari Principal as elucidated by Eric Holder, Buraq Hussein Obama, Loretta Lynch
"There are people among us who cannot ignore their instincts, control their emotions or comply with the laws. Therefore, if anything untoward should happen, if and when you come into contact with them, everything is totally and completely your fault"
Even if the perp snags your taser and zaps you with it. And if he happens to murder you while you're disabled? No biggy! You're white aren't you? That means you're a despicable white supremacist.
It was good riddance.

Anyone who runs from a cop deserves to get shot.

And tried to wrestle away a weapon. Good shoot, but coulda just wounded it. Not murder for sure. Why do y'all expect 100% perfect every Cop nationwide dealing with human garbage every shift? Don't run, don't fight, don't go crazy. No one gets hurt.
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